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Archives of the International Secretariat of Amnesty International

inventory no. 730-736


1329/1 AFR 01/01/91 Afrique: L'abolition en marche (9104f)

1329/2 AFR 01/03/91 Communique de presse: Afrique: Amnesty International appelle les gouvernements africains a abolir la peine de mort (9105f)
1329/3 AFR 01/06/91 Action RAN speciale pour promouvoir La Charte Africaine des Droits de l'Homme de des Peuples (9110f)
1329/4 AFR 12/03/91 MAGRAN 10/90 (mise a jour): Afrique lusophone et hispanophone. Angola: Fernando Antonio Miranda da Silva emprisonné en Angola
1329/5 AFR 12/08/91 UA 392/91: Angola: Arbitrary killings: at least four people killed including one named Maria (other name unknown); 28 people wounded including: Marta Delfina, Pedro Domingos, Antonio Fernando, Felix Domingos Ginga, Antonio Jose Gomes, Timoteo Alexandre Lelo, Afonso Macosso, Jose Mambona, Inacio Bento Mandingo, Francisco Padi, Alfredo Poba
1329/6 AFR 12/09/91 Further information on UA 392/91 (AFR 12/08/91, 12 November)   Angola: arbitrary killings: killed: at least four people including one named Maria; wounded: 28 people, including Marta Delfina, Pedro Domingos, Antonio Fernando, Felix Domingos Ginga, Antonio Jose Gomes, Timoteo Alexandre Lelo, Afonso Macosso, Jose Mambona, Inacio Bento Mandingo, Francisco Padi, Alfredo Poba and also 20 women and an unspecified number of school children whose names are not known
1329/7 AFR 16/02/91 UA 273/91   Burundi: legal concern: Domitien Hakizumutware, Johnson Hatungimana, Sylvestre Maniraho, Serge Singirizina and three others, names unknown (includes correction)
1329/8 AFR 16/03/91 CAFRAN 03/91   Burundi: Arrestation et detention sans jugement de sympathisants presumes du Palipehutu de juillet a septembre 1991 (9201f)
1329/9 AFR 16/04/91 UA 415/91   Burundi: torture /legal concerns: Libere Barankitse, Liboire Bucumi, Emmanuel Ciiza, Antoine Habonimana, Samuel Magenge, Come Minani, William Munyembabazi, Charles Muringa, Vincent Ndayihebura, Severin Nsengimana, Fidele Ntezahorirwa, Philippe Nzobonariba, Augustin Nzojibwami
1329/10 AFR 16/05/91 Further information on UA 415/91 (AFR 16/04/91, 27 November)   Burundi: torture /legal concerns: Libere Barankitse, Liboire Bucumi, Emmanuel Ciiza, Antoine Habonimana, Samuel Magenge, Come Minani (never arrested), William Munyembabazi, Charles Muringa (never arrested), Vincent Ndayihebura, Severin Nsengimana, Fidele Ntezahorirwa, Philippe Nzobonariba, Augustin Nzojibwami and nearly 200 others, names unknown
1329/11 AFR 16/06/91 UA 435/91   Burundi: extrajudicial executions /legal concern: Isidore Ciiza, Maria Mawazo, Nduwimana, Anita, Guillaume, Goretti, Generose
1329/12 AFR 16/07/91 Further information on UA 435/91 (AFR 16/06/91, 11 December)   Burundi: extrajudicial executions /legal concern /new concern: torture: Isidore Ciiza, Maria Mawazo, Nduwimana, Anita, Guillaume, Goretti, Generose
1329/13 AFR 16/08/91 UA 452/91   Burundi: ill treatment and deaths in detention concern: Ephreme Ndabwarukanye, Emile Ruvyiro and other detainees at Bubanza prison
1329/14 AFR 16/09/91 UA 457/91   Burundi: "disappearances": Charles Bafekurera, Libere Barankitse, Venant Baranyanka, Bawila Kisimba Kalimba, Theophile Karegwa, Dartus Manirakiza, Paul Mbonayo, Denis Mbabarempore, Vital Mbonihanguye, Justin Minani, Antoine Muhitira, Renovant Ndikumana, Pascal Nimbona, Vincent Sindayihebura
