Air force officer education program michigan state university

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Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps LEADERSHIP LABORATORY

Academic Year 2012-2013

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Academic Year 2012-2013

1. COURSE/TITLE: Air Force ROTC Leadership Laboratory (LLAB)
READ THIS ENTIRE SYLLABUS AND KEEP IT FOR FURTHER REFERENCE. It contains information vital for your success in class. Please bring it with you to each class so it may be updated as needed. Updates will be announced in class or distributed via e-mail.
2. INSTRUCTOR: Captain Brian Regulinski

Office Location: Bessey Hall, Room 104

Office Phone: (517) 355-2168

Office Hours: Will discuss and by appointment

NOTE: LLAB is a training environment for officer candidates. If you experience problems within LLAB, you should use the Cadet Wing chain of command to work those issues. If the Cadet Wing cannot resolve your LLAB issues, please come and see me. I have an open door policy—you do not need an appointment if you want to discuss anything with me. If you need to meet with me outside of office hours, or want to ensure I am available to meet with you, please arrange an appointment with me.
3. TIMES AND LOCATIONS: Thursdays 1610 - 1810 hours for GMC and 1610 – 1910 for POC (times may change for special LLAB events (i.e. Dining-In, Military Ball, Career Day, Tri-Service Awards Ceremony, End-of-Term-Parade, etc.) and/or for field training preparatory LLABs during the Winter Term). Time, date, location and agenda for each LLAB is posted each week in the Cadet Wing Operations Orders.
A. LLAB supports the AFROTC academic curriculum (Aerospace Studies (AS) courses) by providing prospective Air Force officers the opportunities and feedback needed to develop the leadership, managerial, and supervisory skills required of successful Air Force officers. LLAB is cadet planned, directed and centered with cadre providing supervision of the Cadet Wing’s training program. All students enrolled in the AFROTC program must enroll in LLAB.
B. All LLAB activities are mandatory Professional Military Training (PMT). LLAB includes the following activities:
(1) Scheduled LLAB classes, as described in the Cadet Wing weekly Operations Orders.
(2) Alternate LLAB or LLAB make-up activities for cadets with valid scheduling conflicts which prevent them from attending regularly scheduled LLAB activities. NOTE: Cadets must provide documentation supporting the scheduling conflict to the Commandant of Cadets before the scheduled activity date so that cadet needs can be accommodated. Scheduling conflicts also include those instances where a cross-town school is not in session at the time of a planned LLAB.

(3) Any activities counting toward LLAB grading performed by cadets as members of the Cadet Wing in support of LLAB objectives (outside scheduled LLAB classes). This does not include LLAB preparation time.
C. LLAB will not exceed 2 hours per week for Initial Military Training/Field Training Preparation (IMT/FTP) cadets and no more than 3 hours per week for Intermediate/Senior/Extended Cadet Leader (ICL/SCL/ECL) cadets, unless deemed necessary and reasonable as defined by AFROTCI 36-2010, Cadet Training Programs, or approved by the detachment commander.
D. Physical Training (PT) is mandatory PMT and PT objectives and attendance are part of LLAB grading. PT includes, but is not limited to the Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA), and weekly PT activities. Each cadet will attend a minimum requirement of two PT activities per week, but cannot be required to attend an excess of 3 hours of PT per week. Time, date, location and agenda for each PT session is posted each week in the Cadet Wing Operations Orders.
E. Aside from AS classes, LLAB, and PT, all other AFROTC events are not mandatory and do not count towards LLAB or AS class grading (reference your AS class syllabus for course grading details). Cadets are highly encouraged to attend any non-LLAB activities of interest to them. However, any cadet who participates in extracurricular activities does so voluntarily with the understanding that the activity is not sponsored by AFROTC, is not PMT, and that injuries could result in loss of AFROTC status and benefits.
A. Per AFROTCI 36-2010, presentation of LLAB lesson objectives is mandatory. LLAB lesson objectives constitute the training objectives for the course and are identified in Attachment 1. LLAB lesson objectives are designed to be presented over the entire academic year, thus not all the listed objectives will be completed in a single semester. Concurrently enrolled cadets (those enrolled in both AS 100 and 200 courses and completing their IMT and FTP LLABs in the same year), will be presented both IMT and FTP objectives.
B. The goals of the AFROTC LLAB program are to:
(1) Provide first-year cadets (IMT cadets) an informative and motivational program designed to recruit, retain, and familiarize cadets with the Air Force way of life and foster leadership, followership, teamwork, and esprit de corps.
(2) Provide cadets scheduled to attend field training (FTP cadets) with the mental and physical skills needed to succeed in the AFROTC field training environment.
(3) Provide cadets returning from field training (ICL cadets) sufficient opportunities to demonstrate and develop the leadership and management skills needed to successfully function as an active duty officer.
(4) Provide cadets to be commissioned (SCL and ECL cadets) additional opportunities to demonstrate and develop the leadership and management skills needed to successfully function as an active duty officer and to adequately prepare them to transition from the ROTC environment to active duty.
C. LLAB lesson objectives are further outlined in the T-508, Leadership Laboratory Curriculum Handbook. PT objectives are further outlined in the T-508, AFI 10-248, Fitness Program, and AFROTCI 36-2905 AFROTC Supplement, Fitness Program.

