if I told you to edit the trigger what will you do? I will check the dependencies first, that means particular trigger is configured with how many pipelines and the same changes will be apply for all the pipelines. how will monitor your trigger runs and pipeline runs? We are using the ADF UI. we will click on the Monitor icon on the left sidebar. will it be possible to run my jobs automatically without using triggers? Yes, we can by using power shell script and logic app. Difference between version1 and version2?
ADFv1 –there is no triggers and we need to write the jsone code.
ADFv2 –triggers avalible and code free environment.
I am copying files based on lasted modified date, with some reason I could not able to process last 3days file, how would you handle this situation without modifying trigger? Whie doing the pipeline designs we need to think all the situations and built in such way not to modify the triggers. To overcome this, we did tumbling window concept to build the pipelines and make sure in built tumbling will work when it got stopped the execution from there on wards it will pick up and handle the situation.
how many windows you can setup in your tumbling window? We can set up maximum 50 windows if your pipeline activity got failed in middle of the process, how will you start from that failed activity itself? Rerun from failed activity option is avalible I will do from there.
Can we achieve recurrence using Schedule trigger? Yes we can do it. Any Data Factory pipeline can be executed using three methods Under Debug mode
Manual execution using Trigger now
Using an added scheduled, tumbling window or event trigger
How to rerun a pipe line from Data Factory Monitor? Very IMP Simply navigate to the ‘Monitor’ => Pipeline Runs => Triggered => Click below red circle rerun icon