ISIN / ISIN / ISIN / ISIN Abbreviation of International Securities Identification Number. A twelve-digit number consisting of three elements used to identify securities. The first two places are reserved for a combination of letters indicating the country of origin (e.g. DE for Germany, LU for Luxembourg). These are followed by a national identification number consisting of up to ten digits.
ISM index / ISM-Index / indice ISM / indice ISM See Purchasing Managers Index.
ISMA Abbreviation for International Securities Market Association.
ISO code / ISO-Währungscode / code ISO / codice ISO Internationally recognized 3-letter currency code created by the International Standardization Organization (ISO). Designed to overcome the problem of ambiguous currency references and facilitate computer processing. Code structure: the first two letters identify the country (e.g. CH for Switzerland), and the third the unit of currency (e.g. F for franc), giving CHF for the Swiss franc.
issue / Emission / émission / emissione Issue of securities with identical features and the placement of these securities within a short space of time at the same conditions for the purpose of procuring long-term debt capital or shareholders' equity on the capital market.
issue at par / Pari-Emission / émission au pair / emissione alla pari Securities issued at the nominal or face value, i.e. without agio or disagio (premium or discount). In the case of an above par issue the price is higher than the nominal value and in the case of a below par issue it is lower.
issue price / Ausgabepreis / prix d'émission / prezzo d'emissione Price at which an investment fund sells newly issued units to the public.
issue prospectus / Emissionsprospekt / prospectus d'émission / prospetto di emissione Document required by law and issued by a company or public authority planning to issue securities on the Swiss securities market. It provides detailed information about the modalities of the issue, the company's earnings outlook and the securities to be issued (bonds, shares etc.) as well as information about the issuer/guarantors. See also prospectus liability.
issuer / Emittent / émetteur / emittente Also: borrower. Private sector corporation or public authority raising capital for its own use by issuing securities on the public market.
issuer of a covered warrant / Stillhalter / émetteur / venditore di un'opzione Also: writer of a covered warrant, writer. Seller of an option, who is obliged to buy or sell the underlying security at the pre-determined strike price. Whether the option is exercised depends on the buyer and the price of the underlying.
January effect / Januareffekt / effet janvier / effetto gennaio Capital market anomaly which often results in shares, especially those of small companies, outperforming in January compared with the rest of the year. One of the strongest seasonal trends, it is sometimes attributed to the realization of tax losses which can be offset against profits accruing during the year.
jobber A dealer engaged in the wholesaling of securities. Unlike a stockbroker, the jobber deals only with brokers and other jobbers, but not with the general public. More generally known as dealer or specialist on the American stock exchanges and as stockjobber in the UK, where they are usually organized into firms.
joint account / Gemeinschaftskonto / compte joint / conto congiunto Account opened jointly in the names of two or more persons whereby it is agreed that each can dispose of the assets in the account individually and without having to obtain the consent of the other(s). See also collective account.
joint and several guarantee / solidarische Bürgschaft / cautionnement solidaire / fideiussione solidale Guarantee, under the terms of which the guarantor can be ordered to pay prior to the principal debtor and prior to the realization of the real estate mortgages if the principal debtor is in arrears with his or her payment despite reminders or is clearly insolvent (Article 496 of the Swiss Code of Obligations). See also simple guarantee, guaranteed credit.
joint liability / Solidarschuld / dette solidaire / debito solidale Contractual obligation of several debtors under which each is individually answerable to the creditor for the discharge of the entire debt (governed by Article 144, para. 1, Swiss Code of Obligations).
joint property / Gesamteigentum / propriété commune / proprietà comune Undivided ownership of a property by a community of persons. They can only dispose of the property by unanimous decision because each has a right to the undivided property and not to quotas or shares.
joint safekeeping account / Dépôt joint / dépôt joint / deposito congiunto An account held jointly at a bank by two or more people each of whom has sole power of disposal over the assets in the joint safekeeping account without the signature of the other.
joint stock company (GB); corporation (USA) / Aktiengesellschaft / société anonyme / società anonima A group or association of people recognized in law as an individual entity with a fixed capital stock (share capital) divided into parts (shares).
joint transaction / Metageschäft / transaction jointe / transazione congiunta Agreements are reached whereby all transactions are carried out in conjunction with a partner, with all profits or losses split equally between the parties.
