C. Constantinides, A, Bader, T. Elrad a two-Dimentional Composition framework to Support Software Adaptability and Reuse Accepted for the icsr6- international Conference on Software Reuse 2000. Ireland K

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Publications by the Concurrent Programming Research Center

Director: Dr. Tzilla Elrad


C. Constantinides, A, Bader, T.Elrad

A Two-Dimentional Composition framework to Support Software Adaptability and Reuse

Accepted for the ICSR6- International Conference on Software Reuse 2000. Ireland

K. Slah, E. Drakopoulos, T. Elrad.

A Novel Handoff Scheme for Wireless ATM Network.

Journal of Nterpperable Communication Network, Accepted for publication 2000.

Constantinos A. Constantinides, Atef Bader, Tzilla Elrad and Paniti Netinant.
Composition of Concerns.
Object-Oriented Programming: Systems Languages and Applications (OOPSLA'99) workshop on Accomplishing Software Stability.
Denver, Colorado (USA). November 1, 1999.

Constantinos A. Constantinides, Atef Bader and Tzilla Elrad.

A Framework to Address a Two-dimensional Composition of Concerns.
Object-Oriented Programming: Systems Languages and Applications (OOPSLA'99) First Workshop on Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns in Object-Oriented Systems. Denver, Colorado (USA). November 1, 1999.

Atef Bader and Tzilla Elrad.

Coordinating Distributed Objects.
Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications PDPTA'99. June 28 - July 1, 1999. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Tzilla Elrad and En-Hsin Huang.

Adaptive Scheduling Control Mechanisms for Concurrent Objects.

Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications PDPTA'99. June 28 - July 1, 1999. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Constantinos A. Constantinides, Atef Bader and Tzilla Elrad.
An Aspect-Oriented Design Framework for Concurrent Systems.
4th International Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming WCOP'99 in conjunction with the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming ECOOP '99. Lisbon, Portugal. June 14, 1999.

Constantinos A. Constantinides, Atef Bader and Tzilla Elrad.

An Aspect-Oriented Design Framework for Concurrent Systems.
Aspect-Oriented Programming WAOP'99 in conjunction with the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming ECOOP '99. Lisbon, Portugal. June 14, 1999.

Camelia Zlatea and Tzilla Elrad.

DUALITY: An Architecture Independent Design Model for Parallel Systems Based on Partial Order Semantics. 13th International Symposium on DIStributed Computing, DISC'99 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1693, Distributed Computing, pp.225-239,Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, September,1999.

Camelia Zlatea and Tzilla Elrad.

Patterns and Coordination Models for the Design of Parallel Applications .

Proceedings of ParCo'99 - Parallel Computing'99, Delft, The Netherlands, August,1999.

Camelia Zlatea and Tzilla Elrad.
A design methodology for mobile distributed applications based on UNITY
formalism and communication-closed layering.
Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing (PODC '99), page 284.

Camelia Zlatea and Tzilla Elrad.

DUALITY: A design model for mobile distributed systems based on partial order semantics.
WDS'99 - Distributed Computing, FCT'99 (12th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory), Aug. 30 - Sept. 2 1999, Iasi, Romania.
K. Slah, E. Drakopoulos, T. Elrad.

Performance Study of a Two Phase Handoff Scheme for Wireless ATM Networks.

Proceedings of second IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Mobile ATM Implementations. June 1999.
K. Slah, E. Drakopoulos, T. Elrad.

Periodic Rough Optimization for Handoff Connections in Wireless ATM Networks.

Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer Networks and Services.

October, 1999.

Huang, E.H., and Elrad, T.,

Scheduling Control Mechanisms for Managing Indeterminate Object Behavior,

ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., February 27-March 1, 1988.

Elrad, T., Lin, C.H., and Huang, E.H.,

A Language Adaptation Architecture for Reflective Concurrent Systems,

The Systems Implementation 2000: Languages, Methods and Tools, Berlin, Germany,

February 23-26, 1998.

Tzilla Elrad, Atef Bader,

Framework and Design Pattern for Concurrent Passive Objects.

Proceedings of the IASTED Conference on Software Engineering, Las Vegas on October 28-31, 1998.

Elrad, T., Lin, C.H., and Huang, E.H.

