Bibliography of west florida

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Gauld, George (1732-1782)

A View of Pensacola in West Florida / Vui de Pensacola dansk

Floride Occidentale / To the Honorable Sr. William Burnaby, Rear Admiral

of the Regt., / Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships at Jamaica, in

the Gulf of Mexico / This View of Pensacola is Dedicated by his most

obdt. humble srvt. Geo. Gauld.

Under engraving: sold by T. Jeffreys in the Strand, London.

Attributed to 1765 by Robert Rea; see his George Gauld:

Surveyor and Cartographer of the Gulf Coast (1982), with explanation,

p. 187, and reproduction of print, oppo. p. 60.

Historic Pensacola Preservation Board; UWF (copy)


A Letter from a gentleman in Pensacola, to his friend in South Carolina.

Printed in the year 1767. [Charleston? S.C., 1767?]

8 p. 24 cm.

Notes on the speech by Lt. Gov. Montfort Browne, "published

in the Charles Town paper," with a criticism of the Governor's

actions following the departure of Governor George Johnstone.

From Brit. Museum, Additional Mss 21673, ff. 40-43 (Haldimand

Papers); see also South Carolina Gazette, July 20, 1767. Reprinted,

Pensacola History Illustrated, v. 1, no. 3 (1984), 5-7.

UWF (copy)


Gezigt van't Spaansche Hek Pensacola, aan de baay van dien naam, in

de Golf van Mexiko, Beoosten den Uitloop Van De Rivier Mississippi.

Naar een Tekening, Die op de Plaats Zelre, in't Jaar 1743, is Gemaakt.

Engraving from Isaac Tirion's Hedendaagsche historie of tegenwoordige

staat van Amerika, Volume 3, p. 319. Amsterdam: 1769.

Engraving, 6 11/16 x 10 13/16 inches, depicts Pensacola

as seen by Dominic Serres in 1743. This Dutch engraving is based

on a view originally published in William Roberts and Thomas

Jeffreys, An Account of the First Discovery and Natural

History of Florida (1763) titled "A North View of Pensacola on the

Island of Santa Rosa" and which is contained in some sets of the

Scenographica Americana. In the Account (p. 11), the scene is

described as "The town is defended by a small fort surrounded by

stockades, the prinicipal house is the governor's; the rest of the town

is composed of small hutts or cabbins, built without any order, as

may be seen by the view, which was drawn by a person who resided

here in 1743, and was in the service of the Havana company, and

sent in a schooner laden with cargo for this place.


1775-4 Lorimer, John

Description of a new dipping needle. By Mr. J. Lorimer, of Pensacola,

in a letter to Sir John Pringle, Bart. P.R.S. September 13, 1773. Royal

Society of London, Philosophical Transactions, v. 65, pt. 1 (1775), p. 79 84.

A note of Lorimer's "Universal magnetic needle, or observation


UWF (copy)


Noticiosa, verica, triumfante, y victoriosa relacion que declara ... la

restauracion de la plaza de Panzacola, la Florida ... el dia 8.

Mayo de 1781. [Seville, 1781]

4 p.
A laudatory narrative poem on Galvez' capure of Pensacola

in 1781.Not seen; title from William Reese, 1986 (catalog 46).


Graham, John (b. 174O)

John Graham's address to the master and worthy family of this house;

showing his sufferings among the Indians in West Florida. Printed in

November, 1787, for the benefit of John Graham and family and sold by

no other person ... [County of Durham, England]: W. Appleton, Printer, 1787.

Broadside, 31.5 x 20.5 cm.

Distributed by Graham, a beggar, who had been held captive

and tortured by Indians in West Florida, 1785.

See note in John Carter Brown Library, Annual report, 1939,

p. 29 80. Facsimile reprint in Garland Library of Narratives of North

American Indian captivities, v. 18 (1978).

UWF (reprint)


A circumstantial account of the expedition which was made by His Catholic

Majesty's command, against the English settlements on the river

Mississippi, by Brigadier Don Bernardo de Galvez, Governor of the

Province of Louisiana.

The American Museum (Philadelphia), v. 12, pt. 2 (July 

December, 1792), Appendix II, p. 1 6.
A report, dated New Orleans, October, 1779, on the capture

of Manchak, Baton Rouge and Natchez; translated by Peter S. Du


UWF (copy)


U.S. Senate

Claims to land in the southwestern parts of the United States, under

a law of the State of Georgia. Communicated ... 29th day of April, 1796.

ASP, Public Lands, v. 1, p. 34 67. (4th Cong., lst Sess. no. 21).

Letter of Attorney General Charles Lee, April 28, 1796,

enclosing papers relating to "the title to the land ... claimed

by certain companies under a law of the State of Georgia,"

January 7, 1794. With text of treaties and correspondence,

1670 1787, relating to the boundaries of East and West Florida.



U.S. Congress. Senate.

Report of the committee to whom was referred the motion of the

17th January last, respecting the territory of the U.S. Southward and

Westward of the State of Georgia. Published by order of the Senate of

the U.S. Printed by W. Ross. [1798]

6 p.


U.S. House

Warrants of survey issued by the British government of West Florida. Communicated to the House of Representatives, February 13, 1804. ASP,

Public Lands, v. 1, p. 189. (8th Cong., lst Sess. no. 95).

Unfavorable report on the petition of Matthew Phelps, who

settled in West Florida, 1774 1780.



Hawkins, Benjamin

A concise description of the Creek Country, with some remarkable

customs practised among the native inhabitants. Written by Colonel

Benjamin Hawkins, agent for the Indian Affairs of the United States South

of the Ohio, and communicated to Dr. Mitchill, December l4, 1805. Medical

Repository (N.Y.), Second Hexade, v. 4 (1807), p. 36 43.

The first publication of portions of Hawkins's "The Creek

Confederacy," not printed in complete form until 1848 (cf. 1848-4).

UWF (copy)


Lee, William

The true and interesting travels of William Lee, born at Hadfield,

near Doncaster, where his parents were farmers, who apprenticed him

to a flaxdresser at Doncaster, with whom he served seven years, and

afterwards in 1768 went with a venture to America, where he travelled

through the back settlements, and endured numerous hardships and

many vicissitudes of fortune ... Copied verbatim from Mr. Lee's original

mss. written at the express request of his aged mother. London: Printed

for T. and R. Hughes ... At the Franklin Press ... [1808?]

1 leaf, [5] 4O p. front.

See note of his arrival in West Florida, June 1774, where

he became master of a small trading vessel, married a widow

and settled on a farm about 35 miles from Pensacola, p. 26 28. In

1780, Lee escaped the Spanish by fleeing to Georgia, then sailed

with other Loyalists to Jamaica.

A supplementary letter to his mother, p. 36 4O, contains a

description of the "dreadful storm" at Pensacola, ca. 1776, and an

account of the Creek Indians.

Cf. Sabin 39805; Eberstadt Cat. ll4 (1939),

no. 455.

University of Georgia (copy)


U.S. House

Land claims in the Mississippi Territory. Communicated to the

House of Representatives, January 5, 1809. ASP, Public Lands,

v. 1, p. 593 908. (lOth Cong., 2nd Sess. no. 154)

Decisions of the commissioners appointed to settle land

claims in the Mississippi Territory, with tables of British and

Spanish land grants, ca. 1769 1795, p. 601 644; documents in

support of claims, p. 645-858; and table of confirmed grants,

p. 859 908.



Cramer, Zadok (1773 1813)

The navigator: containing directions for navigating the Monongahela,

Allegheny, Ohio, and Mississippi rivers; with an ample account of these

much admired waters, from the head of the former to the mouth of the latter;

and a concise description of their towns, villages, harbours, settlements, &c. ... Seventh edition    improved and enlarged. Pittsburgh: Printed and Published

by Cramer, Spear & Eichbaum ... 1811.

295, [1] p., incl. maps. 18 cm.

Of West Florida, p. 284 291.

Corrections, p. [296].

University of Miami; UWF (copy)

(F 353 C91 1814a)


Lind, James (1716 1794)

An essay on diseases incidental to Europeans, in hot climates, with

the method of preventing their fatal consequences. By James Lind ... To

which is added, an appendix, concerning intermittent fevers; and a simple

and easy way to render sea water fresh, and to prevent a scarcity of

provisions in long voyages at sea. First American, from the Sixth London

edition ... Philadelphia: Printed by William Duane, 1811.

viii, 268 p. 23 1/2 cm.
See the note on yellow fever at Pensacola, 1765, p. 23, 119;

recipes to further good health, p. 83 [84] [Gulf coast recipe for

chicken curee mentioned]; and mention of the death of many French

settlers at Campbelltown, p. 161 162.

UWF (copy, in part)


Stoddard, Amos

Historical data, abridged from the manuscript journal of a French

officer, who came out under Ibberville. This journal contains the history

of Louisiana from its foundation down to 1722 and may be relied on as

correct. By Major Amos Stoddard, of the army of the United States.

The Medical Repository, Third Hexade, v. 3 (1812), p. 300 302.
Brief comments on West Florida and Louisiana, ca. 1683 

1722, contained in a letter to Samuel Latham Mitchill.

