Asm by-Laws 8/25/04 Eligibility Criteria

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SSFC Eligibility and Funding Criteria

per ASM By-Laws updated 8/25/04

ASM By-Laws 8/25/04

Eligibility Criteria: A group failing to meet any of the criteria will result in that group being declared ineligible for funding for the upcoming year:

  • The organization/program must have written governing documents;

  • The organization/program must provide a specific and identifiable educational benefit and service to the students of the University. This benefit or service may include event programming and/or leadership development opportunities, but must also have significant additional components;

  • All students must be able to participate in the organization/program and/or access to the services they provide;

  • The organization/program must have a clear written purpose or mission statement;

  • The organization/program must have a clear plan and goals that outline:

The objectives the organization intends to achieve which must be evaluated affirmatively, negatively, or numerically;

The logistical support necessary to achieve these objectives; and

An accurate estimate of the cost of that logistical support;

  • The organization/program must demonstrate that a substantially equivalent service is not being provided elsewhere for the students at the University;

  • The organization/program’s representative(s) attended the hearing;

  • The organization/program has not knowingly, willfully or intentionally violated ASM or UW System financial policies within the last fiscal year.

  • The organization/program must have an advisory board consisting of at least three student members that deals with examination and approval of the organization/program’s budget.

  • An organization/program has completely and accurately filled out the eligibility application;

  • The organization/program does not currently violate its own governing documents or the Constitution.

SSFC Eligibility and Funding Criteria

per ASM By-Laws updated 8/25/04

Funding Criteria:

An eligible organization/program shall receive one of the following amounts: A minimum amount taking into consideration student organization space, one part-time student hourly position and basic supplies that will be established at least one meeting before the monetary hearings begin. To the extent that the organization/program establishes that it is entitled to funds in addition to the level established in (a) under the following criteria:

  • An eligible organization/program has demonstrated the ability to effectively expense the funds that the group was awarded in the manner proposed;

  • An eligible organization/program has demonstrated that it has accomplished the objectives that it had set out to accomplish in the past;

  • An eligible organization/program has demonstrated that the request for funds is reasonable within the objectives it has set;

  • An eligible organization/program has demonstrated a need for the request for funding to achieve its objectives;

  • An eligible organization/program has demonstrated that it has submitted accurate requests for funding in the past; and

  • An eligible organization/program has not significantly changed since their eligibility hearing so as to violate the eligibility criteria.

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