Brian warner curriculum vitae

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Born: Crawley Down, Sussex, England, 25 May 1939.
Education and Degrees
Crawley Down Primary School 1945
Felbridge Primary School

(Sussex, England) 1945-1951

East Grinstead County

Grammar School 1951-1958

University College, B.Sc.(lst Class Hons.

London in Astronomy) 1958-1961

University College, Ph.D. (in Astronomical

London Spectroscopy, for a thesis entitled

‘Abundances in Late type Stars’) 1961-1964
University of Oxford M.A. (By decree) 1967
University of London D.Sc. 1972
University of Oxford D.Sc. 1986
University of Cape Town D.Sc. (honoris causa) 2009
Positions Held
Research Assistant, University of London

Observatory (seconded to Radcliffe Observatory,

Pretoria) 1964-1965

Radcliffe-Henry Skynner Senior Research Fellow,

Balliol College, Oxford 1965-1967

Assistant Professor, University of Texas

at Austin 1967-1970

Associate Professor, University of Texas

at Austin 1970-1972

Professor and Head of Department of Astronomy,

University of Cape Town 1972-1999

Distinguished Professor of Natural Philosophy, and Head of

Department of Astronomy, University of Cape Town 1999-2004

Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Natural Philosophy, University of Cape Town 2005 –

Principal Research Officer (Part-time), University of Cape Town 2005

Research Associate, University of Chicago

(Yerkes Observatory)     Northern Summer 1966

Visitor, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge Northern Summer 1975

and Northern Summer 1983

Fellow, Joint Institute of Laboratory

Astrophysics, Boulder Colorado Jan. - June 1977

Visiting Senior Fellow, Department of

Astrophysics, University of Oxford April - July 1985

Visiting Professor, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire March - September 1986

Visiting Professor, University of Texas, Austin September 1986 - March 1987 and June/July 1988

Visiting Fellow, Australian National University, Canberra March1989, June/July1993,

June/July1996, September/October 1998, July 1999, November/December 2000, August 2003

Visiting Fellow, University of California at Santa Cruz July - Sept 1990

Visiting Scientist, Max Planck Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Garching May - August 1992
and October - December 1995

Visiting Scientist, European Southern Observatory, Garching Jan. - March 1996

Visiting Professor, University of Sussex May/June 1997

Nicolas Copernicus Astronomical Centre, Warsaw: Senior Fellow May 2003

Visitor September 2004

Adjunct Professor, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia 2006 – 2009

Visiting Professor, Southampton University March-October 2007, May-August 2008,

April – September 2009, May – August 2010, May – September 2011, May-September 2012;

July – September 2013.

Senior Scholar, University of Cape Town 2011-2014.

Fellow, Stellenbosch Institute of Advance Study September – December 2013

Alfred P. Sloan Fellow 1970-1972

Fellow, University of Cape Town 1978-    

Boyden Premium, The Franklin Institute of Philadelphia 1980

McIntyre Award of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa 1983

John F.W. Herschel Medal, Royal Society of South Africa 1988

South Africa Medal, South African Association for the Advancement of Science 1989

Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust: University Travelling Fellowship 1990

Gill Medal, Astronomical Society of Southern Africa 1992

Associate (later Honorary Fellow) of the Royal Astronomical Society 1994 -

Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand. Honorary Member 1995 -

University of Cape Town Book Award 1997

University of Cape Town Book Award: Meritorious mention 2001

Science-for-Society Gold Medal, Academy of Science of South Africa 2004

Royal Society of South Africa, Honorary Fellow 2008 -

Honorary Fellow, University College London 2009 -

Fellow, Third World Academy of Science 2009 -

Trusteeships etc.
Frank Warren Memorial Trust: Trustee 1982-2003

John and Charles Bell Heritage Trust: Trustee 1984-   

Frank Bradlow Memorial Trust  2002-2005

South African Museum: Member of Board of Trustees 1981-1999

Deputy Chairman 1988-1991

Chairman 1991-1999

South African Southern Flagship (Iziko Museums of Cape Town)

