C. A. Sugar, Ph. D. Curriculum vitae catherine a. Sugar, Ph. D. Personal history: offices

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C. A. Sugar, Ph.D.




Department of Biostatistics

UCLA School of Public Health

Room 51-236C, Center for the Health Sciences

Los Angeles, CA 90095-1772

Telephone: (310) 794-1078

Fax: (310) 267-2113

Email: csugar@ucla.edu

Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences

The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Room C9-420, Semel Institute

760 Westwood Plaza

Los Angeles, CA 90095-1759

Telephone: (310) 825-6584

Fax: (310) 206-6438

PLACE OF BIRTH: Santa Barbara, California

DATE OF BIRTH: May 31st, 1970


UNDERGRADUATE: B.A., Pomona College, Claremont, California, May, 1992 (Mathematics, Summa Cum Laude)

GRADUATE: M.S., Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, September, 1994 (Mathematics)

GRADUATE: Ph.D., Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, September, 1998 (Statistics)


Associate Professor In Residence, Departments of Biostatistics, Fielding School of Public Health; Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine; and Statistics, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences (from 2011); University of California, Los Angeles

Director, Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC) Data Core, United States Department of Veteran’s Affairs, Desert Pacific Healthcare Network (VISN 22)


Director, Semel Institute Statistics Core (SIStat), Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles. (Interim Director 1/2007- 6/2008)


PREVIOUS POSITIONS: Assistant Professor In Residence, Department of Biostatistics, Fielding School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles.
7/2006 – 6/2009

Assistant Professor of Statistics, Department of Information and Operations Management, Marshall School of Business, and (by courtesy) Department of Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy, School of Pharmacy, University of Southern California



  1. American Statistical Association (Incoming President, Southern California Chapter)

  2. Institute of Mathematical Statistics (Life Member)

  3. Society for Neuroscience


  1. Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA)-Theory and Methods

  2. Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA)-Case Studies and Applications

  3. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (JRSSB)

  4. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)

  5. JAMA Psychiatry

  6. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (JCGS)

  7. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis

  8. Journal of Multivariate Analysis

  9. Journal of Classification

  10. Contemporary Clinical Trials (formerly Controlled Clinical Trials)

  11. Journal of Biomedical Informatics

  12. IEEE IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

  13. CIV/Computational Statistics

  14. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods

  15. Value In Health

  16. Biometrics

  17. Operations Research

  18. National Institute for Health Research: Health Technology Assessment Program (NIHR-HTA), a division of the National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom

  19. Annals of Epidemiology


  1. Fielding School of Public Health Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee, 2014-Present

  2. UCLA School of Medicine Biomedical Informatics Task Force, 2013-2014.

  3. UCLA Department of Biostatistics Department Chair Search Committee, 2013-2014.

  4. UCLA School of Public Health Student Affairs Committee, 2008-2010 Chair 2009-2010; 2013 (Spring only).

  5. Course Revision, Department of Biostatistics: Restructured the Research Methods and Data Analysis Sequence (now Biostatistics 201A/B) to create an applied version (separate from 200A/B) for SPH doctoral students, 2011-2012.

  6. Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, Director’s Forum 2012-Present

  7. UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, Ad Hoc Promotion Committees, 2010, 2012 (Chair), 2013 (Chair). 2014.

  8. Chair, UCLA Department of Biostatistics 2011-2012 Search Committee (search involved multiple cross-department positions)

  9. UCLA Department of Biostatistics 2010-2011 Search Committee

  10. UCLA Department of Psychiatry CS06/Space Allocation Committee 2011-Present

  11. UCLA Department of Psychiatry, Informatics Committee 2010-Present

  12. UCLA Department of Biostatistics Qualifying Exam Committee, Chair, 2008-Present.

  13. UCLA School of Public Health, Public Health Major Development Committee, 2008-2010

  14. UCLA Department of Biostatistics Curriculum Committee, 2007-2011.

  15. UCLA Department of Biostatistics Seminar Coordinator, Spring 2007, Fall 2009


  1. DSMB: An Efficacy-Effectiveness Trial of Cognitive Bias Modification for Youth with Anxiety (PI G. Clarke, Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, Oregon), 2014-Present.

  2. National Science Foundation Review Panel: Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Section, 2012.

  3. DSMB: Center for Intervention Development and Applied Research: Translational Research to Enhance Cognitive Control Project I (CIDAR-TRECC, PI J. McCracken, UCLA), 2007-2012.

