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Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
corresponds to a jg of 0.25, which makes the distribution of
M (Fig. c) unstable. ab) (c) Fig. 19 Interval of
V and
M of inhomogeneous radome corresponding to Table III (a) 40° scan angle. (b) 80° scan angle. (c) 6° scan angle with
=0.2. From all of the aforementioned information about overlap ratio, range ratio and the corresponding IPD distribution, the statement in Section II (B) can be validated small negative overlap ratio
and large positive range ratio, corresponding to small
jg, make
M resemble (cf. Fig. 10, 12, 14, 15, 16 and Table III, III, whereas large overlap ratio and large range ratio, corresponding to large
jg, make
M resemble
H or
V (cf. Fig. 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18 and Table III, III. Otherwise, as shown in Fig. 17 and Table III, small positive overlap ratio and small range ratio yield unstable
M distribution, which can probably be different with
H or
V. Table IV summarizes the aforementioned results about inhomogeneous ra- dome. It can be seen that, as discussed in Section II (B,
with the increase of jg, the distribution of
M varies gradually from being similar with polarization angle to being similar with incident angle (or
V). At 6° scan angle, IPD distribution similar with incident angle can bring about smaller BSE than polarization angle while at 16° scan angle contrary result arises. At larger scan angle, such as 40° or 80°, as the interval length of
M is very small, the effect of IPD distribution on BSE can be ignored. Therefore, the boresight error (BSE) characteristics of the inhomogeneous
radome can be estimated from H and
V, which determine
jg and
M. Comparing
=0.99 and
=0.2 at 6° scan angle, different IPD similarity (pola./inci.) leads to different BSE (large/small). TABLE IVS UMMARY OF THE RESULTS ABOUT INHOMOGENEOUS RADOME INTERVAL UNIT
0.99 0.2 Scan angle
jg -0.03
IPD similar with pola. (√) or inci. (×) or unstable (○)?
Interval length of M (rad)
0.236 0.145 0.053 0.029 0.187
BSE small Furthermore, Fig. 20 plots the interval characteristics of
H and
V of inhomogeneous radome, CTR and VTR during antenna scanning. Fig. a) and (b) plot the overlap ratio and range ratio and Fig. c) plots the
jg computed from overlap ratio and range ratio by (7). It can be seen that
inho- mogeneous radome, constant thickness radome (CTR) and variable thickness radome (VTR) all have relatively large overlap ratio and range ratio and, thus, large
jg, which ensure that they can yield IPD distribution similar to
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