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IDAHO TERRITORY. THE UTAH & NORTHERN railway, as noted above, crosses Eastern Idaho, every mile of which is valuable either for its pasturage, its agricultural, timber or mineral lands. Idaho is called the "Gem of the Mountains," on account of its great diversity of resources, its mild and healthful climate, its wonderful mineral springs and its fine scenery. It is 400 miles long by 800 wide, contains some 20,000 inhabitants, and its mines have yielded $65,000,000. Wide areas of grazing lands sustain cattle, horses and sheep, winter and summer, while the valleys produce all cereals and vegetables, of the temperate zone, besides apples, pears, grapes, peaches, plums, apricots and other fruits. Good roads lead to different parts of Idaho from stations on the Utah & Northern Railway.

ICE. Now is the time to order ice-making machines for the coming season. AETNA Iron Works, San Francisco.
IMPORTANT TO MINE OWNERS AND CITIES. The Dodge Rock Breaker challenges the world to produce as good a machine. Sold at one half the price of others and guaranteed not to break. Rock Breaker and Cornish Rolls Combined. Rock Breaker and Pulverizer combined in one machine for pulverizing very [every] ore. Furnaces for chlorodizing and desulphurizing ores. Concentrating Jigs and Slime machines for concentrating. Gold, Silver, Lead, and Copper Ores. Amalgamators, and plans for working ores by the various processes. Address M. R Dodge, care of Prescott Scott & Co. [company] San Francisco, California.
IN 1850 THE “BRONCHIAL TROCHES” were introduced, and from that time up to the present their success in Colds, Coughs, Asthma and Bronchitis has been unparalleled. No household should be without “Brown’s Bronchial Troches,” as by their early use most troubles of the Throat induced by cold can be overcome.
IN MAKING ANY PURCHASE or in writing in response to any advertisement in this paper, you will please mention the name of the paper.
IN MAKING ANY PURCHASES [Small image of a hand pointing] or in writing in response to any advertisement in this paper, you will please mention the name of the paper.
AN ITEM TO CUT OUT. That the Stewart Sewing Machine embodies all the advantages of the leading machines and has many distinct improvements of its own. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases or money refunded. Call or send for circular at our new office, 111 Butter St. [street], S.F. [San Francisco]. H.H. Josselyn & Co. [company]. Agents for Pacific Coast. Agents wanted in every town and city on the Coast. Send for terms.

INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, 824 and 826 Kearny St. [street], San Francisco, $1.25 and $1.50 per day. H. C. Partridge, Proprietor. Two Concord Coaches, with the name of the Hotel on, will always be in waiting at the landing to convey passengers to the Hotel free. Be sure you got into the right Coach. If you do not, they will charge you.

IRON PIPE, Plain and Galvanized, Brass Cocks for Water and Steam, Garden Hose, Best 3 ply. Fittings, Sheet Zinc, Lead Pipe, Sewer Traps, Boilers, Bath Tubs, etc. Send for Price List. W.R. Allen, 701 Market Street, San Francisco. John Rogers & Sons, General Stock and Sale Yards, Cor. Market and Ninth Sts., San Francisco. Dealers in Hay and Grain at Lowest Market rates. John Rogers has been well known in S.F. for the last twenty-six years.
ITALIAN BEES. I have on hand and for sale a Choice Lot of Bees, very strong and healthy, in kidder hives. Apply to George Hibbard, Apiarist, Logan. 12-1m

AN ITEM TO CUT OUT. That the Stewart Sewing Machine embodies all the advantages of the leading machines and has many distinct improvements of its own. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases or money refunded. Call or send for circular at our new office, 111 Butter St. [street], S.F. [San Francisco]. H.H. Josselyn & Co. [company]. Agents for Pacific Coast. Agents wanted in every town and city on the Coast. Send for terms.

J (top)

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J. B. CROESBECK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to Orthopedic Surgery and the Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women. AGENT FOR THE YALE ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, P. O. Box 25 LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH.

Caution! Different versions!

J. B. CROESBECK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to Deformities, &c., P. O. Box 25 LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH.

J. F. REED General Retail Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Clothing. Boots, Shoes, &c. He keeps constantly on hand a choice and Complete Stock Of these Goods, which he sells at Bed Rock Prices In Exchange for Goods, Grain and Produce taken at Market Prices. 3d St., between Main and Washington, Logan, Utah. sept11-6m.
J. H. Brown & Sons Pioneer Marble works, Logan Utah. Workshop on Second St.,Opposite the tabernacle. All kinds of work in Stone and Marble done to order. Grave Stones [gravestones] & Monuments Designed and executed in the most artistic manner. We refer with pride to specimens of our work which cannot be excelled in the Territory, either in design or workmanship. WE keep on hand a large stock of Marbes and different kinds of STONES, from which patrons may select. Plaster Paris and Centre [center] pieces kept in stock. Prices REASONABLE!
J. HAYBALL, anatomical bootmaker, Logan.
J. HUTCHINSON’S NURSERIES, Oakland, Cal. [California] Established in 1832. An immense stock of New and Rare Plants, Evergreen Trees and Ornamental Shrubbery. Cypress for Hedges, One to three years old. Roses, Fuchsias, Pinks, magnolias, Camellias, Daphnias Etc. Etc. In endless variety, at bedrock Prices! Seeds and Bulbs of all kinds. Send for Catalogue.
J. W. Hitchcock, Dentist, Logan City … Utah. Office over Jas. T. Hammond’s Book Store. Sep1l ly
J. W. SHAEFFER & CO., 321 and 323 Sacramento St., San Francisco, employ no drummers. Cigars sold very cheap.
Caution! Different versions!

