LUZZASCHI Libro V de' Madrigali 1595 Ven
Ahi cruda sorte mia Ven CI*
A l'hor fia lieto il core (2) Ven
Aura ch'errando intorno (2) Ven
Cinto di neve homai Ven
Come viva il mio core Ven
Credete a me (2) Ven
Ecco o dolce, o gradita (2) Ven
Godete anima bella Ven
Io vissi anima mia Ven
Itene a volo Ven
Lungi da te cor moi Ven CI*
Moro ardendo Ven
Non guardar, che se guardi Ven
O miracol d'amore Ven
Parte da corpo da voi Ven
Puo ben fortuna far Ven
Se la mia vita sete Ven
Se parti i'moro Ven
Tu godi o bell'amante Ven
Vivo da voi lontana Ven
Dame di Ferrara 1601 (1-3 Soprani, Bc) Var
Aura soave (a1) Var
O primavera (a1) Var
Ch'io non t'ami (a1) Var
Stral pungente d'amore (a2) Var
Deh vieni ormai (a2) Var
Cor mio deh non languire (a2) Var
I'mi son giovinetta (a2) Var
O dolcezze amarissime d'amore (a3) Var
Troppo ben puo (a3) Var
T'amo mia vita (a3) Var
Non sa che sia dolore (a3) Var
Occhi del pianto mio (a3) Var
Cor mio, benche lontana (Lib VI) Ven
Itene mie querele (Lib VI) Ven CI*
Gioite voi col canto (Lib VII) Ven
Ven La Venexiana, Libro Vde' Madrigali, GLOSSA
Var Vartolo ua, Conc delle Dame di Ferrara, HMF
CI* Concerto Italiano →GESUALDO, Madrigale V+VI, OPS
Missa Gaudeamus Card
Missa Laetatus sum Six3
Missa O magnum mysterium Oxf
Missa O quam gloriosum Oxf JCC
Missa Pro victoria Card
Missa Salve Regina Six1
Missa Trahe me post te CWC
Requiem (Missa defunctorum) Tal1 Gab JCC (Hil)
Größere Kirchenmusik
Lamentationes 1-9 (compl) Six2
Tenebrae Responsoriae 1-18 (compl) Tal2
Magnificat primi toni a8 Six1 JCC CWC
Magnificat sexti toni a12 Six3
Motetten, Antiphone, Psalmen, Hymnen
Ad caenam agni providi a4 Six3
Alma redemptoris mater a8 Six1 CWC
Ardens est cor meum Oxf
Ave Maria Six1 Oxf
Ave maris stella a4 Six1
Ave regina coelorum CWC
Cum beatus Ignatius Card
Descendit angelus Domini Card
Doctor bonus, amicus Dei Andreas Card
Ecce sacerdos magnus Card
Estote fortes in bello Card
Hic vir despiciens mundum Card
Laetatus sum a12 Six3
Libera me, Domine JCC Gab
O decus apostolicum Card
O magnum mysterium Oxf $Gab
O quam gloriosum Oxf JCC
Pange lingua Six2
Quem vidistis, pastores Gab2
* Regina coeli laetare a8 Six1 CWC $Chant*
Salve regina a8 Six1 CWC
Trahe me post te CWC
Tu es Petrus Card
Vadam et circuibo Six3 $Oxf
Veni creator spiritus a4 Six3
Veni sponsa Christi Card
Versa est in luctum Gab
Vexilla regis Six2
Vidi speciosam Six3
Oxf Oxford Camerata: Messen, Motetten NAX
Six1 The Sixteen Vol 1: Messe, Marienmotet. COL
Six2 The Sixteen Vol 2: Lamentationen COL
Six3 The Sixteen Vol 3: Messe, Motetten COL
Card The Cardinall's Musick ASV
JCC St John's College Cambridge: Messen DEC
Gab Gabrieli Consort: Requiem ARC
