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Born: at Wakefield, Massachusetts

Home Town: Milton, Massachusetts

Joerger, Carl F.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Carl F. Joerger, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company M, 312th Infantry Regiment, 78th Division, A.E.F., near Grand Pre, France, October 24, 1918. Leaving his dugout, Private Joerger voluntarily crawled across a machine-gun swept area to the aid of two wounded comrades. While performing this heroic task he was seriously wounded.

  • General Orders No. 44, War Department, 1919

Born: at Newark, New Jersey

Home Town: Newark, New Jersey

*Johanson, Carl I.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Carl I. Johanson, Private First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company B, 306th Infantry Regiment, 77th Division, A.E.F., in the Forest of Argonne, France, September 27, 1918. Private Johanson displayed exceptional bravery in volunteering to cut the enemy’s wire and thereby make it possible for his company to advance upon the enemy. In performing this invaluable service he repeatedly exposed himself to heavy fire from enemy machine guns and was severely wounded.

  • General Orders No. 21, War Department, 1919

Born: at Sweden

Home Town: Brooklyn, New York

*Johns, Latimer A.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Latimer A. Johns, Second Lieutenant (Field Artillery), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 122d Field Artillery, 33d Division, A.E.F., near Gesnes, France, September 30,1918, Lieutenant Johns was in command of a platoon in support of an assaulting battalion of infantry. During the attack he went far ahead of the infantry to establish an observation post, where he directed fire from his guns, thereby rendering valuable assistance to the advancing battalion. After several attempts, he went through a heavy enemy barrage and enfilading machine-gun fire, but when returning to his post he was killed.

  • General Orders No. No. 21, War Department, 1925

Born: at Cotter, Iowa

Home Town: Randolph, Wisconsin

Johns, Samuel H.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Samuel H. Johns, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company L, 372d Infantry Regiment, 93d Division, A.E.F., near Bussy Farm, France, September 28, 1918. After several other runners had been killed or wounded, Private Johns volunteered to carry a message over fields swept by heavy machine-gun fire and artillery bombardment. He succeeded in delivering the message, but was severely wounded while on the return trip.

  • General Orders No. 13, War Department, 1919

Born: at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Home Town: Needham, Massachusetts

Johnsen, Edwin A.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Edwin A. Johnsen, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company D, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division, A.E.F., near Exermont, France, October 4, 1918. Sergeant Johnsen led his section in the attack through heavy artillery fire. Although severely wounded by a high-explosive shell, he remained with his organization until he was unable to continue forward, due to the loss of blood.

  • General Orders No. No. 35, War Department, 1920

Born: at St. Charles, Illinois

Home Town: Elgin, Illinois

Johnson, Henry


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Henry Johnson, Private First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company G, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Division, A.E.F., near Bellicourt, France, September 29, 1918. After his platoon had been halted by unusually heavy fire from machine-gun nests, Private Johnson made his way forward and by the effective use of hand grenades killed the occupants of the nest and made possible the continuance of the advance.

  • General Orders No. 50, War Department, 1919

Born: at Morgan County, Tennessee

Home Town: Creston, Tennessee

Johnson, Abe


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Abe Johnson, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company G, 102d Infantry Regiment, 26th Division, A.E.F., at Marcheville, France, September 26, 1918. Private Johnson volunteered to accompany a party whose mission was to bombard a hostile machine-gun emplacement. Under heavy shell fire he approached to within 30 feet of the emplacement, when he was fired upon through loopholes in a stone wall. Working his way behind the wall, Private Johnson enfiladed the enemy -with rifle fire and effected their capture, with the machine- gun.

  • General Orders No. 21, War Department, 1919

Born: at Waterbury, Connecticut

Home Town: Waterbury, Connecticut

Johnson, Algot


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Algot Johnson, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company A, 308th Infantry Regiment, 77th Division, A.E.F., near Ville Savoye, France, August 26, 1918. Under heavy fire from the enemy, Private Johnson, accompanied by one man, crossed the Vesle River and silenced a machine-gun, which was causing heavy casualties in his company. They killed one gunner and wounded the other.