J.W. TUCKER & CO. Jewelers And Silversmiths, 131 Kearny St., San Francisco, Agents for all American Chronograph, Swiss and English watches.

Caution! Different versions! 1880-12-17

J.W. TUCKER & CO. Jewelers And Silversmiths, 131 Kearny St., San Francisco, Agents for all American watches. Importers of Swiss and English watches. Fine watch repairing a specialty.

JACKSON’S AGRICULTURAL Machine Works and Foundry. Sixth and Hinsone? Sts. Near Southern Pacific Railroad, San Francisco. [Illustration] Manufacturer of Feeders and ??? with recently ??? Spreader. Horse Forks for headings? Or hay folding derrick.

[unreadable lines] Ad by Roy Jackson, Prop’r.

JACKSON’S LIGHT WEIGHT HORSE FORK. [illustration of a horse fork] Jackson’s Agricultural Machine Works and Foundry. Sixth and Hinsone? Sts. Near Southern Pacific Railroad, San Francisco. For circular and further information, address as above. Byron Jackson, Proprietor.
JAKE HEUSSER, Practical Gunsmith. Importer and dealer in all kinds of rifles, with every modern improvement. Breech and muzzle loading shot guns. Pistols and ammunition of every description. A large variety of fishing tackle and pocket cutlery. Rifle Clubs supplied with the best guns at liberal discount. Regulation rules of the National Rifle association on hand. No. 139 Main St. Salt Lake City, P.O. Box 625

JAMES E. FOOTE, Agent for Studebaker Wagons and Carriages, and dealer Harness, Whips, Saddles, Bridles, Blankets, &c. Ogden city, Utah. oct6-tf.

Caution! Different versions!

JAS. H. MARTINEAU, U.S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor and CIVIL ENGINEER, LOGAN, CACHE CO., UTAH. Surveys for mining claims for location or for obtaining patents. Also County surveyor and Notary Public. Deeds carefully prepared and all kinds of Notarial business carefully attended to. Office on Washington St., between First and Second Sts. [streets]. LOGAN, UTAH.

Caution! Different versions! 1880-12-17

JAS. H. MARTINEAU, U.S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor CIVIL ENGINEER AND NOTARY PUBLIC Surveys for mining claims for location or for obtaining patents. Deeds carefully prepared and all kinds of Notarial business carefully attended to. Office on Washington St., between First and Second Sts. [streets]. LOGAN, UTAH.

Caution! Different versions!

JAS. [JAMES] H. MARTINEAU, U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Notary Public. Surveys for mining claims made for location or for obtaining patents. Also County Surveyor and Notary Public. Deeds carefully prepared and all kinds of Notarial business carefully attended to. Office on Washington St., between First and Second St. Logan, Utah.

JOB PRINTING, by arrangements recently made with a Salt Lake firm, The Logan Leader is prepared to take orders for every description of book and job printing, at prices and in a style guaranteed to give satisfaction. Leave orders at the Leader office. B. F. Cummings Jr., Editor and Business Manager.
JOB PRINTING, having entered into an arrangement with the Star Printing Company of Sale Lake, we are prepared to take orders for every description of JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING BALL TICKETS, SHOW CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, LETTER HEADS,NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ORDERS and RECEIPTS, CERTIFICATES, etc. BOUND OR UNBOUND. Also Dodgers and Posters of All Sizes and Styles.

JOB PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE. A half interest in the finest book and job printing office in one of the most prosperous and attractive localities in California may be purchased at a decided bargain, if applied for immediately. Has three presses, steam power, and is fully equipped for all classes of work, from a visiting card to a three sheet poster. It is now paying handsomely and will bear closest investigation. Owner is compelled to sell on account of sickness. Prices of half interest $2700. Apply to or address Carlos White, ???? St. [street], San Francisco.

JOE POHEIM [illustration] The Tailor 724 Market and 283 Montgomery St., has made immense reduction for the next 60 days to make room for Spring and Summer goods. Business suits made to order from $30.00. Pants made to order from $5.00. Fine elegant suits worth always had for $25.00 Fine Cassimere? suits $30.00 French beaver suits from $40.00 Overcoats from $20.00 A perfect fit and best of workmanship guaranteed or no sale. Samples on rules for self measurement sent to any address 724 Market & 283 Montgomery St. San Francisco
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JOHN BENCH, PAINTER, Glazier and Paper-Hanger, Work done at the Cheapest Rates and on the Shortest Notice. sept1-ly.