Tal1 Tallis Scholars: Requiem GIM
Tal2 Tallis Scholars: Tenebrae GIM
Hil Hilliard Ens, In Paradisum (+PALESTRINA) ECM
CWC Choir of Westminter Cathedral HYP
$Oxf Oxford Camerata, Renaiss. Masterpieces NAX
Gab2 Gab. Consort: Palestrina, Hodie Christus ARC
CERTON La,la,la, je ne l'ose dire $KingMad $amarcord
BERTRAND De nuit, le bien : Chanson $FC
MANTOVANO Lirum bililirum $KingMad
Un sonar de piva : Dudelsack $Piffaro
CARLTON Verse d-moll : 2 Orgeln $
DENSS Allemande - Passamezzo - Gagliarde $
GUERRERO La Perra mora (Baile) $
DAZA Lieder zur Laute & Vihuela $
ORTEGA Pues que me tienes, Miguel $
FONSECA Beata viscera $Port
BENDUSI Pass'e mezzo il Romano $Piffaro
Moschetta $Piffaro
Bandera $Piffaro
AZZAIOLO Aldi, dolce ben mio $Piffaro
Bona via faccia barca $Piffaro
Gentil madonna $Piffaro
CONFORTI Ricercar del IV tono : Flötenquartett $
CASTILLO Tiento tono II : Orgel $
GALLUS (HANDL) Missa Sancta Maria
Opus musicum : Motetten
Moralia 1-47 (vollst)
Harmoniae morales 1-53 (vollst)
Canite turba in Sion $ProCant
Ave Maria $ProCant
VECCHI L'Amfiparnaso : Madrigalkomödie +
Il Convito Musicale (Auszug)
Clorinda : Bläser $
Amor e foco e ghiaccio : BlFlöten $Piffaro
CAVALIERI Rappresentatione di Anima e di Corpo
Lamentationes 1599
Lamentationes 1600
Responsoria 1600
HARDING Fancy : Flötenquartett $
CACCINI Madrigale
Canti amorosi $
Amarilli mia bella
Belle rose porporine
Perfidissimo volto
Udite, udite amanti
Odi Euterpe : VaGamba, Chitarrone, Harfe $
MARENZIO Madrigalbücher
A 4 voci lib I 1585 Al1
A 5 voci lib VI 1594 Ven1
A 5 voci lib IX 1599 Ven2
Einzelne Madrigale
Basciami mille volte 5v lib V 1585 Al2
Caro Aminta pur voi 6v lib IV 1587 Al2
Come inanti de l'alba 6v lib I 1581 + Jac
Consumando mi vo 5v lib V 1585 Al2
Cosi nel mio parlar 5v lib IX 1599 + Al2
Cruda Amarilli 5v lib VII 1595 Al2
Crudele acerba 5v lib IX 1599 + Jac
Deh rinforzate 6v lib I 1581 Al2
Del cibo onde il ... 6v lib II 1584 Jac
Dolorosi martir 5v lib I 1580 Al2
Donne il celeste (9v) 6v lib IV 1593 Al2
E s'io mi doglio 6v lib II 1584 Al2
Fuggi speme mia 6v lib II 1584 Al2
Giunto a la tomba 5v lib IV 1584 Jac
La dove sono 6v lib II 1584 Al2
Liquide perle 5v lib I 1580 Al2
Ne fero sdegno mai 6v lib IV 1587 Al2
O verdi selv'o 6v lib VI 1595 + Al2
Per duo coralli 6v lib I 1581 Al2
Rimanti in pace 5v lib VI 1594 Jac
Satiati Amor 6v lib II 1584 Al2
Sola angioletta 5v lib V 1585 Jac
Strider faceva 5v lib II 1581 Jac
Tirsi morir volea 5v lib I 1580 Jac Al2
Udite lagrimosi 5v lib VI 1594 + Al2
Vaghi e lieti 6v lib II 1581 Al2
Venuta era 5v lib I 1580 Jac
Vezzosi angelli 4v lib I 1585 Jac
Liquide perle Amor (Laute) 1593 Al2
Ond'ei di morte (Bläser) $
Tirsi morir volea (Cembalo) Al2
