happening to her. Her entire brain was engaged in the inner event, and as a result, she was filled with profound energy.
Maria’s new self: Today, Maria continues to have similar mystical experiences.
Each time they occur, she reports feeling more relaxed, more conscious,
more aware, and more whole. She welcomes the next unknown moment.
Now It’s Your TurnThese few examples (out of many that were documented) prove that it is indeed possible to
teach the placebo effect. Now that you’ve received
all of the information, stories, and proof of what’s possible, it’s time for you to learn the “how-to” so that you can experience your own transformation. The next two chapters will outline the steps you can take to begin your personal meditation process. It’s my desire for you to put into practice all of the knowledge you’ve learned so far so that you experience the truth of your efforts. Once you receive the tools that you need to cross the river of change, I hope to see you on the other side.
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