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Sato, M., M. Fujita, Y. Matsumoto, T. Ishikawa, H. Saito, M. Mochizuki, and A. Asada (2013), Interplate coupling off northeastern Japan before the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, inferred from seafloor geodetic data, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 118(7), 3860-3869.
Sato, M., M. Fujita, Y. Matsumoto, H. Saito, T. Ishikawa, and T. Asakura (2013), Improvement of GPS/acoustic seafloor positioning precision through controlling the ship's track line, Journal of Geodesy, 87(9), 825-842.
Sato, M., and H. Hamaguchi (2006), Weak long-lived ground deformation related to Iwate volcanism revealed by Bayesian decomposition of strain, tilt and positioning data, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 155(3-4), 244-262.
Sato, M., H. Saito, T. Ishikawa, Y. Matsumoto, M. Fujita, M. Mochizuki, and A. Asada (2011), Restoration of interplate locking after the 2005 Off-Miyagi Prefecture earthquake, detected by GPS/acoustic seafloor geodetic observation, Geophysical Research Letters, 38.
Sato, T., J. P. Boy, Y. Tamura, K. Matsumoto, K. Asari, H. P. Plag, and O. Francis (2006), Gravity tide and seasonal gravity variation at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard in Arctic, Journal of Geodynamics, 41(1-3), 234-241.
Sato, T., S. Hiratsuka, and J. Mori (2012), Coulomb stress change for the normal-fault aftershocks triggered near the Japan Trench by the 2011 M-w 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 64(12), 1239-1243.
Sato, T., K. Imanishi, N. Kato, and T. Sagiya (2004), Detection of a slow slip event from small signal in GPS data, Geophysical Research Letters, 31(5).
Sato, T., C. F. Larsen, S. Miura, Y. Ohta, H. Fujimoto, W. K. Sun, R. J. Motyka, and J. T. Freymueller (2011), Reevaluation of the viscoelastic and elastic responses to the past and present-day ice changes in Southeast Alaska, Tectonophysics, 511(3-4), 79-88.
Sato, T., S. Miura, Y. Ohta, H. Fujimoto, W. Sun, C. F. Larsen, M. Heavner, A. M. Kaufman, and J. T. Freymueller (2008), Earth tides observed by gravity and GPS in southeastern Alaska, Journal of Geodynamics, 46(3-5), 78-89.
Sato, T., S. Miura, W. K. Sun, T. Sugano, J. T. Freymueller, C. F. Larsen, Y. Ohta, H. Fujimoto, D. Inazu, and R. J. Motyka (2012), Gravity and uplift rates observed in southeast Alaska and their comparison with GIA model predictions, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 117.
Sato, T., J. Okuno, J. Hinderer, D. S. MacMillan, H. P. Plag, O. Francis, R. Falk, and Y. Fukuda (2006), A geophysical interpretation of the secular displacement and gravity rates observed at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard in the Arctic - effects of post-glacial rebound and present-day ice melting, Geophysical Journal International, 165(3), 729-743.
Sattar, A., K. Konagai, T. Kiyota, T. Ikeda, and J. Johansson (2011), Measurement of debris mass changes and assessment of the dam-break flood potential of earthquake-triggered Hattian landslide dam, Landslides, 8(2), 171-182.
Sauber, J., G. Carver, S. Cohen, and R. King (2006), Crustal deformation and the seismic cycle across the Kodiak Islands, Alaska, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 111(B2).
Sauber, J. M., and B. F. Molnia (2004), Glacier ice mass fluctuations and fault instability in tectonically active Southern Alaska, Global and Planetary Change, 42(1-4), 279-293.
Savage, J. C. (2010), Calculation of aftershock accumulation from observed postseismic deformation: M6 2004 Parkfield, California, earthquake, Geophysical Research Letters, 37.
Savage, J. C., W. Gan, W. H. Prescott, and J. L. Svarc (2004), Strain accumulation across the Coast Ranges at the latitude of San Francisco, 1994-2000, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 109(B3).
Savage, J. C., and J. Langbein (2008), Postearthquake relaxation after the 2004 M6 Parkfield, California earthquake and rate-and-state friction, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 113(B10).