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JOHN BENCH, PAINTER, Grainer and Paper-Hanger. Logan, Utah.

John Rogers & Sons, general ??? and also The Trade of all who want the The Very Best Goods At The Lowest Prices. sept11-ly ----
JONES & JENKINS, Dealers in General Merchandise, Including full lines of Dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, Lamps, and glassware, gents’ hats and furnishing goods, provisions, and all kinds of family supplies. Lower prices cannot be obtained in Cache County than those we offer.

JOSEPH C. TODD. Engineer and Machinist, Paterson, N.J. [New Jersey] and 10 Barclay St. [street], N.Y. [New York]. Flax, Hemp, Jute, Rope and Bagging Machinery, Steam engines and ??? of every description. ??? machinery for ?????? Owner and exclusive manufacturer of the new Patent Hazier? Portable engine. These engines are a great improvement over the old style, and are admirably adapted for all kinds of ???? and mechanical purposes. Send for descriptive circular. Address as above.

JUST ARRIVED at P. A Nielsen’s, a well selected stock of men’s clothing, hats, caps, and furnishing goods. The best ever brought to Cache County. Prices low. 15 tf
JUST ARRIVED! Carl C. Johnson, dealer in musical instruments of all kinds, such as organs, violins, guitars, [unreadable], accordions, [unreadable], also a large and complete assortment of Toys, Toys. Pictures and picture frames. Mr. Johnson is also agent for the celebrated Crown Sewing Machine, which should be examined by those wishing to purchase a good sewing machine. All goods are sold at the lowest price.
Just the thing for camping parties. Canvas Cot, [unreadable] 27 [unreadable] cubit ft. Just the thing for camping parties. Address Gilbert & Moore, sales agents, 19 and 20, Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. Dealers in furniture of every description. Send for circular. Four styles.
K (top)

KELLY BARB WIRE. Cheapest and best fence made. Costs only half as much as board fence. Write for circular giving particulars. Huntington, Hopkins & Co., Agents, San Francisco and Sacramento.

KENDALL’S SPAVIN CURE is sure in its effects, mild in its action as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep-seated pain, or to remove any bony growth or other enlargement, such as spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment is need for man or beast. It is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. Statement made UNDER OATH. To Whom it May Concern – In the year 1873, I treated with “Kendall’s Spavin Cure” a bone spavin of several months growth, nearly half as large as a hen’s egg and completely stopped the lameness and removed the enlargement. I have worked the horse ever since very hard, and he never has been lame, nor could I ever see any difference in the size of the back (?) joints since I treated him with Kendall’s Spavin Cure. R.A. Gaines. Enosburgh Falls, Vt. [Vermont]. Feb. 6th (?), 1878 (?). Sworn and inscribed to before me this 13th day of Feb., A.D. 1878. John G. Jenne, Justice of the Peace. Send address for illustrated circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors, Dr. B.J. Kendall & Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vermont. Crane & Brigham, agents. 520 Market St., San Francisco.
KNOB HILL POULTRY YARDS, Sonoma, Sonoma Co., Ca. Thos. O. Morris, Breeder of all the leading varieties of throughbred land and water fowls, included the celebrate Langshans. [Illustrated with a rooster’s head]. The greatest variety on the Pacific Coast. Eggs in season, and warranted to carry safety any distance. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Price list ??

L (top)
LADIES ATTENTION! An elegant line of ladies’ cloaks just received at Z.C.M.I. at $4.75 to $25.00. Buy one for Conference.
THE LADIES’ FAVORITE. Among the many thousands of ladies who have used Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and pronounced it their favorite remedy, because so efficient in the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women, are many who are well and favorably known in the world of letters, as well as artists, musicians, and a whole host of names from the brilliant ranks of wealth and fashion. It is pre-eminently the ladies’ Favorite Prescription, its use, while being far more safe and efficient, exempting them from those painful, caustic operations, and the wearing of those mechanical contrivances made like Peter Plader’s razor – sellers’ razors – to sell, rather than to cure. -- KILLMORE, Ind., March 20th, 1878. Dr. R. V. Pierce. Dear Sir – Your Favorite Prescription has restored me to perfect health. Yours truly, Grace Choate, 123 Eutaw Street, BALTIMORE, Md. --- June 10th, 1878. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. Dear Sir – My wife was a hopeless invalid for nearly 20 years. Your Favorite Prescription has cured her. Thankfully yours. R. T. McCay.
LADIES! Of Logan and Cache County, Will find a Full stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, Ladies’ Underwear, Linen Suits, & c., at Mrs. James’ opposite Cardon’s, Logan, Cache Co. apr23-1m.