Al1 Alessandrini, Conc Italiano, A 4 voci Lib I, OPUS
Al2 Alessandrini, Conc Italiano, Madrigali, OPUS
Ven1 La Venexiana, A 5 voci Lib VI, GLOSSA
Ven2 La Venexiana, A 5 voci Lib IX, GLOSSA
Jac Jacobs, Concerto Vocale, Madrigali, HMF
GASTOLDI Amor vittorioso $KingMad
Cantiam lieti cantiamo $Hill
LECHNER Si bona suscepimus * (→HASSLER)
LOBO, Alonso Missa Maria Magdalene
Lamentationes Ieremiae $Kings
Ave Maria
Ave Regina caelorum
Credo quod redemptor
Libera me $Kings
O quam suavis est, Domine (6st) + ($)
Quam pulchri sunt
Versa est in luctum +4 (* VICTORIA:Gab+Tal, $Kings)
Vivo ego, dicit Dominus
COELHO Segunda Susanna grosada (Cembalo) $
Tento do primeiro ton (Cembalo) $
Tento do quarto ton (Orgel) $
GABRIELI Geistl. Vokalmusik
O magnum mysterium (1587) C 3 Cleo
Symphoniae sacrae II (1615)
Buccinate in neomenia C 84 Par1 Gab1
Exaudi me Domine C 82 $HE
In ecclesiis C 78 Par1 Gab1 Cleo
Iubilate Deo a10 C 65 Par1 Gab1 $Gar
Magnificat a14 C 79 Par1
Magnificat a17 C 83 Par1
Misericordia tua Domine C 69 Par1 Gab1
O Jesu mi dulcissime C 56 Gab3
Quem vidistis pastores C 77 Par1 Cleo Gab3
Regina coeli C 49 Gab2
Salvator noster C 80 Gab3
Surrexit Christus C 66 Par1 Gab2
Suscipe clementissime C 70 Par1 Gab1
Diverse Sammeldrucke
Audite principes C 123 Par2 Gab3
Domine Deus meus C 127 Gab1
Dulcis Jesu a20 C 128 Par2 Gab2
Hic est filius Dei C 132 Par2 Gab2
Jubilate Deo a8 C 135 Par2 Cleo
Miserere mei/ Gloria C 137 Par2
O Jesu mi dulcissime C 140 Par2 Cleo
Timor et tremor C 142 Gab1 Cleo
Magnificat a33 (rekon) C 151 Gab1
Ricercari (1595) Hesp
Sopra re fa mi : Viola da Gamba
Symphoniae sacrae I: Bläserensemble (1597)
Canzon 1. toni a 8 C 170 LSO2
Canzon 1. toni a 10 C 176 LSO3 Hesp
Canzon 4. toni a 15 C 185 LSO3 $Güt
Canzon 7. toni a 8 Nr 1 C 171 LSO3
Canzon 7. toni a 8 Nr 2 C 172 LSO1
Canzon 7. + 8. toni C 182 LSO1
Sonata 8. toni a 12 C 184 LSO2
Canzon 9. toni a 12 C 173 LSO1
Canzon 9. toni a 8 C 183 LSO1
Canzon 9. toni a 12 C 183 Gab3
Canzon 12. toni a 10 C 179 Gab3
Canzon 12. toni a 8 C 174 LSO3
Canzon 12. toni a 10 Echo C 180 LSO1/03 Hesp Par2
Canzon 12. toni a 10 Nr 2 C 178? LSO3
Sonata pian e forte C 175 LSO1 Par3 Par2
Canzoni per sonar : Bläserensemble (1608)
Canzon I La Spiritata C 186 LSO2 Hesp
Canzon II a 4 C 187 LSO2 Hesp
Canzon III a 4 C 188 LSO2
Canzon IV a 4 C 189 LSO3
Canzon XXVII a 8 C 190 Hesp
Canzon XXVIII a 8 C 191 LSO1
Canzon per sonar a 4 C 194? Cleo
Canzoni e sonate : Bläser & Str (1615)
Canzon I a 5 C 195 LSO3 Hesp Par3
Canzon II a 6 C 196 LSO2 Par3
Canzon III a 6 C 197 LSO2 Par3 Hesp
Canzon IV a 6 C 198 LSO3 Par3 Cleo
Canzon V a 7 C 199 LSO2
Canzon VI a 7 C 200 LSO2
Canzon VII a 7 C 201 LSO1 Hesp Par3