1329/15 AFR 17/01/91 UA 14/91   Cameroon: fear of becoming prisoners of conscience: Pius Noumeni Njawe, Celestin Monga
1329/16 AFR 17/03/91 Further information on UA 14/91 (AFR 17/01/91, 15 January)   Cameroon: fear of becoming prisoners of conscience: Pius Noumeni Njawe, Celestin Monga
1329/17 AFR 17/04/91 UA 130/91   Cameroon: legal concern and fear of torture and ill treatment: several hundred arrests
1329/18 AFR 17/06/91 Further information on UA 130/91 (AFR 17/04/91, 19 April 1991)   Cameroon: legal concern and fear of torture and ill treatment: several hundred arrests
1329/19 AFR 17/07/91 Cameroon: Evolution de la situation des droites de l'homme au cours du premier semestre 1991
1329/20 AFR 17/08/91 CAFRAN 02/91: Cameroon: Evolution de la situation des droits de l'homme au cours du premier semestre 1991 (9111f)
1329/21 AFR 17/10/91 Suivi a CAFRAN 02/91   Cameroun: torture et mauvais traitements: nouvelles actions recommandees (9111f)
1329/22 AFR 17/11/91 UA 406/91   Cameroon: Torture /legal concern: Senfo Tonkam
1329/23 AFR 19/01/91 Further information on UA 380/90 (AFR 19/06/90, 20 September)   Central African Republic: legal concern: Clement Belibanga, Simon Pierre Bozanga, Pierre Debato, Patrice Endjimoungou, Francois Fara Frond, Abel Goumba, Henri Maidou, Francois Pehoua, Aristide Sokambi, Mbrod Tchakpa
1329/24 AFR 19/02/91 Further information on UA 459/90 (AFR 19/07/90, 14 November)   Central African Republic: legal concern: Thomas Koazo, General Thimothee Malendoma, Godefroy Mokamanede, Tobie N'Garagba, Simon Sakebede and others
1329/25 AFR 19/04/91 Further information on UA 459/90 (AFR 19/07/90, 14 November and follow up AFR 19/02/91, 2 April)   Central African Republic: legal concern: Thomas Koazo, General Thimothee Malendoma, Godefroy Mokamanede, Tobie N'Garagba, Simon Sakebede and others
1329/26 AFR 19/05/91 Further information on UA 85/90 (AFR 19/01/90, 27 February)   Central African Republic: legal concern: Honorat Cocksiss Ouilebona, General Francois Bozize
1329/27 AFR 19/06/91 Further information on UA 85/90 (AFR 19/01/90, 27 February 1990, and follow up AFR 19/05/91, 2 May 1991): Central African Republic: Legal concern: General Francois Bozize
1329/28 AFR 19/07/91 Further information on UA 85/90 (AFR 19/06/90, 27 February, and follow ups AFR 19/05/91, 2 May, AFR 19/06/91, 2 October)   Central African Republic: legal concern: General Francois Bozize
1329/29 AFR 20/03/91 UA 332/91   Chad: death penalty /legal concern: Hazarak Mansour, Ahmat Mouniama, Hassane Souleymane, Hassabalah Abderamane
1329/30 AFR 20/04/91 UA 348/91   Chad: extrajudicial execution /legal concern: Maldom Bada Abbas and an unspecified number of his suspected supporters
1329/31 AFR 20/05/91 UA 453/91   Chad: fear of "disappearance": Assali Adil, Gabriel Belel, Dabon Mahamat, Etenna Issa
1329/32 AFR 21/01/91 EAFRAN 01/91: Comores: Des personnes arretees a la suite de la tentative presumee de coup d'etat du 18 aout 1990 auraient ete torturees et seraient detenues sans jugement (et informations complementaires) (9105f)
1329/33 AFR 23/01/91 UA 20/91   Djibouti: fear of torture: Ali Aref Bourhan, Aref Mohamed Aref, Mohamed Daoud Chehem, Abdoul Kader Mohamed Abbas, Abdel Kader, Afada, Ahmed Mohamed Badri, Hassan Kader Dileyta, Mohamed Ahmed Dini, Hassan Ali Harsa, Bourhan Mohamed Houmed, Cheicko Mohamed
