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Project acronym: OCEAN

Project title: OOFDM (Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) for Cost Effective Access Networks

Project duration: 3 years 3 months from August 2011 to October 2014
Coordinator (organization): School of Electronic Engineering, Bangor University

Scientific representative of the coordinator (name and title): Professor Jianming Tang

Project website address:

Final publishable summary report
Executive summary
The OCEAN project aimed to develop cost-effective optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OOFDM) systems for future access networks. The 39 month project comprised Bangor University (Coordinator, UK), Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (DE), Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe (FSE, UK), Fujitsu Labs (non-funded partner, JP) , VPI Photonics (DE), Finisar (IL) and TerOpta (UK) which joined the project following the withdrawal of FSE after the second year.
By making use of commercially-available, low-cost optical/electrical components, the project developed a number of world-first, real-time, end-to-end, adaptive OOFDM transceivers operating at signal bit rates of up to 30Gb/s for various cost-sensitive application scenarios. The transceivers offered unique features including, for example, on-line performance monitoring and optimization, digital signal processing (DSP)-based effective compensation of both linear and nonlinear component/system/network impairments, as well as excellent performance flexibility and adaptability to both channel spectral characteristics and data traffic conditions. In addition, the feasibility of utilising conventional 10G-class intensity modulators to achieve >100Gb/s/λ OOFDM transmissions has also been experimentally confirmed for short-reach applications. The OCEAN results indicated that the development of cost-effective, high-speed, flexible and intelligent OOFDM transceivers is practically feasible for the realisation of software-defined networking-enabled elastic optical networks satisfying highly dynamic end-users’ data traffic patterns.
The OCEAN project has also proposed, evaluated and optimised, for the first time, a large number of cutting-edge OOFDM techniques covering a wide diversity of the passive optical network (PON) technique spectrum. These techniques include signal modulation and transmission with impairment compensation, DSP algorithms, transceiver configurations, multiple access techniques, as well as network architectures.

During the project lifetime, some project results were already being exploited by the industrial partners, and it is envisaged that 400Gb/s OOFDM transceivers may be made commercially available in the foreseeable future. Furthermore, highly successful OCEAN result dissemination activities have been undertaken, which include: a) 64 scientific papers have been published/presented in world-leading professional journals and major international communications conferences; b) a GB patent application has been filed; c) the OCEAN project story has been covered globally; d) various demonstrations in trade shows; and e) a large number of OCEAN demonstrations to young students and general public at Bangor. Finally, OCEAN results have also been proactively promoted to IEEE802.3bm 100GE/400GE standards via participating in and presenting relevant OCEAN results to the IEEE802.3bm 100GE and IEEE 802.3 400GE Fibre Optic Task Force groups.

Summary of project context and objectives
OOFDM is one of the hottest optical communications technologies of today. The OCEAN project brought together world-class expertise to develop the OOFDM technology for applications in future optical access networks. The consortium consisted of partners with the necessary know-how in research and production of electronic components, high-speed optical transceiver design and packaging, and professional modelling of optical components and systems, as well as system vendors. The major technical objectives were to:

  • Develop world-first, commercially exploitable, cost-effective, versatile, >20Gb/s OOFDM transceivers with per user link parameter awareness, real-time performance monitoring, adaptive performance optimization, as well as sufficient system management features;

  • Explore and experimentally demonstrate various OOFDM PON architectures;

  • Undertake comprehensive lab trials of the OCEAN-developed OOFDM transceivers in a carrier-like environment for successfully providing real-time services.

As a direct result of the propositions, evaluation and optimisation of a large number of innovative OOFDM techniques covering a wide diversity of the PON technique spectrum, all the aforementioned key objectives were achieved successfully. In addition, a number of additional achievements were also made in terms of:

  • Experimental demonstrations of 30Gb/s real-time end-to-end multi-band OOFDM transceivers,

  • Experimental confirmation of the feasibility of utilising conventional 10G-class optical components to support >100Gb/s/λ OOFDM transmissions over simple intensity-modulation and direct-detection (IMDD) single-mode fibre (SMF) Ethernet systems,

  • Advances in terms of signal modulation and transmission, DSP algorithms, transceiver designs, multiple PON access techniques and PON network architectures,

  • Successes in project exploitation, result dissemination and impact on industrial standard bodies.

Description of the main S&T results/foregrounds
The key S&T results achieved within the OCEAN lifetime are as follows:

a) world-first demonstrations of a number of real-time, end-to-end, adaptive OOFDM transceivers operating at signal bit rates of up to 30Gb/s by making use of commercially-available, low-cost optical/electrical components. The OOFDM transceivers offer unique features including, for example, on-line performance monitoring and optimisation, DSP-based effective compensation of both linear and nonlinear component/system/network impairments, as well as performance flexibility and adaptability to both channel spectral characteristics and data traffic conditions; and

b) experimental confirmation of the feasibility of utilising conventional 10G-class intensity modulators to achieve >100Gb/s/λ OOFDM transmissions for Ethernet systems. These results indicate that the development of cost-effective, high-speed, flexible and intelligent OOFDM transceivers is practically feasible for the realisation of software-defined networking-enabled elastic optical networks satisfying highly dynamic end-users’ traffic patterns.

Apart from the above-mentioned key S&T achievements, a number of novel cutting-edge OOFDM techniques have also been proposed, evaluated and optimised, which cover a wide diversity of the PON technique spectrum in terms of:

  • Advanced signal modulation/generation and detection: a) proposed and evaluated two new technical concepts namely OOFDM-carrierless amplitude and phase (CAP) (OOFDM-CAP) modulation and fast OFDM; b) demonstrated a broad range of low-cost OOFDM intensity modulators based on semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs), reflective SOAs (RSOAs), distributed feedback lasers (DFBs), vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs), reflective electro-absorption modulators (REAMs), electro-absorption modulated lasers (EMLs), cascaded RSOAs and optical injection-locked VCSELs.

