Zero Point Energy doc

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Well, our electrodynamics profs forget to tell us that Because it doesn't appear in the odd years-old electrodynamics model But it's been known for over 40 years in particle physics. It would be nice if the various disciplines would "scrub" their older stuff and correct it, when later and different information uncovered in science has falsified it. They don't, at least not in electrodynamics. Anyway, we have these facts from particle physics
? (1) an electrical charge freely extracts energy from the vacuum, and
? (2) it outputs that energy as a radial flow away from it, in all directions, and
? (3) that energy flow is of the kind that we call "observable" (i.e., detectable in that it will translate matter under the right conditions. Well, there is only one kind of observable energy flow from an electrical charge And that is the so-called Poynting flow S. (Simplest form is SE x H, although there are expressions also for the absence of the magnetic field and soon. Also, the real thing is SE x HG, as pointed out by Heaviside who independently discovered it about the same time as Poynting. Poynting got the direction wrong by 90 degrees, and missed the other factor G. In fact, Poynting effectively limited the energy flow vector S to the energy collection flow in a circuit (the Slepian vector j-phi, for energy density flow. Well, that throws away almost all of the energy flow extracted from the vacuum by a source dipole in an electrical circuit. Let's put it this way. The source dipole extracts freely from the vacuum an enormous flow of energy, and sends it out along the external part of the conductors in its external circuit. All space around those conductors (transmission lines) is filled with this
Poynting flow. The total energy flow is enormous. But only a tiny, tiny smidgeon is intercepted by the surface charges in the wires (and components. Just that tiny portion of S that is in a small sheath directly adjacent to the conductor/component surfaces, gets intercepted and diverted (diverged) into the circuit to drive the electrons as j-phi. And thereby hangs a tail. All that Poynting got in his derivation was effectively that divergent part. He also got the direction wrong. Heaviside corrected him as to the direction, and also pointed out that THE DIVERGENT COMPONENT OF THE POYNTING FLOW IS ONLY A TINY PORTION OF THE ENTIRE FLOW. Most of the flow in the space surrounding the circuitry DOES NOT contact those surface charges, DOES not get diverged. So the nondivergent component is huge (nominally about exp times as much energy flow as

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