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Lesson XVIII – “Stay In Step And Be Strong”

I Thessalonians 5:12-14

Introduction: The apostle Paul is giving practical instruction to the church, regarding things important to give attention to, as we wait for the coming of Jesus Christ. He has just told us plainly, in the end of chapter four and the first of chapter five, that Jesus is coming at any time. In fact, Jesus’ return is used to motivate us in every chapter. In the last lesson, we saw clearly a two-fold responsibility:

  • The ministers or servants have a responsibility to the congregation:

  • The congregation has a responsibility to the ministers or servants among them:

  • To know them to appreciate their true worth;

  • To esteem them highly in love for their work’s sake;

The staff of ministers and the congregation are admonished to be at peace among themselves. Now, notice V14:

  • Warn the unruly.

  • Comfort the feebleminded.

  • Support the weak.

To whom does this responsibility belong? Well, notice V1, 4, 12, and 14. Except for V12, where the congregation is addressed in relation to the ministers, “brethren” seems to mean the whole general assembly, the ministers as much as the congregation. Therefore, we are approaching V14 from the standpoint that it is the responsibility of both the minister and the congregation; no less one’s responsibility than the other’s.

I. warn them that are unruly

A. Some definitions will be helpful.

1. “Unruly” = unarranged; disorderly.

a. It was a military term that had to do with being out of rank.

b. I Chronicles 12:33&38 The experts in war knew how to keep rank.

c. Experts in war, that made King David’s army effective, did not set or make rank; they kept rank.

d. Some who are not experts may tell us that keeping rank isn’t really that big a deal; that probably every soldier in war should have the right to approach the battle as he sees fit; you know, freedom to express himself. The military veterans among us will tell otherwise!

2. “Warn” = It means the same as “admonish” in V12; to express disapproval of present conduct; to urge to amend ways; to call attention to error.

3. So, in a military setting, picture a company of infantrymen with orders and all they have to do is keep rank. One or two break rank to do their own thing. Either a fellow soldier may warn them to shape up, or the officer in command may be the one to warn them.

B. Could a church be negatively affected by the unruly?

1. Many (maybe most) churches are ineffective because too many want to establish rank and too few ever consider to keep rank.

2. In this rights-crazed society, “Yes, sir” is about a thing of the past, but saints of God ought to be different.

C. Let’s be challenged to do two things.

1. Keep rank.

a. In your church, keep rank.

b. When direction is established, and the troops are being led and going a certain direction, unless it is unbiblical or immoral or dishonest, then keep rank.

c. In Sunday school work, the bus ministry, music, soul winning, and in separation (both personal holiness and ecclesiastically) – keep rank!

d. At Jericho, one man, Achan, got out of rank and the army was defeated and shamed at Ai; one man out of rank.

2. You, brethren, you warn the unruly.

a. You; you stop divisive criticism.

b. You; you warn the gossipers and you stop the gossip.

c. You; you confront the hypocrite and warn them of bad consequences to themselves and the church.

d. You; you take it upon yourself to warn the brothers of carnality and worldliness and unfaithfulness.

e. Honestly, churches are weak and powerless and ineffective because no one wants to say anything to anyone about any matter. But if we are governed by brotherly love, we not only can, we must.

II. comfort the feeble-minded

A. Again, some definitions will be helpful.

1. “Feebleminded” = The word does not have to do with mental deficiency, but rather means timid; small-souled; worried; afraid; discouraged.

2. “Comfort” = This verb does not mean to console and alleviate suffering, but has to do with encouraging and stimulating to duty.

B. Application to church life.

1. We know that many among us are the timid and hesitant.

2. Some will be timid about personal service. Encourage them!

3. Some will fear church projects and efforts, such as property acquisitions, debt repayment programs, changes in the Sunday school, or church growth. Encourage them!


A. Definitions will help.

1. “Weak” = It means just what you think: without strength, sickly, or feeble.

a. This is not unique to Thessalonica.

b. I’ve never been a part of a church that was without the weak, and sometimes I was among the weak.

c. Why are some weak? It may be due to lack of knowledge, lack of faith, lack of trust, or lack of purpose.

2. “Support” = To help; to hold up; to go over against one so as to put arms around and hold up.

B. Paul admonished the brethren to support the weak among them.

1. Romans 15:1-2 “We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification. For even Christ pleased not Himself …”

2. Acts 20:35 “I have showed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Conclusion: V14b Be patient toward all men. Can you get the idea of love and consideration and caring that is to be evident here? I was told a touching story of the Special Olympics, held right after the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996. In a certain bracket for the mentally handicapped, when the gun sounded and they left the blocks, if one fell, others would not run until they had helped them up.

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