1329/34 AFR 23/02/91 Further information on UA 20/91 (AFR 23/01/91, 21 January)   Djibouti: fear of torture: Ali Aref Bourhan, Aref Mohamed Aref, Mohamed Daoud Chehem, Abdel Kader, Afada, Ahmed Mohamed Badri, Hassan Kader Dileyta, Mohamed Ahmed Dini, Hassan Ali Harsa, Bourhan Mohamed Houmed, Cheicko Mohamed
1329/35 AFR 23/03/91 UA 294/91   Djibouti: medical concern: Mohamoud Moussa Ali ("Tourtour")
1329/36 AFR 23/05/91 UA 305/91   Djibouti: medical concern: Aref Mohamed Aref
1329/37 AFR 23/06/91 Further information on UA 305/91 (AFR 23/05/91, 11 September)   Djibouti: medical concern: Aref Mohamed Aref
1329/38 AFR 23/08/91 EAFRAN 03/91   Djibouti: Action contre la torture et l'emprisonnement politique (9201f)
1329/39 AFR 23/11/91 Further information on UA 305/91 (AFR 23/05/91, 11 September and follow up AFR 23/06/91, 15 October)   Djibouti: medical concern: Aref Mohamed Aref, and Ali Aref Bourhane (new name)
1329/40 AFR 23/12/91 Communique de presse: Djibouti: Des centaines de personnes torturees a la suite d'une vague d'arrestations (9111f)
1329/41 AFR 23/13/91 Further information on UA 305/91 (AFR 23/05/91, 11 September and follow ups AFR 23/11/91, 30 October and AFR 23/06/91, 15 October)   Djibouti: medical concern: Aref Mohamed Aref and Ali Aref Bourhane
1329/42 AFR 23/14/91 UA 454/91   Djibouti: extrajudicial executions: 30 or more people (names not yet known) reportedly killed by the security forces in the Arhiba area of Djibouti Town; Ali Chehem Bourhan, Kassim Haroon, reported arrested; Dr Abatte Eboh Adou, arrested 17 December
1329/43 AFR 24/01/91 Further information on UA 513/90 (AFR 24/13/90, 20 December)   Equatorial Guinea: arrests of possible prisoners of conscience /fear of ill  treatment: Antonio Ebang Mbele, Francisco Boddien Ngalo, Julio Ela Mangue, Comandante Melanio Ebendeng Nsomo, Marcelino Asumu Nsue, Martin Envo, Toribio Ela Mangue, Lieutenant Padro Motu, Lieutenant Tobias Obiang Mba and also: Valentin Ekogo Ondo, Antonio Mba Nguema
1329/44 AFR 24/03/91 Guinee Equatoriale: Arrestations de militants en faveur de la democratie: des nouvelles formes d'atteintes aux droits de l'homme (9201f)
1329/45 AFR 24/04/91 MAGRAN 04/91: Guinee Equatoriale: Detention de prisonniers politiques (9201f)
1329/46 AFR 25/02/91 Ethiopie: Emprisonnement politique: mise a jour (9105f)
1329/47 AFR 25/03/91 UA 132/91   Ethiopia: fear of torture /legal concern: Arrested in Asmara: Belew Gebre Medhin, Fituwi Asres, Gebre Hawariat Keshi Andekial, Kidane Gebray, Russom Fissehatsion, Tsegay Gebre Tinsae, Tsehay Mogos, Yasin Saleh Ismail, Yemane Seyoum Brei; Arrested in Keren: Al Amin Mohamed Sheikh Nur, Bakhiet Maibetot, Hassen Osman Ejal, Stefanos Wolde Ghiorgis, Suleiman Abbas, Yasin Mohamed Aftay
1329/48 AFR 25/06/91 Ethiopie: Les autorites doivent agir immediatement pour eviter un "desastre pour les droits de l'homme" (9106f)
1329/49 AFR 25/07/91 Ethiopie /group level action: presentation aux nouveaux gouvernements d'Ethiopie et d'Erythree d'Amnesty International et de ses preoccupations actuelles (9112f)
1329/50 AFR 25/09/91 Ethiopie et Erythree: Un programme pour les droits de l'homme (9203f)
1329/51 AFR 28/01/91 Ghana: Condamnations a mort pour vol a main armee
1329/52 AFR 28/02/91 WARAN 02/91: Ghana: Condamnations a mort pour vol a main armee (9107f)
1329/53 AFR 28/03/91 Ghana: peine de mort et emprisonnement politique (9202f)
1329/54 AFR 28/04/91 WARAN 06/91   Ghana: peine de mort et emprisonnement politique (9202f)
