Transylvania Athletics Department
Policy on Hazing
September 2007
Athletics Department Hazing Policy
The practice of hazing is prohibited by the Transylvania Student-Athlete Code, the Transylvania Student Standards of Conduct, and Kentucky State Revised Statutes.
In addition to university sanctions, groups that engage in hazing may also be subject to disciplinary actions by sponsoring departments, (e.g. the Department of Athletics or the Physical Education Department).
Hazing is defined in the Transylvania Student Handbook as any action or situation created to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities and situations include, but are not limited to, paddling in any form, excessive fatigue, physical or psychological shocks, kidnaps, scavenger hunts, road trips, degrading, humiliating, or fear-provoking games or activities, late work sessions which interfere with scholarship, menial tasks, and any other activity which is not consistent with the ideals and purposes of the student organization, or the regulations and policies of Transylvania University.
Confirmed violations will results in disciplinary actions taken against the individuals and/or the organizations involved. Sanctioning will be decided in conjunction with the appropriate national office and may include loss of campus recognition.
Individuals and organizations found in violation of this policy may be subject to one or more of the following sanctions:
Oral warning
Written reprimand
Appropriate educational tools (letter of apology, counseling, directed study, etc.)
Sanctions including community service and community work
Transylvania Greek System Hazing Policy
Hazing is against the law and is not tolerated in the Transylvania Greek system. Activities are to be in accordance with chapter and University policy and consistent with the founding principles of the chapter. If you feel you are being hazed or know of a hazing incident, report it immediately to the Greek Affairs Office at (859) 233-8660.
Kentucky State Law
KRS 164.375 Places the burden on universities and colleges to enact anti-hazing policies. Penalties to be included are expulsion or suspension. Organizations, if sponsors of hazing, may be expelled from operating on campus.
Civil Penalties
In addition to the consequences of violating university policies and state law prohibiting hazing, both individuals and chapters can be sued in civil court for mental or physical harm that results from hazing. Individual group members and their parents, group leaders, advisors, the organization, and national affiliates may be sued. Hazing on college campuses has resulted in numerous successful lawsuits.
Transylvania Athletics Department
Policy on Online Social Websites
September 2007
The Transylvania Athletics Department does not prohibit student-athletes from posting profiles, photographs, and other information on social online websites, such as and
However, student-athletes should be aware that all material posted on these sites is subject to review by athletic department administrators and coaches and that any posted information that is in violation of team or school rules, the Student-Athlete Code of Conduct, or Kentucky state law places the student-athlete at risk of disciplinary procedures.
These disciplinary procedures could include dismissal from the team or other sanctions. Student-athletes are responsible for the content on their site even if the material in question has been posted by another individual and therefore should be reviewed often.
It is not true that information posted on social websites is private. Many people have access to this information and it can be used in many unintended ways, including:
Parents or prospective student-athletes review the profiles of current athletes to get an idea of what their potential teammates are like.
A potential employer could review the student-athlete profile while making hiring decisions.
Student-athlete profiles could be scrutinized by media.
Fans from competing schools could obtain personal information about student-athletes to be used in taunting during intercollegiate competition.
Information from the website could be used to harass or stalk student-athletes.
It is important to remember that when personal information and photographs are posted to social sites, the student-athlete no longer has control over who views the information or how it is used. Transy student-athletes should keep in mind that they are representatives of the university and its athletics department and should never post information that would cast the athlete, their team, or the university in a negative light.
Drugs and Alcohol: Education
Transylvania University requires each student to take a course titled “Lifetime Fitness”; one unit in the course deals with alcohol and drug abuse. Therefore the entire student body, including athletes, is exposed to a drug education program. Additionally, on an annual basis the University sponsors a drug and alcohol “awareness week” with many programs to provide further education on these important health issues.
Drugs and Alcohol: Policies
University athletes are members of the student body and are subject to all institutional rules and sanctioning processes for the use of possession of controlled substances (alcohol and illicit drugs) (see Student Handbook). All students and staff are expected to be familiar with and to abide by both the State of Kentucky and University regulations regarding the use of controlled substances. Staff and students are also expected to be aware of the social, physiology and psychological consequences of substance abuse in order to make responsible and informed decisions.
