Without a Vision, the People perish

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- These notations cover most of the material cited in subsequent Chapters, but individual sections will have their own sub-bibliographies for the citing of specialized materials, sources of illustrations, etc.

A. E. (George Russell). A Candle of Vision.
Albright, Joseph and Kunstel, Marcia. Bombshell – The Secret Story of America’s Unknown Atomic Spy

Conspiracy. Times Books, 1997.
Andreev, Daniel. The Rose of the World. Lindesfarne Books, 1996. By a gulag survivor. Remarkable

visions and mapping of various subnatural demonic feudal kingdoms and the future reality of a world culture of love. Accurate, if obsessive and overwrought by American standards.

Arciniegas, German. America in Europe – A History of the New World in Reverse. Harcourt, Brace

Jovanovich, Publishers, 1975.

Art Matrix. Fractal Art – the Mandelbrot Set, a Postcard Portfolio. Hugh Laauter Levin Associates, Inc., 1996. 30 full-color cascaded, zoom-sequenced fractal images in flip-through format.

“In 1975, mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot developed fractal geometry to describe irregularly shaped objects and natural phenomena that could not be expressed in conventional geometry. Unlike Euclidean geometry, which is concerned with shapes and whole-number dimensions, fractal geometry deals with shapes found in nature that have non-integer, or fractal dimensions. The result is that a fractal cannot be treated as existing strictly in one, two, of any other whole-number dimension.

Mandelbrot introduced the term ‘fractal’ to define these complex geometric shapes and explain the dynamic interactivity and interdependence of forces in nature. Like these forces, Mandelbrot-set fractals are symmetrical and self-similar, or have the tendency to replicate on an ever-smaller scale. Thus, if any component is magnified, it will look like the object as a whole….”

Baldwin, Neil. Legends of the Plumed Serpent – Biography of a Mexican God. Public Affairs, 1999.

Looks good, reads better. Presentation connects Tlaloc and Quetzalcoatl to Atlantean Flood activity, although this is not explicit.
Bamford, Christopher and Marsh, William Parker. Celtic Christianity: Ecology and Holiness.

Lindesfarne Press.

Begich, Dr. Nick and Manning, Jeane. Angels Don’t Play This Haarp – Advances in Tesla Technology. arthpulse Press, 1995. Technical expose’ of the worst the military- industrial black

projects sector has come up with yet. Rumor has it the NSA tracks all electronic discussion of this topic.

ben-Aharon, Jesaia.: The Spiritual Event of the Twentieth Century. Temple Lodge, 1993, 1996.
- America’s Global Responsibility – Individuation, Initiation and Threefolding. Lindesfarne Books,

Benson, Elizabeth P., and de la Fuente, Beatriz (eds.). Olmec Art of Ancient Mexico. National

Gallery of Art, Washington and Harry N. Abrams, 1996. Contributions by Diehl, Joralemon, Moctezuma, Ochoa, and Olguin, among others.
Berk, Ari. The Grail in the Uttermost West. As included in Sources of the Grail, John Matthews,

ed., Lindesfarne Press, 1997. Subtitled Vessels of Power, Plenty, and Tradition in

American Indian Mythology and Literature. Relates Celtic underworld themes to similar

ones noted in Maidu, Miwok, Achumawe, Maya, Zuni, and Navajo cultures. Feminine

guardians are prominent in all.
Berlo, Janet Catherine (ed.). Art, Ideology, and the City of Teotihuacan. Dumbarton Oaks, 1992.

Papers by Berlo, Evans, Sempowski, Spence, Turner, Castro, Taube, Sugiyama, Cowgill, Langley, Pasztory, Manzanilla, and Millon.

Berlo, Janet Catherine. Icons and Ideologies at Teotihuacan: The Great Goddess Reconsidered.

In Art, Ideology, and the City of Teotihuacan, pp. 129 – 168, Berlo (ed.). Dumbarton Oaks, 1992.

Berrin, Kathleen, and Pasztory, Esther (eds.). Teotihuacan – Art from the City of the Gods. Thames and Hudson and The Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, 1993. Lovely documentation from the 1993 exhibition.
Beuys, Joseph. In America – Writings and Interviews with the Artist. Four Walls Eight Windows, 1993.
Bingen, Hildegaard of, (Matthew Fox, ed.). Illuminations. Bear & Co., 1985 (from 12th C A.D.)
Boardman, Terry M. Many illuminating articles which vector in to the same area as these Chapters:

Anthroposophy and the Question of Conspiracy in Modern History (1) & (2), and From the British Empire to the American Empire: Liberal Imperialism, Sir Edward Grey and the Question of British Responsibility for the First World War, and Freemasonry and the Roman Spirit can be found at his web site: http://www.monju.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/.
Brading, D. A. Mexican Phoenix – Our Lady of Guadeloupe: Image and Traditions Across Five Centuries.

Cambridge U. Press, 2001. Excellent overall. Highly recommended. Best overview of the evolution of the Icon and its interpretations in culture.