1329/55 AFR 28/05/91 UA 399/91: Ghana: Legal/health concern: Kwesi Armah
1329/56 AFR 28/07/91 Communique de presse: Ghana: L'emprisonnement politique utilise pour reduire au silence les detracteurs du gouvernement (9112f)
1329/57 AFR 29/01/91 WARAN 02/91: Guinee: mise a jour de l'action urgente 394 (9102f)
1329/58 AFR 29/02/91 Further information on UA 394/90 (AFR 29/01/90, 3 October)   Guinea: legal concern /torture: Bakary Karifa Sakho, Nansadi Berete, N'Vanfing Kourouma
1329/59 AFR 29/03/91 Guinee: Resume des preoccupations d'Amnesty International et evolution de la situation depuis avril 1984 (9111f)
1329/60 AFR 29/04/91 WARAN 07/91: Republique de Guinee: Preoccupations d'Amnesty International et evolution de la situation depuis avril 1984 (9201f)
1329/61 AFR 29/05/91 Communique de presse: Guinee: la protection des droits de l'homme n'est toujours pas garantie (9201f)
1329/62 AFR 30/01/91 UA 13/91   Guinea Bissau: arrest and possible ill treatment of prisoner of conscience: Joao Guilhermo Furtado
1329/63 AFR 30/02/91 Further information on UA 13/91 (AFR 30/01/91, 15 January)   Guinea Bissau: arrest and possible ill treatment of prisoner of conscience: Joao Guilhermo Furtado
1329/64 AFR 30/05/91 MAGRAN 03/91   Republique de Guinee Bissau: Abolition de la peine de mort (9110f)
1329/65 AFR 30/06/91 Guinee Bissau: Les garanties des droits de l'homme dans la nouvelle constitution (9110f)
1329/66 AFR 32/01/91 Further information on UA 408/90 (AFR 32/30/90, 10 October and follow ups AFR 32/34/90, 24 October and AFR 32/38/90, 9 November)   Kenya: fear of torture /legal concern: Koigi wa Wamwere, Mirugi Kariuki, Rumba Kinuthia, Geoffrey Kuria Kariuki, Joseph Mwaura Kinuthia, Mary Mwaura Kinuthia, Margaret Wangui Kinuthia, James Gitau Mwaura
1329/67 AFR 32/02/91 Further information on UA 330/90 (AFR 32/14/90, 10 August and follow ups AFR 32/19/90, 7 September, AFR 32/22/90, 19 September and AFR 32/23/90, 20 September)   Kenya: fear of torture /legal concern: Joe Omwaka Ager, Mary Ager
1329/68 AFR 32/04/91 Further information on UA 301/90 (AFR 32/10/90, 17 July and follow ups AFR 32/12/90, 27 July, AFR 32/16/90, 17 August, AFR 32/35/90, 26 September and AFR 32/27/90, 9 October)   Kenya: fear of torture / legal concern: George Anyona, Edward Oyugi, Ngotho Kariuki, Augustus Kathangu
1329/69 AFR 32/05/91 Kenya: Kenneth Matiba: prisonnier d'opinion (9104f)
1329/70 AFR 32/07/91 Kenya: Raila Odinga, prisonnier d'opinion (9104f)
1329/71 AFR 32/09/91 UA 79/91   Kenya: Gitobu Imanyara
1329/72 AFR 32/11/91 Further information on UA 79/91 (AFR 32/09/91, 4 March)   Kenya: fear of torture /legal concern: Gitobu Imanyara
1329/73 AFR 32/12/91 Further information on UA 408/90 (AFR 32/30/90, 10 October and follow ups AFR 32/34/90, 24 October, AFR 32/38/90, 9 November and AFR 32/01/91, 15 January)  Kenya: fear of torture /legal concern: Koigi wa Wamwere, Mirugi Kariuki, Rumba Kinuthia, Geoffrey Kuria Kariuki, Joseph Mwaura Kinuthia, James Gitau Mwaura, Harun Thungu Wakaba, Andrew Mureithi Ndirangu
1329/74 AFR 32/13/91 UA 107/91   Kenya: legal concern: Joseph Njoroge Watoro
1329/75 AFR 32/14/91 Further information on UA 79/91, AFR 32/09/91, 4 March and follow up AFR 32/11/91, 11 March)   Kenya: fear of torture /legal concern and new medical concern: Gitobu Imanyara