UWF (copy)


Pensacola. Niles Weekly Register, v. 7, Supplement (1815), p. 165 167.

Extracts from the journal of William Ellis, August September,

1814, from the National Intelligenoer, January 2, 1815. Ellis was

the "inspector of the revenue at Mobile, who was taken prisoner by

the British and Indians, and carried to Pensacola ..."

UWF (copy)


The Appalachicola fort. From the Orleans Gazette.

National Register, v. 2 (October 12, 1816), p. 107.

On the destruction of the Negro Fort, with reflections on

the Creek War and Spanish aid to the hostile Indians. An earlier

brief account appeared in National Register, v. 2 (August 31, 1816),

p. 15.

UWF (copy)


A shred of the late war; Appalachicola.

Niles Weekly Register, v. 11 (August, 1816), p. l4 15; (September,

1816), p. 37 38.

On M'Intosh's role in the destruction of the fort. Part [2]

contains excerpts from a letter of a gentleman at New Orleans

with a description of the fort and its destruction by the U.S. Navy.

UWF (copy)


U. S. Senate.

Land titles in Florida. Communicated to the Senate, December 19,

1817. ASP, Public Lands, v. 3, p. 282 285 (15th Cong., lst Sess. no. 257).

A memorial, January 24? 1817, of the Louisiana Legislature, on

the confirmation of land titles in West Florida. See also the memorial

of Elijah Clark and other legislators, New Orleans, January 25, 1817, protesting the earlier memorial, p. 285 286.



Alabama Territory. National Register, v. 5 (June 6, 1818), p. 367.

Brief report, dated St. Stephens, May 9, on the militia from Fort

Crawford which attacked "hostile Indians on Pensacola Bay, within one

mile of the town of Pensacola," on April 25, 1818.
UWF (copy)


U.S. House. Committee on Private Land Claims

Report of the Committee ... in the case of P. C. S. Barbour,

accompanied with a bill for his relief. [Washington:] 1818.

6 p. (l5th Cong., 2nd Sess. House report no. 16)

Report, December 4, 1818, on Barbour's claim to 1,500 acres of

land in West Florida.

Not seen; title from Eberstadt Cat. 109 (1937), no. 46.


U. S. President.

Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a

report from the Secretary of War, in relation to the manner the troops in

the service of the United States, now operating against the Seminole tribe

of Indians, have been subsisted, whether by contract or otherwise, and

whether they have been regularly furnished with rations. January 30,

1818. ... Washington: Printed by E. De Krafft, 1818.

8 p. 23 cm. (l5th Cong., lst Sess. Sen. Doc. 87. Serial 2)

With report of J. C. Calhoun, January 28, 1818, on shipment of

supplies to be carried up the Apalachicola River.

NASP, Military Affairs, 9:1 4.

UWF (reprint)


Clinch, Duncan L.

Negro fort on Appalachicola; from the National Intelligencer. Niles

Weekly Register, v. 17 (November 20, 1819), p. 186 188.

A letter to Col. R. Butler, dated Camp Crawford, August 2,

1816, on the expedition, August 17 30, 1816, which led to the

destruction of the fort.

UWF (copy)


Haines, Samuel

Typography. Port of Pensacola. National Register, v. 7 (June 5,

1819), p. [353] 354.

A letter from Pensacola, May 6, 1819, with comments on the

harbor, the town and rampant speculation in real estate.

UWF (copy)


Themistocles (pseud.)

To the Honorable Henry Clay, Speaker of the House of

Representatives. National Register, v. 7 (January 30, 1819), p. [65] 

68; (February 6, 1819), p. 84 86.

A criticism of Clay's speech, January 20, 1819, on Jackson's conduct during the Creek war and the execution of Arbuthnot and

Armbrister. The second part is entitled: "Calm considerations of the

case of General Jackson."

See also "Documents accompanying the letter of Mr. Secretary

Adams to Mr. Erving ... in relation to the invasion of Florida and the execution of Arbuthnott and Ambrister," Ibid., v. 7 (March 6 through

April 17, 1819), passim.

UWF (copy)


Miscellany--Florida from the Petersburg Intelligencer. Extract from a

letter dated Pensacola (W. F.) April 27 to a gentleman in this

town. Boston Weekly Messenger, June 21, 1821, p. 4, cols. 1-2.

Description of Pensacola and vicinity.

UWF (microfilm) (WF 475)


Pensacola. Niles Weekly Register, v. 21 (September, 1821), p. 5l.
On Pensacola's first newspaper, the Floridian (cf. 1821-15),

with excerpts of its critical review of J. G. Forbes's "Sketches" (1821-16).

UWF (copy)


Transactions at Pensacola. Niles' Register, v. 20 (September 29,

1821), p. 73 75.

Excerpts from Louisiana Advertiser, August 22, 1821, on the Jackson Callava affair.

UWF (copy)


Alabama. Constitutional Convention.

Memorial of the Convention of the people of the State of Alabama,

assembled to form a constitution and State government, praying that a

part of West Florida may be annexed to said State. February 22, 1821.

... Washington: Printed by Gales & Seaton, 1831. (16th Cong., 2nd Sess.,

Senate Doc. 109).

4 p. 24 cm.


Dussueil, T.

Le pilote du Golfe du Mexique et du Canal de Bahama; ou,

Description des iles, bancs, hauts fonds, ports, rades, rivieres et baies

qui bordent toutes ces cotes et celles de l'ile de Cuba; augmentee de

details sur la navigation du Fleuve du Mississipi ... par T. Dussueil,

Capitaine de Fregate en retraite ... publiee par ordre du gouvernement

en 1805 ... Saint Malo [etc.]: Chez H. Rottier, Imprimeur Libraire ... 1822.

[iv], 107 p.

"Fleuve du Mississipi," with directions for sailing to the Chande 

leurs, Mobile and Pensacola, p. 27 38. See also notes on Saint Andrews, Cape San Blas, Apalachicola Bay and Tampa Bay, p. 38 4O.

University of Miami; UWF (copy, in part)


Products of Florida. American Farmer (Baltimore), v. 4 (September 6,

1822), p. 92.
On the nut galls of Quercus cerris, common to West Florida; reprinted from the Pensacola "Floridian."

UWF (copy) (MF 484)


Williams, John Lee.

[Journal of an Expedition to the Interior of West Florida, October-

November 1823] [Tallahassee? n.d.]

[30] leaves, photocopy.
Typed transcript of Williams journal as it appeared in the

Pensacola Gazette and West Florida Advertiser, March 27, 1824;

April 3, 1824; April 10, 1824; May 29, 1824; and June 5, 1824.

State Library of Florida; UWF (copy)


Townsend, Peter Solomon (1796 1849)

Account of the introduction of the yellow fever into Pensacola and

New Orleans in the year 1822. By P. S. Townsend, M.D. New York Medical

and Physical Journal, v. 2 (1823), p. 315 320.

Notes on the disease in Pensacola derived from Perroquet Alba,

of Pensacola, reprinted from the "Louisianian," February l5, 1823.

UWF (copy)


Adams, John Quincy (1767 1848)

Letter of John Quincy Adams in explanation and vindication of Gen.

Jackson's invasion and occupation of Florida and the execution of Arbuthnot

and Ambrister. [Trenton? N.J., 1824]

16 p.
Issued in behalf of the People's Ticket in support of Jackson

and Calhoun in the election of 1824.

Not seen; title from Boston Public Library. See also Eberstadt

Cat. ll4 (1939), no. 298, with imprint, n.p., 1828.


Alabama and Florida. We are extremely gratified at learning that the

zealous and respectable prelate of this district is now at Pensacola ...

United States Catholic Miscellany, v. 6, no. 38 (April l4, 1827), p. 302.

With a note of the oonsecration of Bishop Portier at St. Louis,

November 5, 1826.

UWF (copy) (MF 484)


U. S. House

Reserved lands for seats of justice and exchange of school lands

in Florida. Communicated to the Senate, January 14, 1828. ASP, Public

Lands, v. 5, p. 354 355 (20th Cong., lst Sess. no. 611).
With a petition of the citizens of Jackson County concerning the

location of the county seat.



Hall, Basil

Forty etching from Sketches made with the Camera Lucinda in North

America, in 1827 and 1828. Edinburgh: 1829.

Not seen; from William Reese catalog 62 (April 1988);

includes drawings of Creek Chiefs; strikingly similarity to

McKenney and Hall engravings.


Live oak plantation. From the "Floridian." Report of the overseer,

of the number of and description of live oak cleared from other growth,

at Deer Point, for the quarter ending the 18th of October, 1829. Niles Weekly Register, v. 39 (November 20, 1830), p. 211 212.

A report by S. Davis, December 1, 1829, on the 60,000 trees planted on the eight mile tract.

UWF (copy)


U. S. House

On an application for compensation for locating two townships of land

for a seminary of learning in Florida. Communicated ... March 23, 1830.

ASP, Public Lands, v. 6, p. 168 170 (21st Cong., lst Sess. no. 837).
With letter of R. C. Allen to Joseph M. White, January 29, 1829,

on a survey of seminary lands in "the Chippola country" and

resolutions of the Legislative Council disapproving earlier gift of land

to Allen.