Bradley, Marion Zimmer. The Mists of Avalon. Del Rey, 1982. Evocative retelling of the Arthurian

Legends from the standpoint of the Feminine Mysteries.

Braun, Barbara. Pre-Columbian Art and the Post-Columbian World – Ancient American Sources of

Modern Art. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1993. Roots influences upon, Paul Gauguin, Henry Moore, Frank Lloyd Wright, Diego Rivera, and Joaquin Torres-Garcia, among others.
Brooks, James F. Captives and Cousins: Slavery, Kinship, and Community in the Southwest Borderlands. U. of N. Carolina Press, 2002. Elsewhere, he investigates other similar but unique “borderlands” situations in the Canadian northern territories, the South American pampas, and in

the Middle Eastern Caucasus. The parallels are interesting.

Brzezinski, Zbigniew. The Grand Chessboard - American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives. Basic

Books, 1997. From the back cover:

As the twentieth century draws to a close, the United States has emerged [like, without anyone having anything to do with it?!] as the world’s only superpower: no other nation possesses comparable military and economic power of has interests that bestride the globe. Yet the critical question facing America remains unanswered: What should be the nation’s global strategy for maintaining its exceptional position in the world? Zbignew Brzezinski tackles this question head-on in this incisive and pathbreaking book.” He should know. And also from the back cover: “Not everyone will agree that the U.S. must ‘perpetuate [its] own dominant position for at lest a generation and preferably longer,” but former National Security Advisor Brzezinski offers a meticulously detailed argument for how and why we should…” - Publisher’s Weekly, and: “…geostrategic thinking in the grand manner of Bismarck.” – Samuel P. Huntington.

...To put it in a terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together. (p.40)
Burkhart, Louise. Before Guadeloupe – The Virgin Mary in Early Colonial Nahuatl Literature. U. at Albany Institute for Mesoamerican Studies and U. of Texas Press, 2000.
Burroughs, William S. Naked Lunch. Grove Press, 1959. “Diogenes with a knife and a gun,” “the

greatest satirical writer since Jonathan Swift,” “shakes the reader as a dog shakes a rat.”

Butler, Alan. The Goddess, the Grail, and the Lodge – Tracing the Origins of Religion. O Books, 2004.
Cajete, Greg. Native Science - Natural Laws of Interdependence. Clear Light Publishers, 2000.
Campbell, Joseph. Historical Atlas of World Mythology, Vol. I; The Way of the Animal Powers, Part 1 –

Mythologies of the Primitive Hunters and Gatherers. Perennial Library, 1988.
- Historical Atlas of World Mythology, Vol. I: The Way of the Animal Powers, Part 2 – Mythologies of the Great Hunt. Perennial Library, 1988.
- Historical Atlas of World Mythology, Vol. II: The Way of the Seeded Earth, Part 1 – The Sacrifice. Perennial Library, 1988.
- Historical Atlas of World Mythology, Vol. II: The Way of the Seeded Earth, Part 2 – Mythologies of the Primitive Planters: The Northern Americas. Perennial Library, 1989.
- Historical Atlas of World Mythology, Vol. II: The Way of the Seeded Earth, Part 3 - Mythologies of the Primitive Planters: The Middle and Southern Americas. Perennial Library, 1989.
Capra, Fritjof. The Tao of Physics. Shamballa Publications, 2000 (4th ed., from 1975). Classic mishmash of physics and Buddhism, Capra does not understand the esoterics of either well

enough to comprehend their essential dissimilarities. Although the superficial and mid-level parallels are indeed striking, and Capra does indeed know his nuts-and-bolts physics, as far as occultism or mysticism goes, it remains on the level of a facile “Gee whiz!” journalism.

Carrasco, David: Quetzalcoatl and the Irony of Empire. U. of Chicago Press, 1982.
- Religions of Mesoamerica – Cosmovision and Ceremonial Centers. Harper Collins, 1990.

Splendid on all counts; succinct and penetrating.

- City of Sacrifice – The Aztec Empire and the Role of Violence in Civilization. Beacon Press,

1999. “We know that power, whatever its origin – sacred, natural, ethnic, contractual, or democratic – is an expression of violence. David Carrasco now demonstrates a shattering, unsentimental truth: civilizations themselves are born and maintained by violence. A brilliant, provocative, timely, and eternal book.” – Carlos Fuentes, from the back cover.

Carrasco, David, and Moctezuma, Eduardo Matos. Moctezuma’s Mexico – Visions of the Aztec World.

U. Press of Colorado, 2003 (rev. ed.).

Carrasco, David, Jones, Lindsay, & Sessions, Scott (eds.). Mesoamerica’s Classic Heritage – From

Teotihuacan to the Aztecs. U. Press of Colorado, 2000. Contributions by Manzanilla, Sugiyama, Nicholson, Heyden, Moctezuma, Castro, Aveni, Taube, Boone, Stuart, and others. Excellent.
Carter, John. Sex and Rockets – The Occult World of Jack Parsons. Feral House, 1999. Parsons, founder of seminal JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratories) and the JATO canister, was also a high-

ranking associate of arch-nemesis Aleister Crowley and was involved in esoteric schemes to bring about transformation of society according to that elitist vision.