1329/76 AFR 32/16/91 Further information on UA 79/91 (AFR 32/09/91, 4 March and follow ups AFR 32/11/91, 11 March and AFR 32/14/91, 23 April)   Kenya: fear of torture /legal concern and medical concern: Gitobu Imanyara
1329/77 AFR 32/18/91 Further information on UA 107/90 (AFR 32/13/91, 20 March)   Kenya: legal concern: Joseph Njoroge Watoro
1329/78 AFR 32/22/91 UA 206/91   Kenya: medical concern: Raila Odinga
1329/79 AFR 32/23/91 Further information on UA 206/91 (AFR 32/22/91, 13 June)   Kenya: medical concern: Raila Odinga
1329/80 AFR 32/24/91 UA 233/91 (see also UA 301/90, AFR 32/10/90, 17 July and follow ups AFR 32/12/90, 27 July, AFR 32/16/90, 17 August, AFR 32/25/90, 26 September, AFR 32/27/90, 9 October and AFR 32/04/91, 12 February 1991)   Kenya: legal concern: George Anyona, Edward Oyugi, Ngotho Kariuki, Augustine Kathangu
1329/81 AFR 32/28/91 UA 291/91   Kenya: Legal concern /fear of torture: Joseph Owour Nyong'o and at least 11 others
1329/82 AFR 32/29/91 Further information on UA 291/91 (AFR 32/38/91, 29 August)   Kenya: Legal concern /fear of torture: Joseph Owour Nyong'o and at least 11 others including: Maurice Odhiambo Onyango, Maurice Awuor Nyaoke, William Odero Okelo, Peter Ochieng Olang', James Ochieng Alego, John Odhiambo Masundi
1329/83 AFR 32/30/91 UA 346/91   Kenya: fear for safety: Raila Odinga
1329/84 AFR 32/31/91 Further information on UA 346/91 (AFR 32/30/91, 18 October)   Kenya: fear for safety: Raila Odinga
1329/85 AFR 32/32/91 EXTRA 80/91   Kenya: fear of torture /legal concern: Oginga Odonga, Gitobu Imanyara, Dennis Akumu, George Nthenge, Luke Obok, Philip Gachoka, Salim Ndamwe and at least five others including Oginga Odinga's bodyguards
1329/85 AFR 32/33/91 Further information on EXTRA 80/91 (AFR 32/32/91, 15 November)   Kenya: fear of torture /legal concern: Oginga Odinga, Gitobu Imanyara, Dennis Akumu, George Nthenge, Luke Obok, Philip Gachoka, Salim Ndamwe and at least five others including Oginga Odinga's bodyguards; and new names: Masinde Muliro, Martin Shikuku, Paul Muite, James Orengo, Japheth Shamalla, John Kamangara, Akhabi (first name not known)
1329/86 AFR 32/35/91 Further information on EXTRA 80/91 (AFR 32/32/91, 15 November; and follow  up AFR 32/33/91, 18 November)   Kenya: fear of torture /legal concern: Oginga Odinga, Gitobu Imanyara, Dennis Akumu, George Nthenge, Luke Obok, Philip Gachoka, Salim Ndamwe and at least five others including Oginga Odinga's bodyguards; Masinde Muliro, Martin Shikuku, Paul Muite, James Orengo, Japeth Shamalla, John Kamangara, Gervase Akhabi
1329/87 AFR 32/36/91 Further information on EXTRA 80/91 (AFR 32/32/91, 15 November, and follow  up AFR 32/33/91, 18 November and AFR 32/35/91, 25 November)   Kenya: fear of torture /legal concern: Oginga Odinga, Gitobu Imanyara, Dennis Akumu, George Nthenge, Luke Obok, Philip Gachoka, Salim Ndamwe, Oginga Odinga's bodyguard, Masinde Muliro, Martin Shikuku, Paul Muite, James Orengo, Japheth Shamalla, John Kamangara, Gervase Akhabi
1329/88 AFR 35/03/91 UA 356/91   Madagascar: extrajudicial executions: Jean Barton Ramitasoa, Aly Aden Ouarssan and as many as 10 others
1329/89 AFR 36/03/91 SAN 02/91: Malawi: Recentes liberations de detenus politiques; certains prisonniers d'opinion restent pourtant en detention (9111f)
1329/90 AFR 36/07/91 UA 261/91   Malawi: cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment /legal concern: Orton Chirwa, Chigwenembe, another prison warder, name unknown, three adult children of Gwanda Chakuamba Phiri