Violations of federal and state laws regarding drugs and alcohol are criminal offenses punishable by both fines and imprisonment. Any member of the institutional community who violates these regulations is subject to prosecution. Whether or not criminal charges are brought, all students are subject to university discipline for any violation of laws that occurs (a) on university-owned or leased property, (b) at university-sponsored or supervised functions, or (c) under other circumstances involving a direct and substantial connection to the university. Any student found to have engaged in such conduct is subject to the entire range of university sanctions and standards of conduct, including suspension and expulsion.
All nutritional/dietary supplements carry some risk of containing a NCAA banned substance because they are not well regulated and may be contaminated. Failure to check out any supplement with your sports medicine staff prior to use may result in a failed appeal for a positive drug test. Student-athletes are responsible for anything they ingest.
The possession, use, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs or nonprescription steroids by a staff member, student-athlete, student-trainer, manager, dancer, or cheerleader is strictly prohibited.
Any student-athlete who tests positive for substances identified in the “NCAA Banned-Drug Classes” during NCAA Championships competition is subject to the sanctions described in the NCAA Manual, including the loss of eligibility for a one-year period. The athlete must retest negative before eligibility is restored by the Eligibility Committee. Additional seasons of eligibility may be lost if an athlete tests positive after being restored to eligibility.
Alcohol consumption by individuals under 21 years of age is illegal in the state of Kentucky, as is supplying alcoholic beverages to individuals under 21 years of age. The consumption of alcohol by student-athletes is prohibited in connection with any official intercollegiate team function; this is defined as any activity which is held at the direction of or under the supervision of the Athletics Department’s administrative or coaching staff. Furthermore, the following are specified:
The consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages, in violation or applicable law, on university property, or in the course of a university activity, or student organization activity, is prohibited.
Consumption or possession of an alcoholic beverage during an athletics road trip is prohibited by student-athletes and staff.
Consumption of an alcoholic beverage in the presence of a recruited prospective student-athlete is prohibited, as is supplying a prospect with alcohol during a campus visit.
Consumption of an alcoholic beverage by a student-athlete is prohibited where the student-athlete serves as a representative of the university at an official function.
As per NCAA and Heartland Conference regulations, the use of tobacco is prohibited during both competition and practice; penalties for use during these times will be strictly enforced. Additionally, the use of tobacco is prohibited by the Athletics Department in connection with any team function. This includes meetings, informal workouts, and travel related to any team activity.
Prior to participation, each athlete is required to sign a statement that provides for drug testing and rehabilitative treatment should such procedures be deemed necessary to protect the health and welfare of the athlete. Drug testing is conducted only with the approval of the athletic director, dean of students, and the president. Upon the approval of the athletic director and dean of students, athletes suspected of substance abuse may be referred to the University counseling service for evaluation, or, upon approval of the president, for drug testing. Following evaluation or testing, university counseling services will recommend a course of action.
Violators of controlled substances policies will be disciplined by the University consistent with or in excess of state sanctions and (possibly) in cooperation with local police agencies. In cases involving one or more athletes, the University judicial board, dean of students, and athletics director may act together or individually to impose institutional sanctions. Athletic sanctions are determined on a case-by-case basis but may include disciplinary action up to suspension or permanent dismissal from an intercollegiate team (in addition to other institutional sanctions). The eligibility of an athlete to continue participation following an incident involving substance abuse will be made by the athletic director and dean of students in consultation with the appropriate head coach. In most situations, the athletic director and dean of students eek a resolution that is more rehabilitative than punitive for first-time offenders. Where counseling is deemed necessary and appropriate, a plan of treatment will be presented to the student-athlete. The athlete’s signed consent is required before treatment begins; he/she must agree to the terms of the treatment plan and permit appropriate medical and Transylvania personnel to confer regarding the treatment. The athlete may be informed that participation in treatment is required for continued team membership; however, participation in treatment does not necessarily assure clearance for athletic participation. Repeat offenders are subject to more severe sanctions. Parents of students found to be abusing controlled substances may be informed.
Upon approval by the Director of Athletics, Head Coaches may establish team rules in addition to the policies specified in this document, including the adoption of training rules prohibiting the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. The Head Coach must provide team members with a written list of current team rules.
