18. 1 Defense logistics agency (dla) small business innovation research (sbir) program proposal Submission Instructions general

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Proposal Submission Instructions
The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) implements, administers, and manages the SBIR/STTR Program through the Logistics Operations, Research, and Development (R&D) Division. Consult http://www.dla.mil/ for general information about DLA and its mission. If you have any questions regarding the administration of the DLA SBIR/STTR Program, please contact the DLA SBIR/STTR Program Manager (PM):
Denise Price, Program Manager, DLA Small Business Innovation Programs

E-mail: denise.price@dla.mil

Phone: 703-767-0111
DLA’s projected funding levels support between four (4) and eight (8) Phase I awards and up to three (3) Phase II awards from each topic. DLA reserves the right to limit awards under any topic.
For questions regarding the SBIR/STTR topics during the pre-release period, contact the Topic Authors listed for each topic on the SBIR/STTR website at https://sbir.defensebusiness.org/ prior to the close of the pre-release. To obtain answers to technical questions during the open period; submit your questions through the online SBIR SITIS Q&A System at https://sbir.defensebusiness.org/.
For general inquiries or problems with electronic submission, contact DoD SBIR Help Desk at sbirhelp@bytecubed.com or 1-800-348-0787 between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm ET.

18.1 BAA (Pre-release) November 29, 2017

18.1 BAA (Open period) January 8, 2018

18.1 BAA Closes February 7, 2018

Phase I Evaluations February 8 – May 7, 2018

Phase I Selections 8 May 2018

Phase I Awards 8 September 2018

A list of the topics currently eligible for proposal submission is included in this section followed by full topic descriptions. DLA will only accept proposals from the topics listed in this BAA.

  • Proposers are required to submit a cost proposal for no more than a 6-month Phase I period.

  • DLA will not award Phase I proposals exceeding $100,000.

For detailed proposal submission guidance, refer to U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Instructions 18.1 SBIR at: https://sbir.defensebusiness.org/

DLA Phase I proposals have a 20-page limit. Any attachments, appendices, or references are included in this 20-page limit. However, the Cost Proposal and the Company Commercialization Report are not included in the 20-page limit.
DLA will only consider previously awarded Phase I proposals for Phase II awards. DLA Phase II proposals must follow the detailed proposal submission guidance in the original Phase I BAA. Refer to U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Instructions 18.1 SBIR at https://sbir.defensebusiness.org/.
DLA Phase II proposals have a 40-page limit. Any attachments, appendices, or references are included in this 40-page limit. However, the Cost Proposal and the Company Commercialization Report are not included in the 40-page limit.
Phase II is the demonstration of the technology that was found feasible in Phase I. Phase I awardees may submit a Phase II proposal without invitation; DLA expects Phase II proposals no earlier than 60 days and no later than 30 days prior to the end of the Phase I period of performance.

  • All proposers are required to develop and submit a commercialization plan describing feasible approaches for marketing and manufacturing the developed technology.

  • Proposers are required to submit a cost proposal for the entire 24-month Phase II period.

  • DLA will not award Phase II proposals exceeding $1,000,000.

  • At the Contracting Officer’s discretion, Phase II projects may require an evaluation for technical progress prior to the end of the first year, prior to extending funding for the additional year.

The DLA SBIR/STTR Program is committed to minimizing the funding gap between Phase I and Phase II activities. All DLA SBIR/STTR Phase II proposals will receive timely reviews and be eligible for interim funding.

In accordance with the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632), the DLA SBIR/STTR Program Office will authorize the recipient of a Phase I and/or a Phase II SBIR award to purchase technical assistance services (Discretionary Technical Assistance, DTA). These services include items such as access to a network of scientists and engineers engaged in a wide range of technologies, or access to technical and business literature available through on-line databases, for assisting such concerns as:

  • Making better technical decisions concerning such projects;

  • Solving technical problems which arise during the conduct of such projects;

  • Minimizing technical risks associated with such projects; and

  • Developing and commercializing new commercial products and processes resulting from such projects.

If you are interested in proposing the use of a vendor for technical assistance, you must provide a cost breakdown in the Cost Volume under “Other Direct Costs (ODCs)” and provide a one-page description of the vendor you will use and the technical assistance you will receive. The proposed amount may not exceed $5,000 for Phase I and $5000 for each year of a Phase II project. The description should be included as the LAST page of the Technical Volume. This description will not count against the Phase I or Phase II proposal page limit and will NOT receive an assessment against SBIR proposal evaluation criteria. Approval of technical assistance is not a guarantee and is subject to review of the Program/Project Manager and the Contracting Officer.

Cost Proposal: The proposer must submit a detailed cost proposal. Cost proposal information is proprietary and will receive the proper classification. Identify proposed costs by both individual cost element and contractor fiscal year (FY) in sufficient detail to determine the basis for estimates, as well as the purpose, necessity, and reasonableness of each. This information will expedite award of the resulting contract if the proposal in the event of an award.
DLA recommends Phase II Cost Proposals include an estimate for travel for quarterly program reviews.
Notification of Selection and non-selection letters occurs electronically via e-mail.

Company Commercialization Report: All Phase II proposals must contain a “Commercialization Report of Prior SBIR Awards.” This report is an attachment or enclosure and not counted against the

40-page limitation. Use the online Company Commercialization Report is to fulfill this requirement. As instructed in paragraph 11.2 of the DoD BAA, prepare the report using the password-protected DoD SBIR electronic submission site, https://sbir.defensebusiness.org/.