Canzon VIII a 8 C 202 LSO1 Par3 Gab2
Canzon IX a 8 C 203 LSO1
Canzon X a 8 C 204 LSO3
Canzon XI a 8 C 205 LSO1
Canzon XII a 8 C 206 LSO2 Cleo
Sonata XIII a 10 C 207 LSO1 Par3
Canzon XIV a 10 C 208 LSO1 Gab1
Canzon XV a 12 C 209 LS03 Par3 Gab2
Canzon XVI a 12 C 210 LSO2
Canzon XVII a 14 C 211 LSO1 Par2 Gab2
Sonata XVIII a 15 C 212 Gab1 LSO2 Par2 $Güt
Sonata XIX a 22 C 213 Gab1 LSO2 Par3 $Güt
Sonata XX a 4/5 C 214 Gab1 LSO3 Par2 $Güt
Sonata XXI 3 violini C 215 Gab1 LSO3 Par3 Par2
Canzon a 12 im Doppelecho C ? LSO1
Toccata a4 C 237 Gab1
Intonazioni del IX/XII tono C 247/0 Gab1
Intonazione del VII/XII tono C 245/9 Gab3
Ricercare del tono 7 e 8 C ? $Mic
Fantasia del tono 4 C 227 $Mic
Fuga del tono 9 C 228/9 $Mic
Cleo Cleobury, The Glory of Venice ARG
Gab1 Gabrieli Consort, San Rocco ARC
Gab2 Gabrilei Consort, Ostermesse ARC (→ LASSO)
Gab3 Gabrieli Consort, Weihnacht ARC (→ de RORE)
Par1 Parrott, Symphoniae sacrae II OIS
Par2 Parrott, Canzonas, Sonatas ua EMI
Par3 Parrott, Canzoni e Sonate ARC
Hesp Hesperion XX, Canzoni da sonare EMI
LSO1 London Symph Orch Brass Vol 1 NAX
LSO2 London Symph Orch Brass Vol 2 NAX
LSO3 London Symph Orch Brass Vol 3 NAX
$Gar Gardiner, Jubilate Deo PHI$
$Güt Güttler, Bläsermusik Schütz-Zeit CAP$
$Mic Micconi, Venez. Orgel MOT$
CALVISIUS Freut euch und jubiliert $Lips
MORLEY Madrigale
April is in my mistress face $Hill
Arise, awake $Rool
Besides a fountain $Rool
Cruel, wilt thou persevere $Kin2
Deep lamenting $Rool
Fire and lightning $Rool $Hill
Hard by a crystal fountain $Rool
Hark! Alleluia $Rool
I love, alas, I love thee $Amar $Kin2
In every place $Rool
In nets of golden wires $Hill
Miracolous love's wounding $Hill
No, no, no, Nigella $Rool
Now is the month of maying $Kin2
O grief ev'n on the bud $Rool $Hill
On a fair morning $Kin2
Phillis, i fain would die now $Rool
Shoot false love $Kin2
Singing alone $Rool
Sing we and chant it $Kin2
Stay heart, run not so fast $Rool
Sweet nymphe, come to thy lover $Hill
Though Philomela lost her love $Kin2
When loe by break of morning $Hill
Absence, hear thou my protestation $Rool
Mistress mine $Rool
Sleep, slumb'ring eyes $Rool
With my love $Rool
Fancie $Fitzw
$Hill Hilliard Ensemble, Engl. Madrigals, EMI
Rool Rooley Consort, Ayres & Madrigals, OIS
$Rool Rooley Consort, Engl. Madrigals, DEC 2 (id Rool)
$King King's Singers' Madrigal Tour, EMI
$Kin2 King's Singers, English Madrigals, EMI
$Amar Ensemble amarcord, Insalata, APO
$Fitzw van Asperen, Fitzwilliam Virginal Book
GUSSAGO Sonata La facca : Schalmei $Piffaro
Sonata La fontana : BlFlöten $Piffaro
BARBARINO Audi, dulcis anima mea (Ghirlanda 1625) (GABRIELI)
Ardens est cor meum (Motetti I 1610) (GABRIELI)