LAND Good land that will raise a crop every year. Over 11,000 acres for sale in lots to sale. Climate healthy. No droughts, bad floods, nor malaria. Wood and water convenient. U. S. Title perfect. Send stamp for illustrated circular, to Edward Frisbie?, Proprietor of Reading Ranch, Anderson, Shasta County, Cal. [California]

THE LARGEST! THE CHEAPEST! THE BEST! A semi-weekly at lower rates than any Weekly published west of New York. A Great Literary Enterprise. “Set in a Silver Sea!” A Serial Story, by E.L. Farjeon, was commended in The Weekly Union of January 7th. Back Numbers Containing the Story Always on Hand. Unprecedented. Within the past two months the actual bona-fide circulation of the Weekly Union has increased 5,000 copies! This increase in the short period named is unprecedented in the history of journalism on the Pacific Coast. This increase is still to rapid progress, and promises to continue indefinitely. The reasons are obvious. First: The Weekly Union is the only paper of its class on this coast giving a double ??? each week for one price. Second: The Weekly Union is on the paper which publishes first class original stories, and is therefore the very best literary paper published in California. Third: The Weekly Union is by far the best medium of News. Its issue to send weekly parts makes it the vehicle of the very latest intelligence from all ??? fields. Fourth: The Weekly Union is the cheapest paper published in the State, giving the issues each week of sixteen pages, each for the very low price of 3 [cents] [32 cents] per annum. Fifth: The Weekly Union presents a greater variety of valuable miscellany on all subjects than any of its contemporaries. Sixth: The Weekly Union is the most ably and carefully edited, most independent and by far the most readable journal published on the coast. It is because all these points are true that the increase of circulating is unprecedented, and its standing at the head of journalism is ???. Address, Record Union, Sacramento, Cal. [California].
THE LARGEST Baptist paper on the Pacific Coast Herald of Truth Rev. Granville, S. Abbott, B. D., Editor. Published semi-monthly. Galkie’s? Life of Christ, over 300? pages, bound in cloth, free to every subscriber sending $1.25, the subscription price, and 15 cents postage, etc. Balance of this year free to new subscribers for 1881. Address, C. W. Dearborn, Sec’y Oakland, Cal.
THE LATE DUKE OF BRUNSWICK’s WILL—which left his whole fortune to the town of Geneva—has just been declared null and void. That grateful town has already spent $1,400,000 of the fortune on a commemorative monument to the Duke, and perhaps as much on a magnificent opera-house.
LATEST NOVELTIES in spring goods arriving daily at Z. C. M. I. R. S. Watson, manager
THE LIFE-LASTING HOBBLE with or without buckles, manufactured only by C. J. Gustaveson. This hobble is a new invention lately patented by Mr. Gustaveson, and it is infinitely superior to any other known hobble. One style is made with a buckle, the other without. This hobble is very much more durable than any other made; it fits the horse perfectly and cannon in any way chaff or injure the animal. Parties who have once seen it will use no other. Cooperative and other stores will find it to their advantage to handle this hobble. Favorable terms to wholesale buyers. Address, C. J. Gustaveson, Box 1029, Salt Lake City, who also keeps at his store on 2d South St., a large assortment of the best harness, saddles, &c. Prices very low. 52-2nf
LODGING HOUSE. Rooms to let by the week or month. Terms Reasonable. Mrs. Dawson. 606 Pine Street, San Francisco.
LOGAN BRANCH OF Z.C.M.I. is the place for ladies to buy Dress Goods and notions; Gentlemen to buy Hats, Shirts, Underwear, & c.; Mechanics to buy tools?; farmers to buy Agricultural implements; Shoe and Harness makers to buy Leather, Nails, &c.; Tailors to buy Cloth, Linsey, Thread, &c.; Builders to buy Nails, Locks, Butts, &c., all to buy Standard Groceries. sept11-tf.

Parlor, Bedroom and Office Heating Stoves.

Groceries, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps, QUEENSWARE at bottom prices.

We are “Headquarters” in Northern Utah and Southern Idaho for Grain, Butter, Eggs, etc. Our facilities in this Line are such that we are enabled to handle all kinds of Produce advantageously to both Consumer and Producer.

Orders: By Mail Promptly Attended to. Correspondence Solicited.

R.S. Watson, Manager, H.S. Eldredge, Supt.

LOGAN BRANCH Z. C. M. I., offer a complete line of staple & fancy dry goods;clothing, gents’ furnishing goods, hats & caps; an immense stock of boots and shoes, fancy and staple groceries, hardware and cuttlery; a full line of agricultural implements at bottom prices. Order by mail promptly attended to. Correspondence solicited. R. Watson, Manager; H. S., Eldredge, Supt.
LOGAN HOUSE, Logan City, Utah, Best Furnished Rooms, Best Tables, Best Accommodations in town. Meals and Rooms 50 Cents Each. Reasonable Reduction by the week. J. R. BLANCHARD, Proprietor.

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The Logan Leader. Logan City, November 4, 1881. This paper is entered at the Post Office at Logan City, Utah, as second class matter. All advertisements and correspondence must be handed in not latter [later] than Wednesday to insure insertion in the issue of the current week.
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The Logan Leader. Published weekly at Logan, Cache County, Utah. Subscription rates: one year $3.00. Six months $2.00. Three months $1.00. Single copy 10C. Advertising rates very liberal. Junction Printing Association Publishers and Proprietors.

