Figure 4. Bias in SST (degC, shading) and MSLP (mbar, contours) during four seasons. Left column is CCSM4 data. Right column presents data from two independent runs: SST is from a stand alone ocean model forced by the normal year forcing (POP/NYF), MSLP is from a stand alone atmospheric model forced by observed SST (CAM4/AMIP). Arrows are the surface wind bias in (left) CCSM4 and (right) CAM4/AMIP.
Figure 5. Scatter diagram of annual mean biases in MSLP and SST over the equatorial Atlantic Ocean (5oS-5oN). Each symbol represents grid point value.
Figure 6. Annual mean MSLP bias in the 5oS-5oN belt in (solid) CCSM and (dashed) CAM/AMIP. Difference between the two is shaded. Top and bottom panels present version 4 and 3 results, respectively. Ocean is marked with gray bar in panel (a).
Figure 7. Observed (a) zonal wind along the Equator and (b) meridional wind along the western coast of southern Africa (contour interval is 1 ms-1). (b,e) CCSM4 SST bias (shading), winds (black contours). Zonal wind bias is shown for the equatorial zonal winds only (red contours, negative-dashed, positive-solid, contour interval is 1 m/s, zero contour is not shown). (c,f) The same as in (b,e) but for CAM4/AMIP winds, and POP/NYF SST.
Figure 8. Seasonal cycle of SST bias and meridional wind (V) bias spatially averaged over the Angola-Benguela front region (10oE-shore, 20 oS-13 oS).