SPADI € Diminuziuni su 'Anchor che c'ol partire' $Giard€
BARTLET Of all the birds that I do know $KingMad
GESUALDO Tenebrae : Responsorien der Karwoche (1611)
In coena Domini - Gründonnerstag Hil
In parasceve - Karfreitag Hil
Sabbato sancto - Karsamstag Hil Tal
Benedictus, Miserere
Benedictus Hil
Miserere Hil
Sacrarum Cantionum I (1603) Oxf
Ave dulcissima Maria + Tal
Ave regina coelorum + Tal
Deus refugium et virtus
Dignare me laudare te
Domine ne despicias
Exaudi Deus
Hei mihi Domine
Illumina faciem tuam
Laboravi in gemitu meo
Maria, Mater gratiae + Tal
O crux benedicta
O vos omnes
Peccantem me quotidie
Precibus et meritis + Tal
Reminiscere miserationum
Sancti Spiritus Domine
Tribularer si nescirem
Tribulationem et dolorem
Venit lumen tuum Jerusalem
Libro II (1594) Ven
Sento che nel partire
Se taccio il duol s'avanza
Libro III (1595) Nr 3,8,9,11 Art
Libro IV (1596) vollst 1-15 Ven
Nr 1,3,4,11,18 Art
Libro V (1611) vollst 1-21 Roo
Nr 11 Ven
Nr 1,2,8,10,11,14,15 CI
Libro VI (1611)
Nr 1,6,13,14 Art
Nr 1+2 CI
Gagliarda del Principe de Venosa $Uls $Trag
Canzon francese del Principe Ven Art $Trag
Hil Hilliard Ens: Tenebrae der Karwoche, 2 CD, ECM
Tal Tallis Scholars: Tenebrae (Karsamstag), GIM
Oxf Oxford Camerata: Sacrarum Cantionum I, NAX
Ven La Venexia: Libro IV dei madrigali, GLOSSA
Roo Rooley Consort: Libro V dei madrigali, OIS
CI Conc Italiano: Libro V+VI dei madrigali (sel), OPS
Art Les Arts Florissants: Madrigale a5, HMF
$Uls Ulsamer Collegium, Tanzmusik, 4 CD, ARC
$Tra Tragicomedia, Sprezzatura, EMI
ANERIO Venite ad me omnes *
NANINO Haec dies *
GIOVANELLI Jubilate Deo *
PRAETORIUS, H. Kyrie martyrum : Orgel $
BRADE Neue Branden & Intraden (1617) : Bläser $
FARNABY Construe my meaning (Madrigal) $KinEngMad
Up Tail's All : Cembalo $Fitz
PHILIPS Cembalowerke $Fitz
Amarilli di Julio Romano $
Pavana & Galliarda dolorosa Tregian $
Fantasia F-dur $Tsur
HAUSSMANN Tantz : Zink, Krh, Pommer, Gamben $
Paduan : Flöte, 5 Gamben $
Galliard : Flöten, 4 Gamben $
Catkanei : Flöten, 4 Gamb, Krummhorn $
BALDWIN Werke für Flötenquartett $
PERI Madrigale (Canti amorosi)
Bellissima regina $
O durezza di ferro e di diamante $
Tra le donne onde s'onora $
ROGIER Laboravi in gemitu meo $OxfCam
Instrumental (MORALES, Missa Mille regretz)
Cancion Ecce sacerdos magnus : 5 BlFl
Canciones (2) : 2 Zink, 2 Schal, 2 Pos
Hymn: Ad coenam / Agni providi $EFO2
Magnificat toni V $EFO2
BULL Cembalo
The King's Hunt + ($)
In nomine IX, XII
Fantasia X,XII
Queen Elizabth's Chromatic Pavan & Galliard +
Fantastic Pavan & Galliard +
Pavan & Galliard St Thomas Wake
Quadran Pavan & Galliard II,III
Spanish Pavan
Trumpet Pavan
Melancholy Pavan
Prince's Galliard