Proposals not conforming to the terms of this BAA will not receive further consideration.
All DLA SBIR and STTR awardees are required to submit reports in accordance with the deliverable schedule. The Awardee must provide all Reports to the individuals identified in Exhibit A of the contract. Milestones: Each phase of the project will be milestone driven. The Principal Investigator will propose milestones prior to starting any phase of the project.
Proposals should anticipate a combination of any or all of the following deliverables:

  • Major milestone schedule and decision tree for project

  • Initial Project Summary: one-page, unclassified, non-sensitive, and non-proprietary summation of the project problem statement and intended benefits (must be suitable for public viewing)

  • Cyber Security Plan **

  • (Phase I) Mid Term Project Review (may be in the format of a slide deck and teleconference or a short pre-formatted paper)

  • (Phase II) Tri-Annual Project Review (may be in the format of a slide deck and teleconference or a short pre-formatted paper) (Phase II)

  • Draft Final Report including major accomplishments and proposed path forward

  • Final Report including major accomplishments and proposed path forward

  • Final Project Summary (one-page, unclassified, non-sensitive and non-proprietary summation of project results intended for public viewing)

  • Phase II Proposal (as Applicable)

  • Applicable Patent documentation

** In accordance with DFARS 252.204-7012, Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting (OCT 2016), the contractor shall provide its plan for ensuring cyber security, as well as its plan for handling/reporting cyber incidents. Therefore, all awards resulting from this BAA will include DFARS 252.204-7012.  Full text of the clause may be found at https://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/dars/dfars/html/current/252204.htm#252.204-7012

DLA SBIR 18.1 Topic Index


Augmented Reality (AR) within the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)


Additive Manufacturing Process Monitoring and Control Technologies


Reverse Engineering Technical Data Packages for Development of Alternate Sources of Supply for DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) NSNs


Increase Competition through Small Business Source Approval Request (SAR) for DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) NSN: 8010-01-266-6576


(SBIR 18.1 DLA Topic DLA181-004 was removed on 1/26/2018.)


Increase Competition through Small Business Source Approval Request (SAR) for DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) NSN: 1095-00-488-0829


Increase Competition through Small Business Source Approval Request (SAR) for DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) NSN: 5330-01-128-7088


Increase Competition through Small Business Source Approval Request (SAR) for DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) NSNs 4720-01-440-7526 and 5915-00-205-8087


Increase Competition through Small Business Source Approval Request (SAR) for DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) NSNs 5330-01-239-8862, 5330-01-239-8863, 5330-01-239-8864, and 5330-01-239-8865

DLA SBIR 18.1 Topic Descriptions


TITLE: Augmented Reality (AR) within the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)


OBJECTIVE: To identify opportunities and potential benefits of implementing Augmented Reality (AR) in DLA's procurement, logistics and distribution processes to more reliable, repeatable, and cost-effective solutions eliminating unproductive business practices.

DESCRIPTION: With the increasing immersion of the digital world in commercial and industry enterprises and the improvement in the computer hardware capabilities, Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging visual enhancement technology that can increase productivity and accuracy by adding digital and information to real environments by providing a single, versatile, real-time interface for displaying decision-critical information and providing execution functionality. DLA seeks analysis of how this emerging technology is being utilized in the private sector and its capabilities and potential for use in DLA. This analysis should result in a Proof of Concept to include a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) Business Case Analysis (BCA) of whether the use of AR within DLA has the potential reduce costs, improve operational effectiveness and efficiency, and enhance support to the Warfighter.

PHASE I: During this phase the small business will research the state of the technology and detail private sector applications of AR currently in use or planned for use in relevant supply chain operations and other similar environments. In addition, the analysis of the private sector applications in terms of increased productivity and accuracy should relate to corresponding cost savings that can extrapolated for use in a ROM BCA of the potential impact on DLA's supply chain operations. This ROM BCA should take into account the cost of hardware, necessary software, and cost to DLA to integrate the AR system(s) to DLA's internal IT systems, if required. The possible impacts of worker safety in warehouse environments, enhanced training capabilities allowing rapid onboarding of new employees, and heightened communication between workers and supervisors should be included in the analysis. Phase I should result in sufficient information about the applicability of the technology, its potential benefits and drawbacks, and a rough understanding of the cost versus benefit for DLA to determine whether or not to advance to developing a prototype and testing of the technology.

PHASE II: The goal of Phase II is to develop and test a prototype system in a DLA environment in a proof of concept ending in functioning system that can be implemented within DLA (commercialization).

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: At this point, no specific funding is associated with Phase III. Progress made in PHASE I and PHASE II should result in a functional AR system which can transition into DLA or the commercial market.

COMMERCIALIZATION: Successful commercialization will be a resulting AR system which can be implemented within DLA.


