You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

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You Are The Placebo (1)
Energy on the Quantum Level
All atoms in the elemental world emit various electromagnetic energies. For example, an atom can give off invisible fields of energy at different frequencies that include x-rays, gamma rays, ultraviolet rays,
and infrared rays, as well as visible light rays. And just as invisible radio waves carry a frequency with specific information encoded into it
(whether it’s 98.6 or 107.5 hertz, each different frequency likewise carries specific diverse information, as shown in Figure 8.1
. For example, x-rays carry very different information than infrared rays do, because they are different frequencies. All of these fields are different energy patterns that are always giving off information at the atomic level.
This chart shows two different frequencies that each carry different information and therefore have different qualities. X-rays behave differently from radio waves and thus have different inherent characteristics.
Think of atoms as vibrating fields of energy or small vortices that are constantly spinning. To better understand how that works, let’s use the analogy of a fan. Just like a circular fan creates wind (a vortex of air) when

it’s turned on, each atom, as it spins, radiates a field of energy in a similar fashion. And just like a fan can spin at different speeds and so create stronger or weaker wind, atoms also vibrate at different frequencies that create stronger or weaker fields. The faster the atom vibrates, the greater the energy and frequency it emits. The slower the speed of the atom’s vibration or vortex, the less energy it creates.
The slower a fan’s blades spin, the less wind (or energy) is created and the easier it is to seethe blades as material objects in physical reality. On the other hand, the faster the blades spin, the more energy is created and the less you see of the physical blades the blades appear to be immaterial. Where the fan blades can potentially appear (like the subatomic particles the quantum scientists were trying to observe that kept popping in and out of view) depends on your observation—where and how you look for them. And so it is with atoms. Let’s look at this in a little more depth.
In quantum physics, matter is defined as a solidi particle,i and the immaterial energetic field of information can be defined as the wave.
When we study the physical properties of atoms, like mass, atoms look like physical matter. The slower the frequency that an atom is vibrating,
the more time it spends in physical reality and the more it appears as a particle that we can see as solid matter. The reason physical matter appears solid to us, even though it’s mostly energy, is that all of the atoms are vibrating at the same speed we are.
But atoms also display many properties of energy or waves (including light, wavelengths, and frequency. The faster an atom vibrates and the more energy it generates, the less time it spends in physical reality it’s appearing and disappearing too fast for us to see it, because it’s vibrating at a much faster speed than we are. But even though we can’t seethe energy itself, we can sometimes see physical evidence of certain frequencies of energy, because the force field of atoms can create physical properties, such as the way infrared waves heat things up.
If you compare Figure 8.2A
to Figure B, you can see how slower frequencies spend more time in the material world and thus appear as matter.

When energy vibrates slower, particles appear in physical reality for longer periods of time and thus appear as solid matter. Figure A shows how matter manifests from a slower frequency with a longer wavelength. Figure B depicts particles spending less time in physical reality, therefore they are more energy and less matter. That’s because they have

shorter wavelengths, faster frequency, and a faster vibration.
So the physical universe may look as if it’s made up of only material matter, but in truth, it shares a field of information (the quantum field)
that unifies matter and energy so intimately that it’s impossible to consider them as separate entities. That’s because all particles are connected in an immaterial invisible field of information beyond space and time—and that field is made of consciousness (thought) and energy
(frequency, the speed at which things vibrate).
Because each atom has its own specific field of energy or energy signature, when atoms assemble collectively to form molecules, they share their fields of information and then radiate their own unique combined energy patterns. If everything material in the universe radiates a specific unique energy signature because everything is made of atoms,
then you and I radiate our own specific energy signatures as well. You and
I are always broadcasting information as electromagnetic energy—based on our states of being.
So when you change your energy to alter a belief or perception about yourself or your life, you’re actually increasing the frequency of the atoms and molecules of your physical body so that you’re amplifying your energy field (as shown in Figure 8.3
). You’re turning up the speed on the atomic fans that makeup your body. As you embrace a heightened,
emotional creative state like inspiration, empowerment, gratitude, or invincibility, you’re causing your atoms to spin faster, just like the fan blades, and to broadcast a stronger energy field around your body, which affects your physical matter.
So the physical particles that makeup your body are now responding to an elevated energy. You’re becoming more energy and less matter. You’re now more wave and less particle. Using your consciousness, you’re creating more energy so that matter can be lifted to anew frequency, and your body responds to anew mind.

When you change your energy, you lift matter to anew mind, and your body vibrates at a faster frequency. You become more energy and less matter—more wave and less particle. The more elevated the emotion or the higher the creative state of mind, the more energy you have to rewrite the programs in the body. Your body then responds to anew mind.

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