U.S. Senate. Committee on Indian Affairs

Memorial of Joshua Kennedy, of Mobile, praying Congress to

indemnify him for losses sustained during the Creek War. March 15,

1830. ... [Washington: 1830]. NASP, Military Affairs, v. 8, p. 260 262.

(21st Cong., lst Sess. Senate Doc. 947. Serial 193).
Kennedy owned a cotton gin and sawmill on the Tensaw River,

south of the 3lst parallel. Following Fort Mims, the Prophet (Josiah

Francis) destroyed the mill, valued at $23,000.



Colin Mitchel et al. versus the United States. ... [Washington? 1831?]

ix, [3] 736 p.
Title from caption, p. [i]. Caption title, p. [3]: Supreme Court

of the U. States. January term, 1831. Colin Mitchell and others,

versus the United States. Appeal from the Superior Court of Middle Florida.

In the case before the Superior Court R. K. Call and Richard C.

Allen were attorneys for the U.S.; Joseph M. White for the petitioners.

Index to the record, p. [i] ix; documents relating to the title to

lands embraced by the Treaty of Washington, p. 1-644. Opinion of

the Court [Superior Court of Middle Florida], p. 648 734, dated at end, Tallahassee, 2d November, 1830.

See also text of decision by the Supreme Court of the United

States (1835-4).

UWF (copy, Panton, Leslie collection)


College of Spring Hill, under the direction of the Right Rev. Dr.

Portier, Bishop of Mobile. United States Catholic Miscellany, v. 11,

no. 19 (November 5, 1831), p. l45.
An announcement of the opening of the school, with text of its

rules and regulations.

UWF (copy) (MF 484)


From the Pensacola Chronicle, Nov. 30, 1830. On Thursday night last,

a negro woman, the property of Dr. Lawson of the U.S. Army, came to

her death ... Genius of Universal Emancipation, ser. 3, v. l (March,

1831), p. 192.

Brief note of the crime committed by Lt. William H. Baker, U.S.

Army, and the liberal treatment he later received. The story was

reported in Pensacola Gazette, December 11, 1830, with the source as

"the 'Chronicle' of the 3Oth ultimo."

UWF (copy)


Pensacola [a brief description]. Ariel, v. 5 (September 17, 1831),

p. 169.
UWF (copy)


Smith, Michael.

The lost virgin of the South: a tale of truth connected with the

history of the Indian War of the South ... by Don Pedro Cassender (Pseud.).

Tallahassee: Published by the author, 1831.

West Florida fiction.

Not seen; Gardner, no. 912.


Brackenridge, H. M.

Extract from the Ms. memoir of the native of the Ohio. Hazard's

Register of Pennsylvania, v. 9 (April 21, 1832), p. 255 256.

On the rapid growth of Pittsburgh, as suggested by William Robinson,

an "esteemed school fellow."

UWF (copy)


Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Alabama Conference.

Journal ... [lst+ ] Session ... n.p., 1832 +

Conference includes Pensacola district (Pensacola, Milton,

Bagdad) and Marianna district (Marianna, Chipley, Ponce de Leon,

DeFuniak Springs, Bonifay). See also 1956-67.

UWF (1896 (64th); 1903 (71st); 1918 (86th); 1924 (92nd);

1932 (100th); 1938 (106th).


U. S. House

Correspondence and instructions relative to surveys of private

confirmed land claims in Florida. Communicated ... January 4, 1833.

ASP, Public Lands, v. 6, p. 519 555 (22nd Cong., 2nd Sess. no. 1085).
Letter of Elijah Hayward, Commissioner of the General Land

Office, January 2, 1833, and papers relating to private land claims

and correcting certain errors in the Escambia River surveys. With a

table of confirmed West Florida grants, p. 545.



U. S. House

On the claim of Captain E. R. Shubrick, of the Navy, for the

maintenance of a consul of the United States, on board of the vessel

under his command, from Pensacola to Kingston, in the island of Jamaica,

by order of the Secretary of the Navy. Communicated ... March 2, 1833.

ASP, Naval Affairs, v. 4, p. 349. (22nd Cong., 2nd Sess. no. 517).



Marianna (Flo.) races. Commenced January 1, 1834 [to January 3,

1834]. American Turf Register and Sporting Magazine, v. 6

(September, 1834), p. 42.

Continued in Ibid., v. 7 (August, 1835), p. 619. See also note

of Tallahassee races, v. 7 (February, 1835), p. 310 11, and (April,

1835), p. 420 421.

UWF (copy) (MF 484, r. 404-407)


A wolf chase in West Florida. American Turf Register and Sporting

Magazine, v. 6 (October, 1834), p. 82 87.
A letter [signed at end, W.L.] dated Greenville, S.C.,

September, 1834, on a hunting party in Jackson County.

UWF (copy) (MF 484, r. 404-407)


Conrad, T. A.

Notices of the geology of West Florida. Advocate of Science and

Annals of Natural History, v. 1, no. 8 (March, 1835), p. 351 352.

Notes on limestone formations, with excerpts from a letter of

H. B. Croom.

UWF (copy)


Hulse, Isaac

[Letter to Walter Gregory, Pensacola, February 18, 1835, on "certain

points relative to the salubrity of Pensacola."] Army and Navy Chronicle,

v. 1 (April 16, 1835), p. 127 128.

Letter in response to Gregory's queries on the prevalence of

yellow fever in the Pensacola area.

UWF (copy)


Letters advertised. Pensacola, April 1, 1836 ... Army and Navy Chronicle,

v. 2 (May 26, 1836), p. 328.
UWF (copy)


[Notes on several English and Spanish maps of Florida.] Army and Navy

Chronicle, v. 2 (February 18, 1836), p. 102.

Notes on a chart of St. Josephs Bay, by T. Jeffries, 1774,

and a map of John Senex, 1719, showing the route of DeSoto.

UWF (copy)


The Seminole War. The New Yorker, v. 2 (October 22, 1836), p. 78.
Report of the arrival of Paddy Carr and Jim Boy with 900

friendly Creek Indians at Apalachicola "destined for the seat of war

in the Peninsula." With report of Thomas C. Elaby's murder of his

son, at Three Brothers on the Apalachicola River.

UWF (copy)


U. S. House

On a claim to land in Florida. Communicated ... February 18,

1836. ASP, Public Lands, v. 8, p. 494. (24th Cong., lst Sess. no. l442)
Favorable report on the petition of Louis Le Gras De Vobeceye,

and others, heirs of Robert Farmer [Farmar], to quit title to lands near Mobile.



U. S. House

On a claim to land in Florida. Communicated ... December 26, 1836.

ASP, Public Lands, v. 8, p. 912 913. (24th Cong., 2nd Sess.)
Unfavorable report on a claim of Joseph Hernandez to lands in

West Florida.



U. S. House

On claims to land in Louisiana. Communicated ... April 20, 1836.

ASP, Public Lands, v. 8, p. 663 664. (24th Cong., lst Sess. no. 1513.)

On land titles in the Florida portion of Louisiana, recommending

payment of $1.25 per acre to the Morales grantees and suggesting a

suit against the U.S. to quit titles in the area.



Most horrible murders. The New Yorker, v. 2 (July 1, 1837), p. 238.

Report of "the murder of 12 Indian women and children, by a party of

whites, somewhere near Pensacola," from the Pensacola Gazette, June

10, 1837. The incident occurred near La Grange, Ala., and was reported

by Lt. Reynolds to a friend in Pensacola.

UWF (copy)


U. S. House

On a claim to a pre emption right to lands in Florida. Communicated ...

January 13, 1887. ASP, Public Lands, v. 8, p. 925 926. (24th Cong., 2nd

Sess. no. 1566.)

Favorable report on claim of Jennett Willis, assignee of James

Minnie, to lands near the St. Marks lighthouse.



Letters advertised. Pensacola, January 1, 1837 ... Army and Navy

Chronicle, v. 4 (January 26, 1837), p. 57.

UWF (copy)


Latest intelligence from Florida. Army and Navy Chronicle, v. 7

(November 22, 1838), p. 328.

Letters from Tampa, November l and 3, 1838, on the removal

of the Apalachlcola Indians.

UWF (copy)


U. S. House

Supplemental estimates for Fort Caswell, North Carolina, and fortifica 

tions in the harbor of Pensacola, Florida, and other objects in oharge of the

engineer department, for 1838. Communicated ... January 12, 1838. ASP,

Military Affairs, v. 7, p. 899 901. (25th Cong, 2nd Sess. no. 763).

With letter of William H. Chase, January 8, 1838, requesting an additional appropriation of S75,OOO for restoration of "the old fort at

the Barrancas."



U. S. House. Committee on Private Land Claims

Philip Barbour    representatives of. (To accompany bill H.R. no. 492.)

January 30, 1838 ... [Washington:] Thomas Allen, Print [1838]

6 p. 22 1/2 cm. (25th Cong., 2nd Sess. House Rep. 495)

Petition of Philip C. S. Barbour for title to lands patented in British

West Florida by his father, Philip Barbour, a loyalist, in 1768.

State Library of Florida; UWF (copy)


U. S. Secretary of War

Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting information in relation

to the state of the defenses of the Atlantic seaboard and Gulf of Mexico, and

on the northern and eastern frontier. March 6, 1838. ... [Washington: 1838].