1329/91 AFR 36/08/91 Mise a jour a SAN 02/91   Malawi: Recented liberations de detenus politiques, certains prisonniers d'opinion restent pourtant en detention: le cas de Mme Sikwese (9110f)
1329/92 AFR 36/10/91 Further information on UA 261/91 (AFR 36/07/91, 26 July)   Malawi: fear of extrajudicial execution /cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment (please note change of concern): Orton Chirwa, Chigwenembe, Kumwenda, three adult children of Gwanda Chakuamba Phiri and new names: Christopher Mwenelupembe, John Nyenga
1329/93 AFR 37/01/91 UA 32/91   Mali: Torture /prison conditions /legal concern: Achim Roger Almeida, Maimouna Ba, Aliou Ba, Seydou Camara, Kassim Dembele, Bernard Konare, Ahmed Sagaidou Maiga, Oumar Mariko, Abdoulaye Sogoba, Amadi Sylla, Belco Tamboura, Abdoulaye Traore and several hundred others
1329/94 AFR 37/02/91 Further information on UA 32/91 (AFR 37/01/91, 29 January)   Mali: Torture /prison conditions /legal concern: Achim Roger Almeida, Maimouna Ba, Aliou Ba, Seydou Camara, Kassim Dembele, Bernard Konare, Ahmed Sagaidou Maiga, Oumar Mariko, Abdoulaye Sogoba, Amadi Sylla, Belco Tamboura, Abdoulaye Traore and several hundred other men, women and children
1329/95 AFR 37/05/91 UA 198/91   Mali: Extrajudicial execution: Elmehdi Ag Amahadjoudj, Mohamed Attaher, Attiyoub Cisse, Achoucrou Ag Hamsa, Alhousseiny Ag Mohamed Elmehdi, Aly Ould Taleb
1329/96 AFR 37/06/91 UA 254/91   Mali: extrajudicial executions /legal concern: Salick ould B'Bou, from the Oulad Drisse clan, Alhassanne ould Badi, chief of an encampment of the Oulad Oumranne clan, Mouhamad ould Mouhamad Najim, from the Oulad Boksib clan, Bil Hadou ould Abdarahmane, member of the Front islamique arabe d l'Azaouad (FIAA): all killed on or after 12 May 1991; Chora ag Rhomar, Mohamed Ahmed ag ElKalifa: killed on 21 June 1991; and at least 24 other members of the Tuareg and Moorish ethnic groups extrajudicially executed in Timbuktu
1329/97 AFR 38/01/91 UA 12/91   Mauritania: torture /legal concern: Lieutenant Diegui Bathily, Lieutenant Almami Chouaibou Diagana, Capitaine Cheikh Diarra, Lieutenant Abdoulaye Bocar Diakite, Lieutenant Cheikhna Tandia, Lieutenant Siguino Traore
1329/98 AFR 38/03/91 AU 117/91 - Torture/Etat de Sante. Mauritanie: Lt. Almani Chouaïbou Diagana, adjudant Moussa Guèye, Adama N'Diaye, Lt. Cheikhna Tandia, Lt. Siguino Traore, et au moins 70 autres personnes.
1329/99 AFR 38/04/91 Communique de presse: Mauritanie: Amnesty International demande l'ouverture d'une enquete sur la mort de plus de 200 detenus politiques (9108f)
1329/100 AFR 38/06/91 UA 207/91   Mauritania: legal concern: Moustapha Ould Bedredine, Ladji Traore, Massaoud Ould Boulkheir, Bechir El Hassen, Diop Amadou Mamadou, Abderamane Ould Yessa, Adrami Ould Khatri
1329/101 AFR 38/07/91 Mauritanie: Informations detaillees sur 339 prisonniers politiques qui auraient ete tues entre novembre 1990 et mars 1991 (9110f)
1329/102 AFR 38/08/91 WARAN 03/91   Mauritanie: Action accompagnant la publication d'un document qui fournit des informations detaillees sur 339 prisonniers qui seraient morts en detention depuis Novembre 1990 (AFR 38/07/91) (9110f)
1329/103 AFR 38/10/91 Communique de presse: Mauritanie: Amnesty International publie une liste de 339 personnes tuees en detention (9108s)
