Call to order presentation old business

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he Regular meeting of the Special Services School District and Vocational Technical School District of the County of Salem Board of Education was held at the Salem County Vocational Technical School, Board Conference Room, Woodstown, NJ, County of Salem, on Tuesday, February 28, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
The Board President led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

The Board President called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. at which time the following statement was read: “The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Salem County Special Services Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time, and place thereof posted in the Today's Sunbeam, The News and at the entrances of 404 Daretown Road, Elmer, 880 Route 45, Woodstown, and 13 Ramah Rd. Bridgeton.”

Members Present: Ms. Patricia Bomba, Ms. Mary Cummings, Mr. James Davis,
Dr. James Field, Mr. David Moffett, Mr. Robert Bumpus
Members Absent: Mr. Earl Ransome, Ms. Nicole Stemberger

Others Present: Loren Thomas, Superintendent; Melanie Allen, Business Administrator/Board Secretary; Jason Helder, CTHS Principal; Todd Slimm, Alternative HS/MS Principal; Robert Vanderslice, Freeholder Laison; Bonnie Baker, Marketing & Community Information Supervisor; James D’Amato, Principal SCSSSD Daretown School; EvaMarie Raleigh, Principal SCSSSD Cumberland Campus; Jane Whittinghill, Supervisor of Related Services; Christina Battiato, CST Supervisor; Frank Maurer, Regional Day School Principal; Leeanna Borrie, Instructional Aide at Regional Day School; Sheryl Wooten, Instructional Aide at Regional Day School; Bill Pennock, Instructional Aide at Daretown School; Public

Moved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Ms. Cummings that the Board of Education approve the Minutes and Executive Minutes of the January 24, 2012 Regular Board of Education Meeting.

Ayes (5) Ms. Patricia Bomba, Ms. Mary Cummings, Mr. James Davis, Mr. David Moffett,
Mr. Robert Bumpus

Noes (0) Abstain (1) Dr. James Field Non- Vote (0)

  • Four students who attend the Daretown School were acknowledged for placing at the Salem County Science Fair. Each student was presented with a letter of recognition from the Executive County Superintendent.
  • Kristen Redkoles, a CTHS graduate was chosen as the SCVTS Alummus of the year. Kristen is now a teacher at SCSSSD’s Daretown School.

Old Business: None

New Business:







oved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Ms. Cummings that the Board of Education approve the following Budget Resolutions for the 2012-2013 School Year:

Salem County Vocational –Technical School
BE IT RESOLVED to approve a 2012-2013 school district budget for submission to the Board of School Estimate as follows:

Budget Local Tax Levy
General Fund $7,337,528 $1,792,900
Special Revenue Fund $1,360,492 -0-
Debt Service Fund -0- -0-
Total Base Budget $8,698,020 $1,792,900

Salem County Special Services School District
BE IT RESOLVED to approve a 2012-2013 school district budget for submission to the Board of School Estimate as follows:

Budget Local Tax Levy
General Fund $4,866,013 $275,000
Special Revenue Fund -0- -0-
Debt Service Fund -0- -0-
Total Base Budget $4,866,013 $275,000

Regional Day School at Mannington
BE IT RESOLVED to approve a 2012-2013 school district budget for submission to the Board of School Estimate as follows:

Budget Local Tax Levy
General Fund $1,385,943 -0-
Special Revenue Fund -0- -0-
Debt Service Fund -0- -0-
Total Base Budget $1,385,943 -0-
Ayes (6) Ms. Patricia Bomba, Ms. Mary Cummings, Mr. James Davis, Dr. James Field,
Mr. David Moffett,
Noes (0) Abstain (1) Mr. Robert Bumpus Non- Vote (0)

The Superintendent’s annual evaluation can now be completed online. It was agreed that
Dr. Thomas will first complete his self-evaluation, and then Board members will complete their part. Some Board members will complete their part online & some will complete paper copies

        • U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration – Cancellation
of Apprenticeship Program
(Page 2876)
(Page 2876)


Moved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Ms. Bomba that the Board of Education approve the HIB (harassment, intimidation and bullying) Report for the period between January 25, 2012 and February 29, 2012 (0 incidents reported).