Savage, J. C., and R. W. Simpson (2013), Clustering of velocities in a GPS network spanning the Sierra Nevada Block, the Northern Walker Lane Belt, and the Central Nevada Seismic Belt, California-Nevada, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 118(9), 4937-4947.
Savage, J. C., and R. W. Simpson (2013), Clustering of GPS velocities in the Mojave Block, southeastern California, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 118(4), 1747-1759.
Savage, J. C., and J. L. Svarc (2009), Postseismic relaxation following the 1992 M7.3 Landers and 1999 M7.1 Hector Mine earthquakes, southern California, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 114.
Savage, J. C., and J. L. Svarc (2010), Postseismic relaxation following the 1994 M(w)6.7 Northridge earthquake, southern California, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 115.
Savage, J. C., and J. L. Svarc (2010), Postseismic relaxation following the 1989 M(S)7.1 Loma Prieta earthquake, central California, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 115.
Savage, J. C., J. L. Svarc, and W. H. Prescott (2003), Near-field postseismic deformation associated with the 1992 Landers and 1999 Hector Mine, California, earthquakes, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 108(B9).
Savage, J. C., J. L. Svarc, and W. H. Prescott (2004), Interseismic strain and rotation rates in the northeast Mojave domain, eastern California, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 109(B2).
Savage, J. C., J. L. Svarc, and S. B. Yu (2005), Postseismic relaxation and transient creep, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 110(B11).
Savage, M. K., T. Ohminato, Y. Aoki, H. Tsuji, and S. M. Greve (2010), Stress magnitude and its temporal variation at Mt. Asama Volcano, Japan, from seismic anisotropy and GPS, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 290(3-4), 403-414.
Sawai, Y., et al. (2009), Aperiodic recurrence of geologically recorded tsunamis during the past 5500 years in eastern Hokkaido, Japan, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 114.
Sawai, Y., and H. Nasu (2005), A 4500-year record of emergence events at Onnetoh, Hokkaido, northern Japan, reconstructed using plant macrofossils, Mar. Geol., 217(1-2), 49-65.
Sayin, I., F. Arikan, and K. E. Akdogan (2010), Optimum temporal update periods for regional ionosphere monitoring, Radio Science, 45.
Sayin, I., F. Arikan, and O. Arikan (2008), Regional TEC mapping with Random Field Priors and Kriging, Radio Science, 43(5).
Scaillet, S., S. G. Rotolo, S. La Felice, and G. Vita-Scaillet (2011), High-resolution Ar-40/Ar-39 chronostratigraphy of the post-caldera (< 20 ka) volcanic activity at Pantelleria, Sicily Strait, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 309(3-4), 280-290.
Scaioni, M., L. Barazzetti, A. Giussani, M. Previtali, F. Roncoroni, and M. I. Alba (2014), Photogrammetric techniques for monitoring tunnel deformation, Earth Sci. Inform., 7(2), 83-95.
Scalera, G. (2006), Are artificial satellites orbits influenced by an expanding Earth?, Ann. Geophys., 49(2-3), 819-824.
Scambos, T. A., R. Ross, T. Haran, R. Bauer, D. G. Ainley, K. W. Seo, M. De Keyser, A. Behar, and D. R. MacAyeal (2013), A camera and rnultisensor automated station design for polar physical and biological systems monitoring: AMIGOS, Journal of Glaciology, 59(214), 303-314.
Scarfi, L., A. Messina, and C. Cassisi (2013), Sicily and southern Calabria focal mechanism database: a valuable tool for local and regional stress-field determination, Ann. Geophys., 56(1).
Scarpa, R., A. Amoruso, L. Crescentini, C. Fischione, L. A. Formisano, M. La Rocca, and F. Tronca (2008), Slow earthquakes and low frequency tremor along the Apennines, Italy, Ann. Geophys., 51(2-3), 527-538.
Schacht, C., and C. J. Lemckert (2007), A New Lagrangian-Acoustic Drogue (LAD) for Monitoring Flow Dynamics in an Estuary: a Quantification of its Water-Tracking Ability, J. Coast. Res., 420-426.