The Logan Leader. Vol. I. Logan, Cache County, Utah, Friday, July 30, 1880. No. 47.

The Ogden Junction, daily and semi-weekly. Published at Ogden, Weber County, Utah. Largest circulation of any newspaper in the Northern country. Advertising rates moderate. Junction Printing Association Publishers and Proprietors.

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The Logan Leader. Published weekly at Logan, Cache County, Utah by Cummings Brothers. B. F. Cummings Jr., editor and business manager. Subscription rates: One year $3.00, Six months 2.00, Three months 1.00, Single copy 10c. Advertising rates very liberal.

The Logan Leader. Vol II. Logan, Cache County, Utah, Friday, December 24, 1880. No. 16.

JOB PRINTING, by arrangements recently made with an Ogden firm, The Logan Leader is prepared to take orders for every description of book and job printing, at prices and in a style guaranteed to give satisfaction. Leave orders at the Leader office. B. F. Cummings Jr., Editor and Business Manager.

Careful! Different versions! P.1 1880-12-17

The Logan Leader. Published weekly at Logan, Cache County, Utah by Cummings Brothers. B. F. Cummings Jr., editor and business manager. Subscription rates: One year $3.00, Six months 2.00, Three months 1.00, Single copy 10c. Advertising rates very liberal.

The Logan Leader. Vol II. Logan, Cache County, Utah, Friday, December 17, 1880. No. 15.

The Ogden Junction, daily and semi-weekly, published at Ogden, Weber County, Utah. Largest circulation of any newspaper in the Northern country. Advertising rates moderate. Junction Printing Association publishers and proprietors.

Careful! Different versions!

The Logan Leader. Published weekly by Cummings Brothers at Logan City, Cache Co., Utah. Logan City, October 28, 1881.

Careful! Different versions!

THE LOGAN LEADER. Published weekly by the Junction Printing Association, at Logan City, Cache Co., Utah. Logan City, September 3, 1880.

LOGAN MEAT MARKET. (Formerly Z.C.M.I.) Just South of Logan Branch, THATCHER AND NEWBERRY, PROPRIOTORS, The Choicest Cuts of BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, etc., etc. GAME IN SEASON. Home Cured HAMS and BACON a Specialty. Jan9-1y
LOOK HERE. Photographs taken in the Latest Style and Finish. Special attention given to Copying and Enlarging Old Pictures. Portraits in Oil, Ink and Water Colors a specialty. Picture Frames, Mouldings, [moldings] Etc. Constantly on hand at Kirkham’s Fine Art Gallery. Second St. [street], Logan. mar12-ly.
A LOOSING [i.e. LOSING] JOKE. A prominent physician of Pittsburgh said jokingly to a lady patient who was complaining of her continued ill health, and of his inability to cure her, “Try Hop Bitters!” The lady took it in earnest and used the Bitters, from which she obtained permanent health. She now laughs at the doctor for his joke, but he is not so well pleased with it, as it cost him a good patient.
LOST! LOST!! LOST!!! But Found! Found!! Found!!! – a poor widow woman has found it at last. You can all find it by calling at C. C. Johnson’s Music Store and seeing the new improved Crown Sewing Machine and the World’s Wonder, the Organelle?, and other things that you all want. C. C. Johnson
LOVELY HOUSE, 605 and 607 Pine St. [street], San Francisco. Transient and Permanent Patronage solicited at Lovely’s. Take Lone Mountain care? Cor. [corner] Bush and Kearney one block from house $1 to $1.50 per day; $6? to $10 per week; five cottages with gardens; sixty family and single rooms; O? S. Lovely, Prop. [proprietor] Established by the same, September, 18??.
M (top)

M. D. Hammond agent for the Schuttler Wagon, and dealer in Iron, Steel, Bolts, Wagon Material, Wagon and Seat Springs, Plows, Wagon Covers, Sulky and Gang Plows, and all kinds of Farm Machinery, at prices to suit the times and on REASONABLE TERMS. Also Doors, Sash, Door Locks and Hinges, Etc. I have recently removed to the County building, opposite Tabernacle, Main Street, Logan, Utah. Sept11-ly

MAGIC LANTERNS AND STEROPTICONS. Public Sunday School & home exhibitions. [Unreadable text] C. T. Milligan. 728? Chestnut St., Philada ----
THE MAGIC PHOTOGRAPH. A wonderful discovery. Sample ??? 1 for 23 cents, 2 for 30 cents. $1.00 per doz. Agents Wanted. Spence & Co. [company], 537 Market St. [street], S.F. [San Francisco].
A MAGNIFICENT FRUIT THE JAPANESE PERSIMMON [Illustration of a persimmon hanging from a tree branch] Seven best varieties – All grafted. Fruit grown at San Rafael, Cal., 10 inches in circumference. 1, 2, and 3 year old trees for sale. Agents wanted. Henry Loomis, 320 Sansome St. San Francisco.
Maine News. Hop Bitters, which are advertised in our columns, are a sure cure for ague, biliousness and kidney complaints. Those who use them say they cannot be too highly recommended. Those solicited should give them a fair trial, and will become thereby enthusiastic in the praise of their curative qualities. – Portland Argus.
McAlister & Son, Logan City - - - Utah. Manufacturers and dealers in Plain and Fancy HARNESS, saddles, whips, with prices as low as the lowest. CONCORD HARNESS a speciality. Also dealers in W???, Singer and Ward SEWING MACHINES. Sep11-ly
MENZOSPRING, manufacturer of artificial limbs office and address, ?? Geary Street, San Francisco. Descriptive circulars, blanks for measurements with instructions and price list, free on application.

