Tv journalism & Programme Formats 1 tv journalism & Programme Formats

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3.3. Report, Report, Report
Good clean news writing is fine, but all the writing skills in the world can't replace thorough, solid reporting. Good reporting means answering all the questions a reader might have, and then some. It also means double-checking the information you get to make sure it's accurate. And don’t forget to check the spelling of your source's name.
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TV Journalism & Programme Formats
Be Objective and Fair
Hard-news stories are not the place to for opinion-spewing. Even if you have strong feelings about the issue you're covering, you need to learn to set those feelings aside and become a dispassionate observer. Remember, a news story isn't about what YOU think - it's about what your sources have to say.
Craft a Great Lead
So you've done your reporting and are ready to write. But the most interesting story in the world isn't worth much if no one reads it, and if you don't write a knock- their-socks-off lead, chances are no one will give your story a second glance. To craft a great lead, think about what makes your story unique, and what you find interesting about it. Then find away to convey that interest to your readers.
After the Lead, Structure the Rest of the Story
Crafting a great lead is important, but you still have to write the rest of the story.
News writing is based on the idea of conveying as much information as possible,
as quickly and efficiently as possible. The inverted pyramid format means you put the most important information at the top of your story, the least important at the bottom.
Attribute the Information You Get From Sources
It's important in news stories to be absolutely clear about where the information comes from. Attributing the information in your story makes it more credible, and builds trust with your readers. Whenever possible, use on-the-record attribution.

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