Table 8.1 Resume sectionsSectionContentHeadingmandatory. Includes candidate’s name, usually in slightly larger font contact information that may contain address, phone, and e-mail
Objective or career objectiveOptional. A sentence describing overall career goal rather than desire fora particular job
Skill summary or summary of qualifi-cationsOptional. Three to eight bulleted points illustrating specific skills either mentioned in job ad or characteristics mentioned
in company literatureEducationmandatory. Names) and location of colleges attended including date degree awarded or expected degree earned (i.e., BA, BS, mA, etc majors) and minor, if applicable GPA if high or requested academic honors. Separate subcategory (optional) of Relevant Coursework listing name of courses) (i.e., Intermediate Accounting,
Business Communication, Organic Chemistry, Genetics)
Experience (also referred to as work,
professional, or employment experience)
mandatory in chronological resume not used in functional resume. List of positions held starting with current job including name of organization, city or state,
dates worked, name of position held and followed by list of accomplishments written in specific, terse resume style that omits all articles (
and personal pronouns
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