Apush name Review Activity #1 Set Date

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APUSH Name _____________________________________

Review Activity #1 Set _____ Date ________________________
College Board Concept Outline
Period 1: 1491 to 1607
The Concept Outline below presents the required concepts and topics that students need to understand for the APUSH test. The statements in the outline focus on large-scale historical processes and major developments. Our course has focused on specific and significant historical evidence from the past that illustrate each of these developments and processes. Complete each table on the outline below by providing specific examples of relevant historical evidence that illustrate the concepts in greater detail. Define or describe the example and explain its significance to the thesis statement directly above the box.
Overview: On a North American continent controlled by American Indians, contact among the peoples of Europe, the Americas, and West Africa created a new world.
Key Concept 1.1

Before the arrival of Europeans, native populations in North America developed a wide variety of social, political, and economic structures based in part on interactions with the environment and each other.

  1. As settlers migrated and settled across the vast expanse of North America over time, they developed quite different and increasingly complex societies by adapting to and transforming their diverse environments.

  1. The spread of maize cultivation from present-day Mexico northward into the American Southwest and beyond supported economic development and social diversification among societies in these areas; a mix of foraging and hunting did the same for societies in the Northwest and areas of California.



Significance to the Thesis


Native Americans who lived in the Pacific Northwest

This Indian group adapted to and transformed the environment as skilled elk hunters and fishermen. They lived in long houses with more than fifty people.


The Pueblos were the 1st American corn growers in the Southwest.

They lived in adobe houses (dried mud) and pueblos (“villages” in Spanish). Pueblos are villages of cubicle shaped adobe houses, stacked one on top the other and often beneath cliffs. They had elaborate irrigation systems to draw water away from rivers to grown corn.

B. Societies responded to the lack of natural resources in the Great Basin and the western Great Plains by developing largely mobile lifestyles.



Significance to the Thesis


The Sioux lived in the northern Great Plains in lands that are today the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Tribes travelled all over the plains, however, and sometimes ended up in other states for periods of time.

The Sioux lived in teepees made from long wooden poles and covered with bison hides. The poles would be tied together at the top and spread wide at the bottom to make the shape of an upside down cone. Teepees could be taken down and set up quickly. This enabled entire villages to move on a regular basis. Their primary food source was meat from bison, but they also hunted deer and elk. They would dry the bison meat into a tough jerky that could be stored and lasted for over a year. Prior to Europeans arriving and bringing horses with them, there weren't any horses in America. The Sioux Indians would walk everywhere and hunting would take a long time. When they moved their village they couldn't carry too much and the teepees needed to be small enough so that their dogs could drag them along. When horses arrived, everything changed. The Sioux could now make much larger teepees to live in and could move a lot more stuff with them when the village relocated. Horses also made it much easier to travel and hunt buffalo. Both food and buffalo skins became much more abundant.


The Apache Indians came from the Alaskan region, Canada, and portions of the American Southwest. Eventually the tribe migrated toward the United States further south, the several branches of Apache tribes occupied an area extending from the Arkansas River to Northern Mexico and from Central Texas to Central Arizona. Generally, the Apaches are divided into Eastern and Western, with the Rio Grande serving as the dividing line. The Apaches were typically nomadic, meaning they traveled around, never quite settling in one place.

The Apaches were nomadic and lived almost completely off the buffalo. They dressed in buffalo skins and lived in tents made of tanned and greased hides, which they loaded onto dogs when they moved with the herds. They were among the first Indians, after the Pueblos, to learn to ride horses.

Key Concept 1.2

European overseas expansion resulted in the Columbian Exchange, a series of interactions and adaptations among societies across the Atlantic.

I. The arrival of Europeans in the Western Hemisphere in the 15th and 16th centuries triggered extensive demographic and social changes on both sides of the Atlantic.

  1. In the economies of the Spanish colonies, Indian labor, used in the encomienda system to support plantation-based agriculture and extract precious metals and other resources, was gradually replaced by African slavery.



Significance to the Thesis

Encomienda System

Plantation systems where Indians were essentially enslaved under the disguise of being converted to Christianity.

