Winter 2008 Intrusion Detection Using the Dempster-Shafer Theory

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The scientists who have conducted experiments using the Dempster-Shafer theory have utilized various datasets in their research. The DARPA DDoS intrusion detection evaluation datasets are a popular choice among many intrusion detection system (IDS) testers. It is no different when it came to testing the Dempster-Shafer IDS models. Yu and Frincke [2005] used the DARPA 2000 DDoS intrusion detection evaluation dataset to test their model. Chou et al. [2007 and 2008] used the DARPA KDD99 intrusion detection evaluation dataset. The KDD99 dataset can be found at

According to Chou et al. [2007], the DARPA KDD99 data set is made up of a large number of network traffic connections and each connection is represented with 41 features. Further, each connection had a label of either normal or the attack type. They stated that the data set contained 39 attack types which fall into four main categories. They are, Denial of Service (DoS), Probe, User to Root (U2R), and Remote to Local (R2L). The authors have reduced the size of the original data set by removing duplicate connections. They further modified the data set by replacing features represented by symbolic values and class labels by numeric values. Also, they normalized values of each feature to between 0 and 1 in order to offer equal importance among features. The 1998 DARPA intrusion detection evaluation data set was used by Katar [2006] for his experiments.
Chen and Aickelin [2006] used the Wisconsin Breast cancer dataset and the Iris data set [Asuncion and Newman 2007] of the University of California, Irvine (UCI) machine learning repository for their research. Some authors chose to generate their own data for the attacks and background traffic. For example, Siaterlis et al. [2003] used background traffic generated from more than 4000 computers in the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) for their experiment.


When using Dempster-Shafer’s theory of evidence, defining the frame of discernment is of great importance. Most of the authors referred in this survey did not explicitly mention their frame of discernment. Some of them did not mention a frame of discernment at all. It could be argued that this is a major weakness of those particular papers.

Wang et al. [2004] defined their frame of discernment to be Stealthy Probe [Paulauskas and Garsva 2006], DDoS [Rogers 2004], Worm [], LUR (Local to User, User to Root) [Paulauskas and Garsva 2006], and Unknown. According to the authors, ‘Unknown’ is defined into the frame of discernment because abrupt increases of network traffic could be a result of a DDoS or a worm spreading or LUR or a Probe attack. The authors argue that in this situation, the host agent information will help to make the final decision as to what attack it was. Siaterlis et al. [2003] and Siaterlis and Maglaris [2004 and 2005] defined their frame of discernment to be

  1. Normal

  2. SYN-flood []

  3. UDP-flood []

  4. ICMP-flood []

According to the authors, these states are based on a flooding attack categorization of the DDoS tools [Mirkovic et al. 2001] that were in use at the time they wrote their paper. Hu et al. [2006] defined their frame of discernment to be normal, TCP, UDP, and ICMP. Hu et al. [2006] were concerned with flooding attacks in their research. Chatzigiannakis et al. [2007] defined four states for the network. They are Normal, SYN-attack, ICMP-flood, and UDP-flood. These states are quite similar to what Siaterlis and Maglaris [2004 and 2005] defined for their frame of discernment. Further, Siaterlis and Maglaris [2004] and Chatzigiannakis et al. [2007] conducted their research at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).


Anomaly detection systems work by trying to identify anomalies in an environment. In other words an anomaly detection system looks for what is not normal in order to detect whether an attack has occurred. According to Chen and Aickelin [2006] the problem with this approach is that user behavior changes over time and previously unseen behavior occurs for legitimate reasons which leads to generation of false positives in the system. The authors say that this can lead to a sufficiently large number of false positives forcing the administrator to ignore the alerts or disable the system.

According to Katar [2006], the majority of intrusion detection systems are based on a single algorithm that is designed to either model the normal behavior patterns or attack signatures in network data traffic. Therefore, these systems do not provide adequate alarm capability which reduces high false positive and false negative rates. Katar goes on to say that the majority of the commercial intrusion detection systems are misuse (signature) detection systems. Also, he says that in the last decade anomaly detection systems have come along to circumvent the shortcomings of misuse detection systems. According to Katar, “the majority of these works adopt a single algorithm either for modeling normal behavior patterns and/or attack signatures which ensures a lower detection rate and increases false negative rate.”

7.1 Experiments of Yu and Frincke

Yu and Frincke [2005] state that modern intrusion detection systems often use alerts from different sources to determine how to respond to an attack. According to the authors, alerts from different sources should not be treated equally. They argue that information provided by remote sensors and analyzers should be considered less trustworthy than that provided by local sensors and analyzers. They also state that identical sensors and analyzers installed at different locations may have different detection capabilities because the raw events captured by these sensors are different. Further, different kinds of sensors and analyzers which detect the same type of attack may do so with a different level of accuracy. The authors proposed to improve and assess alert accuracy by incorporating an algorithm based on the exponentially weighted Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence to solve this problem.

In their research the authors addressed the fact that all observers cannot be trusted equally and a given observer may have different effectiveness in identifying individual misuse types by extending the D-S theory to incorporate a weighted view of evidence. For this purpose they proposed a modified D-S combination rule. According to the authors, in their system they estimated the weights based on the Maximum Entropy principle [Berger et al. 1996; Rosenfeld 1996) and the Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) criteria.
Yu and Frincke [2005] performed experiments using two DARPA 2000 DDoS intrusion detection evaluation data sets. According to the authors, both datasets include network data from both the demilitarized zone (DMZ) and the inside part of the evaluation network. They stated that they used RealSecure Network Sensor 6.0 with maximum coverage policy in their experiments. They have first trained the Hidden Colored Petri Net (HCPN) [Yu and Frincke 2004] based alert core relators as in Yu and Frincke [2004] and then trained the confidence fusion weights based on the outputs from the alert core relators.
Experimental results showed that the number of alerts and false positive rate is dramatically reduced by using HCPN-based alert analysis component. The authors stated that the extended D-S further increases the detection rate while keeping false positive rate low. They also pointed out that when using the basic D-S combination algorithm, the detection rate decreases relatively to the extended D-S. According to them, the extended D-S algorithm provides 30% more accuracy.
The authors claim that their “alert confidence fusion model can potentially resolve contradictory information reported by different analyzers, and further improve the detection rate and reduce the false positive rate.” They state that their approach has the ability to quantify relative confidence in different alerts.

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