A. LLAB Attendance:
(1) LLAB attendance is mandatory for successful completion of the AFROTC program. Attendance will be taken at each LLAB activity.
(2) LLAB information, to include time, date, location, agenda, and uniform of the day will be published by the Cadet Wing in a weekly operations order (Ops Order) located on the Official Board directly outside of the Cadet Wing Commander’s office in the Cadet Lounge in Bessey Hall along with being sent by email no later than 1600 hrs each Friday preceding LLAB. It is the cadet’s responsibility to check the Ops Order each week and to attend LLAB.
(3) Failure to attend at least 80% of the LLAB sessions for each semester will result in a failing grade for LLAB. Absences must be approved in advance unless emergency situations deem otherwise. Approval for planned absences is accomplished by emailing a “Mandatory PMT Absence Report” to the Operations Flight Commander’s email address at least 24 hours prior to the absence. If an emergency situation precludes you from attending LLAB (i.e. major car troubles, an accident, a medical emergency, etc. – NOTE: studying for exams and/or writing a paper at the last minute for class does not constitute an emergency), you MUST call your immediate cadet supervisor to report the emergency. In addition, you must report to the Operations Flight Commander as soon as possible to explain the situation. Make-up LLAB sessions will only be offered on a case-by-case basis, and only for pre-approved absences. It is the cadet’s responsibility to ensure he/she meets the 80% attendance requirement.
(4) “Mandatory PMT Absence Reports” will ONLY be used to pre-approve absences in advance of missing LLAB. Cadets should not use “Mandatory PMT Absence Reports” to explain why they missed LLAB after-the-fact. Cadets who miss mandatory events without prior approval must report to the Operations Flight Commander to explain the circumstance and provide the explanation in a memorandum.
(5) Cadets with two absences will be counseled by the Operations Flight Commander.
(6) Cadets with three absences will be counseled by the Detachment Commander for possible disenrollment from the program.
(7) If a cadet arrives at LLAB more than 15 minutes late without prior approval, he/she will be credited with an absence.
B. PT Attendance:
(1) PT attendance is mandatory for successful completion of LLAB. Attendance will be taken at each PT activity.
(2) PT information, to include time, date, location, agenda, and applicable uniform will be published in the Cadet Wing weekly Ops Orders. It is the cadet’s responsibility to check the Ops Order each week.
(3) Cadets are required to attend at least two PT sessions per week and cadets must attend 80% of the total number of the PTs offered during the semester to remain a cadet the following semester, unless they attain a waiver as explained in B.9. On weeks where only one PT session is offered none will be mandatory and weeks where two sessions are offered one is mandatory.
(4) The Cadet Wing has organized three PT sessions weekly: At Michigan State University, the following PT sessions are offered: (1) 0600-0700 Mondays, (2) 0600-0700 Wednesdays, or (3) 0600-0700 Fridays. At Western Michigan University, the following PT sessions are offered: (1) 0600-0700 Mondays, (2) 0600-0700 Wednesdays, or (3) 0600-0700 Fridays. Cadets will be required to attend two of the above listed PT sessions on a weekly basis.
(5) Per AFROTCI 36-2905 AFROTC Supplement, Fitness Program, cadets without a Physical Screening Health Questionnaire (term requirement) and a certified DoD physical (or Pre-Participatory Sports Physical) on file with detachment cadre; and who have not received the safety briefing will not be allowed to participate in PT activities. (NOTE: any “yes” response on the Physical Screening Health Questionnaire will automatically suspend the cadet from participating in PT until cleared by a competent medical authority with a new Pre-Participatory Sports Physical.)
(6) Cadets failing to attend two PT sessions a week will be counseled by the Operations Flight Commander.
(7) Cadets that do not correct their behavior after counseling from the Operations Flight Commander and fail to attend two PT sessions a week will be counseled by the Commander for possible disenrollment from the program.
(8) If a cadet arrives at PT more than 10 minutes late without prior approval, he/she will be credited with an absence.
(9) Cadets may be waived from attending the two mandatory PT sessions by the Operations Flight Commander. Special circumstances brought to the Operations Flight Commander’s attention may receive a waiver. Cadets interested in requesting a waiver must complete a “Waiver Request” and submit it to the Operations Flight Commander for review. NOTE: An approved waiver from PT does not exempt cadets from physical training. It only exempts cadets from attending the scheduled PT sessions listed above. Cadets waived from PT will be required to conduct PT on their “own time” and submit a weekly report(s), utilizing the “Waived PT Form”, to the Operations Flight Commander’s inbox (e-mail inbox) no later than 1600 on Fridays. Waivers may be revoked at any time per the discretion of the Operations Flight Commander or Detachment Commander.
C. Absences and Excusals:

  1. To request an excused absence or request an unexcused absence to be changed to an excused absence, your request or explanation will be in writing - following Tongue & Quill Memorandum of Record (p. 195-196).

  1. an excused absence includes reasonable, anticipated absences which have been precoordinated (e.g. medical appointments) and unavoidable absences (e.g., illness and accidents) which are explained no later than the beginning of the next class. I will work with you to ensure you have the required information from the missed class for an excused absence.

7. Uniform Requirements:
A. LLAB Uniform: Cadets will be required to wear the assigned uniform of the day on LLAB days from 0800-1810 hours. The uniform of the day will be posted on the weekly Cadet Wing Ops Orders. If a cadet cannot wear the uniform as required on LLAB days (e.g. chemistry labs, job, etc.), he/she must discuss the situation with the Commandant of Cadets and obtain approval to deviate from the uniform wear requirement.
B. PT Uniform: Cadets will be required to wear the AFROTC issued PT Uniform (PTU) to scheduled PT sessions. PTU clothing items will not be worn as civilian attire and may not be worn to university classes.
8. Course Grades: LLAB is graded on a pass/fail basis and will not affect cadets’ AS course grades. Contract cadets who fail LLAB will be investigated for disenrollment from AFROTC. Non-contract cadets who fail LLAB must obtain HQ AFROTC approval to continue in the program. Cadets must satisfy four requirements in order to receive a passing grade for LLAB.
A. Cadets must attend a minimum of 80% of LLAB graded activities in accordance with AFROTCI 36-2010.
B. Cadets must attend 80% of PT sessions per semester, in accordance with AFROTCI 36-2010.
C. Cadets must attempt the Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) in accordance with AFROTCI 36-2905. Failing a PFA does not constitute failure of LLAB.
D. Cadets must not show indifference to military training. Cadets are expected to participate in training activities to the utmost of their abilities. Potential problems that may cause a cadet to fail LLAB include, but are not limited to: (1) poor attitude toward training, (2) inability to adjust to the military environment, (3) demonstrating repeated poor leadership and followership skills, (4) consistently poor performance in LLAB, (5) lack of military bearing or appearance, or (6) routinely missed suspenses established by detachment staff. Cadets not meeting standards will be counseled. Cadets not receiving counseling should assume they are meeting the requirement.
a. Academic Freedom. AUI 36-2308, Academic Freedom, allows for the privilege of debate with discretion on any subject related to curricula. You are encouraged to express your opinions and support subject matter while pursuing knowledge, understanding and improvement of the military profession. Students may engage in responsible classroom discussion of controversial issues; however, this policy does not authorize the use of offensive remarks, irresponsible statements (e.g., sexist comments, ethnic slurs, etc.) or profanity.
b. Academic Integrity. AUI 36-2309, Academic Integrity dictates the uncompromising adherence to a code of ethics, morality, conduct, scholarship and other values related to academic activity. Violations include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism and misrepresentation.
Cheating is the act of giving or receiving improper assistance. Examples include using previously written papers, briefings, test answer strings or other types of work provided by former students of the course; copying answers from another student’s examination; knowingly permitting another student to copy one’s writing assignments or examination answers; gaining unauthorized access to faculty materials not intended for student use or collaborating with other persons to gain access to unauthorized curriculum materials; using copies of official writing accomplished in the unit.
Plagiarism is the act of passing off the literary ideas and work of others as the product of one’s own mind. An example is copying an outside source verbatim without using quotation marks and a citation of the source. Intent is based on consideration of all circumstances and evidence presented. The correct method for giving credit to a source in written work is to use quotation marks and an accompanying footnote or bibliographies when quoting directly or just a footnote when paraphrasing. In oral presentations, cite, integrate or qualify (whichever is applicable) outside sources you quote or paraphrase.