  4. DSMB: UCLA Autism Center of Excellence, Project V, Risperidone Treatment in Children with ASD and High Levels of Repetitive Behavior (PI J. McCracken, UCLA), 2008-2014

  5. DSMB: Brief CBT for Pediatric Anxiety and Depression in Primary Care, (PI V.R. Weersing, UCSD), 2010-Present.


  1. U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs: I have had regular consulting collaborations with researchers at UCSD, Yale University and Boston University and the corresponding VA centers in San Diego, New Haven and Boston on projects involving health services research, schizophrenia, depression, and HIV/AIDS, 2000-Present.

  2. Roche Biosciences: Consulted on a study of the efficacy of Tolcapone, a medication for Parkinson’s disease, 1997

  3. RAND Corporation and Janssen Pharmaceutica: Through the sponsorhip of Stanford University School of Medicine faculty I was involved in collaborative projects involving health state modeling in depression and schizophrenia, 1996-1997


  1. Letter Writer: I have written hundreds of letters of recommendations for students at UCLA and USC for scholarships, jobs, internships and graduate programs, including Rhodes and Marshall Scholarship winners. (1998-Present)

  2. USC Health Collaborative: I was an originating member of the Steering Committee for this provost sponsored initiative to promote inter-disciplinary research and teaching in fields related to health care. (2004-2006)

  3. USC Statistics Seminar Coordinator (2003-2005)

  4. USC Marshall School of Business, Undergraduate Statistics Sequence Coordinator: Includes curriculum, textbook selection, determination of course equivalencies and waivers for the introductory mathematics and statistics sequence (2001-2005)

  5. USC Information and Operations Management Department Annual Performance Review Committee (Various)

  6. USC Marshall School of Business Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee (Various)

  7. USC Marshall School of Business, Marshall Honors Program Committee (1998-2004)

  8. USC Marshall School of Business Undergraduate Scholarship Committee

  9. USC Faculty Fellow (1999-2006)

  10. USC Marshall School of Business Freshman Cohort Advisor (2004-2006)

  11. USC Marshall School of Business, Delta Sigma Pi Professional Fraternity Faculty Supervisor (2004-2006)

  12. Interviewer, USC Presidential and Trustee Scholarships and Marshall School of Business Study Abroad Programs (Various)

  13. Speaker, USC Annual Trustee’s Meeting, on the importance of interdisciplinary breadth in undergraduate education (2002)

  14. Speaker, USC Parents’ Weekend (2003)

  15. Speaker, USC University Orientation (2004)

  16. Panelist, Marshall School of Business Orientation (2004)

  17. USC Marshall School of Business Graduation Name Reader (2003, 2004, 2006)

  18. USC University and Business School Graduation Marshall (1999-2006)

  19. President, Stanford University Department of Statistics Graduate Student Association and Representative to the Faculty (1995-1996)

  20. Student Member of the Stanford University Department of Statistics Ph.D. Qualifying Examination Committee (1996 and 1997)


  1. National Merit Fellowship, 1988.

  2. Pomona College Scholar, the equivalent of the deans list at Pomona College, requiring a grade point average of 3.67, 1988-1992.

  3. The Llewellyn Bixby Mathematics Prize, in 1990 and the Jaeger Mathematics Prize, in 1989. These are respectively the sophomore and freshman mathematics prizes at Pomona College.

  4. Howard Hughes Medical Foundation Grant for undergraduate research, Pomona College, summer, 1990.

  5. NSF REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) program at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, summer, 1991.

  6. Elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi as a junior at Pomona College, 1991.

  7. Graduated Summa Cum Laude with honors in Mathematics from Pomona College, May, 1992.

  8. Rena Gurley Archibald High Scholarship Prize for the top graduating student at Pomona College, May, 1992. Second person in the one-hundred year plus history of the college to finish with a perfect grade-point average.

  9. Phi Beta Kappa Award, Pomona College, May, 1992.

  10. The John Stauffer Prize for Academic Merit in the Sciences for the top graduating student in the sciences, Pomona College, May, 1992

  11. The Hugh Hamilton Mathematics Prize for the top graduating student in mathematics, Pomona College, May, 1992.

  12. The Philip Goldberg Memorial Prize in Music for exceptional musical contribution from a graduating student at Pomona College, May, 1992. I served as concertmaster of the orchestra during my junior and senior years, and played the Vivaldi violin concerto Winter from The Four Seasons with the orchestra in 1991.