Member of Counci1 1999-2002

South African Library: Member of Council 1990-1999

The Gateway Discovery Centre: Trustee/Governor 1992-2004

Member of Executive Committee 1993-1995

University of Cape Town: Chairman, School of Physical Sciences 1978-1985

  Acting Deputy Dean of Science July 1991 - Feb 1992

  Chairman, Board of Extramural Studies 1992 - 2000 

Owl Club: Member 1972-    

Member of Committee 1980-1997

Vice-President 1984-1985

President 1985-1986

Honorary Life Member 1992-    

Member of Editorial Board:

Astrophysics and Space Science 1978-    

Astronomical Society of Southern Africa 1984-    

Friends of the South African Library 1990-    

University of Cape Town Press (Chairman 1996 - 2004) 1992- 2004

Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage 1998-   

Royal Society of South Africa 2000 -

Member of Advisory Board:

South African Astronomical Observatory 1984


Foundation for Research Development:

Member of Collegium 1990-1992
South African National Committee for Astronomy: Chairman 1992-1998

Member of Advisory Committee, Space Research Unit,

University of Potchefstroom 1993-1999

Chairman, Hubble Space Telescope Panel

(Proposal selection: Binary Stars and Accretion Discs) October 1995

Member, Review Committee on National Facilities,

Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology October 1997

Membership and Fellowship of Scientific Societies
British Astronomical Association

Member 1955 - 2005

Honorary Member 2005 -    

Royal Astronomical Society

Junior Member, 1956-1960

Fellow 1960-1994

Associate (later, Honorary Fellow) 1994-    

Astronomical Society of the Pacific

Member 1960- 2010   

Royal Society of South Africa

Member 1973-1976

Fellow 1976-2008

Honorary Fellow 2008 -     

Astronomical Society of Southern Africa

Member 1972-    

International Astronomical Union

Member 1970-    
Academy of Science of South Africa (Founding Member) 1994-    

South African Institute of Physics

Member 1998-    
Membership of other Societies
Galpin Society 1969- 2000   

South African Archaeological Society 1981-    

Historical Society of Cape Town (Life Member 1991; Honorary Life Member 1995) 1979 -     

Friends of the South African Library 1977-    

(Member of Committee 1985-2005; Deputy Chairman 1989-1993; Chairman 1993-2005)

Friends of the South African Museum (Member of Committee 1988-2001, 2004-2009) 1998 -

South African Museums Association (Life Member;

Chairman of Trustees Section 1993-95) 1988-    

Friends of the Stellenbosch Museum (Life Member) 1990-    

Cape Natural History Club (Life Member) 1991-    

Bibliophiles Society in Cape Town (Founder Member) 1991-    

(Member of Committee 1991-1995; Chairman 1993-94)

Friends of the South African Cultural History Museum (Life Member) 1992-    

Friends of the Michaelis Collection (Founder Member, Life Member)

(Member of Committee 1993-1997) 1992-  

Oxford & Cambridge Society, Cape Town (Member of Committee 1994, 2011- ;

Chairman1995-2005) 1972 -

International Bibliophiles Association: Member 2003 -  

Offices Held
British Astronomical Association:

Director, Lunar Section 1963-1965

Royal Society of South Africa:

Member of Council 1976-1985



Honorary Librarian 1978-1985


Vice-President 1979-1981



President 1981-1983

Acting Editor 1994   

Foreign Secretary 1996-2001

Astronomical Society of Southern Africa:

Member of Council 1973-1991

Vice-President 1976-1977

President 1977-1978

International Astronomical Union,

Commission 42 (Close Binary Stars):

Member of Organizing Committee 1973-1985

Vice-President 1976-1979

President 1979-1982

International Astronomical Union,

Commission 27 (Variable Stars):