[18] p. (25th Cong., 2nd Sess. House Doc. 199. Serial 327)
With a brief letter of W. H. Chase, March 3, 1838, on the

completion of Fort Pickens and need for a "line of defense in the rear

of the Navy Yard."

Reprinted, NASP, Military Affairs, I:306 323.

UWF (reprint)


Pensacola, West Florida. New Yorker, v. 8 (November 9, 1839),

p. [113] ll4.

An article signed "D," September 20, 1839, with a description of

harbor fortifications, the Navy Yard and the need for railroad facilities

to the North. Includes notes on visitors to the city, the village of

Barrancas, the burial ground at Fort San Carlos, and efforts to grow

silk trees (morus multicaulis).

UWF (copy)


U. S. House. Committee of Claims

Reess, Roche, and Reess. February 13, 1839. ... Report ... claim

of Messrs. Reess, Roche, & Reess, for compensation for repairs done by

them on the road from Pensacola to Tallahassee ... [Washington:] Thomas

Allen, Print [1839]

3 p. (25th Cong., 3rd Sess. House Rep. 277)
UWF (copy)


[Parsons, Benjamin]

The Christian layman; or, The doctrine of the Trinity fully considered,

and adjudged according to the Bible. By a Christian layman ... Mobile, Ala.: Doubleday and Sears; N.Y.: C. C. Francis, and Wiley & Putnam, 184O.

vii, [1], 371 p. 19 1/2 cm.
Second ed., corrected and abridged, with an appendix (Mobile: Doubleday and Sears, 1842), iiii, 2@6 p.

UWF (RBR BT 115 P3)


New theatre!

Mrs. Judah announces her benefit, and solicits the patronage

of the ladies and gentlemen of Apalachicola. [Program.] Tickets $1, to

be had at the box office, and of Mrs. Judah at the Florida House.

[Apalachicola: January 4, 184O]

Broadside on silk.
Not seen; title from Eberstadt Cat. 130 (1952).


Correspondence ... Pensacola, Oct. 1, 184l. Army and Navy Chronicle,

v. 12 (October 21, 184l), p. 332.
On Dr. Hulse's efforts to combat yellow fever aboard ihe French

frigate "Sabine."

UWF (copy) (MF 484 R. 469-471)


Parsons, Benjamin

Eulogy on the private and public character, and public services of the

late President Harrison. By Benjamin Parsons, esq. Delivered at Pensacola,

April 17th, 184l. [Pensacola? 184l?]

12 p. 20 1/2 cm.
UWF (copy)


Duels. [Note of a duel between Mr. Sierra and Midshipman Smith, of

the U. S. Steamer "Poinsett."] Brother Jonathan, v. 6 (September 2,

1843, p. 23.

UWF (copy)


Hare, Joseph Thompson

The life of the celebrated mail robber and daring highwayman, Joseph Thompson Hare, who committed depredations in the cities of New York and Philadelphia to the amount of nearly ninety thousand dollars. Also, of the cruel

and ferocious pirate, Alexander Tardy. Philadelphia: J. B. Perry ... 1844.

1 leaf, 72 p., incl. illus. 15 cm.
With an account of Hare's crimes "on the road between

Baton Rogue [!] and Pensacola," p. 17 23, and later experiences in Pensacola where he spent his ill gotten gain on balls and Spanish

ladies, p. 24 25.

Also issued as "The life and adventures of Joseph T. Hare,"

ed. by H. R. Howard. N.Y.: 1847. 107 p.

Huntington Library; UWF (copy)


Cooper, James Fenimore

Sketches of naval men. Melancthon Taylor Woolsey. By J. Fenimore

Cooper ... Graham's American Monthly Magazine, v. 26 (January, 1845),

p. [13] 21.
Biographical notes on Woolsey (1782? 1838), former

commandant of the Pensacola Navy Yard.

UWF (copy)


Andrew P. Simpson, Joseph Forsyth, and Bagdad Mills, Appellants v.

James G. Wilson. 4 U.S. (1846), 709-711.
William Wordworth patented a wood-working machine and

assigned the use of the machine to Bagdad Mills. After Wordworth's

death, his assignee brought suit over further use of the machine.



Reynes, Joseph, plaintiff

United States District Court. Joseph Reynes versus the United States. Argument of counsel for plaintiff. Elmore & King, attorneys for plaintiff. New

Orleans: Printed by Samuel M. Stewart ... 1846.

33 p. 21 1/2 cm.

Cover title.

Reynes claimed 4O,OOO arpents of land "situated in that part

of Louisiana formerly called West Florida." His attorneys argued that

his title was not affected by the Louisiana Purchase since Spain had jurisdiction over the region until 1810.

State Library of Florida; UWF (copy)


U. S. House. Committee of Claims

J. C. Ray and others. May 4, 1846. ... [Washington: 1846]

1 p. (29th Cong., lst Sess. House Rep. 622. Serial 490)

Unfavorable report on petition of citizens of New Bedford,

Mass., seeking refund of fine and partial compensation for the

imprisonment of Jonathan Walker in Pensacola.

UWF (copy)


U. S. House. Committee on Roads and Canals

Alabama, Florida, and Georgia Railroad Company. (To accompany

bill H.R. no. 522). July 24, 1846. ... Report ... [on] the memorial of ihe

Alabama, Florida, and Georgia Railroad Company, and the memorials of

numerous citizens of Alabama and Florida, asking that Congress would grant

the alternate sections of the public land through which the contemplated road

will pass to the said railroad company ... [Washington:] Ritchie & Heiss, Print


6 p. 28 cm. (29th Cong., lst Sess. House Rep. 793)

A favorable report; includes text of the Company's memorial,

p. 3 6, signed T. M. Blount, President of the Board of Directors,

May, 1846.

UWF (copy)


U. S. House. Committee on Roads and Canals

A bill for the benefit of the Alabama, Florida, and Georgia Railroad

Company ... [Washington: 1846]

2 p. 30 cm.
At head of title: 29th Congress, lst Sess. H.R. 522. (Report no.

793.) July 24, 1846.



U. S. House

A bill to provide for the construction of a dry dock at Pensacola for

the use of the Navy of the United States. Washington: Jan. 25, 1847.

Broadside, 1 p.
Not seen; title from Jenkins Cat. 171, January, 1985. See also



Joseph Forsyth v. United States. (Joseph Forsyth, Plaintiff In Error,

v. The United States). 18 U. S. 266-273.
Appeal from Florida Courts.

Joseph Forsyth was found guilty of cutting timber on U. S.

Government lands, fined and imprisoned. His appeal was blocked

because of 1845 statehood, revising court jurisdictions. The U.S.

Supreme Court declares it has jurisdiction and finds original indictment

is by court with no jurisdiction and must be reversed.



Apalachicola Land Company

Lots in the City of Apalachicola, and lands in the vicinity, belonging

to the Apalachicola Land Company, to be sold at auction, at the Merchants'

Exchange, in the City of N. York, on Wednesday, July 11, 1849, at 12 O'clock.

By Cole & Chilton, auctioneers. New York: J. M. Elliott, Printer ... 1849.

12 p. 19 cm.

University of Miami; UWF (copy)


Navy Yard, Pensacola. From the N. 0. Picayune. Niles National Register,

v. 75 (May 9, 1849), p. 290.

A brief description, with a note on the library established there

by Dr. Isaac Hulse.

UWF (copy)


Jewett, Charles C.

Appendix to the Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian

Institution, containing a Report on the Public Libraries of the United States

of America, January 1, 1850, by Charles C. Jewett, Librarian of the

Smithsonian Institution. Washington: Printed for the Senate, 1850.

(U. S. Senate, 31st Congress, 1st Session, Miscellaneous, No. 120).
See p. 160 for note on library of U. S. Naval Hospital in

Pensacola, founded in 1847; Isaac Hulse is the Surgeon in Charge.

UWF (copy)


Drake, Daniel (1785 1852)

A systematic treatise, historical, etiological, and practical, on the

principal diseases of the interior valley of North America, as they appear in

the Caucasian, African, Indian, and Esquimaux varieties of its population.

By Daniel Drake, M.D. Cincinnati: Winthrop B. Smith & Co., Publishers ...


xvi, 878 p., incl. tables. xix pl. (incl. fold. front., maps, diagrs.)

24 cm.
"Special medical topography of the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico,"

p. 42 60, with a description of Key West, Tampa Bay, Fort Brooke, and

Pensacola, p. 47 53; the "Hydrographical map," frontis., and map of the Pensacola region, oppo. p. 50, are by Major D. P. Whiting, 7th Inf.,


"Medical topography of the regions east of the Gulf ..." p. 176 

217, includes notes on Fort King and other Florida posts.

A Second Series, with similar title, was published in 1854.

Facsim. reprint., N.Y.: B. Franklin, n.d.

UWF (copy) (Am.Culture Series, MF 759, R364/16)


A Sermon preached in Pensacola on the death of a young member of the

Church. Pensacola: A. Marzoni, "Democrat Office," 185O.

12 p.