Spanish rules rewarded local officials by granting them villages and control over their native labor, this practice cruelly exploited Indians laborers. Indians were "commended" or given to Spanish landlords. The Indians would work and be converted to Christianity, but it was basically just slavery on a sugar plantation guised as missionary work.

Sugar, gold/silver

The Spanish discovered and mined deposits of gold and silver. For example, between 1500 and 1650 New World mines produced an estimated 16,000 tons of silver and 200 tons of gold.

Native Americans were used as slave labor, which was gradually replaced by African slavery.


The Taíno were an Arawak people who were one of the major indigenous peoples of the Caribbean. At the time of European contact in the late 15th century, they were the principal inhabitants of most of Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola (presently Haiti and the Dominican Republic), and Puerto Rico in the Greater Antilles, the northern Lesser Antilles, and the Bahamas, where they were known as the Lucayans. They spoke the Taíno language, one of the Arawakan languages.

The Spaniards, who first arrived in the Bahamas, Cuba, and Hispaniola in 1492, and later in Puerto Rico, did not bring women in the first expeditions. They took Taíno women for their common-law wives, resulting in mestizo children. The Taíno became extinct as a culture following settlement by Spanish colonists, primarily due to infectious diseases to which they had no immunity. The first recorded smallpox outbreak in Hispaniola occurred in December 1518 or January 1519.[7] The 1518 smallpox epidemic killed 90% of the natives who had not already perished.[8] Warfare and harsh enslavement by the colonists had also caused many deaths.[9] By 1548, the native population had declined to fewer than 500

Repartimento System

A colonial forced labor system imposed upon the indigenous population of Spanish America and the Philippines.

The natives were forced to do low-paid or unpaid labor for a certain number of weeks or months each year on Spanish-owned farms, mines, workshops (obrajes), and public projects. With the New Laws of 1542, the repartimiento was instated to substitute the encomienda system that had come to be seen as abusive and promoting unethical behavior. The repartimiento was not slavery, in that the worker is not owned outright—being free in various respects other than in the dispensation of his or her labor—and the work was intermittent. It however, created slavery-like conditions in certain areas, most notoriously in silver mines of 16th century Peru. The repartimiento, for the most part, replaced the encomienda of throughout the Viceroyalty of New Spain by the beginning of the 17th century

Pueblo Revolt

The Spanish used the encomienda system to exploit the Pueblos and other Native American peoples. The Franciscan friars and Spanish political officials forced the Pueblos to pa tribute, work on encomenidas, and convert to Christianity.

In 1680, a charismatic Pueblo leader named Pope organized a widespread rebellion known as the Pueblo Revolt. The Pueblo rebels killed over 400 Spanish settlers and destroyed all the Catholic Churches. The Spanish regained control over New Mexico in 1692. They then worked to create a mixed Indian and Spanish culture that continued to be dominated by Spanish officials responsible to the king.

APUSH Name _____________________________________

Review Activity #2 Set _____ Date ________________________
College Board Concept Outline

Period 2: 1607 to 1754
The Concept Outline below presents the required concepts and topics that students need to understand for the APUSH test. The statements in the outline focus on large-scale historical processes and major developments. Our course has focused on specific and significant historical evidence from the past that illustrate each of these developments and processes. Complete each table on the outline below by providing specific examples of relevant historical evidence that illustrate the concepts in greater detail. Define or describe the example and explain its significance to the thesis statement directly above the box.

Overview: Europeans and American Indians maneuvered and fought for dominance, control, and security in North America, and distinctive colonial and native societies emerged.
Key Concept 2.1:

Differences in imperial goals, cultures, and the North American environments that different empires confronted led Europeans to develop diverse patterns of colonization.

I. Seventeenth-century Spanish, French, Dutch, and British colonizers embraced different social and economic goals, cultural assumptions, and folkways, resulting in varied models of colonization.
A. Spain sought to establish tight control over the process of colonization in the Western Hemisphere and to convert and/or exploit the native population.



