A word or phrase in a Complete Street Name that
1. Precedes and modifies the Street Name, but is separated from it by a Street Name Pre Type or a Street Name Pre Directional or both, or
2. Is placed outside the Street Name so that the Street Name can be used in creating a sorted (alphabetical or alphanumeric) list of street names.
1. A Street Name Pre Modifier precedes and modifies a Street Name, but is separated from the Street Name by a Street Name Pre Type or a Street Name Pre Directional or both. Any word or phrase of a Complete Street Name that precedes the Street Name Pre Directional (or that precedes the Street Name Pre Type, if the Complete Street Name has no Street Name Pre Directional) comprises the Street Name Pre Modifier.
2. In addition, words such as "The" and "Old" may be parsed as Street Name Pre Modifiers when they precede the Street Name but must be excluded from it so that the Street Name will be placed properly in a sorted alphanumeric list. For example, if "The Oaks Drive" should be listed as "Oaks Drive, The", then "The" may be parsed as a Street Name Pre Modifier. If, on the other hand, it should be listed as "The Oaks Drive", then "The" may be included in the Street Name.
3. If a Complete Street Name includes two or more consecutive directional words preceding the Street Name (e.g., Northwest East 14th Street, the last directional word is parsed as aStreet Name Pre Directional, and the preceding directional words are parsed as the Street Name Pre Modifier. See Complete Street Name notes for a general discussion of Complete Street Name parsing principles.
4. For numbered (or, occasionally, lettered) jurisdictional routes (e.g. "Kentucky State Highway 67"), the jurisdiction name and the administrative type of road are included with the type word in the Street Name Pre Type. They are not treated as Street Name Pre Modifiers. Thus for the preceding example, Street Name Pre Type = "Kentucky State Highway"; and Street Name = "67". See Street Name Pre Type for a more complete discussion.
5. Street Name Pre Modifiers are not common. Census Bureau TIGER Technical Documentation (Appendix D) lists the following examples of words that are often Street Name Post Modifiers because they are separated from the Street Name by a Street Name Pre DIrectional or a Street Name Pre Type: Alternate, Business, Bypass, Extended, Historic, Loop, Old, Private, Public, Spur. (Note that most of these words are also used as Street Name Pre Types).
6. USPS Publication 28 does not recognize Street Name Pre Modifiers. USPS Publication 28 standards are recognized within the Postal Addressing Profile of this standard.