1. Ready for Augmented Reality? https://www.ge.com/digital/press-releases/ready-augmented-reality

2. Top 10 Augmented Reality Use cases; http://www.t-immersion.com/augmented-reality/use-cases

KEYWORDS: Industrial Augmented Reality, Worker Safety, Warehouse Environment, Training


TITLE: Additive Manufacturing Process Monitoring and Control Technologies


OBJECTIVE: The Defense Logistics Agency seeks to develop Standardized Additive Manufacturing (AM) procedures that are essential in the DoD acceptance of certified AM parts in the DoD supply chain. DLA Logistics Operations seeks process monitoring technologies to address four primary objectives:
1. Provide reduced overhead costs.
2. Increase yield, reduce costs and realize repeatable, certified and affordable parts.
3. Reduce fulfillment cycle times and accelerat4e4 part supply options and certifications by transferring known part specifications between AM suppliers and technologies.
4. Expand and enable a flexible and scalable supply chain where qualified parts are not dedicated to specific AM suppliers, technologies, or dedicated equipment.

DESCRIPTION: The Department of Defense (DoD) demand for out-of-production parts to maintain mission readiness of various weapons system platforms is an ongoing challenge for the Defense Logistics Agency. DLA's strategic objective is to enable a flexible supply chain that can accelerate repairs and part replacements utilizing AM. However, AM technology is relatively new to manufacturing and has many hurdles to overcome before universal adoption as a replacement, DLA is looking to leverage this evolving digital environment to enable a reliable supply chain that is both flexible and scalable.

Of the many elements required to certify parts, process monitoring and control will play a major role in assuring consistent quality achievement across the spectrum of potential suppliers and technology solutions. Process monitoring and control provides consistency in the thread between AM technology solutions. Process monitoring and control provides consistency in the thread between AM technology types and suppliers, and assures that machine-to-machine variation is within limits, both today and tomorrow as well as provides critical insights into the path towards quality, reliability, and certification.

With respect to economics, the affordability of AM parts will be largely dependent on the overhead costs to develop part-specific parameters and production scrap rates.

1. Currently, input process parameter development is dependent on geometric features, material properties, feed stock type, power source, individual AM machine variation over time, and many other factors.
2. Process control is imperative to increase yield, reduce costs and realize repeatable, certified, and affordable parts. In addition, the ability to minimize the overhead to validate parts on multiple technologies can have significant impact on the flexibility of the supple chain and the economics of parts supply.

PHASE I: Establish and approach to integrate various "third party" independent sensors and monitoring into the additive manufacturing process.

PHASE II: Integrate "third-party" sensors and demonstrate process monitoring and feedback for multiple additive manufacturing systems. The resulting integrated solution should demonstrate how the transfer of known part specification between AM systems can reduce fulfillment cycle times and accelerate part supply options.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: At this point, no specific funding is associated with Phase III. Progress made in PHASE I and PHASE II should result in a functional Open Source System which can transition into the Government or the commercial markets.

COMMERCIALIZATION: Expand and enable a flexible and scalable supply chain where qualified parts are not dedicated to specific AM suppliers, technologies, or dedicated equipment.


1. W. J. Sames, F. A. List, S. Pannala, R. R. Dehoff & S. S. Babu, "The metallurgy and processing science of metal additive manufacturing" International Materials Review, 2016. Downloaded by [Oak Ridge National Laboratory] at 08:18 07 March 2016.

2. Spears, T. G., and Gold, S. A., "In-process sensing in selective laser melting (SLM) Additive Manufacturing," Integrating Material and Manufacturing Innovation, Issue 5, Volume 2, February, 2016.

KEYWORDS: Additive Manufacturing; Input Process Parameter Development; Process Control


TITLE: Reverse Engineering Technical Data Packages for Development of

Alternate Sources of Supply for DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO)

NSN: 3950-00-869-7362

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes

OBJECTIVE: Improve product availability and increase competition through Reverse Engineering (RE) of a technical data package and the development of Source Approval Request (SAR) by small business manufacturers for National Stock Numbers (NSNs) without government provided technical data. Small Business will conduct reverse engineering resulting in technical data packages procurement and prototype as requested for rapid prototyping, manufacturing plan development, and production of items identified in this BAA. The intent is that participating small business manufacturers, once approved, will be responsive to future solicitations for these items as well as the development of additional SARs for technically related NSNs.

DESCRIPTION: The DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) was established to position the Agency to be fully responsive to the needs of the United States Air Force and U.S. Navy nuclear communities. The sole mission of the office is to synchronize DLA’s enterprise wide support to the nuclear enterprise and engage strategically with DLA customers. Through partnerships with the small business industrial base, the DLA will augment existing sources of supply to enhance product availability, competitive price as well as ensure effective logistics support to the nuclear enterprise.

Reverse Engineering is the process by which parts are examined and analyzed to determine how they were manufactured, for the purpose of developing a complete technical data package. When drawings and/or other data covering the design, materials, etc. of the exact Original Equipment Manufacturers’ (OEM) product is not available to the procurement activity, manufacturers contact the Program Office with oversight of the part in question to request reverse engineering approval. The normal expected result of reverse engineering is the creation of a technical data package suitable for manufacture of an item by new sources.

Manufacturers that are interested in pursuing RE to qualification as an Approved Source in future DLA procurements are required to demonstrate that they can competently manufacture the Critical/Weapon System Item/NSN.

To qualify as an Approved Source, the onus is on the manufacturer to document and demonstrate their product is equal to or better, than the currently approved item which DLA is procuring utilizing the Source Approval Request (SAR) process. A SAR is a technical data package that is submitted by a contractor for review that meets the current technical requirements in getting their part approved so their company can become a source of supply. There is a Source Approval Request (SAR) Guide and templates as well as SAR Charts that explains in more detail the process as we need manufacturers help to break out from sole source status. The guide, charts, checklists, and templates can be found via the internet at the referenced link 1.

