4th Sunday of Advent December 18, 2016 at 10 am

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Forest Hill United Church

'open doors, open hearts, open minds'

4th Sunday of Advent

December 18, 2016 at 10 am

“God made Christmas happen; friends make

Christmas beautiful; music makes Christmas

festive; giving makes Christmas joyous; love

makes Christmas complete.”
William Arthur Ward (1921-1994)

American Writer

WELCOME to worship! It is good that you are here.

Our worship leader is Rev. Ali Smith,

and our music director is Alex Good,

who leads us with the assistance of the FHUC Choir.

Our greeter this morning is May Houston,

our Sunday School teachers are Margie Roxborough

and Jula Hughes,

our hospitality host is Jennifer Abbott,

and our tellers are Bob Fisher and Lorna McKnight.

Forest Hill United Church is a safe place for all people to gather regardless of race, creed, age, ability, cultural background, sexual orientation, or gender identity. You are welcome here!



At the **, please rise in body or in spirit.
Prelude Il Est Né (traditional)
Lighting of the Advent Wreath The Eliaba Family
**Sung Response: (Sung Together)
Light a candle – a symbol of love.

Light a candle; there’s never enough.

Light a candle to shine in the dark.

Light a candle; open your heart.

Light a candle, and open your heart.
By Terry Macham in Gathering A/C/E 2016-17.
Welcome & Church News
Call to Worship:
One: Mid-December, still the days grow shorter.

All: Still the nights stretch long,

turning away from our day-star, the sun.

One: Mid-December, the Christmas carols await.

All: The moment of celebration

and the moment of birth are before us.

One: May we feel the presence of God in this pregnant pause.

All: May we feel the presence of God

in our time of worship today.

By Juanita Austin in Gathering A/C/E 2016-2017

Gathering Prayer: (Spoken by All)
Circle us, Holy One. Circle us with your light, bright within this dark world. Circle our community with Advent love.

Create a desire to listen to the message, a willingness to respond, and a need to reach out to the Christ Child. Amen.

Adapted from a prayer on Faithandworship.com


**Opening Hymn: #9 VU People, Look East
First Reading: Matthew 1:18-25 Joseph’s Dream
Story Time
**Song of Praise: When Joseph Went to Bethlehem

(Tune of #75 While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks/Words by Bessie Spencer)

When Joseph went to Bethlehem,

I think he took great care

to place his tools and close his shop

and leave no shavings there.
He urged the donkey forward, then,

with Mary on its back,

and carried bread and goat cheese

in a little linen sack.
I think there at the busy inn

that he was meek and mild

and awed to be the guardian of

Mary's sacred Child.
Perhaps all through the chilly hours

he smoothed the swaddling bands,

and Jesus felt the quiet strength of

Joseph's gentle hands.
And close beside the manger bed

he dimmed the lantern's light,

and held the little baby close

upon that holy night.


Words from Our Bible: John Neville
Psalm 72 – Part 1 Page 790 VU (with Refrain)

Isaiah 7:13-17 He Shall Be Named Immanuel

One: This is the Word of God – the Word of Love.

All: Thanks be to God!
Special Music: To a Maid Whose Name Was Mary by Grindel/Edwards
Words from Our World: “Supporting Role” by Lee Spice

from Gathering A/C/E 2016-17

Message: “It Starts with Love”
**Hymn of Reflection: #138 MV My Love Colours Outside the Lines
Presentation of Our Gifts
**Offering Verse: (Sung Together) (Tune of Good King Wenceslas)
These our gifts we offer now,

thankful for God’s blessings.

May they each be used with care,

spread a hopeful message.

Jesus’ birth transformed the world,

giving us a new way.

May our gifts work as he did,

changing lives today-a-ay.
Adapted from Gathering A/C/E 2016, p. 54

**Prayer After Giving
Prayers of Our Community


Prayer that Jesus Taught:
Our Father-Mother, who is in the heavens,

may your name be made holy,

may your dominion come,

may your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today the bread we need;

and forgive us our debts,

as we have forgiven our debtors;

and do not put us to the test, but rescue us from evil.

For yours is the dominion, and the power,

and the glory forever. Amen.

United Church of Christ, 1995.
**Closing Hymn: #38 VU Angels We Have Heard on High
**Sharing the Light
Let us go now to take our final steps to Bethlehem

to see this great thing

for which the angels have prepared us –

with glorious appearances

and quietly in dreams.
We go forth ready to burst with “Gloria’s”

and filled with excitement and wonder.

May you feel the presence of God

in your Christmas celebrations. By Ali Smith 2016

**Choral Response: (Sung Together) #220 MV
Hope shines as the solitary star,

faith is the inner light.

You and I together mirror the Light of Lights,

and illumine the pathway home.
Postlude Adeste Fideles


Please join us for coffee and conversation

after worship!