  • Optical signal transmission: a) adaptive subcarrier/sub-band bit/power loading-induced maximizations of system performances and WDM impairment compensation in IMDD SMF systems; b) optical filtering-enabled compensation of the intensity modulator nonlinear effects in IMDD SMF systems, c) optical signal central launch-induced multi-mode fibre (MMF) transmission distance extension of MMF transmission systems, and d) the effective utilisation of RSOA intensity-modulation-induced frequency chirp to improve the transmission performance.

  • DSP algorithms: a) proposed and demonstrated novel DSP-based signal synchronisation techniques; b) developed and evaluated stage-dependent minimum bit resolution maps of full-parallel pipelined fast Fourier transform (FFT) and inverse FFT (IFFT) architectures to considerably reduce the logic resource usage, c) developed and evaluated Volterra equalisation DSP algorithms, and d) developed and implemented OOFDM transceiver prototype interface and MAC layer protocols.

  • Novel OOFDM transceivers: a) proposed and experimentally demonstrated multi-band OOFDM transceivers, b) proposed and experimentally demonstrated digital orthogonal filter-enabled OOFDM transceivers with software reconfigurable channel multiplexing and demultiplexing.

  • Multiple access techniques. Proposed and evaluated a novel PON access technique known as digital filter multiple access (DFMA).

  • PON architectures: a) demonstrated real-time colourless OOFDM multiple access PONs and explored their upstream performance characteristics including capacity versus reach as well as power budgets, b) proposed and experimentally demonstrated dual-RSOA-based self-seeded OOFDM PONs, and experimentally investigated the impacts of intra-cavity chromatic dispersion on the upstream performances of such PON architectures, and c) investigated the DFMA PON upstream performance characteristics and subsequently identified optimum digital filter design guidelines.

Potential impact (including the socio-economic impact and the wider societal implications of the project so far) and the main dissemination activities and exploitation of results
The OCEAN project has demonstrated the potential for considerable impacts on science and technology, commercialisation and social society. The already achieved impacts are presented below:
Impacts on science and technology

The OCEAN project has produced 64 research papers published in world-leading professional journals, and major international communications conferences including 8 invited conference presentations and one OFC2013 tutorial, and one GB patent has also been filed. For publication details, please see the publication list in Section 2. A1 of the report.

The OCEAN results have been actively promoted to the IEEE802.3bm standards via participating in the IEEE 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s Fibre Optic Task Force group. The task group has considered OOFDM as a candidate technology for IEEE802.3bm. However, in a group meeting in May 2013, no consensus was reached concerning the candidate technology and thus a new IEEE 802.3 400Gb/s Ethernet Study Group was subsequently formed, which still recommends OOFDM as a candidate technology.
Impacts on commercialisation

Numerical simulation models including adaptive bit and power loading-enabled OOFDM transceivers and black-box directly modulated DFB/VCSEL lasers have set the path for their implementation in the commercially available VPI Photonics software platform.

Apart from having incorporated time interleaved 70GS/s digital-to-analogue converters (DACs) into HHI’s commercially available Arbitrary Waveform Generators, HHI is currently marketing their OCEAN-gained OFDM-PHY/OFDM-MAC expertise and also advertising their different IP cores. In addition, HHI’s expertise in OFDM-MAC/Ethernet has also enabled HHI to win a ~250k€ development contract from a company.
Finisar has already commercialized their low modulation bandwidth analogue intensity modulators and detectors, which have been further optimised for accommodating OOFDM signals during the OCEAN project time.
By making use of Fujitsu’s high-speed and high-performance DACs/ADCs developed during the OCEAN project time, and conventional 10G-class direct modulated intensity modulators, in OFC 2014, Fujitsu announced that adaptive OOFDM transceivers operating at 100Gb/s/λ and simultaneously four wavelengths in parallel may be made commercially available in the foreseeable future. 400GE Ethernet and intra-/inter data centre communications links are the main targeted market for such transceivers.
By fully making use of the developed OCEAN prototypes and OOFDM’s rich DSP features, TerOpta aims to explore the feasibility of commercializing the DSP-enabled intelligent OOFDM transceivers with software reconfigurable channel multiplexing and demultiplexing. To enable TerOpta to undertake the task, an Innovate UK funded project “TERPON” has been secured involving TerOpta and Bangor University.
A Bangor University spin-off company, SmarterLight Ltd, has been established to exploit Bangor’s expertise in DSP and the OOFDM patent portfolio to develop universal transceivers for future SDN based elastic PONs with significantly improved network resource utilisation efficiency.
Social Impacts

The OCEAN project story has achieved global coverage. The story first appeared on BBC Technology website and BBC Wales news page on 6 Nov.2012. and The story was soon getting amazing multilingual coverage and Dutch, German, French, Spanish and Portuguese versions appeared, and followed by people from Mumbai at the end of the day! By the end of November 2012, there were 54 pieces of OCEAN information appearing all over the world. See the detailed list in Section 2 A2.

OCEAN industrial partners have demonstrated OCEAN results in a number of major international trade shows such as OFC, ECOC and ACP
A large number of demonstrations to secondary school students and the general public have been carried out in Bangor University. Those demonstrations played an important role in inspiring promising students to learn engineering-related courses.
Project public website and relevant contact details

Project website address:



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