Participating firms must have a Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code and be Joint Certification Program (JCP) certified in order to access technical data if available. Refer to link 2 below for further information on JCP certification. All available documents and drawings are located in the C Folder location “SBIR181NSNS”. Participating Small Businesses will need to create a DIBBS account to view all data and requirements in C Folders. In order to access C Folders, participating firms must have a valid account in DLA’s Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS) in order to receive a password to C Folders. Refer to links 3 and 4 below for further information on DIBBS and C Folders.

PHASE I: The innovation goals of Phase I are to provide Small Business eligible manufacturing sources an opportunity to qualify as an Approved Source for Critical/Weapon System Items/NSNs specifically identified in this BAA. In this phase, manufacturers should demonstrate measureable progress towards the submission of a technical data package resulting from the RE effort. In addition, it is highly recommended that manufacturers and engineers critically analyze the component to be produced for the potential to reduce costs, extend lifecycle, and improve the quality of the component. The culmination of this research will provide the basis for a business case for the final report. In this phase, manufacturers will pursue Engineering Support Activity (ESA) SAR approval.

The list of NESO Items and associated details have been selected to develop competition through the submission of Source Approval Requests (SAR’s). The list of NSNs contains NSNs with an Annual Demand Value (ADV) >$10K currently sourced with fewer than two (2) manufacturers.

1. NSN: 3950-00-869-7362
Part Name: Winch, Drum, Hand Operated
DLA Supply Chain: DLA C&E
Weapon System: ICBM
Part Description: This goes on the Hoisting Unit, Hydraulic Pusher.

PHASE II: Based on the results achieved in Phase I, DLA NESO will decide whether to continue the effort based on the technical progress, potential for authorization to participate as an Approved Source, and feasibility of the manufacturer’s business case. The goal of Phase II is to achieve authorization to participate as an Approved Source for the specific NSN in future procurements.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: At this point, no specific funding is associated with Phase III. Progress made in PHASE I and PHASE II should result in the manufacturer’s qualification as an approved source of supply enabling participation in DLA procurements.

COMMERCIALIZATION: The manufacturer will pursue commercialization of the various technologies and processes developed in prior phases through participation in future DLA procurements for items identified with this BAA.


1. DLA Small Business Resources: http://www.dla.mil/Aviation/Business/IndustryResources/SBO.aspx

2. JCP Certification: https://public.logisticsinformationservice.dla.mil/PublicHome/jcp/default.aspx

3. Access the web address for DIBBS at https://www.dibbs.bsm.dla.mil/default.aspx

4. Log into c-Folders. https://pcf1.bsm.dla.mil/cFolders ...query solicitation SBIR181NSNS

KEYWORDS: Hand Operated Winch, Drum


(SBIR 18.1 DLA Topic DLA181-004 was removed on 1/26/2018.)


TITLE: Increase Competition through Small Business Source Approval Request (SAR) for DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) NSN: 8010-01-266-6576

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes

OBJECTIVE: Improve product availability and increase competition through the development of Source Approval Requests (SAR) by small business manufacturers for National Stock Numbers (NSNs) with government provided technical data. Small Business eligible manufacturing sources utilizing the Defense Logistics Agency’s (DLA’s) technical data will develop SAR packages including quality and manufacturing plans, sample parts, and production forecasts for items identified in this BAA. The intent is that participating small business manufacturers, once approved, will be responsive to future solicitations for these items as well as the development of additional SARs for technically related NSNs.

DESCRIPTION: The DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) was established to position the Agency to be fully responsive to the needs of the United States Air Force and U.S. Navy nuclear communities. The sole mission of the office is to synchronize DLA’s enterprise wide support to the nuclear enterprise and engage strategically with DLA customers. Through partnerships with the small business industrial base, the DLA will augment existing sources of supply to enhance product availability, competitive price as well as ensure effective logistics support to the nuclear enterprise.

Manufacturers that are interested in pursuing qualification as an Approved Source in future DLA procurements for NESO Items are required to demonstrate that they can competently manufacture the Critical/Weapon System Item/NSN. To qualify as an Approved Source, the onus is on the manufacturer to document and demonstrate their product meets all the government's minimum requirements. The DLA Source Approval Request (SAR) Guide and templates as well as SAR Charts that explains the process are located via the internet at the referenced link 1.

Participating firms must have a Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code and be Joint Certification Program (JCP) certified in order to access technical data. Refer to link 2 below for further information on JCP certification. All available documents and drawings are located in the C Folder location “SBIR181NSNS”. Participating Small Businesses will need to create a DIBBS account to view all data and requirements in C Folders. In order to access C Folders, participating firms must have a valid account in DLA’s Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS) in order to receive a password to C Folders. Refer to links 3 and 4 below for further information on DIBBS and C Folders.