c. Integrity. The most important aspect of your education and training in AFROTC is a full understanding of and appreciation for integrity. No single character trait is more important than integrity. ROTC expects a higher standard from its cadets than society commonly expects of college students, and ROTC expects cadets to ensure that subordinate GMC students also understand this expectation. In AFROTC, as in the operational Air Force, a simple, clear standard of conduct exists: We do not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those among us who do.

10. AFROTC Standards of Conduct: Reference Attachment 2, AFROTC Standards of Conduct.
Occasionally cadets may find themselves with legitimately unavoidable time constraints when balancing AFROTC duties with other academic priorities. When a cadet cannot satisfactorily fulfill both commitments because of a situation beyond his/her control, he/she is encouraged to talk with me about the conflict before the scheduled activity/project due date so that the cadet’s needs can be accommodated.
LLAB is a time for you to learn as much as possible about the Air Force while applying leadership and followership principles. You should strive to learn as much as possible by participating in activities, watching others, and asking questions when needed. However, ensure you spend adequate time on academics – you must maintain minimum standards (outlined in the Cadet Manual, and in AFROTCI 36-2010) to remain in the program. If you experience academic difficulties during the term, please consult with your immediate supervisor and your AS Instructor as soon as possible. Use your chain of command to resolve problems in the Cadet Wing. However, you may contact me at any time. I am always here to help and guide you. Enjoy the year!
//Signed/brr/24 Aug 2012//


Commandant of Cadets

AFROTC Detachment 380

2 Attachments:

1. LLAB Training/Lesson Objectives

2. AFROTC Standards of Conduct

Attachment 1

LLAB Training/Lesson Objectives

Classification of Cadets during LLAB: Normally, cadets are classified as AS 100, 200, 300, and 400 students, corresponding to the AS course in which they are enrolled. Though this classification system works well for most LLAB students, it may not apply in all situations. Therefore, it is more practical to classify and assign LLAB cadets according to where they are with respect to field training attendance and commissioning. For this reason, LLAB objectives are listed using the following categories:
Initial Military Training (IMT) – Cadets who are part of the GMC but are not scheduled to attend field training, normally AS 100 cadets.
Field Training Prep (FTP) – Cadets scheduled to attend field training in the upcoming year, normally AS 200, AS 250 or AS 500 cadets.

AS 250 cadets are dual enrolled in the first (freshman) and second (sophomore) AS courses, simultaneously. These cadets must meet all LLAB objectives for both courses. AS 250 cadets will be classified as IMT cadets during the fall semester and as FTP cadets during the winter semester prior to attending field training.