NCAA Banned-Drug Classes
The NCAA list of banned-drug classes is subject to change by the NCAA Executive Committee. Contact NCAA education services or for the current list. The term “related compounds” comprises substances that are included in the class by their pharmacological action and/or chemical structure. No substance belonging to the prohibited class may be used, regardless of whether it is specifically listed as an example.
Many nutritional/dietary supplements contain NCAA banned substances. In addition, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not strictly regulate the supplement industry; therefore purity and safety of nutritional dietary supplements cannot be guaranteed. Impure supplements may lead to a positive NCAA drug test. The use of supplements is at the student-athlete’s own risk. Student-athletes should contact their institution’s team physician or athletic trainer for further information.
Bylaw 31.2.3. Banned Drugs
The following is a list of banned-drug classes, with examples of substances under each class:
(a) Stimulants:
amiphenazole methylenedioxymethamphetamine
amphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy)
bemigride methylphenidate
benzphetamine nikethamide
bromantan pemoline
caffeine1 (guarana) pentetrazol
chlorphentermine phendimetrazine
cocaine phenmetrazine
cropropamide phentermine
crothetamide phenylpropanolamine (ppa)
diethylpropion picrotoxine
dimethylamphetamine pipradol
doxapram prolintane
ephedrine strychnine
(ephedra, ma huang) synephrine
ethamivan (citrus aurantium, zhi shi, bitter
ethylamphetamine orange)
fencamfamine and related compounds
meclofenoxate The following stimulants are not banned:
methamphetamine phenylephrine
(b) Anabolic Agents:
anabolic steroids
androstenediol methyltestosterone
androstenedione nandrolone
boldenone norandrostenediol
clostebol norandrostenedione
dehydrochlormethyl- norethandrolone
testosterone oxandrolone
dehydroepiandro- oxymesterone
sterone (DHEA) oxymetholone
dihydrotestosterone stanozolol
(DHT) testosterone2
dromostanolone tetrahydrogestrinone (THG)
epitrenbolone trenbolone
fluoxymesterone and related compounds
methandienone other anabolic agents
methenolone clenbuterol
(c) Substances Banned for Specific Sports:
alcohol pindolol
atenolol propranolol
metoprolol timolol
nadolol and related compounds
(d) Diuretics:
acetazolamide hydrochlorothiazide
bendroflumethiazide hydroflumethiazide
benzhiazide methyclothiazide
bumetanide metolazone
chlorothiazide polythiazide
chlorthalidone quinethazone
ethacrynic acid spironolactone
flumethiazide triamterene
furosemide trichlormethiazide
and related compounds
(e) Street Drugs:
heroin tetrahydrocannabinol
marijuana3 (THC)3
(f) Peptide Hormones and Analogues:
corticotrophin (ACTH)
growth hormone(HGH, somatotrophin)
human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG))
insulin like growth hormone (IGF-1)
leutenizing hormone (LH
(All the respective releasing factors of the above-mentioned substances also are banned.)
erythropoietin (EPO) sermorelin
(g) Definitions of positive depends on the following:
1for caffeine—if the concentration in urine exceeds 15 micrograms/ml.
2for testosterone—if the administration of testosterone or use of any other manipulation has the result of increasing the ratio of the total concentration of testosterone to that of epitestosterone in the urine to greater than 6:1, unless there is evidence that this ratio is due to a physiological or pathological condition.
3for marijuana and THC—if the concentration in the urine of THC metabolite exceeds 15 nanograms/ml. Drugs and Procedures
Subject to Restrictions.
The use of the following drugs and/or procedures is subject
to certain restrictions and may or may not be permissible,
depending on limitations expressed in these guidelines
and/or quantities of these substances used:
(Revised: 8/15/89)
(a) Blood Doping. The practice of blood doping (the
intravenous injection of whole blood, packed red
blood cells or blood substitutes) is prohibited, and any evidence confirming use will be cause for action consistent with that taken for a positive drug test. (Revised: 8/15/89, 5/4/92)
(b) Local Anesthetics. The Executive Committee will permit the limited use of local anesthetics under the following conditions:
(1) That procaine, xylocaine, carbocaine or any other local anesthetic may be used, but not cocaine; (Revised: 12/9/91, 5/6/93)
(2) That only local or topical injections can be used (i.e., intravenous injections are not permitted); and
(3) That use is medically justified only when permitting the athlete to continue the competition without potential risk to his or her health.