PHASE I: The innovation goals of Phase I are to provide Small Business eligible manufacturing sources an opportunity to qualify as an Approved Source for Critical/Weapon System Items/NSNs specifically identified in this BAA. In this phase, manufacturers will develop appropriate technical data and conduct analysis of their existing manufacturing capability to assess where their existing manufacturing capability or quality systems can be adapted to successfully produce specific Critical/Weapon System Items/NSNs. In addition, it is highly recommended that manufacturers and engineers critically analyze the component to be produced for the potential to reduce costs, extend lifecycle, and improve the quality of the component. The culmination of this research will provide the basis for a business case for the final report. In this phase, manufacturers will pursue Engineering Support Activity (ESA) SAR approval.

The list of NESO Items and associated details have been selected to develop competition through the submission of Source Approval Requests (SAR’s). The list of NSNs contains NSNs with an Annual Demand Value (ADV) >$10K currently sourced with fewer than two (2) manufacturers.

1. NSN: 8010-01-266-6576
Part Name: Proxy Primer Coating
DLA Supply Chain: C&E
Weapon System: B-2
Part Description: MILSPEC Part Number M85582-2-C2-001P, Dark Green. Used during the B-2 specialized Low Observable maintenance processes. PPG Aerospace Irvine, CA Company advised they will no longer manufacture the material.

PHASE II: Based on the results achieved in Phase I, DLA NESO will decide whether to continue the effort based on the technical progress, potential for authorization to participate as an Approved Source, and feasibility of the manufacturer’s business case. The goal of Phase II is to achieve authorization to participate as an Approved Source for the specific NSN in future procurements.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: At this point, no specific funding is associated with Phase III. Progress made in PHASE I and PHASE II should result in the manufacturer’s qualification as an approved source of supply enabling participation in DLA procurements.

COMMERCIALIZATION: The manufacturer will pursue commercialization of the various technologies and processes developed in prior phases through participation in future DLA procurements for items identified with this BAA.


1. DLA Small Business Resources: http://www.dla.mil/Aviation/Business/IndustryResources/SBO.aspx

2. JCP Certification: https://public.logisticsinformationservice.dla.mil/PublicHome/jcp/default.aspx

3. Access the web address for DIBBS at https://www.dibbs.bsm.dla.mil/default.aspx

4. Log into c-Folders. https://pcf1.bsm.dla.mil/cFolders ...query solicitation SBIR181NSNS

KEYWORDS: Proxy Primer Coating


TITLE: Increase Competition through Small Business Source Approval Request (SAR) for DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) NSN: 1095-00-488-0829

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes

OBJECTIVE: Improve product availability and increase competition through the development of Source Approval Requests (SAR) by small business manufacturers for National Stock Numbers (NSNs) with government provided technical data. Small Business eligible manufacturing sources utilizing the Defense Logistics Agency’s (DLA’s) technical data will develop SAR packages including quality and manufacturing plans, sample parts, and production forecasts for items identified in this BAA. The intent is that participating small business manufacturers, once approved, will be responsive to future solicitations for these items as well as the development of additional SARs for technically related NSNs.

DESCRIPTION: The DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) was established to position the Agency to be fully responsive to the needs of the United States Air Force and U.S. Navy nuclear communities. The sole mission of the office is to synchronize DLA’s enterprise wide support to the nuclear enterprise and engage strategically with DLA customers. Through partnerships with the small business industrial base, the DLA will augment existing sources of supply to enhance product availability, competitive price as well as ensure effective logistics support to the nuclear enterprise.

Manufacturers that are interested in pursuing qualification as an Approved Source in future DLA procurements for NESO Items are required to demonstrate that they can competently manufacture the Critical/Weapon System Item/NSN. To qualify as an Approved Source, the onus is on the manufacturer to document and demonstrate their product meets all the government's minimum requirements. The DLA Source Approval Request (SAR) Guide and templates as well as SAR Charts that explains the process are located via the internet at the referenced link 1.

Participating firms must have a Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code and be Joint Certification Program (JCP) certified in order to access technical data. Refer to link 2 below for further information on JCP certification. All available documents and drawings are located in the C Folder location “SBIR181NSNS”. Participating Small Businesses will need to create a DIBBS account to view all data and requirements in C Folders. In order to access C Folders, participating firms must have a valid account in DLA’s Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS) in order to receive a password to C Folders. Refer to links 3 and 4 below for further information on DIBBS and C Folders.

PHASE I: The innovation goals of Phase I are to provide Small Business eligible manufacturing sources an opportunity to qualify as an Approved Source for Critical/Weapon System Items/NSNs specifically identified in this BAA. In this phase, manufacturers will develop appropriate technical data and conduct analysis of their existing manufacturing capability to assess where their existing manufacturing capability or quality systems can be adapted to successfully produce specific Critical/Weapon System Items/NSNs. In addition, it is highly recommended that manufacturers and engineers critically analyze the component to be produced for the potential to reduce costs, extend lifecycle, and improve the quality of the component. The culmination of this research will provide the basis for a business case for the final report. In this phase, manufacturers will pursue Engineering Support Activity (ESA) SAR approval.

The list of NESO Items and associated details have been selected to develop competition through the submission of Source Approval Requests (SAR’s). The list of NSNs contains NSNs with an Annual Demand Value (ADV) >$10K currently sourced with fewer than two (2) manufacturers.