Member of Organizing Committee 1982-1991

International Astronomical Union

Commission 41 (History of Astronomy)

Member of Organizing Committee 2000 - 2009

International Astronomical Union

Vice President 2003 - 2009

International Union of Pure and Applied Physics

Commission C19 (Astrophysics):

Vice-Chairman 1996-1999

Inter-Union Commission for the History of Astronomy

Member of Organizing Committee 2001 - 2009

Research Funding
Awarded Comprehensive Funding (A-rating, later A1 rating) by Foundation

for Research Development (later the National Research Foundation) 1984-1999

A1 rating 2008 -

Biographical Listings
The International Who's Who
International Book of Honour
Who's Who in the World
Who's Who of Southern Africa
The International Who's Who of Contemporary Achievement
Men of Achievement
Dictionary of International Biography
Named Lectures
Cawthron Memorial Lecture (Nelson, New Zealand) 1978

Schonland Lecture (Rhodes University, Grahamstown) 1987

Willman Lecture (McGregor Museum, Kimberley) 1990

R.P. de Kock Lecture (Astronomical Society of Southern

Africa) 1992

John Hewitt Memorial Lecture (Albany Museum, Grahamstown) 1994

Invited Discourse, International Astronomical Union (Kyoto, Japan) 1997

Carter Memorial Lecturer (New Zealand) 1999

Comrie Lecture (Auckland, NewZealand) 1999

Burbidge Memorial Lecture (Auckland, New Zealand) 1999 and 2004

The Herschel Lecture (Bath, UK) 2006

Theses Supervised
"Observations and Models of Polarization in Late-Type Stars" S.J. Shawl, Ph.D., University of Texas, 1972.
"A Study of the Kinematic Properties of Carbon Stars", C.A. Dean, Ph.D., University of Texas, 1972.
"High Speed Photoelectric Photometry", R.E. Nather, Ph.D., University of Cape Town, 1972.
"Studies of the Z Cam type Variable Stars", E.L. Robinson, Ph.D., University of Texas, 1973
"On the Model for U Geminorum", J. Harwood, M.Sc., University of Cape Town, 1974.
"The Gravity Oscillations of White Dwarf Stars", A.J. Brickhill, M.Sc., University of Cape Town, 1974.
"Design and Application of a Computer Controlled Spectrometer", A.R. Walker, Ph.D., University of Cape Town, 1975.
"Old Southern Clusters", T.G. Hawarden, Ph.D., University of Cape Town, 1975.
"Accretion Disks in the Cataclysmic Variables", M.C. Koen, M.Sc., University of Cape Town, 1976.
"UBV Photometry of Close Visual Double Stars using an Area Scanner", P.R. Hurly, M.Sc., University of Cape Town, 1976.
"Magnetohydrodynamical Phenomena in Gaseous Disks", M.C. Koen, Ph.D., University of Cape Town, 1978.
"The Absolute Bolometric Magnitudes of Mira Variables", B.S.C. Robertson, M.Sc., University of Cape Town, 1980.
"Topics in White Dwarfs", D. O'Donoghue, Ph.D., University of Cape Town, 1981.
"The Properties of the SC Stars and Chemical Composition of UY Centauri", R. Catchpole, Ph.D., University of Cape Town, 1982.
"The New SAAO Infrared Photometric Standards based on the E Regions", B.S. Carter, M.Sc., University of Cape Town, 1984.
"Polarimetry of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables", M.S. Cropper, Ph.D., University of Cape Town, 1985.
"Rapid Oscillations in Cataclysmic Variables", S. Allen, M.Sc., University of Cape Town, 1986.
"Atomic Processes in Nova Shells", D. Smits, Ph.D., University of Cape Town, 1990.
(co-supervisor with Dr. L. Balona) "An Analysis of Beta Cephei Stars in NGC 3293 and the Effects of Stellar Rotation", C. Engelbrecht, Ph.D. University of Cape Town, 1994.
(co-supervisor with Dr. D. O'Donoghue) "Cataclysmic Variables in the Edinburgh-Cape Survey", A-L. Chen. Ph.D. University of Cape Town, 1994.
"Superhumps in AM Canum Venaticorum Stars", M. Harrop-Allin. M.Sc. University of Cape Town, 1996.
(co-supervisor with Dr. J.Menzies) “The Detection of Gravitational Microlensing Anomalies”, P. le R. Vermaak. M.Sc., University of Cape Town, 1998.
“Pulsations in the White Dwarf Primary of a Cataclysmic Variable Star”, L. van Zyl, M.Sc., University of Cape Town, 1999.
(co-supervisor with Dr. J. Menzies) “The Red Clump Stars as Distance Indicators: Review and Application”, C. Peter, M.Sc., University of Cape Town, 1999.
(co-supervisor with Dr. D. O’Donoghue) “Nonlinear Behaviour of Pulsating White Dwarfs”, F. Vuille, Ph.D., University of Cape Town, 1999.
(co-supervisor with Dr D. Buckley) “Spectroscopic Studies of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables”, K.J. van der Heyden, M.Sc., University of Cape Town, 2000.
(co-supervisor with Dr P. A. Woudt) “Rapid Oscillations in Cataclysmic Variable Stars”. M. L.