Castillo, Ana (ed.). Goddess of the Americas - Writings on the Virgin of Guadalupe. Riverhead Books,

1996. Varied contemporary treatments of the venerated being and womens’ relationships to her from mainly chicana sources.

Charmley, John. Churchill’s Grand Alliance – A Provocative Reassessment of the “Special

Relationship” Between England and the U. S. from 1940 to 1957. Develops Harrison’s and Quigley’s assessments with regards to the assumption by the USA of Britain’s Imperial aspirations after WWII. Detailed politics.
Chavez, Tomas E. Spain and the Independence of the United States – An Intrinsic Gift. U. of NM Press,

2002. Spain’s’ contribution is woefully underestimated. Chavez fills in the unsuspected blanks.

Church, Peggy Pond. The House at Otowi Bridge – The Story of Edith Warner and Los Alamos. U. of

New Mexico Press, 1959. “This is the story of Edith Warner, who lived for more than twenty years as a neighbor to the Indians of San Ildefonso Pueblo, near Los Alamos, New Mexico. She was a remarkable woman, a friend to everyone who knew her, from her Indian companion Tilano, who was an elder of San Ildefonso, to Niels Bohr, Robert Oppenheimer, and the other atomic scientists who worked at Los Alamos during World War II.” – from the back cover. The kind of thing that tells of New Mexico so truly and warmly that you are refreshed by your tears.

Churchill, Ward. A Little Matter of Genocide – Holocaust and Denial in the Americas 1492 to the Present.City Lights Books, 1997.
- on the Justice of Roosting Chickens – Reflections on the Consequences of U.S. Imperial

Arrogance and Criminality. AK Press, 2003.
Cocker, Mark. Rivers of Blood, Rivers of gold – Europe’s Conquest of Indigenous Peoples. Grove Press,

Codex Borgia. Gisele Diaz and Alan Rodgers, ed., commentary by Bruce E. Byland. Dover Publications,

1993. A full-color restoration of the Ancient Mexican Manuscript. The major precolumbian book remaining to history: Quetzalcoatl’s harrowing of the UnderWorld, along with many calendrical indications.
Codex Nuttall. Zelia Nuttall, ed. Dover Publications, Inc., 1975 (from the pre-Columbian screen-

fold). Indispensable source-material on the lives and times of c. 1000 AD Mixtec elite, faithfully rendered, with notes and commentary (Arthur G. Miller).

Coe, Michael D. The Maya. Thames and Hudson, fifth edition, 1993. Good starting point, many

pertinent observations, good pictures. Sixth edition (1999) contains Cacaxtla mural reproduction in color.

- Mexico. Thames and Hudson, fourth edition, 1994. Same as above. The 1999 fifth edition has a

rather gaudy color reproduction of the Cacaxtla mural image.

Coe, Michael D., and Richard A Diehl, eds., with David A. Freidel, Peter T. Furst, F. Kent Reilly, III,

Linda Schele, Carolyn E. Tate, and Karl A. Taube. The Olmec World – Ritual and Rulership. The Art Museum, Princeton U. & Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1995. Splendid essays

and illustrations by the best in the business. The Olmec is the Ur-civilization in Mesoamerica and this volume reflects the current high state of scholarship in the field.
Collins, Phillip Darrell, Collins, Paul David. The Ascendancy of Scientific Dictatorship – An Examination of Epistemic Autocracy, from the 19th to the 21st Century.
Commoner, Barry. “Unraveling the DNA Myth: The Spurious Foundation of Genetic Engineering.” Harper’s Magazine, Feb. 2002.

Condren, Mary. The Serpent and the Goddess – Women, Religion, and Power in Celtic Ireland. HarperSanFrancisco, 1989.

Constable, Trevor James. The Cosmic Pulse of Life – The Revolutionary Biological Power Behind UFOs. Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, 1976, 1990. One of the best observer’s

overview of “alien” and UFO phenomena; strongly based in Steiner’s researches, along with that

of Wilhelm Reich’s and that of the author’s. Remarkable and original. Together with Vallee’s work, the phenomenology, though not the interior essence, of the UFO phenomenon has an accurate description.
Cook, Roger. The Tree of Life – Symbol of the Centre. Thames and Hudson, 1974.
Corbin, Henry. The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism. Omega Publishers, 1971, 1994.
Craighead, Meinrad. The Litany of the Great River. Paulist Press, 1991. Profoundly immediate

renderings of a spiritual vision of the InnerWorld of New Mexico. A definite sister to Kaplan’s Varo.

Davis, Erik. Techgnosis – myth, magic + mysticism in an age of information. Three Rivers Press, 1998.