1. NSN: 1095-00-488-0829
Part Name: Link and Hook Assy
DLA Supply Chain: DLA Land
Weapon System: B-52
Part Description: Part Number 45B16379. NSN is B-52 Unique; part is used on the Bomb Rack and is the #1 aged operational Back Order

PHASE II: Based on the results achieved in Phase I, DLA NESO will decide whether to continue the effort based on the technical progress, potential for authorization to participate as an Approved Source, and feasibility of the manufacturer’s business case. The goal of Phase II is to achieve authorization to participate as an Approved Source for the specific NSN in future procurements.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: At this point, no specific funding is associated with Phase III. Progress made in PHASE I and PHASE II should result in the manufacturer’s qualification as an approved source of supply enabling participation in DLA procurements.

COMMERCIALIZATION: The manufacturer will pursue commercialization of the various technologies and processes developed in prior phases through participation in future DLA procurements for items identified with this BAA.


1. DLA Small Business Resources: http://www.dla.mil/Aviation/Business/IndustryResources/SBO.aspx

2. JCP Certification: https://public.logisticsinformationservice.dla.mil/PublicHome/jcp/default.aspx

3. Access the web address for DIBBS at https://www.dibbs.bsm.dla.mil/default.aspx

4. Log into c-Folders. https://pcf1.bsm.dla.mil/cFolders ...query solicitation SBIR181NSNS

KEYWORDS: Link and Hook Assy


TITLE: Increase Competition through Small Business Source Approval Request (SAR) for DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) NSN: 5330-01-128-7088

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes

OBJECTIVE: Improve product availability and increase competition through the development of Source Approval Requests (SAR) by small business manufacturers for National Stock Numbers (NSNs) with government provided technical data. Small Business eligible manufacturing sources utilizing the Defense Logistics Agency’s (DLA’s) technical data will develop SAR packages including quality and manufacturing plans, sample parts, and production forecasts for items identified in this BAA. The intent is that participating small business manufacturers, once approved, will be responsive to future solicitations for these items as well as the development of additional SARs for technically related NSNs.

DESCRIPTION: The DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) was established to position the Agency to be fully responsive to the needs of the United States Air Force and U.S. Navy nuclear communities. The sole mission of the office is to synchronize DLA’s enterprise wide support to the nuclear enterprise and engage strategically with DLA customers. Through partnerships with the small business industrial base, the DLA will augment existing sources of supply to enhance product availability, competitive price as well as ensure effective logistics support to the nuclear enterprise.

Manufacturers that are interested in pursuing qualification as an Approved Source in future DLA procurements for NESO Items are required to demonstrate that they can competently manufacture the Critical/Weapon System Item/NSN. To qualify as an Approved Source, the onus is on the manufacturer to document and demonstrate their product meets all the government's minimum requirements. The DLA Source Approval Request (SAR) Guide and templates as well as SAR Charts that explains the process are located via the internet at the referenced link 1.

Participating firms must have a Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code and be Joint Certification Program (JCP) certified in order to access technical data. Refer to link 2 below for further information on JCP certification. All available documents and drawings are located in the C Folder location “SBIR181NSNS”. Participating Small Businesses will need to create a DIBBS account to view all data and requirements in C Folders. In order to access C Folders, participating firms must have a valid account in DLA’s Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS) in order to receive a password to C Folders. Refer to links 3 and 4 below for further information on DIBBS and C Folders.

PHASE I: The innovation goals of Phase I are to provide Small Business eligible manufacturing sources an opportunity to qualify as an Approved Source for Critical/Weapon System Items/NSNs specifically identified in this BAA. In this phase, manufacturers will develop appropriate technical data and conduct analysis of their existing manufacturing capability to assess where their existing manufacturing capability or quality systems can be adapted to successfully produce specific Critical/Weapon System Items/NSNs. In addition, it is highly recommended that manufacturers and engineers critically analyze the component to be produced for the potential to reduce costs, extend lifecycle, and improve the quality of the component. The culmination of this research will provide the basis for a business case for the final report. In this phase, manufacturers will pursue Engineering Support Activity (ESA) SAR approval.

The list of NESO Items and associated details have been selected to develop competition through the submission of Source Approval Requests (SAR’s). The list of NSNs contains NSNs with an Annual Demand Value (ADV) >$10K currently sourced with fewer than two (2) manufacturers.

1. NSN: 5330-01-128-7088
Part Name: Seal, Nonmetallic Special
DLA Supply Chain: DLA Industrial Hardware
Weapon System: B-52
Part Description: Part Number 361-11569-1. NSN is B-52 Unique and part is a top 10 B-52 operational aged Back Order

PHASE II: Based on the results achieved in Phase I, DLA NESO will decide whether to continue the effort based on the technical progress, potential for authorization to participate as an Approved Source, and feasibility of the manufacturer’s business case. The goal of Phase II is to achieve authorization to participate as an Approved Source for the specific NSN in future procurements.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: At this point, no specific funding is associated with Phase III. Progress made in PHASE I and PHASE II should result in the manufacturer’s qualification as an approved source of supply enabling participation in DLA procurements.

COMMERCIALIZATION: The manufacturer will pursue commercialization of the various technologies and processes developed in prior phases through participation in future DLA procurements for items identified with this BAA.