Not seen; title from Eberstadt Cat., 115 (194O)


Mallory, Stephen Russell (1813 1873)

Reply of Mr. Mallory, of Florida, to the supplemental argument of Mr.

Yulee, claiming his seat in the Senate of the United States. [n.p., 1851]

65, [2] p., 1 leaf. 20 cm.
Appendix, letter of S. R. Mallory to J. T. Archer, Key West,

December 7, 1850, p. [67 68]; p. [68] misnumbered; Errata and

Note, p. [69].

Library of Congress; UWF (copy)


Mallory, Stephen Russell (1813 1873)

Statement of Mr. S. R. Mallory, U. S. Senator elect from Florida, in

reply to the argument of Hon. D. L. Yulee claiming his seat in the Senate of

the United States. [n.p., 1851?]

16 p. 22 cm.

Not seen; title from UFPKY.


Mallory, Stephen Russell (1813 1873)

Corporal punishment in the navy. Speech of Mr. Mallory, of Florida,

in the Senate of the United States, Jan. l4 and 15, 1852. On the restoration

of corporal punishment in the navy. [Washington: Printed at the

Congressional Globe Office, 1852]

22 p. 24 cm.
Caption title, p. [1].

UWF (RBR VB 910 M24)


Connection of the Atlantic with the Gulf    interests of Alabama.

Montgomery and Pensacola Rail-road. DeBow's Review, v. l4

(June, 1853), p. 567-572.

On the proposed line, with names of commissioners

appointed from Florida and Alabama and an estimate of costs

of construction.

UWF (copy)


Mallory, Stephen Russell (1813 1873)

Improvement in the navy. Speech of Hon. S. A.[!] Mallory, of

Florida, in the Senate of the United States, June 20, 1854. [Washington:

Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1854]

7 p. 23 1/2 cm.

On the bill establishing ranks, promotion and compensation

of officers.

New York Public Library; UWF (copy)


Mallory, Stephen Russell (1813 1873)

Speech of Hon. S. R. Mallory, of Florida, on the Collins Line, war

steamers, the Navy, Vanderbilt's proposition. Delivered in the Senate of

the United States, February 27, 1855. Washington: Printed at the

Congressional Globe Office, 1855.

8 p. 28 cm.

Not seen; title from UFPKY.


Peck, John Mason (1789 1858)

"Father Clark," or The pioneer preacher. Sketches and incidents of

Rev. John Clark, by an old pioneer. N.Y.: Sheldon, Lamport & Blakeman,


viii, [9] 287 p. front. 17 1/2 cm.

Title on cover: The Pioneer Series, by Rev. J. M. Peck.

Biography of John Clark (1758 1833), a native of Scotland

and an impressed seaman in the British navy, who became a prominent Methodist clergyman in the Ohio Valley. See note of his travels down

the Mississippi, ca. 1807-1808, and visit to Baton Rouge, p. 247 256.

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary


Mallory, Stephen Russell (1813 1873)

Effect of naval reform. Speech of Hon. S. R. Mallory, of Florida, on

the law of 1855, for promoting the efficiency of the Navy, and the proceedings

under it. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, May 15 and 16, 1856. Washington: Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1856.

30 p. 22 1/2 cm.

Cover title: Speech of Hon. Stephen R. Mallory ...



Milton Phoenix (Milton, Fla.) v. 1  1856? 

Not seen; issue of April 29, 1856, cited in Hisiorical Records Survey, Weekly report, Oct. 18 29, 1937, p. 2.


Lighthouses rebuilt at Pensacola, Florida and Sand Island, Alabama.

Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, v. 38, no. 6 (June 1858), p. 745.
Construction and details of new lighthouse at entrance to

Pensacola Harbor.

UWF (copy)


Baker, William George (1810? 1855)

The Christian lawyer: being a portraiture of the life and character of

William George Baker. ... N.Y.: Published by Carlton & Porter, 1859.

320 p. 19 1/2 cm.
The life and letters of a Maryland lawyer and Presbyterian

philanthropist, with account of his visit to Tallahassee, October,

1847, p. 171 175; travel by stage and carriage to Quincy, Marianna,

Webbville, Hendricks, Milton, and Pensacola, p. 175 185. See also

the brief account of his journey to Blakely, Mobile, New Orleans,

Natchez and voyage up the Mississippi, p. 186 200.


Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad

Minutes of the proceedings. Tallahassee: 1859.

27 p.
Not seen; title from American Imprints Inventory, Florida,

no. 478

(located only in Library of Congress)


Mallory, Stephen Russell (1813 1873)

Speech of the Hon. Stephen R. Mallory, of Florida, on the Cuba bill,

delivered in the Senate of the United States, February, 1859. Baltimore:

Printed by John Murphy & Co. ... 1859.

32 p. 23 cm.

Favors the purohase of Cuba which, because of its strategic location, would allow the U.S. to control access to the Gulf and curtail

the slave trade.

UWF (copy)


Ship building at the South    Pensacola Navy yard.

De Bow's Review, v. 27 (December, 1859), p. 710 711.

Excerpts from the "Tribune, Pensacola" on the use of live oak

and yellow pine in the construction of the ship "Seminole."

UWF (copy)


Florida Railroads.

Hunt's Merchant Magazine, v. 42, no. 1 (January 1860), p. 119-120;

with The Florida Railway, Ibid., v. 43, no. 2 (August 1860), p. 256.

Description of Florida railroads taken from the Pensacola

Observer and a note on the completion of the Fernandina to Florida

Keys railway.

UWF (copy)


Baptists. Florida. West Florida Association.

Minutes of the Fourteenth annual session of the West Florida Baptist Association, held with the Campbellton Church,    Jackson Co., Florida; on the

27th, 29th and 30th Oct., 1860. Marianna: "West Florida Enterprise" Job 

Office Print [1860?]

15 p. 21 cm.

Cover title.

Statistics of the churches, p. [8].

UWF (copy)


Harper's Weekly.

Harper's published a number of written accounts and engravings

concerning the Civil War in Pensacola in 1861. Of note are the following: February 12, 1861, pp. 120, 122. "Fort Pickens, Pensacola Harbor,

looking seaward--from a sketch by Mrs. Lieutenant Gilman" (120); narrative

"Fort Pickens, Florida" (122).

April 6, 1861, pp. 212-213. "The United States Gun-boat Wyandotte

firing a salute on Washington's Birthday in Pensacola Harbor" also showing

Fort Barrancas, Barrancas Barracks, and the U.S. Marine Hospital, (212); "The

flag-staff bastion at Fort Pickens, Florida" (213); both drawings by "a member

of Lieut. Slemmer's command" with a narrative on 'Our Fort Pickens Pictures'

on pp. 212-213.

April 13, 1861, p. 237. "View of the Boat-house and landing at Fort

Pickens, Florida" and "one of the Ten flank casemate batteries at Fort Pickens,

Florida" both by an "officer of Lieutenant Slemmer's command" with a brief

narrative on 'boat-house and landing at Fort Pickens.'

April 20, 1861, pp. 241-242, 246, 248-249. "The Confederate Batteries

opposite Fort Pickens, Florida" (241); narrative 'Fort McRae' (242); narrative

'United States Fleet off Fort Pickens' (246) with lists of officers of the ships

Sabine, Wyandot, St. Louis, Supply, Crusader, and Brooklyn; "The United

States Fleet Off Fort Pickens, Florida" (248-249) drawings of the above-

mentioned ships.

May 18, 1861, 312-313, 316. "Reinforcement of Fort Pickens by

Company A, First Artillery, on Saturday morning, April 13" (312); "The

Apartment of the Berth Deck of the "Brooklyn" in which our artist resides"

(313); "Disembarking the troops from the U.S. Ship "Brooklyn" to reinforce

Fort Pickens, April 13, 1861" (313); narrative letter from "engineer officer

on board" about 'The Reinforcement of Fort Pickens' (313, 316); both

drawings "sketched by an engineer officer of the Brooklyn."

May 25, 1861, 325-328. Narrative, 'The Second Reinforcement of

Fort Pickens" (325-327); "Evening Parade at Fort Pickens--Colonel Brown

Announcing to his Men Major Anderson's Gallant Defense at Fort Sumter"

(325); "The Second Reinforcement of Fort Pickens, on April 16, 1861" (328).

June 15, 1861, 373-374. Narrative, 'Our Illustrations of Fort Pickens'

(373); "General Bragg's Camp, as seen from Fort Pickens" (373); "Interior of

a Sand-Bag Battery at Pensacola Bearing on Fort Pickens--sketched by our

artist who has been traveling with W. H. Russell" (373); "One of the mortar

batteries just erected on Santa Rosa Island to support Fort Pickens, built by

Lieutenant Tidball." (374). See also 1861-4 for information on Russell.

June 22, 1861, 395. Narrative, 'General Bragg's Encampment';

"Bivouac of rebel troops at General Bragg's camp at Warrington, Pensacola--

from a photograph" (395); "The Navy-Yard at Pensacola, as seen from Fort

Pickens" (395). See also biography and sketch of W.H. Russell, June 22,

1861, p. 385.

July 27, 1861, 469, 471. "Wilson's Zouaves in the Ditch and Covered

Way on the land front of Fort Pickens--sketched by an officer of the fort"

(469); narrative, 'Wilson's Zouaves at Fort Pickens' (471).