  13. NSF Graduate Fellowship in Mathematics, 1992-1995.

  14. Centennial Teaching Assistant Award, for excellence in teaching, Stanford University, 1997.

  15. Gamma Sigma Alpha (National Greek Honor Society) Professor of the Year, University of Southern California, 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2002-2003, 2003-2004.

  16. University of Southern California Faculty Fellow, 1999-2006.

  17. URSC Faculty Fellow of the Year, University of Southern California, 1999-2000.

  18. Golden Apple Teaching Award (Small Section), Marshall School of Business, USC, 2000. This is the highest teaching honor given by the undergraduate students in the business school recognizing a faculty member teaching a small seminar or elective style class.

  19. Delta Sigma Pi Faculty Initiate, University of Southern California Chapter, for the year 2002, and faculty advisor starting 2004.

  20. Inaugural Teaching Has No Boundaries Award, University of Southern California, 2002. A University-wide prize, intended to recognize faculty who interact with students in significant pedagogical and intellectual ways outside the classroom.

  21. Golden Apple Teaching Award (Business Administration Core), Marshall School of Business, USC, 2005. This is the highest teaching honor given by the undergraduate students in the business school recognizing a faculty member teaching the core business classes.

  22. Inaugural Evan C. Thompson Faculty Teaching and Learning Innovation Award, Marshall School of Business, USC, 2005. This award, which is accompanied by a $10,000 prize, was initiated to recognize outstanding contributions by faculty in the teaching arena, both inside the classroom and beyond.

  23. USC Web Profile, selected as one of the faculty members featured in rotation on the front page of the University Web Site, 2004-2006.

  24. Elected to Delta Omega, National Public Health Honor Society, UCLA, 2007.

  25. School of Public Health Outstanding Professor Award, as given by the SPH graduate students, UCLA 2007.

  26. School of Public Health Outstanding Professor Award, as given by the SPH graduate students, UCLA 2009.

  27. School of Public Health Outstanding Professor Award Runner Up, as given by the SPH graduate students, UCLA 2010.

  28. Dean’s Distinguished Teaching Award, School of Public Health, UCLA 2010

  29. Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences Teaching, UCLA 2010.

  30. School of Public Health Outstanding Professor Award Finalist, as given by the SPH graduate students, UCLA 2011.

  31. School of Public Health Outstanding Professor Award Finalist, as given by the SPH graduate students, UCLA 2012.

  32. School of Public Health Outstanding Professor Award Finalist, as given by the SPH graduate students, UCLA 2013.

  33. 2014 Award for Publication Excellence from the APIC/American Journal of Infection Control for “Survival and transmission of community –associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from fomites.” The award is given to the article that has the highest level of readership and citation over the year.



  1. HHS/NIH/NIMH-12-241: FAST FAIL Trials in Autism (FAST AS) (PI: James McCracken, M.D.); $5,688,386 (total); 2012-2015. Role: Co-Investigator.

  2. NIH/NIMH R01 11008773: Adaptive Interventions for Minimally Verbal Children with ASD in the Community (PI: Connie Kasari); $479,102 (Year 1); 2012-2016. Role: Co-Investigatior/Director of Data and Statistics Core.

  3. NIH/NIMH R01 MH095878: Visual Tuning and Performance in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder (PI: Michael Green, Ph.D.); $427,031; 2012-2017. Role: Co-Investigator.

  4. NIH/NIMH R01 MH093676-01A1: Early Family Intervention for Youth at Risk for Bipolar Disorder (PI: David Miklowitz, Ph.D.); $611,708; 2012-2016. Role: Co-Investigator.

  5. NIH/NIAID P30 A1 028697: UCLA Center For AIDS Research (CFAR)/Core H (PI: Irvin Chen, Ph.D./ William Cumberland, Ph.D.); $1,924,427 (Year 1, 2013-2018 cycle); 2008-2018. Role: Co-Investigator.

  6. HRSA UA3MC11055: Autism Intervention Network on Behavioral Health (AIR-B Network) (PI: Connie Kasari, Ph.D.); $1,787,157 (Year 1); 2008-2014; Role: Co-Investigator.

