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THAAD missiles take out US-China cooperation on North Korea

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China Relations Core - Berkeley 2016
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THAAD missiles take out US-China cooperation on North Korea

Dingli 16. Dr. Shen Dingli is a professor and Vice Dean at the Institute of International Studies, Fudan University. He is also the founder and director of China’s first non-government-based Program on Arms Control and Regional Security at Fudan University. [“Dialogue Represents the Way Forward” China US Focus March 14th 2016 URL:]
China is deeply unsettled by the attempt to deploy the THAAD system in the ROK under the pretext of installing a defense safeguard against the DPRK, and it strains relations between China and both the US and the ROK. Understandably, the ROK may want to develop or introduce some degree of anti-missile capabilities to defend itself as a sovereign nation, but to what degree? That is to be gauged and pondered anew. The THAAD is equipped with an X-band radar that could penetrate 2,000 miles, considering the breadth and length of the DPRK, the possible deployment of the THAAD would jeopardize China’s strategic security, which is beyond argument. Hence, China’s stern opposition to its deployment is based on solid ground. The fact that the defiance of the DPRK drives a wedge between China & US and China & ROK lays bare the vulnerabilities of these bilateral relations. To overcome this challenge, the three countries must rise above a flurry of diplomatic rhetoric and engage in high-level dialogue for pragmatic outcomes. During his visit to the US, Minister Wang Yi put forth a strategy whereas it hardens the “stick” and sweetens the “carrot” of the deal to up the ante for continued defiance, and entice the DPRK back to the negotiating table. For the “stick”, the newly adopted UN Security Council resolution demands aviation fuel embargo against the DPRK, which may well serve to ground the entire fleet in the DPRK. For the “carrot”, the goal is to promote denuclearization in tandem with transition from armistice to peace on the Korean Peninsula and realize enduring peace and security on the Peninsula.

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