Feathers, [unreadable], a full stock just received at Mrs. James; half block west of Y.C.M.I., 3rd Street, Logan. Also coats and [unreadable], ladies underwear, corsets, infants [unreadable], robes, etc., etc.

MINES AND MINERS Are of little value unless the receipts exceed the expenditures. The Robertson Process enables parties to make money in mines where they could not otherwise pay expenses. The means used to extract the gold and silver from ores is very simple and effective. The fact that some parties denounce it who know nothing of its working is in its favor. John A. Robertson, P. O. Box 552?, Oakland, Cal. [California], owns the patent.

MONEY SAVED. The New York Ink Co. [company] 20 Sutter St. [street], S.F. [San Francisco], Cal. [California]. Will send you on receipt of $1.00 their pamphlet for making all colors and 10 kinds of ink. ????. Average cost 25 cts. [cents] per gallon. Also ??? and baking powder. All warranted ??? . We also sell the Manifold writer, which will make and perfect copies of written documents in a few minutes. Good for circular. Agents wanted.

Modesty. Modesty is to a woman what the delicate bloom is to the peach – its greatest beauty but once gone, no human power can restore it. Many modest women suffer in silence for years with the most painful affections of the delicate vital organs of the body, rather than to impart the knowledge of their sufferings to a physician. This great army of martyrs will be rejoiced to know that at last a purely vegetable and harmless remedy has been discovered, which cures immediately all diseases and weakness of the kidney and bladder, no matter of how long standing or of what nature. It is the wonderful OREGON KIDNEY TEA, which is sold by all druggists and challenges ? the world.

MONEY TO LOAN $500,000 To loan, in one sum or in amounts to suit on Country Property at current rates of interest by John T. Little, 302 Montgomery St. [street], Room 1 and 2, San Francisco.

MITCHELL Spring Wagons. No other Four Spring Wagon has the Burr patent Body, except the Mitchell Four Spring. They are the best in the market. Call and see them during conference. L. B. Mattison, Gen. Agent, Salt Lake City. One-half block South Theatre. 27-tf
MITCHELL Wagon. Examine the late improvements on the Mitchell Wagons for 1881. For sale by T. Jessop & Bro., Agents, Millville, Utah. L. B. Mattison, Gen. Agent, Salt Lake City, Utah. 27-tf
MONTANA. MONTANA'S GOLD AND SILVER mines now almost in sight of the Utah & Northern Railway, have yielded $150,000,000, and the annual yield since 1864 has averaged $8,500,000. Over 20,000 lodes and 2,000 placer mines have been recorded. Alder Gulch, in which Virginia City is located, has alone poured out $40,000,000 in glittering dust. Iron, lead, coal, copper and cinnabar are also plentiful.

Nearly 40,000,000 acres of pastoral and 10,000,000 acres of agricultural lands are found on this grand domain, not one-sixth of which is claimed or occupied. The native beach grass is a winter and summer feed equal to oats. Cattle, horses and sheep keep fat the year round in the open air. Profits in the cattle or sheep business have always averaged from two to three per cent per month on all capital invested. Losses of cattle, sheep or horses on the range, from all causes, rarely reach and never exceed two per cent per annum. Wheat, oats, rye, barley, and all hardy vegetables are produced in great abundance and of quality unexcelled. Apples, pears, plums, grapes, Siberian crabs, and nearly all small fruits are produced in different localities. Yellow and white pine, spruce, cedar, marble, granite, lime-stone and sandstone are abundant.

Montana boasts a dozen rivers as large and beautiful as the Mohawk or Juanita -- three of which are navigable -- and being beautifully watered by hundreds of ice-cold streams and crystal lakes, water power is therefore illimitable. All streams are full of trout and other fish; the elk, deer, antelope, moose, bear, mountain sheep and many kinds of small game abound. Numerous hot mineral springs, and a mild, invigorating atmosphere are among the attractions for health-seekers. Wages in Montana are double those paid in Illinois. Churches, schools, libraries and good daily and weekly newspapers are more numerous than in sections of similar populations East. There is daily mail and express and the telegraph to all important points.
The shortest, quickest, best and only reliable summer and winter route in Montana is that via the Union Pacific and Utah and Northern Railways.
MONTGOMERY’S Temperance Hotel, 227 and 229 Second St. S. F. [San Francisco] Board and Room per day, 50 cents to $1; per week $1 to $5. Six meal tickets, $1. Passage to and from Hotel free.
MONTREAL HEARD FROM. R.L. Mosely, of Montreal, Canada, certified Sept. [September] 7, 1879, that he had suffered terribly from dyspepsia, and was completely cured by taking Warner’s Safe Bitters. He says, “My appetite is good, and I now suffer no inconvenience from eating hearty meals.” These Bitters are also a specific for all skin diseases.
MOODY AND SANKEY MEETINGS REPORTED IN “THE PACIFIC.” An eight page religious and family paper, established in 1881. $3.50? per year, 25 cts [cents] per month, 5 cts [cents] a single copy. Sample copies sent free. P.O. box [unreadable] 7 Montgomery Avenue, San Francisco.
THE MOST POPULAR and fragrant perfume of the day “Hackmetack” – try it. Sold by O. C. Ormsby, druggist. Oct30-ly