joint venture / Jointventure / joint venture / joint venture Strategy for opening up a foreign market, whereby a company joins forces with partners in another country to set up a business there. Under this arrangement, ownership, management and control of the business are shared.
junior mortgage / Nachgangshypothek / hypothèque de rang postérieur / ipoteca di grado posteriore A mortgage which has a lending limit less than that for first mortgages and therefore carries a higher interest rate. If it is stipulated in the Land Register that a junior mortgage may be ascribed a higher priority, it moves up in ranking if a lien with a higher ranking claim is cancelled.
junk bond / Junk-Bond / junk bond / junk bond Colloquial term for high-yield bond.
key interest rate / Leitzins / taux directeur / tasso guida Also: key rate, base rate (GB), prime rate (USA). The interest rate set by a central bank for central bank funds.
key rate Synonym for key interest rate.
kinebar / Kinebar / kinebar / kinebar Gold bar bearing a forgery-proof «kinegramm».
Kiwi bond / Kiwi-Bond / obligation Kiwi / kiwi-bond NZD-denominated bond issues placed by foreign borrowers.
knock-in option / Knock-in-Option / option knock-in / opzione knock in Barrier option which only has a value on expiry when the underlying reaches a specified price level (barrier) during the term of the product. See also knock-out option.
knock-out option / Knock-out-Option / option knock-out / opzione knock out Barrier option which expires worthless when the underlying touches or exceeds a specified price level (barrier) during the term of the product. See also knock-in option.
Koala / Koala / Koala / Koala Australian platinum coin containing one ounce of platinum with a face value of AUD 100. Koala coins containing 1/2, 1/4 and 1/10 of an ounce of platinum are also minted.
Krugerrand / Krügerrand / Krugerrand / Krugerrand South African gold coin, containing exactly one ounce or 31.1035 grams of pure gold. Small Krugerrand coins have fine weights of 1/2, 1/4 and 1/10 of an ounce.
Land Register / Grundbuch / registre foncier / registro fondiario Public register in which all rights to real estate properties are entered. Under Swiss law, the Land Register consists of the main ledger (one page for each property), supporting documents and a chronological register for entries, building lot plans and property descriptions. The Land Register is kept by the Land Register Office under the supervision of the cantons.
Land Register extract / Grundbuchauszug / extrait du registre foncier / estratto del registro fondiario Description of all entries (rights, charges, notations, provisional reservations, encumbrances, etc) in the Land Register referring to a particular property.
large cap / Standardwert / valeur de fond de portefeuille / titolo a largo mercato Also known as blue chip. Share of widely known companies with large stock market capitalizations and which are heavily traded on the stock markets.
large-denomination share / schweres Papier / titre lourd / titolo pesante Share with a high par value or a price well above the average.
LBO Abbr. for leveraged buyout.
lead bank Synonym for lead manager.
lead manager / Lead-Manager / chef de file / lead manager Also: lead bank. Bank acting as the leader of an issuing or lending syndicate, managing the transaction. It is normally responsible for contact with the borrower, for the structure, organization and text of the loan agreement and prospectus, plus the composition of the issuing syndicate and the selling group and, ultimately, for the placement itself.
leading indicator / Frühindikator / indicateur avancé / indicatore anticipatore Economic indicator which changes before the overall economy itself changes, and is therefore seen as an indicator of future developments.
leasing / Leasing / crédit-bail / leasing The renting out, for a specific period, of industrial equipment, facilities and capital goods (machines, technical installations, vehicles, etc). The manufacturer or - in the case of leasing in the narrower sense of the word (financial leasing) - special leasing companies act as principals. Leasing helps to preserve liquidity. 100% borrowing on a pay-as-you-earn basis. Fixed monthly costs cover interest, amortization, the upfront fee and (e.g. with car leasing) the insurance premium.
legal reserves / gesetzliche Reserven / réserves légales / riserve legali The reserves which a company is required to form to comply with legal requirements (e.g. company law). Art. 5 of Switzerland's Banking Law stipulates that 5% of the annual profit is to be allocated to a reserve fund (until 20% of the paid-in capital has been reached) plus a tenth of the amount distributed from the annual profit after the regular allocation to the reserve fund and after payment of 5% to shareholders and others entitled to a share in profits. Any premiums generated during share issues must be allocated to the legal reserves, unless they are used for depreciation or employed for charitable purposes. See also voluntary reserves, reserves.