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Walter Payton RT – Negative

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Walter Payton RT – Negative

Transformational Diplomacy DA

A. Transformational diplomacy is at the top of the agenda
Fore, 07 administer of USAID (Henrietta, Federal News Service, 6/12, “EFFICACY OF THE FOREIGN ASSISTANCE REFORM”, lexis)
Since assuming these roles four weeks///unified approach.

B. Cuts in existing health assistance are vital to the effectiveness of transformational diplomacy – increased spending will trade off with the efficiency of current programs and disrupt existing prioritization

Tobias 3/28/07 US Director of Foreign Assistance and Administrator of USAID [Randall L.]
Based on the new country-driven process,…choices that they did.

C. Transformational Diplomacy is key to effective global democracy promotion

Rummel 06 professor of political science at the University of Hawaii [R.J. “The New Transformational Diplomacy,” Paraphrase of speech by Condoleeza Rice,]
I want to follow up my "Why foster Global Freedom" with Secretary Rice's…terror as a weapon.

D. Democracy promotion prevents war and extinction

Diamond, 95 (Larry Diamond, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, December 1995, Promoting Democracy in the 1990s,
OTHER THREATS This hardly exhausts…prosperity can be both.


Implementing the counterplan is necessary for the WHO to catalyze international health cooperation in the face of public health problems – The WHO’s agenda-setting capabilities make it the MOST effective agent for action

Taylor 04
(Allyn L., University of Maryland School of Law, Governing the Globalization of Public Health, Published in the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, v. 32, no. 3, Fall 2004,
The WHO is the MOST effective international organization at mobilizing governments, other global health actors, and other organizations about global health issues
Taylor 04
(Allyn L., University of Maryland School of Law, Governing the Globalization of Public Health, Published in the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, v. 32, no. 3, Fall 2004,
WHO takes a 6 prong approach that allows them to be the most effective organization in combating disease in Africa no date given

Panama FTA

A. Uniqueness - Panama FTA will pass - provision concessions to Dems got them on board
Oppenheimer, 9/10 (Andres, from McClatchy Newspapers, “Congress’ shift on trade,” The Salt Lake Tribune,,)

B. Link - Democrats oppose foreign aid – the plan makes them jump off board.

Ron Kampeas, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, “Dem Defectors May Turn Tables on Aid Vote”, 7/12/07,

C. Democrats are key to any new FTA – majority and past votes prove

Inside U.S. Trade, “Blunt Demands More Democratic Votes For Pending FTAs Than For CAFTA”, 7/13/07, l/n

D. Impact - Panama FTA passage is key to the Panama & world economy.

Tim Burrack, Special to the Des Moines Register, “Approve Panama trade pact, modernize canal”, 6/28/07,

E. Finally, Economic collapse causes extinction

Bearden 2K’ (Tom; Lt. Col. U.S. Army – Retired, “The Unnecessary Energy Crisis: How to Solve It Quickly” 6/24 accessed 8/6/04 wdc/wbw)

Global Warming Politics

1. A) Uniqueness—global warming bill will pass now—bipartisan support

Walsh, 01-28-08 (Bryan, “Is Congress Finally Ready to go Green?”, Time, Google)
B) And, the Lieberman-Warner bill is the strongest warming bill to date—concessions and dems support
NRDC, 12-6-07 (National Resource Defense Council, “Landmark Global Warming Bill Voted Out of Committee to Senate Floor”, YubaNet, Google)
2. Dems hate foreign aid—the elections have made them more fiscally conservative. Plan kills bipart
Kampeas, 7-12-07 (Ron, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, “Dem Defectors May Turn Tables on Aid Vote”, Google)
3. Empirically, bipartisanship is key to warming bill passage
Cohen, 11-1-07 (Stephanie, “Is The Latest Climate Change Bill Getting Warmer?”, Marketwatch, Google)
4. The Lieberman-Warner bill is a sustainable solution to global warming
Shapley, 12-6-07 (Dan, “Senate Starts Debate on Global Warming Bill”, The Daily Green, Google)
5. The margin of safety is thin—Even a 10 Celsius change in average Earth temperature risks extinction
Sagan and Turco, 1990 (Carl and Richard, astrophysicist and astronomer at Cornell University, and founding director of UCLA's Institute of the Environment, “A Path Where No Man Thought: Nuclear Winter and the End of the Arms Race,” pg 22)


Current Negotiations between Kenya’s Government and the opposition ODM party will work as long as their allowed to continue – key to ending post election violence

Barasa, Nairobi Correspondent for All, February 1, 2008
(Lucas, All Africa, “Kenya: Ban Ki-moon Urges End to Violence”,
Tough US stance against Kenya is key to maintain compromise talks between Odinga’s ODM party and Kibaki’s after a hotly contested election - Plan violates this stance
Wrong, Correspondent for the New Statesman, January 17th, 2008
(Michela, New Statesman, “The Dilemma for Kenya’s Donors”,
Conciliatory accommodation is key to Kenyan stability which is key to regional leadership and African satbility
Stevenson, Professor of Strategic Studies at US Naval Warfare College, January 6th, 2008
(Jonathan, Baltimoresun, “Kenya too important to let collapse”,,0,3458680.story)
African Regional Conflagration results in Nuclear War
Dr. Jeffrey Deutsch, Founder of the Rabid Tiger Project: An Organization Devoted to Political Risk Consulting and Related Research, Contributing Editor for Russian Politics, and PHD in economics from GMU, 11/18/02 (

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