AIDS has become a black plague, killing parents, destroying infrastructure and food sources and systematically destroying an entire continent all because the US has failed to act because of globalized racism
Fidler, 2003
(David P., Professor of Law and Ira C. Batman Faculty Fellow, Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington, Indiana, "AMERICAN PRESENCE ABROAD: U.S. FOREIGN POLICY & ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR GENDER, RACE & JUSTICE ARTICLE: Racism or Realpolitik? U.S. Foreign Policy and the HIV/AIDS Catastrophe in Sub-Saharan Africa", Spring 2003, 7 J. Gender Race & Just. 97, Lexis Nexis)
"Death Stalks a Continent:" 25 The HIV/AIDS Catastrophe in Sub-Saharan Africa
The US’s failure to provide affordable treatment to is the result of a racist mentatility – people in Africa are sacrificed because it’s not the key to winning elections.
Bradol 2003
(President of Doctors Without Borders – France – 2003 (Jean-Hervé, MD, “Invisible: Do sick people with no money need to become rich before we see that we can keep them alive?,”
“Outside of armed conflict, victims sacrificed to the creation of the political”
Racism leads to nuclear war and extinction
Joel Kovel, Professor of Social Studies at Bard College, 1970
("White Racism: a Psychohistory", p. 226)
“This change, a rise in white reaction, involves the”
Secondly you have a moral obligation to prevent children from becoming orphans- it’s the worst pain imaginable and destroys their value of life
Kiser 1999
(Roger Dean, an orphan, “Introduction,”
*gender modified
“It is my intention, through my stories”
Dallas Jesuit HN – Affirmative – Brain Drain (Original)
Contention 1: Inherency
Despite recent increases in public health aid, Africa lacks effective public health infrastructure and medical professionals to handle the aid
Friedman 6/11/07
Additionally, health care worker shortages are particularly acute in poor rural areas
Physicians for Human Rights 04
Advantage 1: Poverty
The current US approach to address African health disparities fail to address the roots of poverty. Now is the crucial time for the US to fulfill its ethical obligations to address these inequalities.
Benatar and Fox 05
(“meeting threats to global health: a call for American leadership,” Perspectives in biology and medicine 48.3, p. 344-361)
Respect for otherness is key to prevent extinction—the sacred order which closes off otherness is the root cause of oppression, dehumanization, and violence- there is no value to life in this framework- justifying genocidal extermination and global conflict.
Fasching 93 (The Ethical Challenge of Auschwitz and Hiroshima, p. 155-7)
To be free of poverty should be a human right, as it is brutal, locking individuals through a lack of education into a continuous cycle of poverty
Speth 98
(Poverty: a denial of human rights journal of international Affairs. New York: fall 1998. Vol. 52, Iss. 1)
The impacts of poverty outweigh their impacts—the impacts are systemic and it’s the equivalent of an ongoing, unending, thermonuclear war every year.
Abu-Jamal 98
Advantage 2: AIDS-democracy style
The lack of physicians in Africa due to migration allows for the spread of HIV/AIDS
Mullan 05
And, all current policies to cure AIDS are irrelevant since there are not enough health case workers to care for the patients—only the affirmative can transform the way that health care is done in Africa
International Herald Tribune 5/24/07
Additionally, AIDS hurts Africa’s ability to build a professional class in Africa. This professional class is a prerequisite for effective governance
Neilson 05
(“AIDS economics and Terrorism in Africa” Lexis)
AIDS destroys democratic governance by killing voters and politicians alike and breeks brutal authoritarian regimes—must address AIDS for effective democracy in Africa
De Waal 06
(AIDS and Power: Why there is no political crisis—Yet)
Democratic institution are able to stop corruption
Reuters 07
( news/newsdesk/IRIN/4341f783c64cd96d67ccd82f7bbb4d45.htm)
African democracy solves famine conflict and refugee crisis
Siegle 06
Refugee crisis create conflicts, instigate civil wars and start genocides
Salehyan and Gleditsch 04
Unfortunately, AIDS exacerbates the family risk and makes the consequences of famine far worse. Failure to effectively address AIDS destroys communities creating orphans impoverishing families, Exacerbating food shortages, and setting the foundation for all future wars.
Behrman 04
(The invisible people: How the united states has slept through the global AIDS pandemic, the greates humanitarians catastrophe of our time, xi-xxi)
In addition to AIDS crisis, Africa is the most at risk in the world over 200 million are on the bring of death cause of famine already
Trudell 05
(Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce, 33 Syracuse J. Intl L & Com. 277)
After considering multiple philosophical perspectives, we offer the following plan:
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