October 12, 1861, 641, 645, 655. "The Burning of the Privateer

"Judith" [sic] at Pensacola by United States Sailors under Lieutenant Russell,

U.S.N." (641); "Burning the Pensacola Dry Dock, off Fort Pickens, Florida, on

August 31, by Lieut. Shipley, U.S.A.--sketched by Charles F. Allgouer" (645);

narrative, 'Our Army at Fort Pickens' (655). Privateer was Judah.


Harper's Weekly (continued)
October 26, 1861, 682. "Mobile, Alabama" drawing showing harbor

and identifying points around Mobile Bay and Fort Morgan."

October 26, 1861, 678, 687. "Camp of the Sixth Regiment of New

York Volunteers (Wilson's Zouaves) on Santa Rosa Island, Florida, Fort

Pickens in the Distance--sketched by Charles F. Alloguer [sic]" (678);

narrative 'Colonel Wilson's Camp on Santa Rosa Island' (687).

November 9, 1861, 705. "Attack upon the Camp of the Sixth Regiment

New York Volunteers (Wilson's Zouaves) on Santa Rosa Island, October 9,

1861" (705); narrative 'The Fight on Santa Rosa Island' (705).

December 7, 1861, 776-777, 781. "View of the Harbor of Pensacola--

Santa Rosa Island and Fort Pickens in the Fore-Ground, Rebel Batteries

and Navy-Yard in the Distance" (776-777); "The Battle of Santa Rosa Island,

October 9, 1861--the Attack upon Wilson's Camp" (781); "The Battle of Santa

Rosa--The Rebels Driven by the Regulars to their boats" (781); narrative, 'the

Battle of Santa Rosa' (781).

December 14, 1861, 787, 792-793. Narrative 'The Fight at Fort Pickens'

(787); "Scenes At and Around Fort Pickens" (792-793), includes lighthouse,

Fort Barrancas, rebel camp at Warrington, view of Warrington Navy Yard

looking across to Pickens, etc.

December 28, 1861, 820-821, 827. "Entrance to Fort Pickens, facing

Fort Barrancas, after two days bombardment" and "Northern Row of Guns at

Fort Pickens after two days firing" (820); "Birds-Eye view of Fort Pickens

during the Bombardment" (821); narrative, 'The Fight at Fort Pickens' (827).



Gallant capture of a lady's wardrobe by the brave Florida troops ...

Philadelphia: Published by J. L. Magee [1861]

Broadside (col.) ca. 23 x 32 cm.

A lithographed print satirizing Florida secession and showing

Fort Pickens in the background.

Not seen; title from Eberstadt Cat. 132 (1953)


Fort Pickens, Pensacola Harbor, Florida. (engraving)

New York, Published by Currier & Ives, 152 Nassau St.

Colored lithograph, 7 7/8 x 12 3/8 inches; date depicted, ca.

1861. [Currier & Ives 2266]



Harper's Weekly. February 8, 1862, pp. 85-86.

Shows "The two bombardments of Fort Pickens" with "Interior of

Fort Pickens January 1, 1862," "Battery Cameron," "Navy Yard on Fire,"

(both January 1, 1862), and "Explosion of shells, November 22, 1861."

UWF (BWF oversize)


Evacuation of Pensacola Navy Yard, forts, &c. Brigadier General

S. M. Jones, commanding ... [Richmond? Va.: 1862?]

[3] 6 p. 23 1/2 cm.

Incomplete? Lacking p. [1 2].

Report, dated Mobile, January 24, 1862, of the evacuation of

Pensacola, January 7 9, 1862.



Crary's rotary brick machine ... [Pensacola? 1866?]

Broadside, [1] p. 22 x 21 cm.
A description of the machine, patented by J. W. Crary (cf.

1861-1) with testimonial letter of James Abercrombie, of Bacon &

Abercrombie, Pensacola, May 1, 1866.

Not seen; title from stereotype cut, UWF, Crary papers.


Brown, Harvey

The relief of Fort Pickens. Army and Navy Journal, v. 4 (March 2,

1867), p. 446.

Text of a letter, February 16, 1867, reprinted from the New York

Times, correcting errors in Joel Tyler Headley's "forthcoming book,"

with respect to U.S. Navy actions at Pensacola, April, 1861.

UWF (RBR U 1 A66)


Wilde, Richard Henry (1789 1847)

Hesperia; a poem, by Richard Henry Wilde. Edited by his son. Boston:

Ticknor and Fields, 1867.

viii, 333 p. 19 1/2 cm.
Edited by William Cumming Wilde.

Half title, p. [iii]: Hesperia; a fragment by the late Fitzhugh de

Lancy, Esq. [pseud.]; the work is dedicated, p. [v] to "La Signora

Marchesa Manfredina Di Cosenza" [Mrs. Ellen (Adair) White].

The author was a friend and law partner of Joseph M. White.

See notes to Canto I, Florida, p. [229] 333, with reference to Escambia Bay, Santa Rosa Island, Chipola Springs and elsewhere,

p. [229] 256.

Wilde's "The lament of the captive"    beginning, "My life is like

the summer rose"    also had a Florida theme. See portions of the text

and notes of its many derivations in Edward L. Tucker's Richard Henry

Wilde, his life and selected poems (University of Georgia Press [1966]),

p. 103 107, 274 275.

Reprinted, N.Y.: Arno Press, 1972.

UWF (reprint) (PS 3317 H4 1972)


Pensacola, Fla., plaintiff

The City of Pensacola versus Eudaldo G. Pintado. Record and

arguments. Louisville, Ky.: Printed by J. P. Morton [1868?]

48 p. 24 cm.
Cover title; imperfect: lacking text after p. 48.

A suit against the heirs of Vicente S. Pintado.

Not seen; title from UFPKY


An agreement entered into, this (17th) day of May, A. D., 1869,

between W. C. Purman, C. E. Dyke, and N. C. Moragne,

Commissioners on the part of the State of Florida, appointed under

joint resolutions, on the 25th of January, 1869, and Messrs. J. L.

Pennington, A. J. Walker, and Charles A. Miller, Commissioners on

the part of the State of Alabama, appointed under joint resolutions,

approved December 3lst, 1868, witnessed as follows: ... [n.p., 1869?]

[3] 8 p. 21 1/2 cm.
Caption title, p. [3].

The agreement called for the cession to Alabama of all lands

in Florida west of the Apalachicola for the sum of "one million of dollars

in bonds ..."

State Library of Florida


Kilby, John R.

To the creditors of Jno. D. Myrick. The following order has been made

in a suit, brought by certain creditors, in Florida ... [Marianna? 1869]

Broadside. 35 x 22 cm.

Signed at end: John R. Kilby, Trustee.

UWF (copy)


Mason, Emily V.

The Southern poems of the war. Collected and arranged by Miss

Emily V. Mason, of Virginia. Third revised and enlarged edition.

Baltimore: Published by John Murphy & Co., 1869.

[8] 524 p. frontis. 19 1/2 cm.

First published, 1867.

"Pensacola: to my son. By M.S.," p. 32 34; a poem by a New

Orleans author.

UWF (RBR PS 551 M3 1869)


U. S. District Court. Northern District of Florida

In the matter of the Alabama and Florida R. R. Co. declared a

bankrupt ... The answer of W. A. Richardson to the petition of J. C. B.

Davis et al. Washington City: M'Gill & Witherow, 1869.

6 p. 23 cm.
Cover title.

Not seen; title from UFPKY


Alabama. Senate. Select Committee Appointed to Investigate the

Action of the Commission to Negotiate for the Annexation of West

Florida Report. Montgomery, Ala.: J. G. Stokes, 1870.

l4 p. 23 cm.
Not seen; title from UFPKY


Bergrath, I. A.

Ecclesiastical celibacy; or, Why Catholic priests do not marry. Re 

cast from the German by Revd. I. A. Bergrath. ... [Pensacola? 1870?]

[ii], 55 p. 1@ cm.

Dedicated, p. [3], to Rev. Henry V. Brown, of Chattanooga.

Notre Dame University; UWF (copy)


Pensacola Hope Hook and Ladder Fire Company

Constitution and by laws and rules of order. [Pensacola? 1870?]

34 p.
Not seen; title from UFPKY


Pensacola Timber & Lumber Exchange

Classification of lumber, as adopted by the Pensacola Timber &

Lumber Exchange, on Thursday, May 22d., 1873. ... [Pensacola? 1873?]

Broadside, l p. 21 x 25 cm.
State Library of Florida; UWF (copy)


Cochran, Jerome

The yellow fever epidemic of 1873. Alabama Medical Association,

Transactions, 1874 (Montgomery: 1874), p. 1 63.

Reports on the outbreak along the Gulf Coast and inland to

Memphis, Shreveport and Montgomery. See note on Pensacola,

based upon information supplied by Dr. Hargis, p. 15 17, and review

of conditions in Mobile prepared in part by the author, p. 23 42.

UWF (copy)


Gray, Asa

A pilgrimage to Torreya. American Agriculturist, v. 34 (July, 1875),

p. 266 267.