Schaefer, M., H. Machguth, M. Falvey, and G. Casassa (2013), Modeling past and future surface mass balance of the Northern Patagonia Icefield, Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 118(2), 571-588.
Schaetzl, R. J., H. Enander, M. D. Luehmann, D. P. Lusch, C. Fish, M. Bigsby, M. Steigmeyer, J. Guasco, C. Forgacs, and A. Pollyea (2013), Mapping the physiography of Michigan with GIS, Phys. Geogr., 34(1), 2-39.
Scharman, M. R., and T. L. Pavlis (2012), Kinematics of the Chugach metamorphic complex, southern Alaska: Plate geometry in the north Pacific margin during the Late Cretaceous to Eocene, Tectonics, 31(4).
Schattner, U., and R. Weinberger (2008), A mid-Pleistocene deformation transition in the Hula basin, northern Israel: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Dead Sea Fault, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 9.
Scheiber-Enslin, S. E., P. C. LaFemina, E. Sturkell, A. J. Hooper, and S. J. Webb (2011), Geodetic investigation of plate spreading along a propagating ridge: the Eastern Volcanic Zone, Iceland, Geophysical Journal International, 187(3), 1175-1194.
Scheidhauer, M., F. Marillier, and D. Dupuy (2005), Development of a system for 3D high-resolution seismic reflection profiling on lakes, Mar. Geophys. Res., 26(2-4), 183-195.
Scheinert, M., J. Muller, R. Dietrich, D. Damaske, and V. Damm (2008), Regional geoid determination in Antarctica utilizing airborne gravity and topography data, Journal of Geodesy, 82(7), 403-414.
Schenk, V., Z. Schenkova, M. Cajthamlova, and Z. Fucik (2010), GEONAS - GEODYNAMIC NETWORK OF PERMANENT GNSS STATIONS WITHIN THE CZECH REPUBLIC, Acta Geodyn. Geomater., 7(1), 99-+.
Schenk, V., Z. Schenkova, and Z. Jechumtalova (2007), Geodynamic hazard and risk assessments for sites close or in tectonic zones with shear movements, Environ. Geol., 51(7), 1113-1117.
Schenk, V., Z. Schenkova, and Z. Jechumtalova (2009), Geodynamic pattern of the West Bohemia region based on permanent GPS measurements, Stud. Geophys. Geod., 53(3), 329-341.
Schenk, V., Z. Schenkova, Z. Jechumtalova, and R. Pichl (2012), Crustal deformations in the epicentral area of the West Bohemia 2008 earthquake swarm in central Europe, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 117.
Scherliess, L., D. C. Thompson, and R. W. Schunk (2009), Ionospheric dynamics and drivers obtained from a physics-based data assimilation model, Radio Science, 44.
Scherllin-Pirscher, B., C. Deser, S. P. Ho, C. Chou, W. Randel, and Y. H. Kuo (2012), The vertical and spatial structure of ENSO in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere from GPS radio occultation measurements, Geophysical Research Letters, 39.
Schermer, E. R., R. Van Dissen, K. R. Berryman, H. M. Kelsey, and S. M. Cashman (2004), Active faults, paleoseismology, and historical fault rupture in northern Wairarapa, North Island, New Zealand, N. Z. J. Geol. Geophys., 47(1), 101-122.
Scherneck, H. G., M. Lidberg, R. Haas, J. M. Johansson, and G. A. Milne (2010), Fennoscandian strain rates from BIFROST GPS: A gravitating, thick-plate approach, Journal of Geodynamics, 50(1), 19-26.
Scherwath, M., G. Spence, K. Obana, S. Kodaira, K. Wang, M. Riedel, J. McGuire, and J. Collins (2011), Seafloor seismometers monitor northern Cascadia earthquakes, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 92(47), 421-422.
Schiek, C. G., and J. M. Hurtado (2006), Slip analysis of the Kokoxili earthquake using terrain-change detection and regional earthquake data, Geosphere, 2(3), 187-194.
Schiffman, C., B. S. Bali, W. Szeliga, and R. Bilham (2013), Seismic slip deficit in the Kashmir Himalaya from GPS observations, Geophysical Research Letters, 40(21), 5642-5645.