  • General Orders No. 35, War Department, 1919

Born: at Sweden

Home Town: Bronx, New York

Johnson, Alva Lee


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Alva Lee Johnson, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company G, 5th Ammunition Train, 5th Division, A.E.F., near Septsarges, France, October 24, 1918. When an enemy shell struck some pyrotechnics stored in the ammunition dump of his organization, Corporal Johnson directed and assisted in the removal of inflammable material and placing the fire under control. Through his coolness and courage the destruction of a large quantity of nearby ammunition was avoided.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at McClellan County, Texas

Home Town: El Paso, Texas

Johnson, Arthur


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Arthur Johnson, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Headquarters Company, 370th Infantry Regiment, 93d Division, A.E.F., near Mont des Singes, France, September 30, 1918. Acting as ammunition carrier, Private Johnson received a painful injury in the back from a shell fragment. While engaged in carrying ammunition he found a wounded man in an exposed position and, regardless of his own wound, carried the man under heavy shell fire to the first-aid station, a distance of more than a kilometer, returning to his work immediately afterwards.

  • General Orders No. 46, War Department, 1919

Born: at Dayton, Tennessee

Home Town: Newcomer, Pennsylvania

Johnson, Brainard W.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Brainard W. Johnson, Private First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Sanitary Detachment, 116th Infantry Regiment (Attached), 29th Division, A.E.F., near Verdun, France. Private Johnson repeatedly exposed himself to heavy machine-gun fire in giving first-aid to the wounded and carrying them to the rear. Through his devotion to duty and disregard of danger many lives were saved.

  • General Orders No. 34, War Department, 1919

Born: at Greenville, Virginia

Home Town: Basic, Virginia

Johnson, Charles B., Jr.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Charles B. Johnson, Jr., Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Battery A, 101st Field Artillery, 26th Division, A.E.F., north of Chateau-Thierry, France, July 19, 1918. While his battery position was under shell fire and its ammunition dump had been hit and shells were exploding in it and the crew was ordered to leave Sergeant Johnson remained, put out three fires in the dump, and afterwards, under heavy fire, searched for and brought wounded to shelter.

  • General Orders No. No. 125, War Department, 1918

Born: at Somerville, Massachusetts

Home Town: Somerville, Massachusetts

Johnson, Christian A.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Christian A. Johnson, Private First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Headquarters Company, 106th Infantry Regiment, 27th Division, A.E.F., near Ronssoy, France, September 27, 1918. When a strong force of the enemy had cut off his company from the advance units of our troops, Private Johnson volunteered to accompany two officers on a hazardous patrol to ascertain the exact location of the enemy and our advance troops. They came under terrific enemy fire, by which one of the officers was killed, but Private Johnson continued forward until he was completely surrounded by the enemy. He succeeded in working his way back and made his report, which was of great value in meeting the critical situation.

  • General Orders 78, War Department, 1919

Born: at Kalkaska, Michigan

Home Town: Rapid City, Michigan

Johnson, Francis P.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Francis P. Johnson, Private First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company F, 102d Infantry Regiment, 26th Division, A.E.F., in the vicinity of Chavignon, France, February 28, 1918. Private Johnson was a member of a working party detailed to string barbed wire well out in front of the advance post. His party encountered a violent enemy barrage, which protected the enemy assault troops. Private Johnson helped to fight off the enemy, and with rare coolness and daring continued to pass back and forth through the hostile barrage collecting our men and assisting in the reorganization of the party.

  • General Orders No. 6, War Department, 1931

Born: at Ansonia, Connecticut

Home Town: Ansonia, Connecticut

Johnson, George S.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to George S. Johnson, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company K, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division, A.E.F., near Fleville, France, October 4, 1918. When his organization was halted by machine-gun fire from the front, Private Johnson, accompanied by a noncommissioned officer, advanced upon and destroyed the enemy machine-gun position, forcing four of the enemy to surrender, and thereby insuring the further advance of his unit.

  • General Orders No. No. 35, War Department, 1920

Born: at Rockford, Illinois

Home Town: Rockford, Illinois

Johnson, Gillis Augustus


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Gillis Augustus Johnson, Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism while serving with the Fifth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, A.E.F., in action near St. Etienne, France, October 4, 1918. Second Lieutenant Johnson volunteered and led an attack upon enemy machine-gun positions under intense machine-gun fire and artillery barrage, and although severely wounded in the leg, succeeded in cleaning out several machine-gun nests, capturing guns and a number of prisoners.