A Enhanced Reflective Architecture for Adaptation of Object-Oriented Language/Software
Proceedings of the APSEC'98, Asia Pacific Software Engineering
Atef Bader, Tzilla Elrad

The Adaptive Arena: Language Constructs and Architectural Abstractions for Concurrent Object-Oriented Systems


Tzilla Elrad, Jinlong Lin,

Evolutionary Computation for Scheduling Controls in Concurrent Object-Oriented Systems CIJCA, International Journal of Computers and Their Applications.

Also published by ISCA - International Society for Computers and Their Applications


Tzilla Elrad, Jinlong Lin,

Evolving Processes and Evolution Schedulers for Concurrent Scheduling Controls and Parallel Evolutionary Computation

BioSP3, First Workshop on Biologically Inspired Solutions to Parallel Processing Problems Orlando, Florida, USA.

Also published by Springer Verlag 1998.
Also has been chosen for a Special Issue of FGCS-98; Future Generation of Computer System 98. .

Tzilla Elrad, Jinlong Lin, Douglas J. Cork

Evolutionary computation for Scheduling Controls in Concurrent Object- Oriented Systems
International Journal of Computer and Their Applications September 1998.


Huang, E.H., and Elrad, T.,

Race Scheduling Controls for Object Systems,

4th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 272-285, November 10-12, 1997.

Tzilla Elrad, Jinlong Lin,

Scheduling Controls in Concurrent Real-Time Systems through Evolutionary Computation.

Part'97, The 4th Annual Australasian Conference on Parallel And Real-Time Systems Published by Springer Verlag (12 pages, 238-249) September 29, 30, 1997 New Castle, Australia .

Tzilla Elrad, Jinlong Lin,

Evolutionary Computation for Scheduling Controls in Concurrent Object-Oriented Systems Caine-97, 10th international conference on computer Applications in industry and
Also Published by ISCA 4 pages, 72-76 December 10, 11, 12, 1997 San Antonio, Texas.


Elrad, T. and Verun, U.

A Hierarchical and Reflective Framework for Synchronization and Scheduling Controls.

Special issue of the Future Generation Computer Systems journal published by Elsevier Publishers , 12, 1996.

T. Elrad, B. S. Sheen, N.V. Nastasic.

CESSBOARD: A Synergy of Object Oriented Concurrent programming and Program Layering. Proceedings of the second Asian Computing Science Conference, ASIAN' 96. Singapore,

December 1996.

T. Elrad, B. S. Sheen, N.V. Nastasic.

CESSBOARD: A Synergy of Object Oriented Concurrent programming and Program Layering. In Concurrency and Parallelism, Programming Networking, and Security. Edited by Joxan
Jaffar and Roland Yap. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer - Verlag N0 1179, 1996.

Elrad, T. and Verun U.

A Hierarchical and Reflective Framework for Synchronization and Scheduling Controls. Proceedings of the IJCAI'95 Workshop on Reflection and Meta-Level Architecture and Their

Applications in AI, 14th Biennial International Joint Conference on AI, Montréal, Canada, August 19-26, 1995, pp. 113-124.

Also invited to a special issue of the Future Generation Computer Systems Journal, North-Holland, Elsevier Publishers, Netherlands, 1996.

A M. Ng, M, Evens, T. Elrad,

Exploting Communication Facilities for Distributed Parallel Processing

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advanced Science and Technology. march 27, 1993.

T. Elrad, K, Nambi,

Scheduling Cooperative Work: Viewing Distributed Systems as Both CSP and SCL

Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. Pittsburgh May, 1993.

Elrad, T. and Verun, U.

Reflective Synchronization and Scheduling Control in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming Languages.

Proceedings of the OOPSLA'93 Reflection Workshop, Washington, D.C., 1993.


S. Lee, T. Elrad,

Extending Working Environments for the Development of Reactive/Adaptive Systems with Race Control.

Proceedings of the Eleventh Symposium on Ada-Europe '92, Amsterdam Beach, The Netherlands, June 1-5, 1992.

S. Lee, T. Elrad, D. Dube,

Scheduling Consideration for Semi-Periodic Tasks and Their Diagrammatic Expressions.

Journal of Advances In Modelling and Analysis, C, Vol. 34, No. 1, 1992, pp 57-64.

