Présentation de la TdE. Société Togolaise des Eaux", in French only. Available at: [28 March 2005].
37 The operating agreement is for a renewable period of 10 years. The specifications include an increase of 16,000 in the number of subscribers between 2004 and 2007.
38 "L'inexistence d'un véritable tissue industriel à part les tendances de la zone franche industrielle" (The lack of a real industrial fabric with the exception of trends in the industrial free zone) should be highlighted. Government of Togo, Ministry of the Environment and Forests (2001), p. 17.
39 WTO document WT/TPR/S/48, Chapter IV, p. 66.
40 http://www/
41 Decree No. 94-038 of 10 June 1994.
42 Decree No. 2001-162/PR of 14 September 2001.
43 The shareholders are the Spanish company PII (Participaciones Internacionales Ibericas), which owns 85 per cent, and the Bolloré Group, which has the remaining 15 per cent.
44 Decree No. 2001-066/PR of 9 March 2001 and Order No. 007/MTRH/2000 of 5 September 2000.
45 See concerning the formalities to be completed in order to obtain the report.
46 The shareholders are the Togolese State (60 per cent), the Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture and Industry of Togo (35 per cent) and the Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture and Industry of Bordeaux (5 per cent).
47 Ordinance No. 15 of 14 March 1975.
48 Order No. 006/MTRH/DAC of 28 March 2000.
49 Togo Rail is planning to build a 5-km branch line to supply the Diamond Cement works in Aflao (Ghana) with clinker. A dry port is being built in Blitta to supply goods to countries in the Sahel whose exports and imports go through the PAL.
51 Decrees No. 89-137/PR, No. 89-138/PR, No. 89-139/PR of 23 August 1989.
52 WTO document GATS/SC/106 of 30 August 1995.
53 Law No. 60-26 of 5 August 1960 and its Implementing Decree.
54 Ordinance No. 16 of 8 May 1974 containing the Labour Code.
55 The principal sources are: Regulatory authority of the post and telecommunications sectors (2004); Messan, A.-P. and Agbodo, K.N. (2004).
56 Decree No. 96-22/PR of 28 February 1996.
57 It was foreseen in the regulations that, from 2000 onwards, new rural and regional fixed telephony operators would enter the market.
58 Decree No. 98-089 of 16 September 1998 sets out the network interconnection regulations for telecommunications sector operators. These agreements are commercial contracts and are communicated to the regulatory authority before they enter into effect. The interconnection charges are based on the relevant costs for network use and observe the principles of objectivity, transparency and non-discrimination, according to the authorities.
59 Law No. 98-005 of 11 February 1998, supplemented by Law No. 2004-011 of 3 May 2004.
60 Law No. 99-004 of 15 March 1999, as amended by Law No. 2002-023 of 12 September 2002.
61 Decree No. 2001-007/PR of February 2001.
62 The connection charges are CFAF 109,000 (US$182), the monthly base rate is CFAF 3,481 (US$5.8) and the fees for use range from CFAF 400/minute (for calls to other ECOWAS countries) to CFAF 700/minute (for calls to Western Europe, the United States and Canada), and CFAF 990/minute (other international calls outside Africa).
63 Decree No. 2001-195/PR of November 2001.
65 Union togolaise de banque (UTB); Ecobank Togo; Banque togolaise pour le commerce et l'industrie (BTCI); Financial-Bank Togo (FBT); Banque togolaise de développement (BTD); Banque internationale pour l'Afrique au Togo (BIA-Togo); Société inter-africaine de banque (SIAB). Three new banks were approved in 2005: the Banque régionale de solidarité (BRS-Togo); the Banque sahélo-Saharienne pour l'investissement et le commerce; and the Banque Atlantique Togo.
66 Cauris investissements; Fond de garantie des investissement privés en Afrique de l'Ouest; Caisse d'épargne du Togo; and Société togolaise de credit automobile.
67 Details concerning the West African Banking Commission are available at: http:/ FicheIdentite/COBAC.htm [10 May 2005].
68 Banque de France (2003), p. 9, in French only.
69 Law No. 95-014 of 14 July 1995 and its Implementing Decree No. 96-038 of 10 April 1996.
70 IMF (1999).
71 Law No. 59/94/ADP of 15 December 1994 and its Implementing Decree No. 95-308/PRES/MEFP of 1 August 1995.