1. DLA Small Business Resources: http://www.dla.mil/Aviation/Business/IndustryResources/SBO.aspx

2. JCP Certification: https://public.logisticsinformationservice.dla.mil/PublicHome/jcp/default.aspx

3. Access the web address for DIBBS at https://www.dibbs.bsm.dla.mil/default.aspx

4. Log into c-Folders. https://pcf1.bsm.dla.mil/cFolders query solicitation SBIR181NSNS

KEYWORDS: Seal, Nonmetallic Special


TITLE: Increase Competition through Small Business Source Approval Request (SAR) for DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) NSNs: 4720-01-440-7526 and


TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes

OBJECTIVE: Improve product availability and increase competition through the development of Source Approval Requests (SAR) by small business manufacturers for National Stock Numbers (NSNs) with government provided technical data. Small Business eligible manufacturing sources utilizing the Defense Logistics Agency’s (DLA’s) technical data will develop SAR packages including quality and manufacturing plans, sample parts, and production forecasts for items identified in this BAA. The intent is that participating small business manufacturers, once approved, will be responsive to future solicitations for these items as well as the development of additional SARs for technically related NSNs.

DESCRIPTION: The DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) was established to position the Agency to be fully responsive to the needs of the United States Air Force and U.S. Navy nuclear communities. The sole mission of the office is to synchronize DLA’s enterprise wide support to the nuclear enterprise and engage strategically with DLA customers. Through partnerships with the small business industrial base, the DLA will augment existing sources of supply to enhance product availability, competitive price as well as ensure effective logistics support to the nuclear enterprise.

Manufacturers that are interested in pursuing qualification as an Approved Source in future DLA procurements for NESO Items are required to demonstrate that they can competently manufacture the Critical/Weapon System Item/NSN. To qualify as an Approved Source, the onus is on the manufacturer to document and demonstrate their product meets all the government's minimum requirements. The DLA Source Approval Request (SAR) Guide and templates as well as SAR Charts that explains the process are located via the internet at the referenced link 1.

Participating firms must have a Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code and be Joint Certification Program (JCP) certified in order to access technical data. Refer to link 2 below for further information on JCP certification. All available documents and drawings are located in the C Folder location “SBIR181NSNS”. Participating Small Businesses will need to create a DIBBS account to view all data and requirements in C Folders. In order to access C Folders, participating firms must have a valid account in DLA’s Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS) in order to receive a password to C Folders. Refer to links 3 and 4 below for further information on DIBBS and C Folders.

PHASE I: The innovation goals of Phase I are to provide Small Business eligible manufacturing sources an opportunity to qualify as an Approved Source for Critical/Weapon System Items/NSNs specifically identified in this BAA. In this phase, manufacturers will develop appropriate technical data and conduct analysis of their existing manufacturing capability to assess where their existing manufacturing capability or quality systems can be adapted to successfully produce specific Critical/Weapon System Items/NSNs. In addition, it is highly recommended that manufacturers and engineers critically analyze the component to be produced for the potential to reduce costs, extend lifecycle, and improve the quality of the component. The culmination of this research will provide the basis for a business case for the final report. In this phase, manufacturers will pursue Engineering Support Activity (ESA) SAR approval.

The list of NESO Items and associated details have been selected to develop competition through the submission of Source Approval Requests (SAR’s). The list of NSNs contains NSNs with an Annual Demand Value (ADV) >$10K currently sourced with fewer than two (2) manufacturers.

1. NSN: 4720-01-440-7526
Part Name: Hose, Air Duct
Weapon System: ICBM
Part Description: NSN is used in the ICBM Programmed Depot Maintenance (PDM) Launch Facility ECS Duct replacement
Estimated annual order volume and price: They are scheduled to do 100% replacement on 57 PDM LF sites annually.

2. NSN: 5915-00-205-8087

Part Name: Filter, Radio Frequency
Part Description: NSN is used in the ICBM Programmed Depot Maintenance (PDM) Launch Facility Inspect/Repair OGE, LF (Area 4/5 LER)
Estimated annual order volume and price: They are scheduled to do periodic replacement on PDM sites (57 annually).
This project requires business relationship with Boeing to develop small business manufacturers used to supply these parts. Boeing would also provide engineering expertise along with drawing/specs. There are additional Filters in this family that if there is interest could be packaged due to similarity.

PHASE II: Based on the results achieved in Phase I, DLA NESO will decide whether to continue the effort based on the technical progress, potential for authorization to participate as an Approved Source, and feasibility of the manufacturer’s business case. The goal of Phase II is to achieve authorization to participate as an Approved Source for the specific NSN in future procurements.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: At this point, no specific funding is associated with Phase III. Progress made in PHASE I and PHASE II should result in the manufacturer’s qualification as an approved source of supply enabling participation in DLA procurements.

COMMERCIALIZATION: The manufacturer will pursue commercialization of the various technologies and processes developed in prior phases through participation in future DLA procurements for items identified with this BAA.


1. DLA Small Business Resources: http://www.dla.mil/Aviation/Business/IndustryResources/SBO.aspx

2. JCP Certification: https://public.logisticsinformationservice.dla.mil/PublicHome/jcp/default.aspx

3. Access the web address for DIBBS at https://www.dibbs.bsm.dla.mil/default.aspx

4. Log into c-Folders. https://pcf1.bsm.dla.mil/cFolders ...query solicitation SBIR181NSNS

KEYWORDS: Air Duct; Filter, Radio Frequency


TITLE: Increase Competition through Small Business Source Approval Request (SAR) for DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) NSNs: 5330-01-239-8862,

5330-01-239-8863, 5330-01-239-8864, and 5330-01-239-8865

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes

OBJECTIVE: Improve product availability and increase competition through the development of Source Approval Requests (SAR) by small business manufacturers for National Stock Numbers (NSNs) with government provided technical data. Small Business eligible manufacturing sources utilizing the Defense Logistics Agency’s (DLA’s) technical data will develop SAR packages including quality and manufacturing plans, sample parts, and production forecasts for items identified in this BAA. The intent is that participating small business manufacturers, once approved, will be responsive to future solicitations for these items as well as the development of additional SARs for technically related NSNs.