Davis, a writer of Wired, Rolling Stone, Gnosis, The Nation, and others, “…unveils the hidden history of techno-mysticism,…how the religious imagination continues to feed the utopian dreams, apocalyptic visions, and alien obsessions that populate today’s technological unconscious.”

Davis, Walter A. Deracination – Historicity, Hiroshima, and the Tragic Imperative. State U. of New York, 2001.
Diehl, Richard A. and Berlo, Janet Catherine: Mesoamerica After the Decline of Teotihuacan, A.D.

700-900. Dumbarton Oaks, 1989. Papers by Diehl, Berlo, Mastache & Cobean, Hirth, Nagao, Baird, Winter, Santley, Stone, Kowalski, Ball & Taschek, Marcus, Sanders, Cohondas.
Dunnington, Jacqueline Orsini. Viva Guadaloupe! Museum of New Mexico Press, 1997. Vivid and

colorful history of the devotion; wonderful contemporary photos of tattoos, mouse pads, hubcaps, home shrines, etc.

- Guadeloupe – Our Lady of New Mexico. Museum of New Mexico Press, 1999. Very good overall; tries for a balance between fact and belief. Excellent section on the Spanish antecedents: pre-existing Guadeloupe devotions to a Black Madonna in pre-Columbian Extremadura Spain.
Duran, Eduardo Jr. Buddha in Redface. Writer’s Club Press, 2000.
Eidam, Kurt. The True Life of J. S. Bach. Basic Books, 2001 (from the German of 1999). Convincing

recasting of Bach’s biography.

Elizondo, Virgil. Guadaloupe. Orbis Books, 1997. Best translation of the full, original story, lots of

liberation theology commentary.

Emberson, Paul. From Gondhisapur To Silicon Valley – Spiritual Forces in the Development of Computers and the Future of Technology. The Etheric Dimensions Press, 2000. Excellent. From

the apublisher at: Hu’s Gate, Ledaig, Tobermory, Isle of Mull, PA 75 6NR, Scotland.

Evan-Wentz, W. Y. Cuchama and Sacred Mountains. Swallow Press, 1981. ”Dedicated to the Children of the Great Mystery throughout all the Americas who are nurtured by Father Sun and

Mother Earth and taught by The Shining Beings.” By the author of The Tibetan Book of the Dead

and The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries. He returns to his homeland to tell the story of his local mountain, Tecate Peak on the California-Mexico border and relates its lore to similar tales about other mountains across the world.
Fermi, Rachel and Samra, Esther. Picturing the Bomb – Photographs from the Secret World of the

Manhattan Project. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1995. Very good, reminds of O. Winston Link.
Fields, Virginia M., and Zamudio-Taylor, Victor. The Road to Aztlan – Art From a Mythic Homeland. Los

Angeles County Museum of Art, 2001. Published in conjunction with the exhibition of the same name. Splendid articles and illustrations spanning the gamut from prehistorical to contemporary.

Forrest, Steven. The Book of Pluto – Turning Darkness to Wisdom with Astrology. ACS Publications,


Fortune, Dion (Violet Firth). The Mystical Qabalah. Samuel Weiser, 2000 (from 1935). ). It would be hard

to find an area of mid-twentieth-century applied esotericism that did not owe a debt of gratitude to Ms. Fortune.

- Psychic Self-Defense. Samuel Weiser, 1996 (from 1930).
Franke, Sylvia and Cawthorne, Thomas. The Tree of Life and the Holy Grail. Temple Lodge, 1996.

Refutation of the Holy Blood, Holy Grail phenomenon. Much on the “fallen ethers” situation.

Freidel, David; Schele, Linda; and Parker, Joy. Maya Cosmos - Three Thousand Years on the

Shaman's Path. Quill, 1991. Fascinating tale of archeological involvement in the subject, many unique observations.
Fuller, Robert C. Naming the Antichrist – The History of an American Obsession. Oxford U. Press, 1995.
De la Fuente, Beatriz. La Pintura Mural Prehispanica en Mexico – Teothuacan, I & II. U. Nacional de

Mexico, 1995. Splendid; George Wittenborn Memorial Award 1996.

Gall, Sally. Subterranea. Umbrage, 2003, and at sallygall.com. Photo-essay art. She says:
This almost always meant hour-long exposures in light too low for the best light meter to register. That is why some of my pictures are populated by invisible beings; for if there was a living participant in the subterranean drama – a sudden human visitor, a coyote, or a bat – its own movement rendered it a ghost.

I believe that I have fond visual correlatives for the human innerscape of emotion and experience, just below the surface of the earth. As an artist devoted to working with the black-on-white photographer’s palette of greys, I used to seek what I called ‘the perfect light.’ Now, in Subterranea’s internal landscape, I have discovered the substance of darkness.

Gallagher, Carole. American Ground Zero – The Secret Nuclear War. The MIT Press, 1979. Photos,

essays, and oral history documenting the civilian front of the Cold War..