  7. NIH/NIMK RO1 MH084864; Multisite RCT of Early Intervention for Spoken Communication in Autism (PI: Connie Kasari, Ph.D.); $328,185 (UCLA Year 1); 2009-2014; Role: Co-Investigator.

  8. NIH/NIMH RO1 MH084955: Mapping Brain Structure to Function in Euthymic Subjects with Bipolar Disorder (PI: Lori Altshuler, M.D.); $454,996; 2009-2014; Role: Co-Investigator.

  9. NIH/NIMH R01 MH085953: Mechanisms of Abnormal Development and Psychosis in the 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (PI: Carrie Bearden, Ph.D.); $221,821 (Year 1); 2009-2014; Role: Co-Investigator.

  10. NIH/NIMH R01 MH065707 4/8: The Genetics of Endophenotypes and Schizophrenia (PI: Michael Green, Ph.D.); $341,474 (UCLA); 2010-2014; Role: Director of Data Management and Statistics Unit.

  11. NIH/NIMH P50 MH66286: Center for Neurocognition and Emotion in Schizophrenia (PI: Keith Nuechterlein, Ph.D.); $6,062,760; 2010-2015; Role: PI of Data and Methodology Core.

  12. NIH/NICHD 2P50-HD055784-06 Biomarkers of Developmental Trajectories and Treatment in ASD (PI: Susan Bookheimer, Ph.D.); $10,324,680 (total award); 2007-2017 project period; 2012-2017 current budget period.

GRANTS SUPPORTING SISTAT (Current and Past:) As SIStat director I am often actively involved in writing and overseeing grants for which the support goes to the unit rather than to me as an individual investigator.

  1. NIH/NIMH RO1 MH37705 Developmental Processes in Schizophrenic Disorders (PI: Keith Nuechterlein, Ph.D.); 2005-2010.

  2. NIH/NIA AG P50 16570: UCLA Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (PI: Jeffrey Cummings, M.D.); $1,544,019; 2004-2015. (Formerly Statistician/PI Data Core)

  3. CA DHS: Alzheimer's Disease Research Center of California (ARCC) (PI: Jeffrey Cummings, M.D.); $541,667; 2006-2015.

  4. US Department of Veteran's Affairs (Clinical Sciences and Research Development): Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Veterans with Schizophrenia (PI: Shirley Glynn, Ph.D.); $600,000; 2008-2012;

  5. NIH/NIMH RO1 MH082782: Collaboration to Advance Negative Symptom Assessment in Schizophrenia (3/4) (PI: William Horan, Ph.D.); 675,000; 2008-2011;

  6. NIH/NIMH RO1 MH082939: Cognitive Rehabilitation and Work Outcome in Schizophrenia (PI: Robert Kern, Ph.D.); 1,125,000; 2008-2013;

  7. NIH/NIMH R34 MH089299: Neurofibromatosis Type I as a Model for Therapeutic Neuroadaptation (PI: Carrie Bearden, Ph.D.); 2009-2011

  8. NIH/NIMH R34: Web-Based Weight Management for Individuals with Mental Illness (PI: Alexander Young, M.D.); $200,000; 2010-2012

  9. NCI P01 CA132681: Stem Cell-Engineered Tumor Immunity In Man (PI: David Baltimore, Ph.D., Cal Tech); $5,003,150 (Year 1); 2010-2015



  1. NIH/NIAID RO1 AG030327: Synergistic Effects of HIV and AIDS on Naïve CD4+ T-cell Senescence (PI: Beth Jamieson, Ph.D.); $2,337,555 (total); 2008-2013. Role: Co-Investigator.

  2. NIH/NIMH P50 MHO77248: Translational Research to Enhance Cognitive Control (TRECC) (PI: James McCracken, M.D.); $6,173,661 (total); 2006-2011. NCTE 2012. Role: Core Director, Data Management and Statistics Unit.

  3. NIH/NIMH P30 PL1MH08327: Consortium for Neuropsychiatric Phenomics (PI: Rpbert Bilder, Ph.D.); $3,750,744; 2007-2012. Role: Director, Statistics and Database Management Unit of the Human Translational Applications Core.

  4. NIH/NIMH PL1MH08327-S1: Consortium for Neuropsychiatric Phenomics-Phen-X Supplement (PI: Robert Bilder, Ph.D.); 2011-2012. Role: Co-Investigator.