Schillak, S., E. Wnuk, H. Kunimori, and T. Yoshino (2006), Short note: Crustal deformation in the Key Stone network detected by satellite laser ranging, Journal of Geodesy, 79(12), 682-688.
Schindelegger, M., J. Bohm, D. Salstein, and H. Schuh (2011), High-resolution atmospheric angular momentum functions related to Earth rotation parameters during CONT08, Journal of Geodesy, 85(7), 425-433.
Schlindwein, V., C. Muller, and W. Jokat (2007), Microseismicity of the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel ridge, Arctic Ocean: a pilot study, Geophysical Journal International, 169(1), 100-112.
Schmalzle, G., T. Dixon, R. Malservisi, and R. Govers (2006), Strain accumulation across the Carrizo segment of the San Andreas Fault, California: Impact of laterally varying crustal properties, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 111(B5).
Schmalzle, G. M., R. McCaffrey, and K. C. Creager (2014), Central Cascadia subduction zone creep, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 15(4), 1515-1532.
Schmedes, J., S. Hainzl, S. K. Reamer, F. Scherbaum, and K. G. Hinzen (2005), Moment release in the Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany: seismological perspective of the deformation process, Geophysical Journal International, 160(3), 901-909.
Schmid, R., and M. Rothacher (2003), Estimation of elevation-dependent satellite antenna phase center variations of GPS satellites, Journal of Geodesy, 77(7-8), 440-446.
Schmid, R., M. Rothacher, D. Thaller, and P. Steigenberger (2005), Absolute phase center corrections of satellite and receiver antennas - Impact on global GPS solutions and estimation of azimuthal phase center variations of the satellite antenna, Gps Solutions, 9(4), 283-293.
Schmid, R., P. Steigenberger, G. Gendt, M. Ge, and M. Rothacher (2007), Generation of a consistent absolute phase-center correction model for GPS receiver and satellite antennas, Journal of Geodesy, 81(12), 781-798.
Schmidt, D. A., R. Burgmann, R. M. Nadeau, and M. d'Alessio (2005), Distribution of aseismic slip rate on the Hayward fault inferred from seismic and geodetic data, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 110(B8).
Schmidt, D. A., and H. Gao (2010), Source parameters and time-dependent slip distributions of slow slip events on the Cascadia subduction zone from 1998 to 2008, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 115.
Schmidt, M. (2007), Wavelet modelling in support of IRI, Advances in Space Research, 39(5), 932-940.
Schmidt, M., D. Bilitza, C. K. Shum, and C. Zeilhofer (2008), Regional 4-D modeling of the ionospheric electron density, Advances in Space Research, 42(4), 782-790.
Schmidt, M., D. Dettmering, M. Mossmer, Y. Y. Wang, and J. T. Zhang (2011), Comparison of spherical harmonic and B spline models for the vertical total electron content, Radio Science, 46.
Schmidt, M., S. C. Han, J. Kusche, L. Sanchez, and C. K. Shum (2006), Regional high-resolution spatiotemporal gravity modeling from GRACE data using spherical wavelets, Geophysical Research Letters, 33(8).
Schmidt, P., B. Lund, T. Arnadottir, and H. Schmeling (2012), Glacial isostatic adjustment constrains dehydration stiffening beneath Iceland, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 359, 152-161.
Schmidt, P., B. Lund, and C. Hieronymus (2012), Implementation of the glacial rebound prestress advection correction in general-purpose finite element analysis software: Springs versus foundations, Computers & Geosciences, 40, 97-106.
Schmidt, R., et al. (2006), GRACE observations of changes in continental water storage, Global and Planetary Change, 50(1-2), 112-126.
Schmidt, S., R. Hetzel, F. Mingorance, and V. A. Ramos (2011), Coseismic displacements and Holocene slip rates for two active thrust faults at the mountain front of the Andean Precordillera (similar to 33 degrees S), Tectonics, 30.
Schmidt, T., G. Beyerle, S. Heise, J. Wickert, and M. Rothacher (2006), A climatology of multiple tropopauses derived from GPS radio occultations with CHAMP and SAC-C, Geophysical Research Letters, 33(4).