Italian Galliard
Germain's Alman
Dutch Dance
Canon in subdiapente
Doctor Bull's My Selfe
Ut re mi fa so la $Fitz
Prelude d-moll & In nomine a-moll $
Een kindeken is uns geboren G-dur $
Fantasy $
In nomine (2) $
SWEELINCK Freie Orgelwerke
Hexachord-Fantasie I.35
Echo-Fantasie A-dur I.76
Echo-Fantasie a-moll
Echo-Fantasie C-dur I.79
Toccata C-dur I.118 +
Toccata a-moll
Präludium F-dur I.137
Ballo del Granduca III.3 +
Poolsche Dans
Gebundene Orgelwerke
Allein Gott in der Höh' II.1
Erbarm' Dich mein, o Herre Gott
Mein junges Leben hat ein End III.23 +3 ($)
Onder een linde groen
Malle Sijmen
Fantasia cromatica $
Fantasia in D $Gould
Pavana Lachrimae (nach DOWLAND) $
Ballo del Granduca + $$
DOWLAND Vokalwerke
First Book of Songs (1597) Roo1
Unquiet thhoughts
Who ever thinks and hopes of love
My thoughts are winged with hopes + Roge Dell
If my complaints should passions move + Roge Dell Rick
Can she excuse my wrongs + Rick
Now, o now, I needs must part + Hill Rick
Dear, if you change
Burst forth my tears
Go crystal tears + Hill Dell
Think'st you then by thy feigning + Rick
Come away, come sweet love + Roge
Rest awhile, you cruel cares + Dell
Sleep, wayward thoughts
All ye, whom Love or Fortune + Dell
Wilt you unkind thus reave me? + Roge Dell Rick
Would my conceit
Come again, sweet love + Dell Rick
His golden locks + Hill Rick
Awake, sweet love + Hill Roge
Come, heavy sleep + Roge Dell Rick Miel
Away with these self-loving lads + Dell
Second Book of Songs (1600) Roo2
I saw my Lady weep + Roge Rick
Flow my tears + Roge Rick Miel
Sorrow, sorrow, stay + Roge Rick Miel
Die not before thy day
Mourn, day is with darkness fled
Time's eldest son
Then sit thee down
When others sing Venite
Praise blindless eyes
O sweet woods
If floods of tears
Fine knacks for ladies + Roge Rick
Now cease my wand'ring eyes
Come ye heavy states of night
White as lilies was her face
Woefull heart
A shepherd in a shade + Hill Dell
Faction that ever dwells
Shall I sue + Roge
Toss not my soul
Clear or cloudy + Miel
Humour say what mak'st thou here
Third Book of Songs (1603) Roo3
Fairwell, too fair
Time stands still + Rick Miel
Behold a wonder here
Daphne was not to chaste
Me, me, and none but me + Rick
When Phoebus first did Daphne love + Roge Dell Rick
Say, Love, if ever thou didst find + Roge Rick
Flow not so fast, ye fountains
What if i never speed? + Hill Dell
Love stood amazed
Lend your ears to my sorrow
By a fountain whre I lay
O what hath overwrought
Farewll, unkind
Weep you no more, sad fountains + Roge
Fie on this feigning + Roge
I must complain
It was a Time when silly bees
The lowest trees have tops
What poor astronomers are they