(c) Manipulation of Urine Samples. The Executive Committee bans the use of substances and methods that alter the integrity and/or validity of urine samples provided during NCAA drug testing.
Examples of banned methods are catheterization, urine substitution and/or tampering or modification of renal excretion by the use of diuretics, probenecid, bromantan or related compounds, and
epitestosterone administration. (Revised: 8/15/89, 6/17/92, 7/22/97)
(d) Beta 2 Agonists. The use of beta 2 agonists is permitted
by inhalation only. (Adopted: 8/13/93)
(e) Additional Analysis. Drug screening for select nonbanned
substances may be conducted for nonpunitive purposes. (Revised: 8/15/89)
Dispute Resolution Process
Consistent with University guidelines, the Department of Athletics has procedures to resolve interpersonal conflicts that may arise as a result of a student’s participation in intercollegiate athletics. The University encourages open and honest communication between coaches and athletes. It is presumed that most conflicts and differences of opinion can be resolved by the individuals directly involved by confronting the issues and jointly seeking resolution. These procedures identify steps to secure third party assistance for informal/formal conflict resolution as necessary. These processes attempt to balance the needs to address issues of student welfare and the obligation to provide coaches/staff due process.
Student-Athletes are encouraged to use the dispute resolution procedure when they believe they have been unfairly treated; it is critical that there is no retaliation against an individual who initiates the process. Retaliation will not be tolerated and is subject to University disciplinary procedures; refer to the Transylvania Student Handbook for a full understanding of University-wide procedures adopted for the resolution of complaints and grievances.
The steps listed below are offered as guidelines. The athletic director and faculty athletics representative may make exception to the process as deemed appropriate.
Step 1 (initial contact)
Athlete and Coach (preferred option)
Athlete and Captain
Athlete and Athletic Director
Sept 2 (informal dispute resolution meeting)
Athlete, Captain and Coach
Athlete, Coach and Athletic Director
Athlete, Captain, Coach and Athletic Director
Sept 3 (formal process)
Athlete, Faculty Athletics Representative, Athletic Director and Coach
Faculty Athletic Advisory Committee
Sept 4 (conclusion by FAR/AD or FAR/FAAC; written report and follow-up meeting*)
Athlete, Faculty Athletics Representative, Athletic Director and Coach
Athlete, Faculty Athletics Representative, Athletic Director
University procedures will be implemented immediately if allegations of harassment or violation of law, including discrimination based on sex, race, gender, or national origin, are brought.
*parents of an athlete may be included in the Step 4 meeting if requested.
Eating Disorders Assistance Policies
Since eating disorders among college athletes are a growing problem with serious potential health consequences, the NCAA has issued guidelines which support intervention and professional guidance through nutritional, psychological and/or psychiatric counseling to encourage behavior modification. The American College of Sports Medicine has also called for action regarding education and intervention for athletes who may be at risk for eating disorders.
In response to these recommendations by the NCAA and ACSM - - and based on a program initiated at the University of Cincinnati – Transylvania University has set a protocol to assess and assist athletes who are identified as being at risk for disordered eating. The central component of the program is the formation of a Disordered Eating Assistance Team to support the health and athletic performance of all athletes, with special attention to those identified with, or suspected of, disordered eating. Members of the team include one or two physicians, Transylvania’s athletic trainer, a registered dietitian, and a certified psychologist.
If a coach or athletic trainer suspects a student-athlete of demonstrating disordered eating behaviors, a meeting with the athletic director is called to present the reasons for the suspicion.
Upon the approval of the athletic director and dean of students, the coach and athletic trainer meet with the athlete to discuss the concern(s) and explain that the athlete must be evaluated by a health professional. An appointment is set with a physician or nutritionist, depending upon the level of immediate concern for the athlete’s health. This evaluation is mandatory and must be completed as soon as the athletic trainer secures an appointment.