Gandert, Miguel. Nuevo Mexico Profundo – Rituals of an Indo-Hispano Homeland. Museum of New

Mexico Press, 2000. Lovely.

Garciagodoy, Juanita. Digging the Days of the Dead – A Reading of Mexico’s Dias de Muertos. U. Press

of Colorado, 1998. “Garciagodoy…has given us the fullest, most intelligent account of a central event in the life of the Mexican people: The Day of The Dead….She has understood the central truth: in Mexico, death and life are not separated. Death is part of life. All is life.” - Carlos Fuentes

Gardner, Dore.: Nino Fidencio - A Heart Thrown Open. Museum of New Mexico Press, 1992. Photos and

text commemorate the active ministry of a modern Mexican saint, and healer.

Gilbert, Adrian G. and Cotterell, Maurice M. The Mayan Prophecies. Element, 1995. Unique and

unprecedented speculations: magnetic field-fluxes of the sun as impacting cultural cycles and as tracked in the Mayan Calendar, and hidden images in the tomb-lid of Pacal.

Gibson, William. Neuromancer. Ace Science Fiction, 1984.
Gilbert, Joy: A Time to Remember. Laughing Bear Publishing, 1995. Excellent, if disturbing case history of the true-believer abductee.
Girard, Raphael: The Esotericism of the Popul Vuh. Theosophical University Press, 1979. (from

the Spanish of 1948).

Godwin, Joscelyn. The Theosophical Enlightenment. SUNY Press, 1994. From the back cover:
This is a wonderful work: witty, charming, erudite, profound. It demonstrates on the basis of extraordinary research and scholarship that the theosophical, spiritualist, and esoteric movements of the nineteenth century were significant in many ways we are only now in a position to realize. – Christopher Bamford.
To be read in conjunction with The Stargate Conspiracy by Picknett and Prince, which is

a sequel of sorts.

  • Harmonies of Heaven and Earth – Mysticism in Music from Antiquity to the Avant-Garde. Inner Traditions International, 1987,1995.

Godwin, Malcolm. The Holy Grail – Its Origins, Secrets & Meaning Revealed. Viking Penguin, 1994. Well,

maybe, but lots of arcana and excellent pictures.
Goodchild, Pete.: J. Robert Oppenheimer, Shatter of Worlds. Fromm International Publishing

Corporation, 1985. Critical biography.

Gossen, Gary (ed, with Miguel Leon-Portilla). South and Meso-American Native Spirituality – From the

Cult of the Feathered Serpent to the Theology of Liberation. The Crossroad Publishing Co., 1997. Many contributors.
Grabau, Francis Donald. The Christ Bomb, The Gnostic Ring of Power, The Enchanted Bomb, and other

writings. http://www.starpathvisions.com. Wow. The Christ Bomb is a full-scale complement to this work, using an unconventional astrological perspective. In The Enchanted Bomb, he observes:

Artificial elements and isotopes with their equally artificial radioactivity were 'created' from the Plane Of Mind, from abstract thought, from the invisible realm of Occultism. It's the region of subtle matter and energies not visible to the physical eye alone. In the case of a scientist-physicist such as Seaborg artificial eyes of cameras in consort with other machines are what detect, determine, and shape the invisible forces with which he works while 'wresting the Secrets from Nature'. But an Alchemist or Occultist employs the subtle organs of her/his own physical body-being to see, measure, and weigh the energies with which she/he COLLABORATES.

[Such occultists] work on this wholly different level because they consciously work with conscious matter, with forces and energies who are BEINGS and not ABSTRACTIONS. Such 'occultists' are scientists of the Spirit Realm, they are Lightning-Struck Master Storytellers who understand that first and foremost the real work is on one's own being. HEART is always the guide and compass, the 'inner-truth-magnet' of their lives. They work in, with, through, and for LOVE.

Our contact with Radioactivity surely indicates that we are ALL involved in the realm of the Occult, the realm of Invisible Spirit. We can no longer live on the surface of life. Whether we like it or not Plutonium demands that we enter the UNDERWORLD as well as all other alternate and simultaneous planes of reality that interface with our own individual and collective beings. Pluto, like Plutonium, is only the 'guard' at the entrance to these realms, and they are not realms of 'death' only - not even essentially…they are realms of unseen treasures. For Pluto guards the RADIANT ENERGY - the consciously transforming Spirit in the heart of all matters physical and subtle!

In his role of Guardian of the innermost secrets of Earth, Pluto stands before us as Hades, like a metallic mirror. A glossy wall of blackness so intense it is obsidian. A hard and obdurate rock of blackness, jet black, blacker than black. And as we face this blackest wall it reflects back to us our fear. Every ounce of 'NO' in us sees itself there. We refuse to move even one step further. Surely to touch that obscurity is to enter sheer oblivion. To enter there is total death, absolute annihilation, the final and ultimate end.