T. Elrad, U. Verun

A Model Language for Intelligent Reactive/Adaptive Systems and Ada

Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligent & Ada.. "AI Real_time Systems" May 1992.

T. Elrad, K. Kumar,
Toward Controlling State Space Explosion of Cooperating Process with Strong Dependencies In Petri Net Modeling.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing, August 1992.

T. Elrad,

Integrating Race Controls in Objet Oriented Concurrent Programming for Real-Time Systems: An Intelligent Active Object.
Proceedings of "An Evaluation of Object- Oriented Technology in Real-Time Systems: Past Present and Future" OOPSLA October 1992.

Verun, U and Elrad T.

A Critique of the Ada 9X Mutual Control Mechanism (Requeue) and an Alternative Mapping (Onlywhen). ACM Ada Letters, Vol. 12, No. 6, November-December 1992, pp. 75-80.

Elrad T and Verun, U.

Incorporating Comprehensive Scheduling Controls in an Extended Actor Model Utilizing Enabled-Sets.

Midwest SIGPLAN Meeting, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, October 1992.

U. Verun, T. Elrad,

A critique of the Ada 9X Mutual Control Mechanism (requeue) and an Alternative Mapping (onlywhen). Ada Letters. October 1992.

S. Miriyala, T. Elrad,

A Dynamic Preference Control Solution to the Readers and Writers Problem

Ada Technology conference Washington, D.C., March 1991.

T. Elrad, V. Winans,

The Use of Ada in Reactive Systems: A 3- Dimensional Mode.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag,

T. Elrad.

Race Controls for Ada9X

Proceedings of Ada-Europe International Conference, Athens, Greece, May 1991.
Also, Ada: The Choice for '92, Published by Springer Verlag May 1991.

S. Lee, T. Elrad,

Restricted-Region Scheduling Algorithm: Aperiodic Task Scheduling Algorithm in Real-Time Systems.

A Symposium on Associate Technology: Opportunities and Challenges, Sponsored by DARPA,

Fairfax, VA, June 6-7, 1991.

S. Lee, T. Elrad, D. Dube,

The Properties of Nearly-Periodic Tasks and Their Scheduling Model.

Twenty-Ninth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, October 2-4, 1991.

S. Lee, T. Elrad, D. Dube,

The Properties of Real-Time Tasks and Their Scheduling Characteristics

Fourth ISMM - International Society for Mini And Microcomputer International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Washington, D.C., October 8-11, 1991.

S. Lee, T. Elrad, D. Dube,

Scheduling Considerations for Semi- Periodic Tasks and Their Diagrammatic Expressions.

International Association for Advancement of Modelling and Simulation Techniques in Enterprises (AMSE) Conference, New Orleans, LA, October 28-30, 1991.

T. Elrad, M. M. Najjar,

Parallel Replay in Concurrent Programs.
Proceedings of Al-Azhar Engineering Second International Conference. El-Gezirah Sheraton Hotel- Cairo, December 21-14, 1991.

T. Elrad, K. Kumar,

The Use of Communication-Closed Layers to Support Imprecise Scheduling for Distributed and Real-Time Programs.
Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International Conference on Computers and Communications, March, 1991.


T. Elrad, D. Nohl,

The Analysis and Comparison of Scheduling Controls in Concurrent Languages through Classification.

Proceedings of the 21st SIGCSC Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, February 22-23, 1990, Washington, D.C.

T. Elrad, D. Levin, D. Nohl,

A Clean Solution to the Readers-Writers Problem with Static Preference Control.

Proceedings of the Eighth Annual National Conference on Ada Technology, March 1990.

T. Elrad, K. Kumar,

State Space Abstraction of Concurrent Systems: A Means to Computation Progressive Scheduling.

Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Parallel Processing, August 1990,

St. Charles, IL.

T. Elrad, K. Kumar, J. Kenevan.

Modeling Distributed Termination with Pre-Defined Partial Termination Ordering.

Proceedings of the Second IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Disributed Processing, Dallas, Texas, December 1990.

M. Najjar, T. Elrad.

A Two-Phase Reproduction Method for Ada Tasking Programs.

Proceedings of the Seventh Annual National Conference on Ada Technology, March 13-16, Atlantic City, NJ. 1989.