AS 500 cadets are non-contract (non-scholarship) cadets who have either completed the GMC and did not compete favorably for POC selection the previous year, or are preparing for membership in the POC.
Intermediate Cadet Leaders (ICL) – Cadets who have satisfactorily completed field training, normally AS 300 cadets.
Senior Cadet Leaders (SCL) – Cadets scheduled to be commissioned in the upcoming year, normally AS 400 cadets.
Extended Cadet Leaders (ECL) – Cadets who have satisfactorily completed field training, at least 2 years of LLAB and all AS academic requirements but still have 1 - 2 academic terms remaining; normally known as AS 700 or AS 800 cadets.
Where to assign cadets that do not fit into the above classification is the decision of the Detachment Commander. Cadets will be assigned to the program that will benefit them the most.

Attachment 2

AFROTC Standards of Conduct

1. As you begin the 2011-2012 school year, it is important to familiarize yourself with AFROTC policies. You will be responsible for understanding these policies and implementing them when appropriate. Failure to abide by these policies could result in Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) failure in accordance with paragraph 8.d of the LLAB Syllabus. If you have any questions about any of the information contained within this document, please do not hesitate to see me or your Aerospace Studies (AS) instructor for further guidance/clarification.

2. HOLM CENTER Training Manual: All LLAB leadership and management activities will be conducted in accordance with the Holm Center Training Manual (HCTM, T-700), which specifies that all training will be conducted within a framework of mutual respect. Failure to follow the HCTM and mutual respect philosophy will not be tolerated and may be grounds for failure of LLAB. Violations of the HCTM should be reported immediately to your supervisor (or the next person in your chain of command if the violation involves your immediate supervisor) or a cadre member.
3. Professional Conduct: AFROTC strictly adheres to the Department of Defense (DoD) equal opportunity and treatment policy. AFROTC, the detachment commander, and the cadre at Detachment 380 have zero tolerance for harassment or discrimination of any kind. No cadet will be subject to treatment or comments that could be considered unfair, demeaning, or offensive in reference to his/her race, sex, religion, creed, or national origin. Cadets are encouraged to confront fellow cadets who may have knowingly or unknowingly perpetrated such actions. Notify the detachment commander, your AS Instructor, or the Commandant of Cadets (CoC) immediately if you (or another cadet) are subjected to sexual harassment or discrimination.
4. Hazing: Hazing is contrary to good order and discipline, is not acceptable behavior, and will not be tolerated in the Air Force, AFROTC, or at Detachment 380. Per the HCTM, hazing is defined as any conduct whereby a military member or members, regardless of service or rank, suffer or are exposed to any activity which is cruel, abusive, humiliating, oppressive, demeaning, or harmful. Soliciting or coercing another to perpetrate any such activity is also considered hazing. Hazing need not involve physical contact among or between military members; it can be verbal or psychological in nature. Actual or implied consent to acts of hazing does not eliminate the culpability of the perpetrator.
Cadets are forbidden from using their rank or position to take advantage of or inflict cruelty upon subordinates. There will, at no time, be any hazing, indignity, or deprivation of any right or privilege to which a cadet is legally entitled. Physical maltreatment, physical contact, physical discipline, verbal maltreatment, and maltraining (as defined in the HCTM, pp. 4-5) are prohibited at Detachment 380 and will not be tolerated as approved methods of training. If cadets are aware of such activity, they must take action to report it through their chain of command. Any incidents of hazing or inappropriate training should be reported directly to the Ops Flt/CC, your AS instructor, or the detachment commander immediately. Such activities can lead to disenrollment from the AFROTC program.
5. Personal Conduct: Misconduct or undesirable character, demonstrated by discreditable incidents with civil or university authorities, may be cause for disenrollment. Additionally, AFROTC and the detachment commander have a particularly low tolerance for incidents arising from the abuse of alcohol. Cadets are accountable for their actions in regard to alcohol consumption and must ensure it is done in a legal and intelligent manner. AFROTC cadets are expected to demonstrate the highest standards of personal conduct and character that will reflect favorably on the Air Force and our universities.
6. Academics: The policy on academics is clear; it is your number one priority. The cadre, staff and the cadet chain of command are always ready to help academically (to include, but not limited to, counseling, tutoring, or extra instruction). All cadets are urged to place first emphasis on their studies.