The athletic trainer notifies other members of Transylvania’s Disordered Eating Assistance Team (hereafter referred to as “Team”) that a referral has been made, and the athletic director notifies the dean of students and school nurse. The athletic director will keep the dean of students informed as necessary.
Following the evaluation, a diagnosis of “concern of disordered eating” results in the athlete being referred to additional health professionals (dietitian, physician and/or psychologist) as part of the Team treatment plan. If disordered eating is not diagnosed, the student-athlete may still be referred to a dietitian and/or psychologist for assessment and consultation according to the wishes of the athlete, physician, or athletic director and dean of students.
The athletic trainer ensures that initial appointments are set and attended.
After all Team members have met with the athlete, a group meeting is held without the athlete. The treatments recommended by the physician, dietitian, and psychologist are presented and a treatment plan is documented in writing. All Team members sign the plan.
The plan of treatment is presented to the student-athlete by the athletic trainer and/or coach. The athlete’s signed consent is required before treatment begins; agreeing to the terms of the treatment plan and permitting appropriate medical and Transylvania personnel to confer regarding the treatment are required. The athlete is informed that participation in treatment is mandatory for continued team membership, but that participation in treatment does not necessarily ensure clearance for athletic participation. All decisions regarding continued participation in athletics are made the by the athletic director and dean of students based on regular evaluations and recommendations of the Eating Disorders Assistance Team, with consideration of the student-athlete’s compliance with the total treatment plan. If the athlete’s clearance to participate is removed or restricted by the athletic director and dean of students, the athlete’s status will not be reconsidered for at least three weeks.
The athlete meets on a regular basis for individual appointments with the psychologist and dietitian, with each professional focusing on a different aspect of treatment. The physician meets with the athlete on a regular basis necessary to evaluate the athlete’s medical status. The Team will convene at least monthly to evaluate current cases and make modifications in treatment.
The athletic trainer and coach monitor the daily status of the student-athlete. Problems of compliance with appointments or treatment are directly communicated by Team members to the athletic trainer, who in turn notify the physician and athletic director.
If an athlete misses two consecutive appointments with any Team member, the physician or athletic director (in consultation with the dean of students) has the option to restrict participation based on the signed treatment plan.
All required fees for professional assistance as a result of this protocol are the responsibility of the student-athlete, his/her family, or their personal insurance. (Transylvania’s current agreement with Growth Resources entitles students to six counseling sessions per year at no charge. Special arrangements may be made if additional visits are needed. Through the athletic department’s current agreement with a registered dietitian, students are entitled to an initial consultation and follow-up through a support group at no charge. Initial physical examinations will be conducted at no cost to the athlete)
Student-athletes referred for treatment to the Team must utilize the psychologist and dietitian who staff the Team unless the athlete is currently receiving regular treatment from a registered dietitian or certified psychologist/psychiatrist who agrees to participate fully as a member of Transylvania’s Disordered Eating Assistance Team in addressing the specific student-athlete’s case.
The decision to notify the parents of a student-athlete suspected of, or diagnosed with, an eating disorder rests with Transylvania’s Dean of Students in accordance with regular University procedures.
Responsibilities of the disordered eating assistance team:
Assesses and monitors medical status of student-athlete.
Diagnoses disordered eating and refers athlete to team members.
Makes decision regarding participation.
Team Trainer:
Acts as liaison between student-athlete and Team members.
Acts as liaison between Team members.
Acts as liaison between Team members and athletic director.
Ensures compliance with and Team recommendations.
Maintains appropriate documentation.
Monitors daily status of student-athlete.
Identifies problems in eating patterns and helps develop strategies to normalize eating patterns.
Educates student-athlete regarding energy and nutrient adequacy to support health and performance.
Monitors nutritional status and eating patterns of student-athlete.
Conducts psychotherapy assessment and develops treatment plan.
Addresses related underlying psychotherapy issues related to weight and body issues.
*acknowledgement: Transylvania University acknowledges that this protocol is based on a program implemented at the University of Cincinnati as documented in the following publication: Baer JT, Walker WF, Grossman JM. A disordered eating response team’s effect on nutrition practices in college athletes. J Athl Training. 1995:30-315-317.
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