Pretorius, M.Sc., University of Cape Town, 2004.

(co-supervisor with Dr S. Potter) “An Investigation of Eclipsing Polars”. M. Wiehahn, M.Sc., University of Cape Town 2005.
(co-supervisor with Dr D. Kilkenny) “Investigation of the Mass Loss, Circumstellar Environment and Evolution of the Hydrogen-deficient stars and V838 Mon”. L. A. Crause, Ph. D., University of Cape Town, 2006.
(co-supervisor with Dr J. Menzies) “Fitting Binary Lens Gravitational Microlensing Events with Example-based Algorithms”. P. Vermaak, Ph. D., University of Cape Town, 2007.
(co-supervisor with Dr D. A. H. Buckley and Dr P. A. Woudt) “The Study of the Accretion Dynamics and Behaviour in Intermediate Polars”. N. Mhala, Ph. D. University of Cape Town, 2007.
“The Hunt for Quasi-periodicities with Wavelet and Camera”. C. Blackman, Ph.D., University of Cape Town 2008.
(co-supervisor with Prof P. A. Charles, South African Astronomical Observatory) “Exploring the Super-Orbital periodic behaviour of X-Ray Binaries”. M. M. Kotze, Ph.D., University of Cape Town 2012.
(co-supervisor with Prof. P. A. Woudt) “Characterising the dwarf nova population of the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey”, D. de Bude, MSc, Cape Town, 2012.
(co-supervisor with Prof P. A, Charles, South African Astronomical Observatory) “Long-term properties of X-Ray Binaries in the Magellanic Clouds”. A. F. Rajoelimanana, PhD, Cape Town, 2013.
External Examiner of Theses
"Theoretical Evolution of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars", R.L. Wagner, Ph.D., University of Texas, 1972.
"Beam-Foil Spectroscopy of Nitrogen", J.A. Brink, Ph.D., University of Stellenbosch, 1975.
"Definition of the Low Mass RRs Stars through Photoelectric Radial Velocities and High Time Resolution uvby Photometry", Ph.D., W.G. van Citters, University of Texas, l976.
"A Study of the Optical Properties of Some Seyfert Galaxies (and their relation to one of the problems of the density of Population I Stars in the Milky Way)", J.E. Penfold, Ph.D., University of Cambridge, 1976.
"Temperature and Electron Density Profiles in an Inductively Coupled Plasma Discharge", K. Visser, Ph.D., University of Stellenbosch, 1980.
"The Reduction of Line Profiles Observed with a Pressure-Scanning Photoelectric Fabry-Perot Interferometer", J. Stapelberg, M.Sc., University of the Orange Free State, 1980.
"An Interferometric Study of Solar Prominences", A.H. Lategan, Ph.D., University of the Orange Free State, 1980.
"Automatic Parameterization and Analysis of Stellar Atmospheres: A Study of the DA White Dwarfs", R.K. McMahon Jr., Ph.D., Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, 1986.
"Short Period Variability in Be Stars", G.W. van Vuuren, M.Sc., University of Natal, 1988.
"Optical and X-ray Studies of HEAO-1 Sources", D.A.H. Buckley, Ph.D., Australian National University, 1989.
"The Development and Use of the High-Speed Astronomical Photometer", K. Hill, Ph.D., University of Tasmania, 1989.
"Search for TeV Gamma Ray Emission from Cataclysmic Variables", P.J. Meintjes, M.Sc., Potchefstroom University, 1989.
"A Study of Selected X-ray Binaries in the TeV Gamma-Ray Region", A.R. North, Ph.D., Potchefstroom University, 1993.
"Aperture Photometry at the UNISA Observatory System Evaluation via Light Curves of Eclipsing Binaries", V. Pieters, M.Sc., University of South Africa, 1993.
"A New Approach to Analysis of TeV Gamma-Ray Data from Cen X-3", M.Sc. H.J. Smit, Potchefstroom University , 1995.
“Search for High-Energy Gamma-Ray Pulsars in the EGRET data base”, F.P. Squirra, M.Sc., Potchefstroom University ,1998.
“Black Hole Transients and AM CVn Systems”, W. El-Khoury, Ph.D., Australian National University, 1999.
“Superhumps in Cataclysmic Binaries”, D. Rolfe, Ph.D., Open University, 2001.
“Accretion onto Compact Stars”. B. T. Gansicke, Habilitationsthesis, Gottingen University, 2002.
“Accretion Disc Phenomena in Extreme Mass Ratio Cataclysmic Variables”, A. J. Smith. Ph.D.,