DESCRIPTION: The DLA Nuclear Enterprise Support Office (NESO) was established to position the Agency to be fully responsive to the needs of the United States Air Force and U.S. Navy nuclear communities. The sole mission of the office is to synchronize DLA’s enterprise wide support to the nuclear enterprise and engage strategically with DLA customers. Through partnerships with the small business industrial base, the DLA will augment existing sources of supply to enhance product availability, competitive price as well as ensure effective logistics support to the nuclear enterprise.

Manufacturers that are interested in pursuing qualification as an Approved Source in future DLA procurements for NESO Items are required to demonstrate that they can competently manufacture the Critical/Weapon System Item/NSN. To qualify as an Approved Source, the onus is on the manufacturer to document and demonstrate their product meets all the government's minimum requirements. The DLA Source Approval Request (SAR) Guide and templates as well as SAR Charts that explains the process are located via the internet at the referenced link 1.

Participating firms must have a Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code and be Joint Certification Program (JCP) certified in order to access technical data. Refer to link 2 below for further information on JCP certification. All available documents and drawings are located in the C Folder location “SBIR181NSNS”. Participating Small Businesses will need to create a DIBBS account to view all data and requirements in C Folders. In order to access C Folders, participating firms must have a valid account in DLA’s Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS) in order to receive a password to C Folders. Refer to links 3 and 4 below for further information on DIBBS and C Folders.

PHASE I: The innovation goals of Phase I are to provide Small Business eligible manufacturing sources an opportunity to qualify as an Approved Source for Critical/Weapon System Items/NSNs specifically identified in this BAA. In this phase, manufacturers will develop appropriate technical data and conduct analysis of their existing manufacturing capability to assess where their existing manufacturing capability or quality systems can be adapted to successfully produce specific Critical/Weapon System Items/NSNs. In addition, it is highly recommended that manufacturers and engineers critically analyze the component to be produced for the potential to reduce costs, extend lifecycle, and improve the quality of the component. The culmination of this research will provide the basis for a business case for the final report. In this phase, manufacturers will pursue Engineering Support Activity (ESA) SAR approval.

The list of NESO Items and associated details have been selected to develop competition through the submission of Source Approval Requests (SAR’s). The list of NSNs contains NSNs with an Annual Demand Value (ADV) >$10K currently sourced with fewer than two (2) manufacturers.

1. NSN: 5330-01-239-8862
Part Name: Non Metallic Seal Special Shape
DLA Supply Chain: DLA
Weapon System: ALCM
Part Description: Part Number: 232-31532-4

2. NSN: 5330-01-239-8863

Part Name: Ram Fin / Non Metallic Seal Special Shape
DLA Supply Chain:
Weapon System: ALCM
Part Description: Part Number 232-31532-1

3. NSN: 5330-01-239-8864

DLA Supply Chain:
Weapon System: ALCM
Part Name: Non Metallic Seal Special Shape
Part Description: Part Number 232-31532-2

4. NSN: 5330-01-239-8865

DLA Supply Chain:
Weapon System: ALCM
Part Name: Non Metallic Seal Special Shape
Part Description: Part Number 232-31532-3

PHASE II: Based on the results achieved in Phase I, DLA NESO will decide whether to continue the effort based on the technical progress, potential for authorization to participate as an Approved Source, and feasibility of the manufacturer’s business case. The goal of Phase II is to achieve authorization to participate as an Approved Source for the specific NSN in future procurements.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: At this point, no specific funding is associated with Phase III. Progress made in PHASE I and PHASE II should result in the manufacturer’s qualification as an approved source of supply enabling participation in DLA procurements.

COMMERCIALIZATION: The manufacturer will pursue commercialization of the various technologies and processes developed in prior phases through participation in future DLA procurements for items identified with this BAA.


1. DLA Small Business Resources: http://www.dla.mil/Aviation/Business/IndustryResources/SBO.aspx

2. JCP Certification: https://public.logisticsinformationservice.dla.mil/PublicHome/jcp/default.aspx

3. Access the web address for DIBBS at https://www.dibbs.bsm.dla.mil/default.aspx

4. Log into c-Folders. https://pcf1.bsm.dla.mil/cFolders query solicitation SBIR181NSNS

KEYWORDS: Non Metallic Seal Special Shape


Directory: osbp -> sbir -> solicitations -> sbir20181
solicitations -> Army 16. 3 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions
solicitations -> Air force 12. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions
solicitations -> Army 14. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions
solicitations -> Navy small business innovation research program submitting Proposals on Navy Topics
solicitations -> Navy small business innovation research program
solicitations -> Armament research, development and engineering center
solicitations -> Army 17. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions
solicitations -> Navy 11. 3 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions
sbir20181 -> Department of the navy (don) 18. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions introduction
sbir20181 -> Army 18. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions

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