Schmidt, T., A. de la Torre, and J. Wickert (2008), Global gravity wave activity in the tropopause region from CHAMP radio occultation data, Geophysical Research Letters, 35(16).
Schmidt, T., J. Wickert, G. Beyerle, and S. Heise (2008), Global tropopause height trends estimated from GPS radio occultation data, Geophysical Research Letters, 35(11).
Schmidt, T., J. Wickert, and A. Haser (2010), Variability of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere observed with GPS radio occultation bending angles and temperatures, Advances in Space Research, 46(2), 150-161.
Schmidt, T., J. Wickert, S. Heise, F. Flechtner, E. Fagiolini, G. Schwarz, L. Zenner, and T. Gruber (2008), Comparison of ECMWF analyses with GPS radio occultations from CHAMP, Annales Geophysicae, 26(11), 3225-3234.
Schmitt, S. V., C. DeMets, J. Stock, O. Sanchez, B. Marquez-Azua, and G. Reyes (2007), A geodetic study of the 2003 January 22 Tecoman, Colima, Mexico earthquake, Geophysical Journal International, 169(2), 389-406.
Scholz, C. H., and J. Campos (2012), The seismic coupling of subduction zones revisited, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 117.
Schon, S. (2007), Affine distortion of small GPS networks with large height differences, Gps Solutions, 11(2), 107-117.
Schon, S., and H. Kutterer (2006), Uncertainty in GPS networks due to remaining systematic errors: The interval approach, Journal of Geodesy, 80(3), 150-162.
Schone, T., J. Illigner, P. Manurung, C. Subarya, Khafid, C. Zech, and R. Galas (2011), GPS-controlled tide gauges in Indonesia - a German contribution to Indonesia's Tsunami Early Warning System, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11(3), 731-740.
Schone, T., W. Pandoe, I. Mudita, S. Roemer, J. Illigner, C. Zech, and R. Galas (2011), GPS water level measurements for Indonesia's Tsunami Early Warning System, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11(3), 741-749.
Schotman, H. H. A., L. L. A. Vermeersen, P. Wu, M. R. Drury, and J. H. P. de Bresser (2009), Constraints on shallow low-viscosity zones in Northern Europe from future GOCE gravity data, Geophysical Journal International, 178(1), 65-84.
Schotman, H. H. A., P. Wu, and L. L. A. Vermeersen (2008), Regional perturbations in a global background model of glacial isostasy, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 171(1-4), 323-335.
Schrama, E. J. O., and P. Visser (2007), Accuracy assessment of the monthly GRACE geoids based upon a simulation, Journal of Geodesy, 81(1), 67-80.
Schrama, E. J. O., B. Wouters, and D. A. Lavallee (2007), Signal and noise in Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) observed surface mass variations, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 112(B8).
Schreiber, K. U., T. Klugel, and G. E. Stedman (2003), Earth tide and tilt detection by a ring laser gyroscope, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 108(B2).
Schreiber, K. U., A. Velikoseltsev, M. Rothacher, T. Klugel, G. E. Stedman, and D. L. Wiltshire (2004), Direct measurement of diurnal polar motion by ring laser gyroscopes, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 109(B6).
Schreiner, W., C. Rocken, S. Sokolovskiy, S. Syndergaard, and D. Hunt (2007), Estimates of the precision of GPS radio occultations from the COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 mission, Geophysical Research Letters, 34(4).
Schroder, T., S. Leroy, M. Stendel, and E. Kaas (2003), Validating the microwave sounding unit stratospheric record using GPS occultation, Geophysical Research Letters, 30(14).
Schroedter-Homscheidt, M., A. Drews, and S. Heise (2008), Total water vapor column retrieval from MSG-SEVIRI split window measurements exploiting the daily cycle of land surface temperatures, Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(1), 249-258.
Schubert, A., M. Jehle, D. Small, and E. Meier (2012), Mitigation of atmospheric perturbations and solid Earth movements in a TerraSAR-X time-series, Journal of Geodesy, 86(4), 257-270.
Schuler, T. (2006), Impact of systematic errors on precise long-baseline kinematic GPS positioning, Gps Solutions, 10(2), 108-125.