Open University, 2007.

“Time-Series Photometry and Spectroscopy of the Cataclysmic Variable EC21178-5417: Exploring New Avenues with the Southern African Large Telescope”, E. Zeitsmann. M.Sc.,

University of Cape Town, 2008.

Member of Scientific Organizing Committees of the

following International Meetings
"Structure and Evolution of Close Binary Systems". International Astronomical Union Symposium No 73, Cambridge, England, 1975.

"Multiple Periodicities in Variable Stars". International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 29, Budapest, Hungary, 1975.

"Novae and Related Stars": sponsored by the Centre National de le Recherche Scientifique. Paris, France, 1976.

"Dwarf Novae and Related Stars". 1st Annual Workshop. Boulder, Colorado, 1976.

"Changing Trends in Variable Star Research". International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 46, Hamilton, New Zealand, 1978.

"Close Binary Stars: Observation and Interpretation". International Astronomical Union Symposium No 88, Toronto, 1979.

"White Dwarfs and Variable Degenerate Stars". International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 53, Rochester, New York, 1979.

"Cataclysmic Variables and Related Systems". 5th Annual Santa Cruz Summer Workshop in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Santa Cruz, California, 1981.

"Binary and Multiple Stars as Tracers of Stellar Evolution". International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 69, Bamberg, Germany, 1981.

"Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects". International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 72, Haifa, 1982 [Chairman of Scientific Organizing committee].

"Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations". International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 80, Lembang, Java, 1983.

"Instruments and Research Programs for Small Telescopes". International Astronomical Union Symposium No. 118, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1985.

"Recent Results on Cataclysmic Variable Stars". Bamberg, Germany, April 1985.

"Cataclysmic Variables". International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 93, Bamberg, Germany, June, 1986.

"Stellar Pulsations". Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA, August, 1986.

"White Dwarfs": International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 114, Hanover, U.S.A., August 1988.