And that's Pluto's secret: the darkness of fear! Fear of the unknown, the invisible, death, finality, utter impotence. It's a palpably felt fear. It hurts. It's pain. And we wince before it, we cringe and turn away, we say we have recognized our limits. And so we have, if we live solely according to reason. For then we let reason lead us by the hand back to the plane of ordinary light where we can see familiarly and say that all is safe and well.

But this movement in us is cowardice. Our journey has led us nowhere and back again, and we return once more to the surface of things. On that ever so reasonable surface we understand Plutonium is lethally radioactive and all radioactivity produces cancer just as the scientists tell us. There is nothing we can do, we are caught again in the all-pervasive enchantment of the real and very objective world. But it's the TRANCE, the groove and rut of fear that teaches us to quit, to abandon courage as well as the unreasonable aspirations that nourish our dreams. We MUST be reasonable people and turn those dreams into products - like Art, and Science, and Fairy Tales for kids. They can exist, but only as dessert, after we've eaten the full-course dinner of 'reality' and 'earned' a living.

We've all had enough of this fear! We are literally sick to death of it. We're disgusted with a world that can't breathe, a world where nothing 'pays' but the trance and rut of reason. We see plainly that this thing, reason, has become our jail keeper locking us into reasonable cities full of reasonable pollution on all reasonable levels. The order and system of this would-be-reason has cut us off from the pulse in the rhythm of Nature's Song! Yet we want and need and yearn to sing that song, to enter into a life where joy and play restore to us all the radiant energy we have so reasonably forsaken. We need a new Vision, we need to contact and feel the spirit of matter, to see through our fear of radiation, of transmutation, of change.


These thought-intentions tell us right now that our bodies are receiving rapidly increasing amounts of 'cosmic radiation' pouring in from 'space' through the ever widening hole in the Ozone layer. It's a hole we opened through stratospheric tests of nuclear bombs, through missiles, satellites, and 'probes' sent out to explore 'space'. We're bursting our own seams in an urgent need to reach a new kind of life. And we will, because the Ozone layer surrounds the Earth the way the amniotic waters surround the child in the womb. The breaking of the waters signals the birth of the child, and the collapse of the Ozone layer signals the new Life of Earth. Air rushes into the lungs of the new-born infant, 'cosmic radiation' rushes into Earth and All life forms on Earth through that hole. We are trying to birth ourselves, and if we are true Storytellers we can transmute our own cellular matter as Earth transmutes hers. That is the great challenge, the one truly spiritual goal we have given ourselves. Not Nirvana, Samadhi, or Heaven nor escape onto 'flying saucers'… but total transformation of ourselves here on Earth! We can consciously participate with Earth as she transforms herself. But insofar as we haven't yet recognized the consciousness of matter, how can we possibly imagine we have ever lived real life on the True Earth? Such a Life lived on such an Earth would be one of continuous spontaneous transformation. That's what Natural Uranium has shown us.


Intelligence may dazzle us with its light, but its light is a 'Fat Man' or a 'Little Boy' afraid of the Dark. It turns Pluto into Plutonium because it fears the inevitability of its own demise. The reign of intelligent ignorance is drawing to a quick close as the Tale of the Darkness of Matter gives way to the radiant mutation of Light in the Cells. Man and Matter are well on their way toward spontaneous transformation, toward the unmasking of the Gnostic Christ within, toward the freedom of the Child who alone has the laughter and innocence necessary to enter the immanent Kingdom of heaven on Earth for, in truth the cause and nature of radioactivity is simple. It is JOY !!!

- pp. 33 – 36, 38

Gray, Darren Vigil. Counterclockwise. Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian, 2002. Exhibition catalogue for show of Nov. 16, 2002 – April 27, 2003, essay by Lucy R. Lippard. Visionary art by a third-generation Native American Modernist.
Grossinger, Richard & Hough, Lindy (eds.). Nuclear Strategy and the Code of the Warrior. North

Atlantic Books, 1984. Essays by Gary Snyder, Richard Hillman, Freeman Dyson, Will Baker, and others.

Grube, Nicolai (ed.): MAYA – Divine Kings of the Rain Forest. Konemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH,

2000 (2001 english edition). Many contributors, recent resarch.

Grunewald (aka Mathis Gothardt). Grunewald. Large-format illustrations of his works. Phaidon Press

Limited, 1976.

Gruzinski, Serge. Painting the Conquest – The Mexican Indians and the European Renaissance. UNESCO/Flammarion, 1992.
Hanke, Lewis. Aristotle and the American Indians. Henry Regnery Company, 1959. Traces the influence of Aristotle and Aquinas (the institution of natural slavery and the Just War, respectively) in the Spanish apologetics for subjugation and slavery in the New World.
Hannon, Kerry (text) and Holquist, Marcy (photographs). Trees in a Circle – The TeecNos Pos Story.

Teec Nos Pos Trading Post, 1999. The Navajo blanket and rug. Fusion of Art, Metaphysic, and Utility.

Hansen, L. Taylor. He Walked the Americas. Amherst Press, 1963. Collected native legends of a

mysterious pre-Columbian initiate who taught and healed throughout the Americas.

