The most difficult aspect of trafficking study is obtaining credible and comparable data. The basic method is to conduct nation-specific studies that link a certain country context to a specific form of trafficking. Another option is to do site-specific research in locations where human trafficking is suspected, such as markets and migrant reception facilities.
In terms of multi-method data collection, it is widely agreed that systematic investigations are required for accurate quantitative estimations. Considering the survey method, a set of questionnaire has been prepared in order to collect opinions from the households of that area with a systematic approach (collecting samples from each 5th household). These include expanding and diversifying information sources, as well as taking into account existing sources such as law enforcement and victim assistance provider data; Keeping in mind that there may be definitional differences between sources and the possibility of double counting, which might affect the level of accuracy.
Questions will include if the victim's rights had been thoroughly explained and if they had been encouraged to cooperate with law enforcement. What specific prevention strategies are expressed to the Roma community? What law enforcement efforts have Roma victims experienced? Which specific victim protection have Roma victims experienced? Have Roma victims received any food, assistance or psychological counseling?
The quantitative data technique will be to record age and number of victimizations. A frequency polygon will indicate gender, age, number of instances of victimization and the relationship of age to the number of victimizations. Frequency distribution, percentage, and age in a cross-tabulation format will be documented (Okech at el 2018,).
Conceptualization of the qualitative aspect will include attempting to measure the extent of the focus on the Roma victims as, addressed by the agencies. The focus will be on the extent and type of victimization of the young victims, ages 10-14, along with interventions by helping agencies. The type of victimization will be listed and the intensity of victimization will be noted. The degree of assistance will be described. Interventions will possibly occur from shelters, physical safety measures, police force, humanitarian aid, food assistance and medical care. UN humanitarian agencies and NGOS will be described. The operationalization aspect will involve semi –structured interviews. Data will be compiled by interviews with the agencies. The assumption is, given that the Czech Republic is a tier 1 country, and the aid resources are inadequate. The hypothesis is the higher degree of intervention, the fewer incidences of abuse. The sampling strategy will be systemic sampling. The data collection will be from the interviews of the agencies. There will be an equal number of responses from each agency. Sampling will also be of age groups, equal number for each age division: age ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, and fourteen. The analysis will be a cross-section of agencies.
There will be an analysis of the relationship and comparison of the ages at victimization incidence. This information will be presented in a frequency distribution with the percentage of ages presented in a cross tabulation form. Amnesty International and the Cia World Fact Book are two quantitative data sources, Council of Europe-Structural Statistical Czech European Roma Centre and the US Dept. of State Human Rights Report.
The quantitative aspect will include gender, age, and the number of instances of victimization. This will be represented in a frequency polygon: relationship of age to number of victimizations. Frequency distribution, percentage, and age will be documented in the form of a cross-tabulation. Ages will be age ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen or fourteen. The gender will be female. The number of victimizations will be tabulated. The measurement will focus on the link between age and the number of incidences of victimizations (Simmons,2018). The hypothesis is the higher the age, the greater number of incidences of victimization. The sampling strategy will be stratified random. The sampling strategy will be age categories. This will be disproportionate stratified sampling as the population will be actual numbers of girls from agency’s contacts versus the number of victims which actually exist. The data will come from available data from UNICEF, in Amnesty International, World Fact book, Council of Europe-structural statistical report, Czech European Roma Centre and the US Dept. of State Human Rights Report. The data analysis will be based on the index of the data from the frequency polygon.
Ethical issues include the inequality, difference of power, and differing cultural backgrounds between interviewers and interviewees. A consideration is the psychological condition of the girls the agencies are targeting. The characteristics of trauma associated with this type of abuse present ethical considerations. Traits include short attention span, lack of concentration. Other ethical concerns include obtaining full consent as the victims are young girls. Confidentiality, trigger memories, and a collusive role are other concerns. There are significant psychological, social, cultural, political, geographic, and economic considerations. It is necessary to balance authority and confidentiality. It is important to focus on the dynamic and ever changing needs. In this particular situation, it is essential to focus on not harming vulnerable victims.
The interviewing technique is the best way to receive information because an interviewer can get more information concerning agencies in contact with Roma trafficking victims. Clarification of specific information is delineated. In addition, it allows the researcher to have clearer notes and gather more data. Specific data concerning Roma victims and aid is the focus. . In a one-on-one interview, the agencies can give an answer that they feel comfortable without exposing too much information. Moreover, in a one-on-one interview, the researcher can probe and have a question clarified if they do not understand or if they wish not to answer concerning the Roma victims and the aid received.
The use of a frequency polygon shows clearly frequency distributions concerning incidences and ages of occurrence show a clear representation of the “shapes” of distribution. The choice of a frequency polygon allows the researcher to superimpose to make comparisons between two sets of data, the comparison of the age of occurrence of victimization and the type of victimization can be easily discerned. The frequency polygon allows for two sets of variables: age and type of victimization.
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