80 Table 4.5.1: Mean Score values (out often) of ranking of factors for budget utilization inefficiency Main Budget holding sectors Ranking of reasons for possible budget utilization inefficiency Late budget release Length bureaucracy Lack of diligence of heads Lack of skilled finance staff Poor planning and management by budget holders Poor information exchange Social Sectors
3.31 8.33 2.85 3.02 6.10 4.15
Economic Sectors 5.32 1.96 5.99 2.16 9.09 3.01
Administi Sectors
9.09 3.10 2.17 2.61 5.52 4.26
Research: Finding complied EC Low budget utilization efficiency in the social sector of the Dawuro Zone Finance and Economic Development Department arose as a result of length bureaucracy, poor budget management and poor information exchange. These underlining
factors have mean score of 8.33, 6.1 and 4.5 respectively. Under spending of the budget provided by Dawuro Zone Finance and Economic Development Department Administrative sector arose as result of late budget release, poor budget planning and management by budge holders and poor information exchange in the sectors. The mean score value of these three are 9.09, 5.52 and 4.26 respectively.