Harbottle, Garman, and Weigand, Phil C. Turquoise in Pre-Columbian America. Scientific American, Feb.,

1992, pp. 78 – 85.

Harpur, Patrick. Daimonic Reality – Understanding OtherWorld Encounters. Arkana, 1994. Excellent

analysis from a Jungian perspective.

Harrison, C. G. The Transcendental Universe. Lindesfarne Press, 1993 (from 1894), lecture 5. Harrison

was an obviously well informed occultist whose take on the “eighth sphere” issue is congruent

with Steiner’s, a subject intimately connected with the matter of the Double and subnature. Godwin expands considerably, with the benefit of hindsight, on Harrison’s intimations. Contains an excellent introduction by Christopher Bamford which is a major contribution in its own right.
Hartley, Christine. The Western Mystery Tradition – The Esoteric Heritage of the West. The Aquarian

Press, 1986 (from 1968). Excellent.

Hartmann, Thom. Unequal Protection – The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human

Rights. Rodale, 2002. Yes.
Hauschka, Rudolf. The Nature of Substance. Rudolf Steiner Press, 1983 (from 1966). Insights of

modern alchemy applied to the chemical world of the elements. Outstanding.

Herken, Gregg. Brotherhood of the Bomb – The Tangled Lives and Loyalties of Robert Oppenheimer,

Ernest Lawrence, and Edward Teller. Henry Holt and Company, 2002.
Hewett, Edgar L. The Pajarito Plateau and Its Ancient People. U. New Mexico Press, 1938.
Hibben, Frank C. Kiva Art of the Anasazi at Pottery Mound. KC Publications, 1975.
Highwater, Jamake. The Language of Vision – Meditations on Myth and Metaphor. Grove Press, 1994.
Hodson, Geoffrey. Music Forms – Superphysical Effects of Music Clairvoyantly Observed. Theosophical

Publishing House, 1979.

Hoebel, E. Adamson. The Cheyenne – Indians of the Great Plains. Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1988 (2nd ed., from 1960). A concise, sympathetic, and accurate description of the

lifestyle of the Cheyenne, an especially noble tribe, which amply depicts their wisdom-filled social organization.

Hoffman, Michael A. Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. Independent History and Research,

1989, 1995. Much good information to be gleaned, if you have already jumped off the deep end.

Hogaarth, Peter, and Clery, Val. Dragons. Penguin Books, 1979. A really great collection of images.
Hurtak, J. J. The Book of Knowledge – The Keys of Enoch. The Academy for Future Science, 1973. Core

weirdness by one who stands at the intersection of taxpayer-funded “black projects” and New Age counterculture.

Ingerman, Sandra. Medicine for the Earth – How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins. Three

Rivers Press, 2000.

Jay, Susan. Visionary art reflecting the InnerWorlds. www.susancharlotjay.com. Her statement:

Susan Charlot Jay is an American artist of the Southwest working in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her contemporary fine art paintings and shrines celebrate the sacredness of the female body, the natural world and the mysteries of the Divine Feminine.

A devoted student of mysticism, shamanism, sacred art and wisdom traditions, her favorite subjects include: the Sacred Well, the Lingam and the Yoni, the Lotus and the Rose, the Four Directions, the Tree of Life from both shamanic and Kabbalist traditions and the symbols of ancient Alchemy.

Inspired by traditional representations of the Goddess, whether she be the Black Madonna, Guadalupe, the Celtic Goddesses of the West or the Eastern Goddesses of Hindu mythology and the luminous Dakinis of Tibetan Buddhism, Jay creates contemporary, cross-cultural images which rise above any particular cultural context or religious tradition to embrace a vision which is nature-based, universal, and essentially mystical in spirit.

Susan Charlot Jay's painting technique is a layering of textures and transparent glazes which create brilliant and luminous effects of color, surface and depth. These rich multi-layered visions refer to a multidimensional, intuitive reality beyond that which we typically experience with our five physical senses. Elaborate patterning and ornament speaks to the rapture and ecstasy which we associate with mystical experience. The shrines are an intriguing blend of mixed media: paint, clay, wood, glass and metalwork masterfully orchestrated to inspire a sense of wonder and mystery in the viewer.

Susan Charlot Jay's art process embraces the healing archetypes of the Holy Grail or the Alchemical Vessel. Within the framework of the vessel, whether it be painting, icon or shrine, Jay places symbols of the natural world: the four elements, birds, insects, animals, flowers and trees which create a symbolic portrait of a regenerative process or the Underworld Journey.

Understanding that the soul's native language is symbolism, her creative process is akin to ritual or ceremony that acknowledges rites of passage such as birth, death, growth and renewal. Symbolically tracking and illuminating life cycles through art is what Jay refers to as "the Art Mysteries"; that process by which the lead of our fear, confusion or pain is transformed into the gold of insight, vision and beauty. Through the manipulation of matter and the alteration of form, energies are addressed, transformed and elevated, which ultimately transforms the collective reality.