  • General Order No. 35, War Department, 1919

Born: at Fort Worth, Texas

Home Town: Fort Worth, Texas

Other Award: Navy Cross (Same Action)

Johnson, Gustave H.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Gustave H. Johnson, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Battery C, 305th Field Artillery, 77th Division, A.E.F., near Chery-Chartreuve, France, August 16, 1918. Corporal Johnson assisted Lieutenant Robinson in rescuing the body of an officer from a burning ammunition dump which was under fire.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Sweden

Home Town: Brooklyn, New York

Johnson, Hanning G.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Hanning G. Johnson, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Battery B, 151st Field Artillery, 42d Division, A.E.F., near Suippes, France, July 15, 1918. Sergeant Johnson remained in command of his gun section throughout the entire day, after having been severely wounded.

  • General Orders No. 44, War Department, 1919

Born: at Lake City, Minnesota

Home Town: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Johnson, Harold R.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Harold R. Johnson, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Headquarters Company, 102d Field Artillery, 26th Division, A.E.F., near Seicheprey, France, on April 20, 1918, when, although wounded in the arm and leg, Private Johnson continued, while under heavy shell fire, to repair the telephone lines, and succeeded in reestablishing communications.

  • General Orders No. No. 107, War Department, 1918

Born: at Providence, Rhode Island

Home Town: Providence, Rhode Island

Johnson, Henry


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Henry Johnson, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 369th Infantry Regiment, 93d Division, A.E.F., in France during the period 13 - 15 May 1918. Private Johnson distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force. While on a double sentry night duty, Private Johnson and a fellow soldier were attacked by a raiding party of Germans numbering almost twenty, wounding both. When the Germans were within fighting distance, he opened fire, shooting one of them and seriously wounding two more. The Germans continued to advance, and as they were about to be captured Private Johnson drew his bolo knife from his belt and attacked the Germans in a hand-to-hand encounter. Even though having sustained three grenade and shotgun wounds from the star, Private Johnson went to the rescue of his fellow soldier who was being taken prisoner by the enemy. He kept on fighting until the Germans were chased away. Private Johnson’s personal courage and total disregard for his own life reflect great credit upon himself, the 369th United States Infantry Regiment, the United States Army, and the United States of America.

  • HQ, Department of the Army, General Orders 9, 18 November 2005

Born: at Alexandria, Virginia

Home Town: Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Johnson, John


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to John Johnson, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company A, 102d Infantry Regiment, 26th Division, A.E.F., at Bellieu Bois, north of Verdun, France, October 27, 1918. On three separate occasions Private Johnson displayed the utmost heroism and complete disregard for personal danger by crawling from out lines while under direct observation and machine-gun fire and, by the skillful use of natural cover which the ground afforded, brought back to safety three wounded comrades who were lying helpless near the enemy's position, thereby saving them from death or capture.

  • General Orders No. No. 49, War Department, 1922

Born: at Denmark

Home Town: Alexander, Iowa

Johnson, Maurice E.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Maurice E. Johnson, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company D, 306th Machine-Gun Battalion, 77th Division, A.E.F., near Binarville, France, October 2 - 7, 1918. Two platoons of his company being surrounded by strong enemy forces, Corporal Johnson continued to operate his machine gun with little rest for five days. Each day small enemy groups endeavored to capture the machine gun, which was stationed on the right flank of the company; on each occasion Corporal Johnson remained with his gun in the face of deadly enemy fire, delivering bursts of fire which drove the enemy raiders to cover, killing and wounding many of them. Wounded on October 4 by grenade fire, he still remained at his post; he was again wounded on October 5. On October 7, owing to his wounds, his machine gun was temporarily out of action and the ground held by riflemen. On the afternoon of this day the enemy launched an attack against the right flank, using liquid fire, whereupon Corporal Johnson, in spite of his exhaustion due to his wounds, resumed operation of his machine gun, and with such effect as to repulse the enemy.

  • General Orders No. No. 13, War Department, 1923

Born: at Monroeton, Pennsylvania

Home Town: Buffalo, New York

*Johnson, Melvin B.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Melvin B. Johnson, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company M, 127th Infantry Regiment, 32d Division, A.E.F., near Gesnes, France, October 14, 1918. When his battalion was held up after suffering heavy casualties from flanking machine-gun fire, Corporal Johnson went out alone with an automatic rifle, to a position 250 yards in advance of our lines, and, although subjected to intense fire from three directions, operated his gun and so neutralized the enemy fire while his battalion reformed. He was killed on this mission, undertaken on his own initiative.

