Zero Point Energy doc

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You should now have a clear picture or viewpoint in your mind of the 3 dimensional rectangular box resting in our D Space/Time Cube in reference to our linear X,Y and X axis or perceivable world. The fourth dimension being acceleration or the change in time one, delta one start reference point and time two or delta two the last reference point which will also give us the distance traveled between delta one and delta two. Now in Fig look at the leading edge of our box which is parallel with the Y axis or light axis Lambda. Now this leading edge is our reference point when we start talking about delta one to delta two or acceleration to the speed of light. Yes we cannot accelerate matter to the speed of light due to friction, but for all purposes we don't know that yet. Lets just say we can for now and friction and other factors do not have an effect on our box. This friction and other factors is what Chuck Yeager thought he found at Mach one as the demon. Well the demon is there but way above Mach one and way below the speed of light. The demon is friction and resistance factors of which we don't need to worry about in our pictorial view. See Fig & 5] Now let's say we just found some super fuel called Element 115 for now. This is an inside pun, but it will do for those of you who need a physical means to drive our box to and beyond the speed of light. We now set our box the Z axis in motion along the direction to the right on the X axis or acceleration plane. As we accelerate to the speed of light we will start to bend Space/Time itself. This means our Z axis will start to swing up toward our Y axis as we approach the speed of light. [ See Fig. 5, ABC Notice if we redraw our box in reference to our grid the box will seem to elongate as space/time is bent. This is what Einstein was talking about in relativity with the Lorentz Transformation. Keep in mind at this point we are not moving along with the new box but looking at it from its original starting point. If we were to move with the box we would see no change in the space warp as to the box itself. In other words the box would not seem to elongate from within its own reference point but only from the original observers viewpoint. Now in our three dimensional space/time there is one thing that we perceive in only two dimensions and that is a shadow of which light is a contributing factor. Now from our orignal reference point when we reach the speed of light the box would be perceived as abeam of light and the matter axis would have been warped or bent back on itself and from our original observer point would no longer be in our D space. At that point if we continue to accelerate with our super fuel Element 115 to two times the speed of light we are now swapping our X axis for the Y axis since we have flipped 90 degrees and the box is in its new dimension.

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