Jenkins, John Major. Maya Cosmogenesis 2012. Bear & Co., 1998.

Jenny, Hans. Kymatik, Basel, 1967, 1974.
Johansen, Bruce E.: Forgotten Founders – Benjamin Franklin, The Iroquois and the Rationale for

the American Revolution. Gambit, Inc., Publishers, 1982. Kudos from Commager, Galbraith, Brown, Schlesinger, Jr., Deloria, Jr.
Johnson, Robert A. Owning Your Own Shadow. HarperSanFransisco, 1993. Altogether outstanding and

limpid treatment of this subject. Simple to understand, but not watered down. In Johnson’s terminology, the Shadow is the counterpart to the Persona. Anthroposophically, while the Shadow may reflect aspects of the much deeper Double, it is not at all the same thing.

Johnston, Caryl. Consecrated Venom – The Serpent and the Tree of Knowledge. Floris Books, 2000.
Jones, Andrew. The Corsair Years. Turner Publishing Co., 1995. Very readable, anecdotal biography of a gung-ho Marine fighter pilot in the WWII Pacific Theatre.
Joy, Bill. “Why The Future Doesn’t Need Us,” cover article of April, 2000 issue of Wired magazine.

Available at: http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/8.04/joy.html

Jung, Carl Gustav. Civilization in Transition, Princeton U. Press, 1964.

"The people always long for a hero, a slayer of DRAGONS, when they feel the danger of psychic forces; hence the cry for Personality….

"The conflagration that broke out in Germany was the outcome of psychic conditions that are universal. The real danger signal is not the fiery sign that hung over Germany, but the unleashing of Atomic Energy, which has given the human race the power to annihilate itself completely…the facts can no longer be hushed-up or painted in rosy colors….

"The Man of today, who resembles more or less the collective ideal, has made his heart into a den of murderers, as can easily be proved by the analysis of his unconscious, even though he himself is not in the least disturbed by this fact. And insofar as he is normally adapted to his environment, it is true that the greatest infamy on the part of his group will not disturb him, so long as the Majority of his fellows steadfastly believe in the Exalted Morality of their Social Organization….

"The MASS STATE has NO INTENTION of promoting mutual understanding and the relationship of man to man; it strives rather for ATOMIZATION for THE PSYCHIC ISOLATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL. The more unrelated individuals are, the more consolidated the State becomes and vice versa….

"MAN harbors within himself a dangerous SHADOW, an ADVERSARY who is involved as an INVISIBLE HELPER in the DARK MACHINATIONS of the POLITICAL MONSTER. It is in the nature of political bodies always to see evil in the opposite group, just as the individual has an ineradicable tendency to get rid of everything he does not know and does not want to know about himself by foisting it off on somebody else…. "

"Spiritually the Western World is in a precarious situation, and the danger is greater the more we blind ourselves to the merciless truth with illusions about our beauty of soul. Western Man lives in a thick cloud of incense which he burns to himself so that his own countenance may be veiled from him in the smoke…..

"In theory, it lies within the power of reason to desist from experiments of such hellish scope as Nuclear Fission if only because of their dangerousness. But fear of the evil which one does not see in one's own bosom but always in somebody else's checks reason every time, although everyone knows that the use of this weapon means the certain end of our present human world. The fear of universal destruction may spare us the worst, yet the possibility of it will nevertheless hang over us like a dark cloud so long as no bridge is found across the world-wide psychic and political split -a bridge as certain as the existence of the Hydrogen Bomb. If only a World-Wide Consciousness Could Arise that all division and all fission are due to the splitting of opposites in the psyche, then we should know where to begin…people are largely unconscious of the fact that EVERY INDIVIDUAL IS A CELL IN THE STRUCTURE OF VARIOUS INTERNATIONAL ORGANISMS and is therefore CAUSALLY IMPLICATED IN THEIR CONFLICTS."

Donald Grabau comments, in his The Enchanted Bomb (note Soddy’s 1912 remarks in the Appendix I above) :

“PLUTO, alias Hades, had total control over the realm of secrecy. He was known as the Lord of the Hidden Realms, and his secret was a dark one. It was Death. He guarded his secret through Invisibility: he wore a special helmet that rendered him unseen to the human eye. In this regard, he resembles Radioactivity as an Invisible energy. But Pluto was also the Lord of Wealth. There was a treasure, according to our Western Mythological Tradition, hidden within the Earth. This treasure was not just the wealth of gold, diamonds, silver, and oil but ALL the Secret Energy of the mineral kingdom - the energy by means of which matter changed itself spontaneously from one form to another. The FIRE at the core of Earth, her molten heart is the source of that energy which is the living Consciousness of the Mother, the Matrix, Matter. Spirit, energy, matter are one -that's why we say that E = MC2. By what outrageous game of trickery, through what slight-of-hand, how did we as humans become so afraid of the very matter of our own home planet and our own bodies?” p. 30 – 31.

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