Come when I call
A Pilgrimes Solace (1612)
Fourth Book of Songs
Disdaine me still Hill
Tell me true love Hill Dell
Thou mighty God Hill
When Davids live Hill
When the poor Criple Hill
Welcome black night Hill
Cease these false sports Hill
Love those beams Roge
Sweet stay awhile Roge Dell
To ask for all thy love Roge
Were every thought an eye Roge
Shall I strive with words to move? Roge
Stay time awhile thy flying Rick
From silent night Miel
A Musical Banquet (1610)
Lady, if you so spite me Rick
In darkness let me dwell Rick Miel
Lamentatio Henrici Noel (ca 1614) Hill
The Lamentation of a sinner -
O Lord, turn not away thy face
Domine ne in furore -
Lord in thy wrath reprove me not
Misere mei Deus -
O Lord consider my distress
The humble sute of a sinner -
O Lord of whom i do depend
The complaint of a sinner -
Where righteousness does say
De profundis -
Lord to thee I make my mone
Domine exaudi -
Lord hear my prayer
Werke für Violenconsort & Laute
Lachrimae or Seven Tears (1604) Roo4
Lachrimae antiquae + Miel
Lachrimae antiquae novae + Miel
Lachrimae gementes
Lachrimae tristes
Lachrimae coactae
Lachrimae amantis + Miel
Lachrimae verae + Miel
Semper Dowland semper dolens + Miel
Mr John Langton's Pavane
Mr Nicholas Gryffith his Galiard
Sir John Souch his Galiard
Mr Giles Hoby his Galiard
The King of Denmark Galiard
Sir Henry Umptons Funerall
Mr Henry Noel his Galiard
The Earl of Essex Galiard + Miel
Mr Buctons Galliard
Mr George Whitehead his Almand
Captain Digorie Piper his Galiard + Miel
Mr Thomas Collier his Galiard
Mrs. Nichols Almand
Queen Elizabeth her Galiard $
Mrs Winter's Jump $
Forlorn Hope Fancy Miel
Farewell Fancy Miel
Diskographie Dowland
Roo- Rooley, Booke of Songes 1-3 OIS
Hill Hilliard Ensemble, Ayres EMI
Rick Rickards, Lute Songs NAX
Roge Rogers, Songs for Tenor & Lute VIR
Miel Mields, In darkness let me dwell DHM
Dell Deller, Ayres & Lute Lessons HMF
Roo4 Rooley, Lachrimae 1604 OIS
HASSLER Missa super Dixit Maria (I)
Ad Dominum
Domine Deus Israel
O admirabile commercium
Usquequo Domine
Vater unser im Himmelreich
Tanzen und springen $KingMad
Ach weh des leiden $KingMad
Canzon : Bläser $
Echo-Fantasie : Orgel $
PERAZA Medio registro alto : Orgel $
MOLINARO Il conte Orlando - Saltarello $
Pass'e mezzo : Laute $
LOBO, Duarte Missa Vox clamantis
Missa pro defunctis (Requiem) + (*)
Audivi vocem de caelo $Port
Pater, peccavi $Port
CARDOSO Missa pro defunctis + (*)
Missa Miserere mihi Domine
Magnificat + ($Port)
Magnificat II toni
Lamentatio $Port
Libera me
Mulier quae erat
Non mortui
Nos autem gloriari
Panis Angelicus $Pif
PICCININI Ciaconna : Theorbe $MAK.Lam
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