T. Elrad.

Mutual Control; Its Classification and Alternative Implementations in Ada Tasking

Ada Letters June 1989.

T. Elrad.

Comprehensive Race Controls: A Versatile Scheduling Mechanism for Real-Time Applications.

Proceedings of the Ada Europe Conference, June 13-16 1989, Madrid, Spain.
T. Elrad, D. Nohl.

Reuse Concerns with Scheduling Dependent Concurrent Software.

Report of the Workshop on Language Issues for Reuse: Ada for the 90's, September 26-29, 1989, Deer Isle, Maine.

T. Elrad,

Comprehensive Race Controls, for the Control of Nondeterminism in Ada,

Report of the Ada Language Issues Working Group, August 1989, Ottawa, Canada.

T. Elrad.

Comprehensive Race Controls: A Versatile Scheduling Mechanism for Real-Time Applications.

In "Ada The Design Choice", edited by Angel

Alvarez, Cambridge University Press, 1989.

T. Elrad,

A Position to the Ada-9X Requirements.

Report of the Department of Defense, May 22-26, 1989, Destin, Florida.

T. Elrad,

Comprehensive Race Controls: A Versatile Scheduling Mechanism for Real-Time Applications.

Report of U.S. Army HQ CECOM, Center for Software Engineering Advanced Software Technogy. Scientific Services Program.

T. Elrad, F. Maymir-Ducharme.

Satisfying Emergency Communication Requirements With Dynamic Preference Control. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual National Conference on Ada Technology, March 14-17, Arlington, VA. 1988.

T. Elrad, F. Maymir-Ducharme.

Testing and Debugging Distributed Programs Using Preference Control.

Proceedings of the Sixth Annual National Conference on Ada Technology, March 14-17 Arlington, VA. June 1988.

T. Elrad.

Comprehensive Race Controls for Ada Tasking.

Proceedings of the 1988 International Workshop on Real-Time Ada Issues,

Moretonhampstead, England, May 1988. Also Ada Letters Vol. 8 No. 7 Fall

T. Elrad, F. Maymir-Ducharme.

Preference Control: A Language feature for AIDA Applications.

Proceedings of the 1987 Third Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Ada, George Mason University, VA, October 14-15, 1987.

T. Elrad, F. Maymir-Ducharme.

Alternatives for Handling Priority Requests.

"Letter to the Editor" in response to "Using Large Families for Handling Priority Requests", Ada Letters, May-June 1987, Vol. VII, No 3, 3-14.

T. Elrad, F. Maymir-Ducharme.

Introducing the Preference Control Primitive: Experience with Controlling Nondeterminism in Ada.

Proceedings of the 1986 Washington Ada Symposium, Lurel, Maryland, March 24-26, 1986.

T. Elrad, F. Maymir-Ducharme.

Distributed Language Design: Constructs for Controlling Preferences.

Proceedings of the 1986 International Conference on Parallel Processing, St. Charles, Illinois, August 19-22, 1986.

T. Elrad, F. Maymir-Ducharme.

Efficiently Controlling Communication in Ada Using Preference Control.

Proceedings of the IEEE 1986 Military Communications Conference, Monterey, California, October 5-9, 1986.

P. Lee, T. Elrad.

SALVIGA: A Structure Design for Distributed Programs Fault Tolerance.

Proceedings of the 8th Annual Science Engineering and Technology Seminars, Houston, TX. May 24-26,1986.


T. Elrad.

Data Dependencies within Distributed Programs.

Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 2,


T. Elrad.

A Practical Software Development for Dynamic Testing of Distributed Programs.

Proceedings of the 1984 International Conference on Parallel Processing, August 1984.

T. Elrad.

Specification of High Level Concurrent Languages.

Proceedings. IEEE Workshop on Languages for Automation, November, 1983.

T. Elrad, N. Francez.

A Weakest Precondition Semantics for Communicating Sequential Processes.

Theoretical Computer Science, 29, 1983.

T. Elrad, N. Francez

A Weakest Precondition Semantics for Comunicating Processes.

Fifth Annual Symposium on Programming, Turin, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 137, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1982.

T. Elrad, N. Francez.

Decomposition of Distributed Programs into Communication Closed Layers.

Science of Computer Programming, 2, 1982.

Also published as Research Report, IBM RC 9760. December, 1982.
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