American university of nigeria phy 132-college physics 1i spring 2021
Date 12.04.2021 Size 0.65 Mb. #56312
L1 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA PHY 132-COLLEGE PHYSICS 1I SPRING 2021 Adams F. Victoria Office location: SAS ROOM 106 Meeting Times: PHY 132 (LECTRURES); 15:00 -16:30, M/W, SAS 303 Office hours: MW 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM; MW 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM (or by appointment) Catalog description PHY 132 is a continuation of PHY 131 with focus on the studies of electricity, magnetism , circuits, waves, optics and the atomic and nuclear structure of matter. These topics will be studied using algebra and trigonometry with an emphasis on applications. It is recommended for the students majoring in natural and environmental science, software engineering and information technology. Learning outcome Upon successful completion of this course , the student will be able to: 1. The importance of science in understanding nature 2. State and apply various laws as related to electricity, magnetism and optics. 3.understand the basic steps for image formation on lens and mirror and the characteristics of the images. Textbooks Textbooks College Physics by Wilson Buffa Lou Understanding physics, 1st Edition by Karen Cummings, Priscilla W. Laws, Edward F. Redish, Patrick J. Cooney Real time physics module 3&4: Mechanics 2nd Edition by David R. Sokoloff, Ronald K.Thornton, and Priscilla W. Laws Physics for Scientists and Engineers , 6th Edition by Serway Jewett Practice: 95-100% 90-94% 87-89% 84-86% 80-83% 75-79% 70-74% 60-69% 0-59%
Class policies Attendance-5 % Lateness-later than 10 min = absence Assignments-each week Formula sheet/calculator-allowed Cell phones-prohibited Make-up exams-validity Let me know areas you have having challenges. ELECTRICITY Electric fields Gauss's law Electric potential Capacitance and dielectrics Current and resistance MAGNETISM Magnetic fields Sources of magnetic field Faraday's law Inductance Electromagnetic waves Direct Current Circuits Alternating Current Circuits LIGHT AND OPTICS The nature of light and the laws of geometric optics image formation Interference of light waves Diffraction patterns and polarization Share with your friends:
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