  5. NIH/NIDA P20 DA022539: Methamphetamine Abuse and Inhibitory Control: Implications for Treatment (PI: Edythe London, Ph.D.); $457,306 (Year 5); 2006-2011; Role: Statistician.

  6. NIH/NCRR 1UL1RR033176-01: UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) (PI: S. Dubinett); $61,430,028 (Total Direct); 2011-2016; Role: Co-Investigator.

  7. NIH/NIMH R21 MH086104; Tractography, White Matter Integrity and fMRI in Bipolar Disorder (PI: Lori Altshuler, M.D.); $150,000 (annual); 2009-2011; Role: Co-Investigator.

  8. NIH/NIMH RC1 MH089634: Social Cognition and Functioning in Bipolar Disorder (PI: Michael Green, Ph.D); $390,684 (Year 1); 2009-2011; Role: Co-Investigator.

  9. US Department Of Veteran's Affairs IIR 03-089-2: Evaluating HIV/AIDS Care Access and Quality In The VA (PI: Allen Gifford, M.D.); 2005-2007; Role: Senior Consulting Statistician

  10. NIH/NIMH R01 MH042228: Gating and Inhibition in Schizophrenia (PI: David Braff, MD); $9,890 (for subcontract, year 5); 2003-2008; Role: PI of Subcontract/Statistician

  11. NIH/NIAID P30 A1 028697: UCLA Center For AIDS Research (CFAR)/Core H (PI: Irvin Chen Ph.D./ William Cumberland Ph.D.); $924,140 (Core H); 2003-2007. Role: Co-Investigator

  12. CDC U01 DD000041: Interventions for Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Transitioning Science to Community Projects (PI: Mary O'Connor Ph.D.); $ 1,199,84; 2005-2009; Role: Biostatistician

  13. NIH/NIDA R01 DA021754-01A1: Neural Recruitment During Self-control of Smoking: An fMRI Paradigm (PI: John Monterosso Ph.D.); $ 450,000; 2007-2009. Role: Statistician

  14. Stanley Medical research Institute: Stanley Database Core Collaborative Group (Lori Altshuler, M.D.): $100,179; 2007-2009: Role: Senior Biostatistician

  15. NIH/NIMH P50 MH66286: Center for Neurocognition and Emotion in Schizophrenia (PI: Keith Nuechterlein, Ph.D.); $6,062,760; 2003-2010. Role: PI of Data and Methodology Core


The Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California provides internal grants for summer funding based on competitive peer reviewed application process. This is intended to minimize the pressure on faculty to write external grant proposals. During my time at USC I had the following projects funded, each for two months of summer salary:

  1. 2001: Clustering Sparse Functional Data

  2. 2002: Using Cluster Analysis To Assess the Medical And Financial Impacts Of Treatments In Complex Diseases

  3. 2003: Cluster Validation Using Rate Distortion Theory

  4. 2004: Issues In Using Cluster Analysis To Partition A Target Population With Applications To Healthcare Economics

  5. 2005: A Bayesian Approach To Estimation Of Network Topologies



  1. Psychiatry 284A: Principles of Neuroimaging I (Instructor M. Cohen)

Guest lecturer (3 sessions) on statistical modeling. 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

Ratings (2012 only; on scale of 1-7): Mean 6.4 clinical enstructor/6.6 knowledge and enthusiasm


  1. Biostatistics 100B: Introduction to Biostatistics (Ratings are out of 9)

Term: Winter, 2007

Class Size: 97

Overall Instructor Rating: Mean = 8.11/Median = 9.00

Overall Class Rating: Mean = 7.78/Median = 9.00

Term: Winter, 2008

Class Size: 126 (plus fellows from various SPH programs)

