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Carolyne Hair

Head Monitor in the Westport Building 1994-5 was Carolyne Hair (Pitlessie). When in S4, she was selected by one of the local Rotary Clubs to receive a Rotary Youth Leadership Award. This involves spending a week at Abernethy Outdoor Centre on Speyside enjoying a programme of activities designed to build character through developing self-awareness, leadership skills and generally promoting a healthy approach to life. Carolyne became School Captain for the Session 1997-8.

Debbie Hair

Debbie Hair (Cults) was School Vice-Captain for the Session 2002-3.

Eileen Hall

Mrs Eileen Wood entered BBS in 1949. She became a Primary Teacher and lived in Kingswells, Aberdeen.

Evelyn Hall

Mrs Evelyn Berwick entered BBS in 1947. She had various secretarial posts after leaving School and worked for some years for the Scottish Adoption Association. She lived in Edinburgh.

Jackie Hall

Mrs Jackie Wheaton (née Hall) (late 1970s) has been awarded the personal commendation of the Air Officer Commanding No 1 Group, Royal Air Force. She works in Personnel Services at RAF Leuchars as the allowances supervisor, responsible for all payments made to both service and civilian personnel. On leaving school, Jackie joined the Women's Royal Army Corps, where she served in the Royal Army Pay Corps. She now lives in Freuchie with her partner and 2 children. In Freuchie she is involved in trying to set up a Youth Club. Jackie keeps fit by running, walking and cycling.

Chris Halley

Chris Halley (1936) died peacefully in hospital after a short illness on 7th April 2012. Chris spent her entire career as bookkeeper with the Cupar legal firm, Drummond Johnston and Grossett. She was a very active member of the committee of the local Blind Association, for which she ran Whist Drives regularly for many years. She was a keen competitor in both outdoor and indoor bowling. She was also deeply involved in Age Concern and looked after the day-to-day finances. Chris was unmarried.

James C Halliday

James Halliday (1931) died on 15th March 2003 in Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, after a short illness. Jim served in the Royal Artillery during the Second World War, attaining the rank of captain. He then took a degree in Modern Languages at the University of St Andrews, where he also graduated M Ed. He spent most of his teaching career in Madras College. From there he went to Dundee College of Education, where he remained until he retired as Principal Lecturer in Education. He was predeceased by his wife and is survived by his two sons and a daughter.

Mona Halliday


BBHS 2000-2005

Mona Halliday died on 31st January 2005 as the result of a road accident. Mona was a pupil in fifth year who had intended to pursue a career in medicine after she completed her schooling.

Lesley Hancock


Lesley Hancock, who was a pupil in sixth year in 1968, spent two years in a girls' High School in Kent. Researchers for the 1968 School Magazine editorial staff (Jennifer Tresize, Mary Eagles and Fiona Ewen) asked her for her views on school uniform and co-education.

Uniform? Well, in the winter, if you were in the first or second year you had to wear a gym-tunic, a white blouse and navy-blue knickers and a strap purse, but you were not allowed to wear coloured underwear or lacquer your hair. When you got to the elevated heights of the third year, you were allowed to wear a skirt; only the skirt had to be made to a certain pattern and it consisted of about eight panels and so was rather flaired. It was rather long because you weren't supposed to show your knees. You could also wear stockings to school, provided they were brown and not black or patterned. You could get away with coloured undies in winter when you wore your school jersey, but in summer they showed through the dresses. Everybody wore the same summer dresses which were of three colours: pink, green and oyster — which was a sort of dirty-looking beige.

We had different hats for summer and winter. In winter, you wore a navy-blue, felt hat which you sort of stood on, sat on and folded up. The great art was to fold your hat in half, then in half again and sit on it without sitting on the badge, because that was rather unpleasant. In summer you wore a white straw hat which was a sort of dirty yellow and looked like a bowler because it didn't come out right. But you couldn't fold them — they were sort of the unsquashable type.

I think the main reason for the uniform was the headmistress — she wanted to run a sort of girl's public school. I think she aimed at producing the Young Lady; a prototype of her, I suppose. She didn't really achieve it because everyone laughed at the rules and broke them — we had to put make-up on to go home with - hastily putting on your lipstick and mascara.

You could go home by bus or train but most people went by train because the boys from the nearby grammar school went by train. In the buses it was mainly just girls — we didn't use the buses very often.

I had a few boyfriends, but I didn't get to know Boys well, if you see what I mean — I didn't know lots of boys. You weren't supposed to have boyfriends meeting you from school — that was frowned on: so you met them round the corner, or something. But we used to rave over the gardener — that's the stage it got to, you see — raving over the gardener. And he got the sack in the end because one of the girls started going out with him. My friend had a great crush on him; she used to write letters and things, but mostly he was something to be admired from a distance.

I was scared stiff when I first came to Bell Baxter. Well, I didn't know that it was co-educational until I arrived, you know, and saw these boys walking around. I was rather green at the time. I didn't know how to behave or anything. If a boy had spoken to me, I'm sure I would have burst out into tears. And I suddenly got taken up to this classroom with about fifteen boys sitting staring at me. I've never been so embarrassed in my life. But it soon goes: for you can't afford to be embarrassed with the lot you've got here: you've got to learn to stand up for yourself.

I think that's necessary, because if you're at a school where there's just some girls and you go to university or some place like that — right in the midst of them — you meet all the horrors and all the nice ones, and you fall into some of the traps the horrors lay. But here you learn to distinguish between the horrors and the nice ones — and I think that's necessary for a girl. And you've got to learn to relax with boys and be able to talk to them as people without thinking ‘Oh boy, I'm talking to one of THEM.’

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