On the noted botanist's trip to the Apalachicola country, Spring

1875, to seek Torreya taxifolia and Croomia pauciflora, both of which

were discovered by H. B. Croom.

Reprinted with some alterations in Gray's "Scientific Papers" (Boston: 1889), v. 2, p. [189] 196.

UWF (copy)


Pensacola Grand Lodge. Pensacola Lodge no. 4

Constitution and by-laws, 1875. [Pensacola? 1875?]

24 p.
Not seen; title from UFPKY


Smith, C. Edgar

Assignee's sale in bankruptcy, of steam saw mill, timber lands, stores,

houses and furniture, logs, steamer, lighters and booms, &c., situated in

Florida and Alabama. (To be sold as an entirety.) Notice is hereby given

that the undersigned, the assignee of the Pensacola Lumber Company,

bank  rupt, will sell at public auction, on Friday, the 5th day of November,

1875 ... the following described real and personal property ... [N.Y.: 1875]

Broadside, l p. 28 x 21 1/2 cm.

On the sale of over 67,000 acres in Escambia County, Alabama,

and Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, Florida. Signed, C. Edgar

Smith, assignee, and W. R. Darling, solicitor for assignee. "For further particulars apply to ... Adna C. Conn, Esq., Molino, Florida."

State Library of Florida; UWF (copy)


Appletons' illustrated hand book of American winter resorts; for tourists

and invalids. With maps. N. Y.: D. Appleton and Company ... 1877.

[viii], v, [iii], l38, [2], 9 20 p. illus., maps. 20 1/2 cm.

"Western Florida," p. 25 26.

State Library of Florida


Friend of the People (pseud.)

The Florida railroads and their owners, and the Internal Improvement

Fund. By A Friend of the People. [n.p., 1877?]

26, iii p. 25 cm.
Caption title. On the Pensacola and Georgia Railroad Co.

Not seen; title from UFPKY.


Pitt, John B.

Home in Florida. Semi-Tropical, February 1878, p. 84.
Letter of this Pensacolian urging people to come to Florida;

mentions figs in Pensacola.

UWF (copy)


Janin, Edward

Grant of land in West Florida by Cienfuegos Captain General of Cuba,

to John Forbes & Co., dated January 10, 1818; account of the land claim of

the heirs of John Forbes & Co ... [Washington: 1878?]

59 p. 24 cm.
Cover title.

Not seen; title from UFPKY


Harford, W. M.

A Short Sketch of the Life and Services of Jonathan Walker, the

Man with a Branded Hand with a Peom by John G. Whittier and an

address by Hon. Parker Pillsbury, one of Walker's anti-slavery friends

and a funeral oration by Rev. F. E. Kittredge. Muskegon, Michigan:

Chronicle Steam Printing House, 1879.

29 p. woodcut illus.

Walker retired to Muskegon to farm and died there in 1878;

this chronicles the funeral and erection of a monument to him.

Includes a contemporary letter of John Greenleaf Whittier and

Frederick Douglass; and Walker's Pensacola letter of 1844.

UWF (copy)


Jacksonville, Pensacola, and Mobile Railroad Company, appellant

Supreme Court of the United States. The Jacksonville, Pensacola,

and Mobile Railroad Company, appellant, vs. J. Fred. Schutte, et al.,

appellees. October term, 1880. No. 668. S. B. Stephens, solicitor for

appellant. [Jacksonville? 1880]

24 p. 21 cm.
Appeal from Circuit Court of the U.S. for the Northern District

of Florida.

This and two other parallel cases were decided by the U.S.

Supreme Court (U.S. Reports, v. 103, p. 118 l45). The cases

involved the manipulations of George W. Swepson and M. S.

Littlefield, the obligations of the State toward purchasers of bonds in

Holland and elsewhere, and the role of the State in the sale of

railroad bonds.

University of Miami; UWF (copy)


Pensacola Grand Lodge. Joppa Lodge no. 6

Constitution and by laws. [Pensacola? 1880]

26 p.
Not seen; title from UFPKY.


West Florida Fair Association

Premium list, rules and regulations of the Second annual fair of the

West Florida Fair Association, to be held at Marianna, Fla. commencing

on Tuesday, 3Oth of November, 1880. And continuing four days.

Columbus, Ga.: Thos. Gilbert, Steam Power Printer and Book Binder, 1880.

4l, [19] p. 22 1/2 cm.

Advertisements interspersed. See brief notes on Jackson

County, p. [3] 5; Washington County, p. [7].

State Library of Florida; UWF (copy)


Hargis, Robert Bell Smith (1818 1893)

The genius of medicine. Annual address presented to the Florida

State Medical Association, 1882. New Orleans: L. Graham & Son [1882]

19 p., l leaf.
Not seen; title from National Library of Medicine.


Pensacola Knights of Honor. Bay Lodge no. 2505

By laws. [Pensacola? 1888]

9 p.
Not seen; title from UFPKY.


Santa Rosa News (Milton, Fla.) v. 1  1884? 

Published weekly?

"The only paper published in the County."

Title from clipping, June 27, 1885, in Newton scrapbook,

Axelson Papers, UWF; also issue of August 30, 1884 "Supplement"

(petitions for liquor licenses).


World's Exposition. A circular letter from the commissioner.

Dear Sir: Having been appointed commissioner for Santa Rosa

County to the World's Exposition at New Orleans ... Milton: Santa Rosa

News, 1884?

Broadside, 1 p. 25 x l4 1/2 cm.
Call for examples of agricultural products and other commodities

to be displayed in Milton and at the fair in New Orleans.



Douthitt, J. F., Co.

At the Florida Chautauqua, Lake de Funiak, Fla. February 12th,

13th & l4th, 1885 ... [The Sau Ah Brah bureau of Oriental entertainments.

N. Y.: Lowe & Co., Printers, 1885]

Broadside, 2 p. illus., port. 36 x 36 1/2 cm.

Notice of the "Native Burmese humorist and Oriental

Character Impersonator," surprinted at top of p. [1], with date of

the act's appearance at the Florida Chautauqua.

State Library of Florida; UWF (copy)


Escambia County. Office of Board of Health

[Broadside concerning yellow fever in Pensacola, July 7, 1885.

Pensacola: 1885]

Broadside, 1 p.
Not seen; title from UFPKY


Galt City is located on the Pensacola & Atlantic Railroad, fifteen miles

east of Pensacola, and midway between Escambia and Blackwater

bays. Milton, a charming village of 1,500 inhabitants, and Blackwater, of 750,

are located five miles east on the Blackwater. ... [Pensacola? 1885?]

Broadside, 1 p. 21 1/2 x 13 1/2 cm.
An advertisement for the community, signed W.G. [!] Chipley

and A. W. Stewart.

State Library of Florida; UWF (copy)


Irving Messenger (Pensacola). Vol. 1, no. 1 (September, 1885)

4 p.
The monthly newspaper of the Irving Literary Circle. No more


UWF (copy)


Pittenger, William (1840 1904)

Capturing a locomotive: a history of secret service in the late war.

By Rev. William Pittenger. ... Washington, D. C.: The National Tribune,


354 p. front., 12 plates (incl. ports). 19 1/2 cm.

First published, 1881.

A re written and expanded version of the author's "Daring

and suffering" (Philadelphia: 1864).

See "From Atlanta to the Gulf," p. 274 293, including excerpts

from "The adventures of Alf. Wilson" (Toledo, Ohio: 1880), on his

escape from a Confederate prison at Atlanta. Wilson and a companion

sailed down the Chattahoochee and Apalachicola rivers, and were

eventually rescued by the U.S. Navy blockading fleet.

UWF (RBR E 473.55 P674 1905)


Watson, Thomas C.

Sale catalogue, city property bought and sold ... [Pensacola? 1885]

Not seen; title from UFPKY


Pensacola Lumber and Timber Exchange

Constitution and by laws. [Pensacola? 1886]

14 p.
Not seen; title from UFPKY


Workingmen's Building & Savings Assooiation. Pensacola

Constitution of the Workingmen's Building & Savings Association, of

Pensacola, Florida. Organized 1883. Pensacola: H. S. White, Prinier ...


l5, [1] p. 15 1/2 cm.

UWF (Yonge papers receipt book)


Chattahoochee Valley Improvement Convention

Report of the Chattahoochee Valley Improvement Convention, held in Columbus, Ga., May lOth and llth, 1887, for the improvement of Chattahoochee,

Flint and Apalachicola rivers and Apalachicola Bay. Columbus, Ga.: Thos.

Gilbert, Printer ... 1887.

27 p. tables (pt. fold.) 22 1/2 @m.

State Library of Florida


U. S. Senate

Senator Call's resolution favoring an injunction against the Florida

Navigation and Railway Co., and the Pensacola and Atlantic Railroad Co.

from selling lands granted to Florida in 1856. January 21, 1887.

[Washington: 1887]

l p. (49th Cong., 2nd Sess. Sen. Misc. Doc. 34)

Not seen; title from Hickcox, 3:63.


Knights of Pythias. Florida

By-laws of Damon Lodge, no. 13, Knights of Pythias, of Pensacola,

Fla. Instituted November 7, 1887. Pythian period XXIV. Pensacola:

H. S. White, Printer ... [1887?]

34, [1] p.
By-laws, p. [3]-34; charter members of Damon Lodge, no. 13,

p. [35].