7. Optional Activities: Activities such as Arnold Air Society, field training exercises, morale events, flight meetings, etc. are strictly optional. Excessive involvement in training activities can have a detrimental effect on a cadet’s academic performance. All cadet commanders must ensure pressure is not exerted on cadets to participate in voluntary activities. Each cadet is responsible for his/her own schedule. You are expected to balance academic, work, social, athletic, and corps activities as you see fit.
8. Honor Code: As future officers, all AFROTC cadets are expected to adhere to the highest standards of integrity. Violations of the AFROTC honor code may result in disenrollment from the AFROTC program. Cadets are encouraged to discuss the concepts of integrity and honor with each other, cadre members, and other professionals with similar ideas of conduct. I am always willing to discuss this issue with interested individuals.
One of the most important aspects of your education and training in AFROTC is a full understanding of, and appreciation for, INTEGRITY. No single factor of an officer’s character is more important than integrity. We want to ensure that you understand we expect a higher standard from you than society commonly expects of a college student. In AFROTC, just as in the operational Air Force, we have a simple, clear standard of conduct. We do not lie, cheat or steal, nor tolerate among us those who do.
9. Hazardous Activities: AFROTC units do not support potentially hazardous activities where substantial liability is possible. High-risk activities are those that have a higher potential for personal injury due to the level of competition, speed, risk, or skills needed and require greater agility, stamina, and dexterity. Some examples of high-risk activities are flying civil aircraft (the AFROTC Flight Orientation Program is excluded - reference AFROTC Instruction 36-2010), hang gliding, skydiving, parasailing, white-water rafting, motorcycle and auto racing, scuba diving, bungee jumping, and bronco and bull riding. Cadets may engage in these activities as long as they are conducted completely independent of AFROTC. However, prior to engaging in high-risk activities such as those described above, the cadet must complete a Form 16 (locate the Cadet Wing Safety Officer for details) and schedule an appointment with the CoC to review the form and receive a safety briefing. Note that receipt of this safety briefing does not relieve the cadet of the responsibility to apply sound risk management practices to avoid jeopardizing life or limbs. Additionally, cadets are advised that injuries that cause permanent disability could lead to medical disqualification from continuing in AFROTC and entering the Air Force.
10. Change in Medical Status: Cadets must report any change in their medical status to the Ops Flt/CC immediately. This includes such matters as serious or prolonged illness (including mononucleosis), active orthodontic treatment, depression that results in treatment and/or medication, surgery, changes in vision, broken bones, pregnancy, unconsciousness, taking any medication in excess of 30 days (i.e. maintenance medication taken for depression, acne, ADD/ADHD, etc.), or illness/injury resulting in an inability to maintain military and academic retention standards. NOTE: cadets are strongly advised to notify a member of the cadre staff prior to receiving corrective eye surgery, as they can provide guidance on AFROTC rules and optimal timeframes for the surgery, with respect to field training and categorization.
11. Civil Involvements: All cadets must report any involvements with civil, military, or school authorities (to include parking tickets) to their AS instructors immediately. If the incident occurs over the summer or a term break, it must be reported within 72 hours upon return from the break. Any cadet who does not report such an involvement could possibly be investigated for disenrollment.
12. Illegal Drugs/Chronic Alcohol Abuse: Cadets are not eligible for enlistment or commissioning if they use illegal drugs (defined in Air Force Instruction 44-121) or use hemp derivatives, following orientation to the Air Force Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy (documented upon entry into the program on an AF IMT 2030). Contract cadets that violate this policy will be investigated for disenrollment from the AFROTC program. Non-contract cadets that violate this policy will be dropped from the AFROTC program or placed into Special Student Status. Cadets that voluntarily report or are reported by an independent party of chronic alcohol abuse may be investigated for disenrollment from the AFROTC program.