Unanimously Approved













ommittee Reports:

Moved by Ms. Cummings and seconded by Mr. Bumpus that the Board of Education approve the Addenda of the Superintendent and the Business Administrator.
Unanimously Approved

Board Secretary/Business Administrator’s Report - Vocational Technical School District
Moved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Ms. Bomba that the Board of Education approve the following:

Board Secretary’s Report in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of

January 2012. The Board Secretary certifies that no line item account has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.12(a) 1 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

(Pages 2876-2883)

________________________________________________ February 28, 2012

Melanie M. Allen, Business Administrator/Board Secretary Date

Reconciliation of Cash for School Funds Report in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of January 2012. The Reconciliation of Cash for School Funds Report and Board Secretary’s Report are in agreement for the month of January 2012.
(Pages 2883-2887)

The Board of Education, Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)4, certifies that, after review of the Secretary’s Monthly Financial reports (Appropriations Section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of their knowledge no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)3 and that the changes in anticipated revenue sources and/or amounts have been identified and a corrective action plan will be implemented so that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

The transfer of funds for the month ending January 2012.

Unanimously Approved

(Page 2888)
Moved by Mr. Davis and seconded by Mr. Moffett that the Board of Education approve the following:

  • Bills paid in February 2012

  • Payroll and Agency paid in January 2012

  • To authorize the Business Administrator to pay any additional bills due and owing in February 2012 and make any transfer of funds necessary so that no budgetary line item is over expended for the 2011-2012 school year. A list of bills paid and transfers made will be provided at the next Regular Board of Education Meeting.

Unanimously Approved

(Pages 2888-2891)
Moved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Ms. Cummings that the Board of Education approve an increase in the annual rate paid to Therapy Services of Delaware for Occupational Services provided to students at the Regional Day School for the remainder of the 2011- 2012 school

year. The original contract, approved on June 14, 2011, included a Total Not to Exceed Annual Rate of $50,000.00. At this time, an additional $10,000.00 is needed to cover the cost of these services through June 2012. The new total not to exceed annual rate will be $60,000.00.

Unanimously Approved















Moved by Mr. Davis and seconded by Ms. Cummings that the Board of Education approve a Service Contract with E.C.P. Business Machines, Malaga, New Jersey, for the Intimus S.14.95 Shredder for the period between March 1, 2012 and February 28, 2013 in the amount of $598.

Unanimously Approved

(Page 2891)
Moved by Ms. Cummings and seconded by Mr. Davis that the Board of Education approve a Service Contract with GenServe, Inc., Pennsauken, New Jersey, for semi-annual service for generator maintenance for the period between March 1, 2012 and February 28, 2013 for the annual fee of $2,145.

Unanimously Approved

(Pages 2891-2892)
Moved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Ms. Cummings that the Board of Education approve the Agreement between E-Rate Exchange, LLC and the Salem County Vocational Technical School District for E-Rate services (related to the process designed for eligible education entities to receive discounts and/or reimbursements for eligible telecommunication services and internet access) for the period between January 25, 2012 and January 25, 2014 in the amount of $1,300.00 per year. SCSSSD has been contracting with E-Rate Exchange for the past three years for these services.

Unanimously Approved

(Page 2893)
Moved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Mr. Davis that the Board of Education approve the 2012-13 Non-Resident Fees for Secondary Students, Fees for Postsecondary Students, Fees for Business, Corporate and Customized Education Center Programs, and Tuition and One-to-One Aide Rate for the New Jersey Regional Day School at Mannington.

Unanimously Approved

(Page 2893)
Moved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Ms. Cummings that the Board of Education approve the revised employment contracts for the AFJROTC instructors – Ret. Lt. Colonel John D’Auria and Chief Master Sergeant Eric Tucker. In accordance with action taken at the September 28, 2004 Board of Education meeting, salary increases and decreases for both instructors may be eligible will be made in accordance with the U.S. Air Force Contract with the Board of Education, under provision for a MIP (Minimum Instructor Pay) salary adjustment. Any such adjustment when approved by the Board of Education shall be made when SCVTS is notified of a change in the MIP by the U.S. Air Force. The instructors shall not be eligible for any other SCVTS salary adjustment from the Board of Education.
Previous MIP Revised MIP

Per Month Per Month

7-1-11 to 12/31/11 Effective 1/1/12

Retired Lt. Colonel John D’Auria $5,926.14 $5,777.16 (Decrease)

Retired Chief Sgt. Tucker $6,294.34 $6,575.04 (Increase)

Unanimously Approved

















oard Secretary/Business Administrator’s Report - Special Services School District

Moved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Ms. Cummings that the Board of Education approve the following:

Board Secretary’s Report in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of

January 2012. The Board Secretary certifies that no line item account has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.12(a) 1 and those sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

(Pages 2893-2897)

________________________________________________ February 28, 2012
Melanie M. Allen, Business Administrator/Board Secretary Date

Treasurer’s Report in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of January 2012. The Treasurer’s Report and Board Secretary’s Report are in agreement for the month of January 2012.