UWF (microfilm copy from UFPKY)


Southern States Forestry Congress

Southern States Forestry Congress. The Second annual session ...

will convene at DeFuniak Springs, Florida, on Tuesday, Feb. 15th, 1887.

[n.p., 1887?]

Broadside, 1 p. 21 1/2 x 14 1/2 cm.
Signed at end: C. R. Pringle, president, Sandersville, Georgia.

C. C. Banfill, Secretary.



Merrill, George P.

Fulgurities. U. S. National Museum, Proceedings, v. 9 (1886).

[Wash.: 1887], p. 83-91.

Includes description of tubes recovered by Silas Stearns from

sand dunes on Santa Rosa Island, 1882.

UWF (copy)


Esoambia County. Board of Public Instruction

Announcement. Colored Teachers' Institute. [Pensacola? 1888]
With issues, 1889 1891.

Not seen; title from UFPKY.


Escambia County. Board of Public Instruction

Curriculum, public schools. [Pensacola? 1888]
With issues, 1890 1893.

Not seen; title from UFPKY.


Pensacola Advance Gazette

Carrier's address, January 1, 1888. [Pensacola: 1888]

Broadside, [1] p. 28 cm.

At head: Pensacola, 1882. Advance Gazette. 1878, 1824 [sic].

PHM (70, 89, 4 (Ephemera Box 1))


Railroad Commissioners vs. Pensacola & Atlantic R.R. (George G.

McWhorter, Enoch J. Vann and William Himes, as the Railroad

Commissioners of the State of Florida, appellants, vs. The Pensacola

and Atlantic Railroad Company, appellee.) 24 Florida Reports 417 475.
Appeal from Santa Rosa Circuit Court to Florida Supreme

Court, June term, 1888.

The railroad, completed in April, 1883, established rates

above those fixed by the Railroad Commission. The Supreme Court

dismissed a lower court injunction and determined that the

commissioners acted within their authority. See the extended

argument by W. A. Blount, p. 428 456, which includes notes on the

operation of the line and its earnings.



Curry, J. L. M.

Constitutional government in Spain: A Sketch.

New York: Harper & Brothers, 1889.

222 p.
See pp. 188-222, Appendix D, The Acquisition of Florida, with

map, reprinted from his article in American Magazine of History,

April 1888. (Cff. 1888-2).



Escambia County. Board of Public Instruction

Announoement. White Teachers' Institute. [Pensacola? 1889]
With issues for 1890 1891, 1893.

Not seen; title from UFPKY


Florida Press Association

Minutes of proceedings of the eleventh annual session ... held at

Pensacola, Florida, February 15, 1889, and St. Augustine, Florida, March

28, 1889. ... Jacksonville: DaCosta Printing and Publishing House, 1889.

24 p. 22 1/2 cm.

Constitution [and by laws], p. [19 24].

The sessions were begun in Pensacola, but because of a yellow

fever epidemic the meeting was moved to St. Augustine; cf. President's

address, by Geo. R. Fairbanks, p. 7 10.



Pensacola. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, v. 33

(March, 1889), p. 292 297.

A brief illustrated description.

State Library of Florida (F 975.9991 p pph)


Vason, W. I.

Speech of W. I. Vason, editor of the State Alliance organ, before the

Farmer's Alliance of Wes@ Florida, at De Funiak Springs, on July 4, 1890.

[De Funiak Springs? 1890]

l4 p. 22 cm.

Caption title, p. 1.

State Library of Florida (F 630.627 V pph)


La Far, T. A.

To the Honorable Members of the Senate and House of

Representatives of Florida. Pensacola: 1891.

21 p.
Testimonials in support of his candidacy for the U.S. Senate.

On cover: Compliments of Dr. T. A. La Far, Pensacola, Fla.

Not seen; title from Florida State University Library


Wolfe, J. Dennis

Florida lands and the land question, with an introductory chapter

reviewing the state libel laws instituted by the railroad land agent. A

question of personal privilege and of interest to the people. By J. Dennis

Wolfe ... For sale at all book stores in the City of Pensacola. [Pensacola?


38 p. 22 cm.
Cover title

The author was proprietor of the Pensacola "Commercial."

Chipley sued the paper for libel, but the case was dismissed when a retraction was published.

State Library of Florida; UWF (copy)


The Florida Chautauqua (De Funiak Springs). v. 1, no. 1 (June 1892)

[8] p. 39 cm.
All published?

An unpaged newspaper, modelled after the journal of the same

title (cf. 1886-7).

UWF (incomplete copy)


Pensacola. Methodist Episcopal Church

Directory. [Pensacola: 1892]
With issue of 1902.

Not seen; title from UFPKY


Blount, William Alexander (1851 1921)

The Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company, and M. H. Sullivan,

as executor, and E. S. Sullivan, as executrix, of D. F. Sullivan, deceased,

appellants vs. Wm. Richardson, as trustee, appellee. Appeal from Escambia

County Circuit Court. Brief of Wm. A. Blount, attorney for appellee.

Pensacola: H. S. White, Printer [1893]

4O, 11 p. 23 cm.

Cover title.

At head of title: In the Supreme Court of Florida

"Translation of Pintado Grant," 10 p., at end.

See also Sullivan vs. Richardson (January, 1894), 33 Florida Reports [1] 162 (cf. 1094-23).

Not seen; title from UFPKY


Montfort, R.

Protecting piles against the "Teredo navalis" on the Louisville and

Nashville Railroad Company's lines. American Society of Civil Engineers, Transactions, v. 31 (February, 1894), p. [221]-248; illus.

A description of the concrete covered pilings first employed

in 1887. See also notes on the effect of the hurricane of October 2,

1893, p. 228-248. A summary of the article appeared in Scientific

American, v. 70 (May 26, 1894), p. 330.



Seamen's Friend Society.

The articles of incorporation, constitution and by-laws of the

Seamen's Friend Society, Pensacola, Florida. Pensacola: H. S. White,

Ruler & Binder ... {1894?]

8 p. 15.2 x 9.3 cm.
Articles of incorporation, November 14, 1894, p. [3]-4.



George, L. B.

A Chautauqua in the wilds of western Florida. Home and Country

(June, 1895), p. 1063 1070; illus.

On the development of the Pensacola & Atlantic railroad

through West Florida, its station at Lake De Funiak, and the

development of the winter Chautauqua, by a Pensacola resident.

With illustrations and portraits of W. D. Chipley and Wallace Bruce.

UWF (copy)


Florida. State Normal College (De Funiak Springs)

The State Normal College, instituted at De Funiak Springs, Florida,

for white students of both sexes. Tenth annual catalogue, 1895 1896, with announcements for 1896 1897. Rev. C. P. Walker, A.M., President.

Pensacola: H. S. White, Printer, Ruler and Binder, 1896.

30, [2] p. map. 23 1/2 cm.

State Library of Florida (F 370.73 F pph)


Woman's Reading Club (Apalachicola)

Constitution and by laws of the Woman's Reading Club of

Apalachicola, Florida. 1896. Columbus, Ga.: Thos. Gilbert, Printer and

Stationer, 1896.

7, [1] p. l4 1/2 x 9 1/2 cm.
State Library of Florida


Woman's Reading Club (Apalachicola)

[Year book] 1897 '98. ... [n.p., 1897?]

2 leaves, [10] p. 13 1/2 x 18 cm.

With issue of 1900-01.

State Library of Florida


Baars, Dunwody & Co., Pensacola.

Private cable code. Baars, Dunwody & Co., Pensacola, Fla., U. S. A.

... Pensacola: H. S. White, Printer, Ruler & Binder ... 1897.

294 p. 24 1/2 cm.
Erratum, 1 leaf following t.p.; "Code words used as adopted

by Bureau International des Administrations Telegraphiques ..."



Chapin, Eugene (1832  )

By gone days; or, The experiences of an American, by Eugene

Chapin, late acting assistant paymaster of the United States Navy.

Boston: [Privately printed] 1898.

2 leaves, 120 p. + front. (port.), 3 plates. 19 1/2 cm.

The author was appointed assistant paymaster in 1863, and

served in Key West, Tampa and St. Joseph Bay with the blockading

squadron. He later was stationed on the U.S.S. "James L. Davis," and

made brief remarks on fishing in Pensacola, p. 81 110.

Errata note tipped in, at end.

Mrs. James Gardner, Lakeland


White, Hansen & Mohr, Chicago, Ill.

West Florida. [Chicago? 1899?]

[24] p. illus., maps. 15 x 21 cm.

Not seen; title from UFPKY


Buck, Richard Henry

Pensacola Pickaninny. Plantation Lullaby. Words by Richard Henry

Buck. Music by Adam Geibel. Chicago, Illinois: Albright Music Co., 1899.

[4 leaves]

Sheet music.

UWF (photocopy)


Chumuckla Mineral Springs and Hotel Co.

Chumuckla Mineral Springs. [n.p., ca. 1900]
Not seen; title from UFPKY


White, Hansen and Mohr

Hints, facts and figures of the South. [n.p., 1900?]

Not seen; title from UFPKY

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