(506) 455-0988 | foresthillunited.com
Administrative Assistant - Kris Yarych

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 12:45 - 3:45 pm foresth.office@bellaliant.com

Minister - Rev. Ali Smith

Mondays to Thursdays from 9 am - Noon

revalismith@gmail.com (506) 292-2369 [cell]
Printed sermons and large print bulletins

are available from our greeters

for anyone who might find either useful.
Christmas News
Quiet Christmas Service –

Monday, December 19 at 7:30 pm
Whether you are remembering a loved one this Christmas season, are feeling less than merry, or just want some more reflective time in the season, please join us in the Parlour for this contemplative service.
Christmas Eve – Saturday, December 24 at 7 pm

(Carol Sing at 6:45 pm)
Come and be part of the celebration as we consider “The Miracle of Christmas” together. Our service this year will include a wonderful puppet play as well as the familiar Christmas carols, readings, and special music. All are welcome.


Christmas Day – Sunday, December 25 at 10 am
How wonderful to worship together on Christmas morning! Be with us as we continue to explore the theme of miracles with stories old and new. Come as you are. Pajamas welcome.
Church News
Choir Practice Wednesday at 7-8 pm in the Choir Room
FHUC Book Club The Pearl that Broke it’s Shell Jan 3at noon

Storm Policy Reminder: In the event of a serious storm on a Sunday morning, a decision will be made by 8 a.m. as to whether a cancellation is necessary. If a service is cancelled, a message will be placed on the church answering machine, sent out via email, and passed on to CBC radio.
Quilting Group will take a break and start up again on January 11th 1-3 pm in the Upper Room.
Did you know? Did you know that the Stable we have was constructed at an Advent Festival?
CHURCH CALENDARS are now available.   They make good Christmas gifts or stocking stuffers at $8.00 each.    For your copy see Jennifer after service (not 20th. November) or call 454 2829,
Wondering what to gift that hard to buy for loved one on your list?  Consider "Gifts with Vision”, a giving opportunity which supports United Church projects around the world.  Catalogues are available on the table by the front door.  Also Cards are available if you wish to make a gift to the Mission & Service Fund directly.  If you have questions about either of these options, please speak to Diane Robinson or call me at 459-8779


The Forest Hill book club will meet on Tuesday January 3rd at 12:00 in the church parlour. The book for January is The Pearl that Broke its Shell by Nadia Hashimi
Ushers/Greeters needed for 2016: Please check your schedule to see if you are available for one or more Sundays to help out with set up and greeting our congregation on Sunday mornings. Signup sheet is on the back table. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. Many thanks. Lorna McKnight
Potential Scripture Readers are invited to see the Date Chart and to indicate their availability for any particular Sunday. Please note the manner of indication given at the top of the Chart. New Readers are most welcome. A copy of the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible (which is the version of the “Pulpit Bible”) is available to loan for practice, with helpful instructions included. If you have questions, please talk with Patricia Powell (455-8602).
Community Events

Organ Recitals at St. Paul’s - noon-time organ recital will be held at St. Paul’s United Church (George Street at York) during the Advent season. This will start at 12:10 p.m. and conclude at 12:50 p.m. Dr. Sharon Pond, organist at St. Paul’s, will present the recital on December 21. The recital will include classical repertoire as well as seasonal selections. The December 21 concert will also include The Choral Collective, a quintet of teenaged singers, performing a program of Christmas and seasonal songs. A freewill offering in support of Hospice Fredericton will be received at both events.
Mike Bravener will be performing ‘The Gospel Side of Elvis” at Marysville United Church January 8th at 3:30 PM. Freewill Offering will be taken and light refreshments will be served.
GriefShare Surviving the Holidays will be held at Grace Memorial Baptist Church, 536 Northumberland St, Monday November 21 from 7:00-9:00 PM.  Register at 458-8527. No matter how long since your loved one died, grief can make the holidays a painful time.  Join us for a seminar that will help you survive the holidays and discover new reasons to enjoy them again.


 DivorceCare Surviving the Holidays will be held at Grace Memorial Baptist Church, 536 Northumberland St, Tuesday November 15 from 7:00-9:00 PM.  Register at 458-8527. If you are separated or divorced the holidays can be a lonely, stressful and depressing time.  But there is hope. Join us for an encouraging seminar to discover how to enjoy the holidays again.

Minute for Mission

Servant Leadership
For over 40 years the Asian Rural Institute (ARI) has been training rural leaders in three core areas: community building, integrated organic farming techniques, and servant leadership.

Servant leadership has been part of ARI since its inception. Participants learn about different models of leadership, such as those personified by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mahatma Gandhi. At the core of this training is the belief that through understanding current issues and developing management skills, the students will become effective leaders.

One of the participants shared his understanding of servant leadership:

A leader is not a commander but serves the people. I got a great challenge and lesson from ARI on the role of servant leader. The servant leadership methods completely changed me. Staff are always practising servant leadership, and that is why. It is not just taught and learned but also practised every day. All people are equal, no discrimination. I never learned this before. I know the words “servant leadership” as a Christian but not in practice in the community. But from ARI I really came to know its meaning.

Working in partnership with staff members and in work teams allows participants to learn what it means to both serve and follow.

We are thankful for partners like Asian Rural Institute, where our Mission & Service gifts offer many an opportunity to learn what it truly means to lead and serve.

Please join me in making Mission & Service giving a regular part of your life of faith.
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