Significance to the Thesis



Cortes was the Spanish conquistador who subdued Mexico and the Aztec empire.

Advanced weapons, horses, ruthless tactics, and diseases enabled the conquistadores to topple the Aztec empire.



Columbus was an Italian seafarer commissioned by the Spanish

monarchs to establish a western trade route to Asia. He discovered the New World in 1492 and opened the Western Hemisphere to exploration and settlement from Europe.

Set the pattern for future Spanish explorers and conquistadores. Columbus was very ethnocentric (believing in the superiority of one’s own ethic group) and saw no reason to respect or learn about the cultures of the Native Americans he encountered. Instead Columbus proposed to Christianize the indigenous (native) peoples, exploit their labor, and teach them to speak Spanish.

B. French and Dutch colonial efforts involved relatively few Europeans and used trade alliances and intermarriage with American Indians to acquire furs and other products for export to Europe.



Significance to the Thesis

Samuel de Champlain

Was a French explorer and navigator who mapped much of northeastern North America and started a settlement in Quebec. Champlain also discovered the lake named for him (Lake Champlain, on the border of northern New York state and Vermont, named in 1609) and was important in establishing and administering the French colonies in the New World.

In 1609, Champlain befriended the Huron Indians and helped them fight the Iroquois (this battle led to 150 years of bitterness and hostility between the Iroquois and the French).

Key Concept 2.2:

European colonization efforts in North America stimulated intercultural contact and intensified conflict between the various groups of colonizers and native peoples.

  1. Competition over resources between European rivals led to conflict within and between North American colonial possessions and American Indians.



Significance to the Thesis

Pequot Wars

The Pequot War was an armed conflict between the Pequot tribe and an alliance of the English colonists of the Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, and Saybrook colonies and their Native American allies (the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes) which occurred between 1634 and 1638. Before the war's inception, efforts to control fur trade access resulted in a series of escalating incidents and attacks that increased tensions on both sides. Political divisions between the Pequot and Mohegan widened as they aligned with different trade sources—the Mohegan with the English, and the Pequot with the Dutch.

The Pequots lost the war. At the end, about seven hundred Pequots had been killed or taken into captivity. Hundreds of prisoners were sold into slavery to the West Indies. Other survivors were dispersed. The Pequot War of 1636 and 1637 saw the virtual elimination of the Pequot Indians. The victors (English colonists and their Native American allies) met to decide on the division of the fruits of victory. The Pequot lands went to the Connecticut River towns. The other major feature of this treaty was to outlaw the Pequot language and name. Any survivors would be referred to in the future as Mohegans or Narragansett. No Pequot town or settlement would be allowed. This treaty was signed on September 21, 1638. The result was the elimination of the Pequot as a viable polity in what is present-day Southern New England.

II. Clashes between European and American Indian social and economic values caused changes in both cultures.

A. Continuing contact with Europeans increased the flow of trade goods and diseases into and out of native communities, stimulating cultural and demographic changes.



Significance to the Thesis

King Philip’s War

King Philip’s War (1675-1676) marked the last major effort by the Native Americans of southern New England to drive out the English settlers. With tensions spilling over following the collapse of trade partnerships and aggressive expansion of colonist territories, Pokunoket chief Metacom — a.k.a. King Philip — led a bloody uprising of Wampanoag, Nipmuck, Pocumtuck and Narragansett tribes.

Although the sequence of events leading to the outbreak of war is unclear, the Indians’ resentment of the English had been building since the 1660s. They had become increasingly dependent on English goods, food, and weapons, and their bargaining power diminished as the fur trade dried up, tribal lands were sold, and Metacom and other leaders were forced by the colonists to recognize English sovereignty. Rather than accommodate further, some of the Indians took up arms

The war ended in August 1676, shortly after Metacom was captured and beheaded. Some of his supporters escaped to Canada; those who surrendered were shipped off as slaves to the West Indies. The Puritans interpreted their victory as a sign of God’s favor, as well as a symbolic purge of their spiritual community. The Indians who remained faced servitude, disease, cultural disruption, and the expropriation of their lands.

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