\begin{thebibliography}{10} \bibitem{ccs98}

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\newblock The ACM Computing Classification System [1998 Version].

\newblock http://www.acm.org/class/1998/, January 1998.


Neal Coulter, James French, Ephraim Glinert, Thomas Horton, Nancy Mead, Roy

Rada, Craig Ralston, Anthony~Rodkin, Bernard Rous, Allen Tucker, Peter

Wegner, Eric Weiss, and Carol Wierzbicki.

\newblock Computing Classification System 1998: Current Status and Future


\newblock Technical report, CCS Update Committee, January 1998.

\newblock http://www.acm.org/class/1998/ccsup.pdf.


Giorgio De~Michelis, Eric Dubois, Matthias Jarke, Florian Matthes, John

Mylopoulos, Joachim~W. Schmidt, Carson Woo, and Eric Yu.

\newblock A Three-Faceted View of Information Systems.

\newblock {\em Communications of the ACM}, 41(12):64 -- 70, December 1998.

P.~Dourish and V.~Bellotti.

\newblock Awareness and Coordination in Shared Workspaces.

\newblock In {\em Proceedings of ACM CSCW'92 Conference on Computer-supported

Cooperative Work, November 1 - 4, 1992, Toronto Canada}, pages 107--114.

ACM-Press, November 1992.


W.~Keith Edwards and Elizabeth~D. Mynatt.

\newblock Timewarp: Techniques for Autonomous Collaboration.

\newblock In Steven Pemberton, editor, {\em Proceedings of the Conference on

Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'97), 22-27 March 1997, Atlanta,

Georgia, USA}. ACM, March 1997.

\newblock http://www.acm.org/sigchi/chi97/proceedings/paper/wke.htm.

Saul Greenberg, Carl Gutwin, and Andy Cockburn.

\newblock Using Distortion-Oriented Displays to Support Workspace Awareness.

\newblock In A.~Sasse, R.J. Cunningham, and R.~Winder, editors, {\em People and

Computers XI (Proceedings of the HCI'96), Conference held at Imperial

College, London, August 20-23}, pages 299 -- 314. Springer-Verlag, August


T.~R. Gruber.

\newblock A translation approach to portable ontology specifications.

\newblock Technical Report KSL 92-71, Computer Science Department, Stanford

University, California, 1993.

Claudia Nieder\'ee, Ulrike Steffens, Joachim~W. Schmidt, and Florian Matthes.

\newblock Aging Links.

\newblock In Jos\'e Borbinha and Thomas Baker, editors, {\em Research and

Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Proceedings of the Third European

Conference, ECDL 2000, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2000}, volume LNCS 1923 of

{\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 269 -- 279. Springer-Verlag,

September 2000.



\newblock Digital Libraries: Searching Is Not Enough - What we learned On-Site.

\newblock {\em D-Lib Magazine}, May 1996.

\newblock http://ukoln.bath.ac.uk/dlib/dlib/may96.


\newblock Supporting Awareness in Shared Workspaces Using Relevance-dependent

Event Notifications.

\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the CVE'96 Workshop "Collaborative Virtual

Environments", Nottingham, September 19-20, 1996}. University of Nottingham,

September 1996.

Johann Schlichter, Michael Koch, and Martin Bürger.

\newblock Workspace Awareness for Distributed Teams.

\newblock In Wolfram Conen and Gustaf Neumann, editors, {\em Proceedings of the

Workshop Coordination Technology for Collaborative Applications, Singapore,

1997}, volume LNCS 1364 of {\em Lecture Notes on Computer Science}, pages 199

-- 218. Springer-Verlag, 1997.

J.W. Schmidt, G.~Schr\"oder, C.~Nieder{\'e}e, and F.~Matthes.

\newblock Linguistic and Architectural Requirements for Personalized Digital


\newblock {\em International Journal on Digital Libraries}, 1(1), 1997.

\newblock http://www.sts.tu-harburg.de/papers/1996/SSNM96a.


Henri~van Waal.

\newblock {\em ICONCLASS - An iconographic classification system}.

\newblock North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Oxford/New York, 1973-85.

\newblock (Completed and edited by L.D. Couprie, R.H. Fuchs, E. Tholen, G.

Vellekoop, a.o.).


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