Schuler, T. (2007), 10 Hz or 10 s?, Gps Solutions, 11(2), 77-83.
Schuler, T. (2014), The TropGrid2 standard tropospheric correction model, Gps Solutions, 18(1), 123-131.
Schuler, T., H. Diessongo, and Y. Poku-Gyamfi (2011), Precise ionosphere-free single-frequency GNSS positioning, Gps Solutions, 15(2), 139-147.
Schuler, T., S. Junker, and Y. Poku-Gyamfi (2012), The corridor correction concept, Gps Solutions, 16(1), 95-104.
Schuler, T., and O. A. Oladipo (2014), Single-frequency single-site VTEC retrieval using the NeQuick2 ray tracer for obliquity factor determination, Gps Solutions, 18(1), 115-122.
Schunk, R. W., et al. (2004), Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM), Radio Science, 39(1).
Schurr, B., et al. (2014), Gradual unlocking of plate boundary controlled initiation of the 2014 Iquique earthquake, Nature, 512(7514), 299-+.
Schwab, M., F. Schlunegger, H. Schneider, G. Stockli, and D. Rieke-Zapp (2009), Contrasting sediment flux in Val Lumnezia (Graubunden, Eastern Swiss Alps), and implications for landscape development, Swiss J. Geosci., 102(2), 211-222.
Schwartz, D. P., P. J. Haeussler, G. G. Seitz, and T. E. Dawson (2012), Why the 2002 Denali fault rupture propagated onto the Totschunda fault: Implications for fault branching and seismic hazards, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 117.
Scicchitano, G., C. R. Spampinato, L. Ferranti, F. Antonioli, C. Monaco, M. Capano, and C. Lubritto (2011), Uplifted Holocene shorelines at Capo Milazzo (NE Sicily, Italy): Evidence of co-seismic and steady-state deformation, Quat. Int., 232, 201-213.
Scida, L. A., R. G. Ezquer, M. A. Cabrera, and M. Mosert (2009), IRI 2001/90 TEC predictions over a low latitude station, Advances in Space Research, 44(6), 736-741.
Scida, L. A., R. G. Ezquer, M. A. Cabrera, M. Mosert, C. Brunini, and D. Buresova (2012), On the IRI 2007 performance as a TEC predictor for the South American sector, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 81-82, 50-58.
Scott, B. J., and J. Travers (2009), Volcano monitoring in NZ and links to SW Pacific via the Wellington VAAC, Natural Hazards, 51(2), 263-273.
Scott, C., R. Lohman, M. Pritchard, P. Alvarado, and G. Sanchez (2014), Andean earthquakes triggered by the 2010 Maule, Chile (M-w 8.8) earthquake: Comparisons of geodetic, seismic and geologic constraints, J. South Am. Earth Sci., 50, 27-39.
Scott, J. B. T., G. H. Gudmundsson, A. M. Smith, R. G. Bingham, H. D. Pritchard, and D. G. Vaughan (2009), Increased rate of acceleration on Pine Island Glacier strongly coupled to changes in gravitational driving stress, Cryosphere, 3(1), 125-131.
Scott, J. B. T., A. M. Smith, R. G. Bingham, and D. G. Vaughan (2010), Crevasses triggered on Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, by drilling through an exceptional melt layer, Annals of Glaciology, 51(55), 65-70.
Searle, M. P., J. R. Elliott, R. J. Phillips, and S. L. Chung (2011), Crustal-lithospheric structure and continental extrusion of Tibet, J. Geol. Soc.
Sedlak, V., G. Nemcova, and M. Simcak (2007), GPS kinematics measurements accuracy testing, Acta. Montan. Slovaca., 12, 533-539.
Seemala, G. K., and C. E. Valladares (2011), Statistics of total electron content depletions observed over the South American continent for the year 2008, Radio Science, 46.
Segall, P., A. L. Llenos, S. H. Yun, A. M. Bradley, and E. M. Syracuse (2013), Time-dependent dike propagation from joint inversion of seismicity and deformation data, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 118(11), 5785-5804.
Seitz, F., and M. Schmidt (2005), Atmospheric and oceanic contributions to Chandler wobble excitatio
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