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1. Plato attributed this pithy quote to the Scribes of Delphi in The ras, The Protagoras and Translated by WK. C. Guthrie (New York and London Penguin Classics,
2. Isaiah Berlin, The Hedgehog and the Fox (Chicago Elephant Paperbacks,
3. Conversation with Marvin Bressler, October 2000.
4. Research Interview page 3.
5. Research Interview page 22.
6. "Convenience with a Difference" Forbes, June 11, 1990.
7. Walgreens Annual Report 1998, 16.
8. "Turning In" Forbes, April 13,
"Tandy Agrees to Buy Assets of Eckerd Unit" Wall Street Journal, July 5,
1985, A.
10. Moody's Industrial Subsidiary List (Mergent FIS, 2000).
11. Lawrence A. Cunningham and Warren E.
Buffett, The Essays of Warren
Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America (Cunningham Group, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University
12. Warren Buffett's Favorite Banker" Forbes, October 18,
13. "Wells Targets Southern California" American Banker, July 10,
1987, 1; "Wells to Cut Overseas Activities to Boost Its Profit" Wall Street May 3, 1985, A "Wells Trims Its Sails" American Banker, May
1985, 2; "A Banker Even Keynes Might Love" Forbes, July 2,
14. Launches Probe" Wall Street January 28, 1985, A "More Than Mortgages Ails Fortune, April 1, 1985,
50; "Big Quarterly Deficit Stuns Wall Street July
18, 1985, Al "Sam Armacost's Sea of Troubles" Banker, September 1,
1985, 18.
15. Research Interview pages 5, 13.
16. Research Interview pages
17. "Boot Camp for Bankers" Forbes, July 23, 1990,273.
18. "Hospital Suppliers Strike Back" New York Times, March 3 1, 1985, C 1; The Abbott Almanac Years of Commitment to Quality Health Care
(Elmsford, NY Benjamin Company, 1987, 170,210; "Abbott Profiting from Products That Cut Costs" Business Week, June 18, 1984, 56; "In Medical Testing, Abbott Is the Name of the Game" Business Week, June
19. Riptide Can Manage Its Way out of a Product Gap" Financial World, September 5, 1989, 26; The Corporation Strategies Will This Formula Cure What Ails As the Sharks Circle, It's Spending Big on and Marketing" Business Week, September 18,

20. "Riptide Can Manage Its Way out of a Product Gap" Financial World, September 5,
21. Mergers Finally Makes It to the Big Leagues How CEO Zabriskie Engineered the Pharmacia Merger" Business Week, September and 1961 Abbott Annual Reports.
23. "Hasbro May Alter Bid to Appease Tonka Holders" London Financial Times, April 16, 199
"Tonka Says Yes to Hasbro" London Financial Times, April 19, 1991, 30.
24. "Tobacco Profit Despite Attacks" New York Times, January 25, 1979,
25. James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras, Built to Last (New York Collins,
26. Bryan and John Helyar, Barbarians at the Gate (New York
27. Research Interview A, page 13.
28. "An Iconoclast in a Cutthroat World" Chief Executive, March 1996.
29. "Gillette Holds Its Edge by Endlessly Searching fora Better Shave" Wall Street December 10, 1992, Al.
30. Research Interview G, page 7.
3 1. The comparison displayed an obsession with growth were Bank of America, Addressograph-Multigraph, Eckerd, Great Western Financial, Silo,
Warner-Lambert, Burroughs, Chrysler, Harris, Rubbermaid, and
32. "The Wall Street Transcript Corporate Critics Confidential Savings and Loan Industry" Wall Street Journal, June 12,
33. "How Playing It Safe Worked for Great Western" Business Week, September. "The Wall Street Transcript Remarks by James F. Montgomery to the Boston Security Analysts Society, October 8, 1985," Wall Street Transcript, December 23, 1985,80245.
35. Ina letter to Carl Seelig, Einstein wrote, "Between the conception of the idea of Special Relativity and the completion of the corresponding publication, there elapsed five or six weeks. But it would be hardly correct to consider this as a birthday, because earlier the arguments and building blocks were being prepared over a period of years. Ina letter to RS.
Shankland in 1952, he estimated he "had worked for ten years" on the special theory. Ronald W. Clark, Einstein The Life and Times (New York and Cleveland The World Publishing Company,
74-85, 120.

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