MOULDERS wanted at the Risdon Iron Works San Francisco.

MRS. DR. Jennison’s REMEDY FOR DIPTHERIA and all afflictions of the throat. All should keep it constantly on hand, as it is a sure cure for this terrible disease. Find directions for use and symptoms of the disease with every bottle. Joyful news. No more deaths from this disease where this medicine is used. Retail? price, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Wholesale agents, San Francisco.
MRS. J.E. HYDE Braid and Embroidery Stamping AND HAIR FLOWER WORK Family Wreaths Made to Order oct10-tm ----
MRS. JANE PALMER, MILLINER. All kinds of Millinery and Fancy Goods Constantly on hand. Logan, Utah.
MRS. M. P. SAWTELLE, M. D. GYNECOLOGIST. Office—Thurlow Block, corner of Sutter and Kearney Sts. [streets], San Francisco. Office hours from 11 until 3 when she will diagnose and treat diseases of women. Editor and publisher of Medico-Literary Journal a monthly, devoted to the diffusion of medical knowledge among women. Terms, three dollars a year in advance.
MRS M.P. SAWTELLE, M.D. GYNECOLOGIST. Office -Thurlow Block, corner of Sutter and Kearney Sts. [streets]. San Francisco. Office hours from 11 till 3 which she will diagnose and treat diseases of women. Editor and publisher of Medico Literary Journal, a monthly, devoted to the diffusion of medical knowledge among women. Terms, three dollars a year in advance.
MRS. MYERS Has again resumed practice after the illness of her family. Careful nursing given. She has a sure and speedy remedy, without ?, for Female Complaints also a Specific which is a sure cure for Scrofula. She has also opened a Private Lying-In Hospital where ladies from the country can be attended with the greatest care. Office hours, 7 to 9? P.M. ??? St. [street], San Francisco back of Palace Hotel.
N (top)

N. CURRY & BRO. 113 Sansome Street, San Francisco. Sole Agents for the [illustration of crossed rifles] Sharps Rifle Co., of Bridgecourt Conn., For California, Oregon, Arizona, Nevada, Washington Territory, and Idaho. Also, agent for W. W. Greener’s Celebrated Wedgefast,, Chokebore, Breech-loading Double Guns, and all kinds of Guns, Rifles, and Pistols made by the Leading Manufacturers of England and America. Ammunitions of all kinds in quantities to suit.

NATIONAL SURGICAL INSTITUTE (Western Division) 219 Bush St. S. F. Devoted to the treatment of Cripples, Piles, Fistula, &c. Send for circulars.
NEILSEN & HENSTROM, Artistic Tailors, Third Street, Logan, First Door East of Post Office. Gents’ suits, overcoats, etc. Made to order from homemade or imported goods. A good stock kept on hand to select from. Prices reasonable.
NEEDHAM’S red clover Blossoms and extracts cure cancer, salt rheum and all blood diseases. For reference circulars, and particulars, address W. C. Needham, P. O. Box 422, San Jose, Cal. Sole Agent of Pacific Coast.
NEW AND SECOND-HAND at auction prices H. Schellhass’, 11th St. [street], Odd Fellow’s Building, Oakland, Cal. [California]. Country orders promptly attended to.
NEW CO-OP. STORE! If you want to buy goods cheap go to the above place, opposite Z.C.M.I., Logan City, Cache County, where they sell all kinds of merchandise at the most reasonable prices. Home-made goods a specialty. Bids for lumber on stock will be received by C.B. Robbins, superintendent. n12-ly
NEW FURNITURE STORE. N.A. Linquist Has opened a store on Third Street, Logan, next door to Leader Office, with a splendid stock of Home Made & Imported Furniture, including all articles pertaining to a complete stock. Prices are the lowest to be obtained in Cache County. Sam. Smith, Salesman. 10 2?
THE NEW HOWE SEWING MACHINE! The standard machine of today. Regarded so by the best informed people the world over. This machine is the one today that is opening the eyes of the public to the difference between a good sewing machine and a poor one. And people are demanding the best, because it is the cheapest. We invite the people to look at the New Howe, and we take pleasure in recommending it as the best machine of the day. It is the lightest schuttle machine in the market; only one hole to thread in the schuttle. And is guaranteed to outlast any two other machines made. The Company build no inferior grades of machine, but each one is finished with the greatest care. In fact they are so thoroughly constructed, and finished so carefully, and are sold so reasonably that “bogus” inventors find no profit in starting a Howe factory at every cross road, therefore they seek other fields where margins are greater. Riggs & Young, agents for Utah. R. Pringle, agent for Cache Co. [County] 1-ly
NEW PUBLICATIONS are furnished by the World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y. [New York], and Great Russell Street Buildings, London, England, on terms to suit the times. A new edition of the People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, about 1,000 pages, nearly 310 illustrations, by R. V. Theron?, M.D., post paid $15. Invalid’s Guide Book post paid, 10 cents. Motion as a remedial agent, Illustrating ??? cure for paralysis, diseases of females, stiffened joints, club feet, spinal curvatures and kindred afflictions, 10 cents. Disease of ??? Organs, 10 cents; Catarrh, its rational treatment and positive cure, sent on receipt of one postage stamp. Address as above. ----
NO. 163? NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION [Unreadable line] October 2?, 1879. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and has ere no debts thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Peter Benson of Cache Co., for the S 1/2 N.E. 1/4, Sec. 19 and S 1/3 N.W. 1/4 Sec. 20, T 13 N, R. 1 W., and names the following as his witnesses, viz: John Jenkins, of Cache Co., and Ludwig Erickson, of Cache Co., Jno [John] B. Nell?, Register. nov6-11.

