But can we afford to run vans three times as often ?
Circulator Route Vehicles : Van vs Bus
If we had 6 van trips per hour , instead of 2 bus trips, then Riders per hour would double.
Bus subsidy per 6 mile trip : about $42.00
Taxi Van subsidy per trip : about $12.00
Taxi Van requires 1/3 the subsidy of a bus
Subsidy per rider drops from $ 2.83 to $1.20
By combining increased fares with lower cost per vehicle hour : We can run a van every 10 minutes for less subsidy than required to run a bus every 30 minutes
I want to talk now, in more detail about :
Why Improve Public Transit ??
Better Public Transit could save working poor $320 million / year
There are 270,000 workers making less than $28,000 a year in Austin metro area
Yet $30,000 a Year is the minimum for Basic Economic Security
CMT would increase work destinations public transit can reach from 22% to 80%
Public transit riders would jump 3 fold from 40,000 to 120,000
CMT would bring in 80,000 new riders
CMT would cost riders less than $2000 per year
Yet Cars Cost $6000 a year
CMT riders would save $4000 per year
80,000 new riders x $4000 = $ 320 million a year
Here is evidence that we have a lot of working poor in Austin :
270,000 low wage workers making less than $28,000/YR
Many are working in restaurant and retail
Most are driving cars they can’t afford.
Most workers in this pay range need child care assistance because both parents have to work.
Stats from Bureau of Labor Statistics
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