  • General Orders 78, War Department, 1919

Born: at Devils Lake, North Dakota

Home Town: Greve, Montana

Johnson, Oscar E.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Oscar E. Johnson, Private First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company B, 60th Infantry Regiment, 5th Division, A.E.F., near Cunel, France, October 14, 1918. Private Johnson volunteered and went to the rescue of his platoon commander who had been wounded and was lying in a very dangerous position, subjected to heavy machine-gun and shell fire. He succeeded in carrying the officer to a place of safety.

  • General Orders 81, War Department, 1919

Born: at Norwalk, Connecticut

Home Town: Norwalk, Connecticut

*Johnson, Oscar E.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Oscar E. Johnson, Private First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 325th Infantry Regiment, 82d Division, A.E.F., near St. Juvin, France, October 14 - 15, 1918. In utter disregard for his own safety, Private Johnson repeated carried messages through heavy fire until he received wounds which later caused his death.

  • General Orders No. 44, War Department, 1919

Born: at Sheffield, Pennsylvania

Home Town: Jamestown, New York

Johnson, Paul


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Paul Johnson, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company M, 127th Infantry Regiment, 32d Division, A.E.F., near Gesnes, France, October 14, 1918. When the battalion was held up by heavy machine-gun fire, he volunteered to go forward 250 yards and help in establishing a position to neutralize the enemy fire. Although wounded, he remained at his post for seven hours, under heavy fire till the enemy position was taken by assault.

  • General Orders 71, War Department, 1919

Born: at Oconto, Wisconsin

Home Town: Oconto, Wisconsin

Johnson, Ragnvold


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Ragnvold Johnson, Cook, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company B, 361st Infantry Regiment, 91st Division, A.E.F., near Gesnes, France, September 29 to October 1, 1918. Under heavy shell fire, and badly wounded, Cook Johnson constantly assisted for three days in cooking for an entire battalion in the front line.

  • General Orders No. No. 139, War Department, 1918

Born: at Norway

Home Town: Everett, Washington

Johnson, Reuben L.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Reuben L. Johnson, Private First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company B, 47th Infantry Regiment, 4th Division, A.E.F., near the Bois-de-Brieulles, France, September 28, 1918. Although he had been painfully wounded in the back by a bursting shell, Private Johnson continued to perform his duties as a runner under heavy artillery and machine-gun fire, thereby enabling his company commander to maintain control of the company. He remained on duty until late in the night when he was ordered to the dressing station.

  • General Orders 98, War Department, 1919

Born: at Donovan, Illinois

Home Town: Ashton, South Dakota

*Johnson, Richard D.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Richard D. Johnson, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company E, 127th Infantry Regiment, 32d Division, A.E.F., near Cierges, France, July 30, 1918. Coming unexpectedly upon a German machine gun, Sergeant Johnson threw himself upon it as it started firing, being himself killed, but preventing any casualties among the members of his own platoon, the enemy gunners being made prisoners

  • General Orders 74, War Department, 1919

Born: at Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Home Town: Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Johnson, Royal Cleaves


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Royal Cleaves Johnson, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 313th Infantry Regiment, 79th Division, A.E.F., at Montfaucon, France, September 26 - 27, 1918. Lieutenant Johnson constantly exposed himself to the enemy fire during the action at Montfaucon, setting an example to his men by his fearlessness. When severely wounded by shell fire, he assisted two wounded men of his company to the rear and refused to occupy space in the ambulance until these men had been provided for.

  • General Orders No. No. 3, War Department, 1924

Born: 10/3/1882 at Cherokee, Iowa

Home Town: Aberdeen, South Dakota

Johnson, Samuel M.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Samuel M. Johnson, Major (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 372d Infantry Regiment, 93d Division, A.E.F., near Bussy Farm, France, September 27, 1918. Major Johnson led his battalion with exceptional bravery and judgment through a heavy enemy barrage in an attack on a strong hostile force on the plateau south of Bussy Farm, fearlessly exposing himself to point out enemy machine-gun positions. Having attained his objective, he held his ground in spite of the fact that his command had been badly cut up and participated in the attack on the following day. In spite of the strong resistance, his battalion captured a large number of guns, an ammunition dump, and valuable material. His fearlessness, energy, and leadership inspired his men to successful attack.

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