Alabama Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel Survivor Scholarship Competition

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Alabama Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel
Survivor Scholarship Competition
Dear TRIO Project Directors in Alabama:
The Alabama Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel (AAEOPP) is pleased to announce the annual scholarship competition. TRIO participants are invited to compete for two Survivor Scholarship awards of $1,000.00. This is a new scholarship category specifically for applicants who have experienced difficulties due to circumstances beyond their control in the quest to both graduate from high school and then enter and succeed in college. These awards may be used to help defray postsecondary educational costs during the 2017-18 academic year. Only one application may be submitted per TRIO Program. The application deadline is January 20, 2017. Applications submitted electronically in a PDF format must be received by 5 pm. Mailed applications must be postmarked by January 20, 2017.
Applicants will be judged and rated in the following areas:

  1. Essay (content, grammar, organization) (50 points)

  2. Financial need (each applicant must submit verification of income or family income) (30 points)

  3. Two recommendation letters (20 points)

Each application will be reviewed and rated by the Scholarship Committee. No applicant’s materials will be reviewed by a person from the same program or institution.

In order for winners to receive their financial awards, sponsors must provide official verification of fall 2017 semester enrollment and proof of two weeks attendance in a postsecondary institution. Award checks, made payable to the student, will be initiated upon receipt of the requested documentation and forwarded to the designated mailing address.
Completed application packets are to be returned to me at the address below. Late applications will be disqualified.
Roberta Leichnitz, PhD

Chair, AAEOPP Scholarship Committee

TRIO McNair Scholars Program

University of Montevallo

Sharp House Station 6570

Montevallo, AL 35115

205 665-6570

Part I: Student Information
Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________

First MI Last

Permanent/home address __________________________________________________________________

City State Zip code

Home phone _____________________________________ Cell phone _______________________________
Email address ________________________________________________________________________________
Date of birth ________________________________________________ Gender ________________________
Project (check one) UB ____ UBMS ____ ETS ____ Date entered __________________

EOC ____ SSS ____ VUB ____

School currently attending _______________________ H.S. graduation date _________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________________

City State Zip code

Current GPA (on a 4.0 scale) ________________ or GED average: ___________________
ACT and/or SAT reading and math scores – if applicable ________________________________

Part II: TRIO Project/Sponsor Information
Sponsor’s name and position/title ________________________________________________________
Sponsor’s address __________________________________________________________________________

City State Zip code

Phone ________________________________ Email ________________________________________________

Name and email of the other person who will provide the second letter of recommendation

Name _________________________________________________________________________________________
Email _________________________________________________________________________________________

Part III: Certification of Approval by Project Director
By my signature below, I certify that the student applying for this scholarship is a participant in the TRIO project I direct and he/she is otherwise eligible to compete for this award.
Director’s name _________________________________________________ Date _____________________
Director’s signature _________________________________________________________________________
Part IV: Essay
A 300-word essay (typed and double spaced) on the following topic must be included. Please include your name and TRIO Program on the top of the page. Your topic is: How are you a survivor and how will this scholarship support you in accomplishing your goals?

Part V: Application Requirements

  1. Completed application form

  2. Essay

  3. Official verification of income/family income

  4. Two letters of recommendation—one from a TRIO staff sponsor/AAEOPP member (knowledgeable about the financial need of applicant). The second can be a high school teacher, counselor, and/or community leader.

  5. Completed application must be received by January 20, 2017. Applications submitted electronically in a PDF format must be received by 5 pm. Mailed applications must be postmarked by January 20, 2017.

Part VII: Applicant Verification
By my signature, which appears below, I certify that the statements contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that the essay submitted here is original and is not under obligation to, or currently being reviewed for consideration by, any other entity or individual.
Name ____________________________________________________________________________________
Signature ________________________________________________________________________________
Date __________________________________________________________

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