"Physics of Classical Novae". International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 122, Madrid, Spain, 1989.

"Frontiers of Stellar Evolution". Fort Davis, Texas, July 1989.

"Workshop on Cataclysmic Variable Stars". Viña del Mar, Chile, July 1991.

"Variable Stars and Galaxies". Cape Town, South Africa, February 1992.

"Sir John Herschel: 1792-1992". Cape Town, South Africa, March 1992.

"Stellar Photometry - Current Techniques and Future Developments". Dublin, Ireland, August 1992.

"Cataclysmic Variables and Related Physics". Eilat, Israel, January 1993.

"Precision Photometry". Cape Town, South Africa, February 1993.

"Photometry in the Electronic Age". Hanmer Springs, New Zealand, July 1993.

"Padova Conference on Inter-relations between Cataclysmic Variables". Padova, Italy, June 1994.

"Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables", Cape Town, South Africa, January 1995. [Co-Chairman of S.O.C.]

"Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects". International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 158, Keele, England, July 1995.

"Recent Developments in Binary Star Research". Lopburi, Thailand, October 1995.

"Fifth Photoelectric Photometry Conference". Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, July 1996.

"Accretion Phenomena and Associated Outflow". International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 163, Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia, July 1996.

"New Trends in Astronomy Teaching". International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 162, London, July 1996.

“Annapolis Workshop on Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables (MCV2)”. Annapolis, USA, July 1998.

“Sixth Southern Photometry Conference”. Auckland, New Zealand, June 1999.

“Physics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Stars”. Gottingen, Germany, August 2001.

“Classical Novae”. Sitges, Spain, May 2002.

“Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables”. International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 190, Cape Town, South Africa, December 2002. (Chairman of SOC).

“Compact Binaries in the Galaxy and Beyond”. International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 194, La Paz, Mexico, November 2003.

“Binary Stars as Critical Tools and Tests of Modern Astrophysics”. International Astronomical Union Symposium No. 240. Prague, Czech Republic, August 2006.

“8th Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics”, Phuket, Thailand, May 2008.

“9th Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics”, Lijang, Yunnan, China, April 2011.

“MEARIM-II: the 2nd Middle-East and Africa Regional IAU Meeting”, Cape Town, April 2011.

“Feeding Compact Objects: Accretion on All Scales”, International Astronomical Union Symposium No. 290, Beijing, China, August 2012.

Attendance at other International Meetings
"Abundance Determinations in Stellar Spectra". International Astronomical Union No. 26, Utrecht, Holland, 1964.

General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union. Hamburg, Germany, 1964.

"Origin and Distribution of the Elements". International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry. Paris, France, 1967.

"First Conference on Beam Foil Spectroscopy": Tucson, Arizona, 1968.

"Les Transitions Interdites dans les Spectres de Astres". l5th Colloque International d'Astrophysique. Liege, Belgium, 1968.

General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Brighton, England, 1970.

"The Crab Nebula". International Astronomical Union No. 46, Jodrell Bank, UK, 1970.

"New Directions and New Frontiers in Variable Star Research". International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 15, Bamberg, Germany, 1971.

"Magnetic Fields in Stars": Symposium at Summer Scientific Meeting of Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Kauai, Hawaii, 1971.

"Stellar Instability and Evolution". International Astronomical Union Symposium No. 59, Canberra, Australia, 1973.

"Photometry": Royal Greenwich Observatory, UK, 1976.

"The Interaction of Variable Stars with their Environment". International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 42, Bamberg, Germany 1977.

General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union. Grenoble, France, 1976.

lst Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Astronomical Union. Wellington, New Zealand, 1978.

General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Montreal, Canada, 1979.

2nd Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Astronomical Union. Bandung, Java. 1981.

General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union. Patras, Greece, 1982.

"Southern Hemisphere Astronomy". University of Sussex, UK, 1982.

