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inverse flux fields around its axis of rotation or EMF flux fields as north and south poles labeled "P. Now picture all these electrons in the outer orbits of each bit of matter on Earth and the Earth rotating on it pole axis. Fig 1. This is what gives earth its magnetic flux and inverse Aether fields and north and south poles. Fig A. The "For flux field is what is known as a closed loop of Aether rotation. Keep this in mind for this accounts for the similarities in formulas of electromagnetic fields and gravity formulas. Electromagnetic having plus or minus or attraction and repulsion and gravity only having attraction. To produce a gravity field all one has to do is create an Aether flow pump which is in one direction. Now how does matter or a planet produce this Aether pump that we observe as gravity Fig 1 The nucleus of the atom plays apart but once again let's keep it simple and just look atone aspect for now. Movement of matter through the Aether due to spin on [ just for now ] the electron causes friction on the Aether. If you move Aether through mass you get gravity. If you move mass through Aether you get inertia. By the way, the Aether itself causes the spin of the electron. They can effect each other and this is where friction is termed. Time and space is moving through our ball of matter and from another viewpoint matter is moving through time and space, time and space being the Aether or one in the same.
Aether is omnidirectional reciprocating energy and it can impart that energy in the form of rotation of the electron since they interact with each other. Now this friction which is the imparting mechanism between the Aether and the electron and will director curve the Aether to an extent from the surface of the electron. Put a bunch of these little spinning surfaces together and they director pump the Aether to the center of the matter in question. Fig 1. Aether being energy with no mass can fill an infinite amount of space at the center with no problem of conflict with itself. There is no difference in a bucket of Aether or a pinhead of Aether. It takes up no space since it is energy and what space is made of. This also is where the duality of the Aether comes in. By space I also mean empty space or the lack of matter. Matt's vortex technology holds true to this process. Scalar is a means of engineering controlled vortex in a specific manner to produce a desired effect. Using scalar technology we can produce this
Aether pump [Aether Diode with control. This means that we can produce a gravity point and everything within our field will fall to that point with no effect on the normal gravity field produced by the planet since our new field overrides the earth's field.

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