NO ALUM! NO ADULTERATION! C. J. Hawley & Co.’s strictly pure Grape Cream of Tarter Yeast Powder. On application a sample will be mailed to your address, postage paid, that you may compare our Yeast Powder with others. To test yeast powder put one-half of a teaspoonful in a goblet half full of cold water. The pure powder will effervesce until dissolved, leaving the water clear, while the adulterated will not. You cannot be too careful about these adulterations, it is too late to think of it after the harm is done. Insist upon your grocer ordering C. J. Hawley & Co.’s Yeast Powder. Send for our new Catalogue. C. J. Hawley & Co., Grocers, 215 and 217 Sutter Street, San Francisco.

NO MORE BACK-ACHE! No more Kidney Troubles. Oregon Kidney T. Oregon has long been noted for the wonderful variety of natural resources. Her hills and valleys are stored with the choicest of Nature’s ???? gifts. The latest of these discoveries in The Oregon Kidney Tea kind Nature’s own remedy – her last best gift to man.” A plant which grows in mountain fortresses seldom trodden by human feet. There are thousands afflicted with diseases of the kidneys or urinary organs who suffer in silence rather than to make known their troubles. Others seek relief by the use of various patent medications which, if they do not aggravate the disease at least do not lessen it. The Oregon Kidney Tea is a strictly vegetable production? and will not injure the smallest child, nor the most delicate woman but will care ??? to the back and kidneys and retention of urine, and all complaints arising from a diseased or ??? state of the kidneys or urinary organs of either sex. ??? Davis & Co. [company], Proprietors, Portland, Oregon. For sale by all druggists.

NO MORE HARD TIMES. If you will stop spending so much on fine clothes, rich food and style, buy good, healthy food, cheaper and better clothing; get more real and substantial things of life every way, and especially stop the foolish habit of employing expensive, quack doctors or using so much of the ?? humbug medicine that does you only harm, but put your trust in that simple, pure remedy, Hop Bitters; that cures always at a trifling cost, and you will see good times and have good health.

NO PATENTS, NO PAY. PATENTS Obtained for mechanical devices, medical or other compounds, ornamental designs, trademarks and labels. Caveats, Assignments, Interferences, Infringements, and all matters relating to Patents, promptly attended to. We make Preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to patentability, free of charge and all who are interested in new inventions and patents are invited to send for a copy of our “Guide for Obtaining Patents” which is sent free to any address, and contains complete instructions how to obtain patents, and other valuable matter. During the past five years we have obtained nearly three thousand patents for American and Foreign Inventors, and can give satisfactory references in almost every county in the Union. Address Louis Bagger & Co., Solicitors of Patents and Attorneys at Law. Detroit Building, Washington. D.C.

No salve or ointment can heal a wound or sore of any kind. Every educated physician will tell you that nature alone can do this. Phosphate Soap, by its cleansing, soothing and purifying qualities, gives nature a chance to act freely.
No scrofula can be so deep seated, no sore so stubborn, but that Ayer’s Sarsaparilla will be found helpful. It will effect a cure, if cure be possible.
NOW YOU SEE IT. Gilt-Edge Butter Maker takes the “witches out of the churn” and turns tedious, unsatisfactory churning into gratifying success. Sold everywhere. Hamburg, N. Y. May 28th, 1879. John E. Pierce, Sec’y World’s Dispensary. Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y. Dear Sir – You’re asking as to reputation of “Gilt Edge Butter Maker” received. We have never kept it until lately. Have sold one case (3 doz. boxes) and it has given the best of satisfaction. Yours respectfully, T. L. Bunting.

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