See table B-2 for CATS selection example.
Table B-2
CATS task selection
CATS training event for reconnaissance troop - Heavy Brigade Combat Team-Reserve Component (HBCT)-(RC)
Task: Conduct Troop Route Reconnaissance (17-RC-2101)
Supporting Task(s):
07-2-5063 Conduct Composite Risk Management
07-2-6063 Maintain Operations Security
08-2-0004 Evacuate Casualties
08-2-0313 Provide Emergency Medical Treatment
07-2-5081 Conduct Troop-leading Procedures (Platoon-
17-2-0320 Conduct Infiltration (Platoon-Company)
07-2-9006 Conduct a Passage of Lines as the Passing Unit
07-2-9012 Conduct a Relief in Place (Platoon-Company)
07-2-6063 Maintain Operations Security (Platoon-Company)
17-2-4000 Conduct Route Reconnaissance
17-2-9400 Conduct Tactical Site Exploitation
Frequency: Quarterly (3)
Types of Events: CLASS, STX
Supported Mission(s):
Zone Reconnaissance
Area Reconnaissance
Area Security
Training Audience: Troop Headquarters, Mortar Section, (X2) Reconnaissance Platoon, Fire Support Platoon (17206G000)
Means (Event) (TADSS): 1 - Troop STX (Combined Arms Tactical Trainers)
Title: STX for Conduct Troop Route Reconnaissance (Virtual)
Estimated Duration: 4 Hours
Replication of Conditions (A-D): C - Gate quality for task or echelon
Multi-echelon Training:
Critical Training Gates:
Action Gates: Class for Conduct Troop Route Reconnaissance; Class for Perform Basic Tactical Tasks - Troop; STX for Call for Fire (Virtual).
Comments: (Includes purpose of event; outcome supported; execution guidance about execution of the event; constraints posed by TADSS/et al)
Purpose: To train the troop in the tactics, techniques, and procedures associated with conducting a route reconnaissance.
Outcome: The troop is skilled in the tactics, techniques, and procedures, and tactical SOP items related to the planning, preparation, and execution of a route reconnaissance to a "walk" level of proficiency in a virtual environment.
Execution Guidance: The squadron provides and/or coordinates for resources, to include the virtual simulators, observer/controllers, appropriate cues and responses, and an OPFOR (if required). Due to a lack of high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle (HMMWV) virtual simulators, units have other options for training in a virtual environment. M2/3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle (BFV) simulators, with weapon systems "turned-off" may be used as a substitute for HMMWVs. This method allows for training of command & control, use of terrain, and reporting procedures. Personal computer (PC) desktop reconfigurables using such software as "TACOPS" may also be used in a low overhead local area network environment. The OPFOR could be another troop from the squadron conducting its own virtual STX (for example, security operations) or a computer generated force. For computer generated forces, the observer/controllers provide appropriate cues. The training can be conducted in either a permissive environment, or with a likelihood of contact. If training in a permissive environment with no chance of enemy contact, the troop can conduct a reconnaissance of three routes in its zone; in this case the reconnaissance would focus on trafficability. When a more detailed route reconnaissance is necessary, one or more platoons must be tasked to provide security for the platoon conducting the route reconnaissance. If training in a small-scale contingency environment, the troop conducts route reconnaissance of two routes in its zone. One way to train this is to have two reconnaissance platoons move out early across the line of departure to reconnoiter the terrain or built-up areas on either side of the route. The other reconnaissance platoon reconnoiters the route or routes, trailing from 1 to 2 kilometers behind the lead reconnaissance platoons. This provides a good measure of security for the troop and the platoon working to reconnoiter and classify the route. The troop CP should also be active in the simulation, and displace along the route using terrain that affords effective and continuous communications with troop elements and the squadron (role-played by an observer/controller); if the simulation allows, retrans elements from the squadron S6 section should be involved in the training to affect this. If an engineer reconnaissance team is available in simulation, the platoons can provide flank security while the engineer team conducts a route classification. Training should incorporate use of the Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) to assist in troop security (cues provided by observer/controller). Mortars should be positioned to provide indirect fire along all routes. CBRN reconnaissance may be incorporated into the training (computer generated or simulators) to determine the presence of CBRN agents along the route; cues would have to be provided by an observer/controller. If available in simulation, Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2)/Blue Force Tracker should be used to enhance situational awareness, and mission command. The estimated duration for the STX includes time to plan, prepare, and execute; perform AARs; and repeat training as necessary. As this training uses virtual simulation, conditions should include both day and night. Several training support packages (TSPs), which can be used to develop unit training exercises, can be retrieved from Army Knowledge Online (AKO) at . TSP 17-2-R-4000 is specifically designed to train troop route reconnaissance. Read the Guide to Use and Implementation (at the AKO site) to see how TSPs can fit into your unit's training strategy.
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