Overall Instructor Rating: Mean = 8.01 /Median = 8.00

Overall Class Rating: Mean = 7.80/Median = 8.00

Term: Winter, 2009

Class Size: 109

Overall Instructor Rating: Mean = 8.56/Median = 9

Overall Course Rating: Mean = 8.37/Median = 9

Term: Winter, 2010

Class Size: 122

Overall Instructor Rating: Mean = 8.56/Median = 9

Overall Course Rating: Mean = 8.34/Median = 9

  1. Biostatistics 200A: Biostatistics

Term: Fall, 2010

Class Size: 49

Overall Instructor Rating: Mean = 8.57/Median = 9

Overall Course Rating: Mean =8.14/Median = 9

  1. Biostatistics 201A: Topics in Applied Regression Part I (In charge of redesign, 2011)

Term: Fall, 2011

Class Size: 61

Overall Instructor Rating: Mean = 8.68/Median = 9

Overall Course Rating: Mean = 8.23/Median = 9

  1. Biostatistics 201 B: Topics in Applied Regression Part II (Designed course, 2012)

Term: Winter, 2012

Class Size: 33

Overall Instructor Rating: Mean = 8.21/Median =9.00

Overall Course Rating: Mean =7.82/Median =8.00

(paper evaluations)
Term: Winter 2013

Class Size: 51

Evaluations In Progress
Term: Winter 2014

Class Size: 44

Evaluations In Progress

  1. Biostatistics 245: Advanced Seminar, Biostatistics

Term: Spring, 2007

Class Size: 21

Term: Fall, 2009

Class Size: 35

  1. Biostatistics 288: Seminar, Statistics in AIDS

Term: Spring, 2007

Class Size: 4 (plus 3 postdocs)

Term: Winter, 2011

Class Size: 7

  1. Biostatistics 596: Directed Individual Study

Fall, 2006: Vivian Shih, Topics in Cluster Analysis

Spring, 2008: Vivian Shih, Masters Report on Patterns of Cognitive Deficits in Bipolar Disorder

Spring, 2009: Cathy Lee, Masters Report on Classification Methods with Applications to Psychiatry Studies

Fall, 2012: Victor Lee, Masters Report on Random Forests for Imaging Data

  1. Biostatistics 597: Preparation for Comprehensive and Qualifying Examinations

Spring, 2008: Jared Foster, Preparation for MS Comprehensive Exam

Fall, 2008: Leanne Streja, Preparation for DrPh Oral Defense

  1. Biostatistics 599: Directed Research

Fall, 2007: Leanne Streja, DrPh Thesis Research

Winter, 2008: Leanne Streja, DrPh Thesis Research

Spring, 2008: Leanne Streja, DrPh Thesis Research

Winter, 2009: Leanne Streja, DrPh Thesis Research

Spring, 2009: Leanne Streja, DrPh Thesis Research

Brian Calimlim, DrPh Thesis Research

Fall, 2009: Leanne Streja, DrPh Thesis Research

Brian Calimlim, DrPh Thesis Research

Soeun Kim, PhD Thesis Research

Winter, 2010: Leanne Streja, DrPh Thesis Research

Brian Calimlim, DrPh Thesis Research

Soeun Kim, PhD Thesis Research

Spring, 2010: Leanne Streja, DrPh Thesis Research

Brian Calimlim, DrPh Thesis Research

Soeun Kim, PhD Thesis Research

Fall, 2010: Leanne Streja, DrPh Thesis Research

Brian Calimlim, DrPh Thesis Research

Soeun Kim, PhD Thesis Research

Vivian Shih, DrPh. Thesis Research

Lu Wang, HIV/AIDS Research Project

Winter, 2011: Leanne Streja, DrPh Thesis Research

Brian Calimlim, DrPh Thesis Research

Soeun Kim, PhD Thesis Research

Vivian Shih, DrPh Thesis Research

Spring, 2011: Brian Calimlim, DrPh Thesis Research

Soeun Kim, PhD Thesis Research

Vivian Shih, DrPh Thesis Research

Fall, 2011: Brian Calimlim, DrPh Thesis Research

Vivian Shih, DrPh Thesis Research

Winter, 2012: Brian Calimlim, DrPh Thesis Research

Vivian Shih, DrPh Thesis Research

Spring, 2012: Brian Calimlim, DrPh Thesis Research

Vivian Shih, DrPh Thesis Research

Fall, 2012: Brian Calimlim, DrPh Thesis Research

Vivian Shih, DrPh Thesis Research

Winter, 2013: Brian Calimlim, DrPh Thesis Research

Vivian Shih, DrPh Thesis Research

Spring, 2013: Brian Calimlim, DrPh Thesis Research

Vivian Shih, DrPh Thesis Research

Fall 2011-Spring 2013: Qiaolin Chen (listed under Dr. Weiss)

INFORMAL: Ran informal seminar series for fellows and junior faculty in Children’s Division, Department of Psychiatry, 2011-2012 (roughly 1 dozen 2 hour seminars)

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