Turbulence profiles at the time of each station’s peak gust wind speed for 1-minute and 10-minute periods are seen in Figures 18 and 19. In general the profiles have the expected shape of increasing turbulence with decreasing height above ground. This trend occurs with much less intensity for station 4 for both time intervals and for station 1 with the 10-minute interval (see Table 6). These differences may be due to localized terrain effects as these stations in general have the least obstructions and represent more open terrain (approaching a category C exposure).
It is recommended that the near-ground wind monitoring effort continue for an additional year to allow for an “annual extreme value” representation of the near ground wind speeds and estimated profiles. Based on the current data, the future data is expected to confirm the ASCE 7 wind profile (power law exponent) used for exposure B. However, the information on the spatial variability of the peak wind speeds will be useful in answering concerns regarding wind channeling effects, open area effects, and potential shielding effects in an exposure B setting. Re-deployment of the wind monitoring station in a dense residential development should be considered to investigate the maximum possible condition of shielding. Also, if funding and opportunity allow, the wind monitoring stations should be deployed in an attempt to capture data from a land falling hurricane event in a residential setting. This would allow better correlation of near ground wind conditions with damage levels experienced by residential construction. Finally, future research should focus on using this data in combination with wind-tunnel experiments to provide improved guidance for the design of residential and similar low-rise buildings in exposure B settings.
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