"Cataclysmic Variables and Low-Mass X-ray Binaries". Harvard University, U.S.A., 1983.

"Interacting Binaries". NATO Advanced Studies Institute, Cambridge, UK, 1983.

3rd Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Astronomical Union. Kyoto, Japan, 1984.

Kitt Peak Workshop on Stellar Remnants. Tucson, Arizona, January 1985.

"NATO Workshop on Seismology of the Sun and the Distant Stars". Cambridge, UK, 1985.

"Ninth North American Workshop on Cataclysmic Variables". Fort Townsend, Washington, U.S.A., 1985.

"Seventyfifth Anniversary Meeting of the American Association of Variable Star Observers". Cambridge, USA, 1986.

General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Baltimore, USA, 1988.

Third New Zealand Photoelectric Conference, Blenheim, New Zealand, 1989.

"Structure and Emission Properties of Accretion Discs". International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 129. Paris, France, 1990.

Whole Earth Telescope Workshop, Austin, Texas, November 1991.

"John Herschel 1792-1871: A Bicentennial Commemoration". Royal Society, London, UK, May 1992.

"First World Congress on the Preservation and Conservation of Natural History Collections", Madrid, Spain, May 1992.

First Joint Meeting, Australian Astronomical Society and Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand. Christchurch, New Zealand, July 1993.

Fourth United Nations/European Space Agency Workshop on Basic Space Science, Cairo, Egypt, June 1994.

General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, The Hague, Holland, August 1994.

Second Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. June 1995.

"Evolutionary Processes in Binary Stars". NATO Advanced Study Institute, Cambridge, UK. July 1995.

"From Small Telescopes to Space Missions": United Nations/European Space Agency Workshop on Basic Space Science. Colombo, Sri Lanka, January 1996.

"Workshop on Super-Soft X-Ray Sources". Garching, Germany, February 1996.

“Hipparcos Venice ‘97”, Venice, Italy, May 1997.

“Variable Stars: New Frontiers”: 86th Spring Meeting of the AAVSO, Sion, Switzerland, May 1997.

13th North American Workshop on Cataclysmic Variables, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA. June 1997.

Third Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. June 1997.

“New Eyes to See Inside the Sun & Stars”. International Astronomical Union Symposium No. 185, Kyoto, Japan, August 1997.

General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Kyoto, Japan. August 1997.

“Science & Exploration: European Voyages to the Southern Oceans in the 18th Century”. Royal Society of London, September 1997.

“The Future of Cataclysmic Variable Research”. St. Andreasberg, Germany, February 1999.

“Cataclysmic Variables: A 60th Birthday Symposium in Honour of Brian Warner”. Oxford, UK, April 1999.

“Magnetic Fields in Stars, Discs & Galaxies”. Royal Society, London, May 1999.

Sixty-second Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 1999.

“Evolution of Binary and Multiple Star Systems”, Bormio, Italy, June 2000.

General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Manchester, UK, August 2000.

“Small-Telescope Astronomy on Global Scales”, IAU Colloquium No. 183, Kenting, Taiwan, January 2001.

“Observational Aspects of Pulsating B- and A Stars”. Brussels, July 2001.

“Radial and Nonradial Pulsations as Probes of Stellar Physics”. Leuven, Belgium, July 2001.

“Symbiotic Stars: Probing Stellar Evolution”. La Palma, Canary Islands, May 2002.

“Astronomical Instruments and Archives from the Asia - Pacific Region”. Cheongju, South Korea, July 2002.

“Globular Clusters: Formation, Evolution and the Role of Compact Objects”. Santa Barbara, California, January 2003.

“The Physics of Ultracompact Binaries”. Santa Barbara, California, February 2003.

Annual General Meeting, Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand, Christchurch, New Zealand, July 2003.

“Variable Stars in the Local Group”, International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 93. Christchurch, New Zealand, July 2003.

General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Sydney, Australia, July 2003.

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