13. Academic Changes: Cadets must report any deviations from their academic plan that is documented on their AFROTC IMT 48. If at any time a cadet withdraws from a class or learns that they will be receiving an incomplete (“I”), or a grade of “D”, “E”, or “F” in a class, he/she must report the situation to his/her AS instructor as soon as possible. Further, all cadets must report to their AS instructor before they can change majors. Scholarship/contracted cadets that do not adhere to this policy could be held in breech of their contract. Cadets are encouraged to speak with their AS instructors if they are experiencing difficulty in any academic class.
16. Optional Uniform Items: Only Professional Officer Course (POC) cadets (juniors and seniors, typically) are allowed to wear the following optional uniform items: corfam shoes/pumps, over-blouses (un-tucked style) for female cadets, rigger belts with ABUs, and Gortex ABU jackets. These items must be purchased with the cadet’s personal funds. General Military Course (GMC) cadets (freshman and sophomores, typically) will wear only AFROTC issued items, unless otherwise notified by the CoC or detachment commander.
17. Cadet Positions: All POC members will hold at least one leadership position during their final 2 years in AFROTC. POC cadets will have a cadet wing position at all times and will always hold a cadet officer rank.
18. Appearance: Cadets will maintain the highest standards of personal appearance and uniform wear as explained in Air Force Instruction 36-2903 and the Cadet Manual. It is also your responsibility to correct any fellow cadet who has a uniform or personal appearance discrepancy. Completed cadets are expected to continue to adhere to Air Force/AFROTC dress and personal appearance standards.
19. Weight Standards: Height and weight measurements will be conducted on all cadets during each fall and winter term, within 15 days prior to enlistment, within 15 days prior to activating scholarships, prior to field training attendance, and within 30 days prior to commissioning. Height and weight measurements will be used to determine the cadet’s Body Mass Index (BMI), as outlined in Air Force Instruction 10-248, and the Cadet Manual. Cadets who exceed their allowable BMI, or who present a poor image in uniform, will receive a body fat measurement in accordance with DoD Instruction 1308.3. Non-contract cadets must meet BMI OR body fat standards prior to enlistment and/or field training attendance. Contract cadets are responsible for maintaining BMI or body fat standards. Cadets must meet Air Force BMI or body fat standards in order to activate and/or retain an AFROTC scholarship, to meet the POC Selection Process board, to attend and successfully complete field training, and to remain in good standing as a member of the POC through commissioning. Contract cadets and medically certified cadets/applicants who do not meet minimum BMI standards (within 5 pounds) will be given 45 days to meet minimum allowable weight standards before reevaluation by headquarters AFROTC. Contract cadets who exceed BMI and/or body fat standards may have their scholarship temporarily inactivated/suspended/revoked. Contract cadets who fail to meet BMI and/or body fat standards by the end of the semester may receive a conditional. Any cadet that exceeds BMI and/or body fat standards will not be authorized to wear the AFROTC uniform (to include PT uniforms) until they are in compliance with AFROTC standards.
20. Fitness Standards: Physical fitness is a key component in the development of an Air Force officer and should never be taken lightly. Cadets must meet mandatory Air Force and AFROTC physical fitness standards in order to activate or retain an AFROTC scholarship, to meet the POC Selection Program selection board, to attend and successfully complete field training, and to remain in good standing as a member of the POC through commissioning. Cadets must pass the AFROTC Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) with a composite score of 75 or greater. The PFA, to include an abdominal waist measurement, 1 minute of pushups, 1 minute of sit-ups, and a 1.5 mile timed run, will be officially administered to all cadets each fall and winter term, prior to field training attendance, at field training, and within 30 days prior to commissioning. Scholarship/contract cadets who do not meet fitness standards may have their scholarships temporarily inactivated/suspended/revoked (if applicable) and may receive a conditional.
21. Correspondence: Any correspondence, to include e-mail, you send outside of the detachment in your cadet capacity must be reviewed by a cadre member before it is sent. The only exception to this policy is intra-cadet wing e-mail. Cadets are reminded that any official statements, written or verbal, to any publication, reporter, news agency, etc. must be approved by the detachment public affairs officer. “Letters to the editor,” written in a civilian capacity, are permissible, but must be free of rank, position, or any association with the military and AFROTC.
22. Cadre: All Detachment 380 staff members have an “open door” policy. If you have a question, problem, complaint, or idea you would like to share, feel free to see us. We wish you the best of luck and look forward to a great year.
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