1329/104 AFR 38/11/91 Further information on UA 207/91 (AFR 38/06/91, 13 June)   Mauritania: legal concern: Moustapha Ould Bedredine, Ladji Traore, Massaoud Ould Boulkeir, Bechir El Hassen, Diop Amadou Mamadou, Abderamane Ould Yessa, Adrami Ould Khatri
1329/105 AFR 42/02/91 SAN 03/91   Namibie: Enquete sur des detentions sans jugement   cas d'Elifas Amunghelo "Kandendjela" (9110f)
1329/106 AFR 43/01/91 Niger: Les preoccupations d'Amnesty International en 1991 (9111f)
1329/107 AFR 44/01/91 Further information on UA 320/90 (AFR 44/13/90, 3 August)   Nigeria: death penalty: Augustine Eke, Kiki Francis, Isa Garuba, Mohammed Garuba, Saidu Garuba, Oluwole Jitrey, Mohammed Ibrahim, Kabiru Mohammed, Shahabu Mohasu, Awuji Roshe, Mohammed Sani, Jubril Sumalia
1329/108 AFR 44/03/91 Nigeria: condamnation a mort pour homicide: Bayo Adelumola (9103f)
1329/109 AFR 44/04/91 Nigeria: Resume des preoccupations concernant la situation des droits de l'homme en 1990 (9105f)
1329/110 AFR 44/06/91 Nigeria: 22 executions dans l'etat d'Akwa Ibom et 9 condamnations a mort pour vol a main armee (9104s)
1329/111 AFR 44/10/91 Nigeria: Condamnations pour meurtre (9111f)
1329/112 AFR 44/11/91 Nigeria: Detention d'otages: Il s'agit de proches de personnes soupçonnés d'avoir participé à la tentative de coup d'Etat d'avril 1990
1329/112 AFR 44/12/91 WARAN 05/91: Nigeria: detention d'otages: il s'agit de proches de personnes soupconnees d'avoir participe a la tentative de coup d'Etat d'avril 1990 (9112f)
1329/113 AFR 44/13/91 UA 354/91   Nigeria: death penalty /legal concern: Eleven unidentified detainees, mostly members of the armed forces but reportedly including two civilians (possible Charles Mukoro and David Mukoro)
1329/114 AFR 44/15/91 Further information on UA 354/91 (AFR 44/13/91, 25 October and follow up AFR 44/14/91, 31 October)   Nigeria: death penalty /legal concern: Paul Iguele, Sunday Tomoloju, Trooper Olajide Adelaku, Trooper Chris Aniebi, Lance Corporal Pullen Blacky, Private Okam Enana, Lance Corporal Lucky Iwiero, Warrant Officer Jomo James, Warrant Officer David Mukoro, Sergeant Gatir Ortoo, Trooper Fakolade Taiwo
1329/115 AFR 44/16/91 UA 434/91   Nigeria: prisoners of conscience /legal concern: Alhaji Lamidi Adedibu, Chief Bola Ige, Alhaji Lateef Kayode Jakande, Alhaji Lawal Keita, Chief Francis Arthur Nzeribe, Chief C C Onoh, Alhaji Mohammed Abubakar Rimi, Dr Olusola Sariki, Dr Paul Unongo, Maj Gen (Retd) Shehu Musa Yar'Adua, Alhaji Bello Maitama Yusuf
1329/116 AFR 44/17/91 Further information on UA 434/91 (AFR 44/16/91, 11 December)   Nigeria: prisoners of conscience /legal concern: Alhaji Lamidi Adedibu, Chief Bola Ige, Alhaji Lateef Kayode Jakande, Alhaji Lawal Keita, Chief Francis Arthur Nzeribe, Chief C.C. Onoh, Alhaji Mohammed Abubakar Rimi, Dr Olusola Sariki, Dr Paul Unongo, Maj Gen (Retd) Shehu Musa Yar'Adua, Alhaji Bello Maitama Yusuf
1329/117 AFR 47/01/91 UA 02/91   Rwanda: health /legal concern: Thomas Karakire, Evariste Sisi
1329/118 AFR 47/02/91 UA 05/91   Rwanda: death under torture: Alfred Chafubire
1329/119 AFR 47/03/91 UA 17/90   Rwanda: death penalty: Jean Chrysostome Karuranga
1329/120 AFR 47/04/91 CAFRAN 10/90: Rwanda: Detention sans jugement de personnes arretees a la suite de l'attaque du 1er Octobre 1990 (9104f)
1329/121 AFR 47/06/91 UA 63/91   Rwanda: Legal concern /fear of ill treatment: Emmanuel Havugimana, Justin Kanamugire, Laurent Karugaram, Ezekiel Ngoboka

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