(Pages 2898-2901)
Board Secretary in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.12(c) 2 certifies that there are no changes in anticipated revenue amounts or revenue sources.

The Board of Education, Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)4, certifies that, after review of the Secretary’s Monthly Financial reports (Appropriations Section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of their knowledge no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)3 and that the changes in anticipated revenue sources and/or amounts have been identified and a corrective action plan will be implemented so that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

The transfer of funds for the month ending January 2012.

Unanimously Approved

(Page 2902)
Moved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Ms. Bomba that the Board of Education approve the following:

      • Bills paid in January 2012 and February 2012

      • Payroll & Agency paid in January 2012

      • To authorize the Business Administrator to pay any bills due and owing in February 2012 and make any transfer of funds necessary so that no budgetary line item is over expended for the 2011-2012 school year. A list of bills paid and transfers made will be provided at the next regular Board meeting.

Unanimously Approved

(Pages 2902-2904)
Moved by Mr. Davis and seconded by Mr. Moffett that the Board of Education approve the transportation contracts and contract addenda for the 2011-2012 school year provided by Gloucester County Special Services School District.

(Pages 2904-2905)
Ayes (5) Ms. Patricia Bomba, Ms. Mary Cummings, Mr. James Davis, Dr. James Field,
Mr. David Moffett,
Noes (0) Abstain (1) Mr. Robert Bumpus Non- Vote (0)










oved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Mr. Davis that the Board of Education approve the tuition rates and other service rates for the 2012-2013 school.

Unanimously Approved

(Page 2905)
Moved by Mr. Moffett and seconded Ms. Cummings that the Board of Education approve a cell phone allowance for the following staff for the 2011-2012 school year effective March 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012.
Harry Rodriguez – Technology Supervisor $50.00/month
The payment of allowances discontinues the practice of having district-owned cell phones.

Unanimously Approved


  • Bonnie Baker announced the upcoming Meals on Wheels anniversary dinner to be held on March 29. Also, the Chamber of Commerce’s Spring Banquet will be held on April 5. Dr. Thomas will be the keynote speaker. Bonnie was thanked for all of her efforts in putting the Annual Foundation Dinner together.

  • Freeholder Robert Vanderslice commented on the difficulty in balancing the county’s 2012 budget.

Superintendent’s Report – Vocational Technical School District

Student Placement

Moved by Ms. Cummings and seconded by Mr. Moffett that the Board of Education approve the following:

  • Student Placement Report as of January 31, 2012 for the New Jersey Regional Day School at Mannington.

(Page 2906)

  • Acceptance of Students Report as of January 31, 2012 for the New Jersey Regional Day School at Mannington.

(Page 2906)

Unanimously Approved


Moved by Mr. Davis and seconded by Mr. Moffett that the Board of Education

approve the following:

  • Employment of Dominique Mitchell as a food service/culinary arts work study student, on an as needed basis, for the 2011-2012 school year. The student will be utilized to help with special district meal functions at a rate of $7.50 per hour, no benefits.

  • Carol Powers as a long-term substitute teacher at the NJ Regional Day School at Mannington at the rate of $125.00 per day, no benefits, effective February 10, 2012. Ms. Powers will be substituting for a Regional Day School teacher who will be out on FMLA.

  • Employment of Heather Pluta as a substitute support service person (aide) for The Learning Center day care program at the hourly rate of $9.00 per hour, on an as needed basis, no benefits. Time sheets are required.

  • Grant approval to contract with the Salem County Special Services School District, for up to 40 days during the 2011-2012 summer months, to employ James Helder as a school social worker. Mr. Helder will provide administrative case work and transition services for new special education students enrolling at the CTHS. Mr. Helder will be paid the Special Services contracted daily rate. The costs will be covered through utilization of SCVTS IDEA funds. Time sheets are required.

  • E




    mployment of Francis Walsh as an adjunct instructor for the Adult Education Allied Health Professionals program at the rate of $30.00 per hour, on an as needed basis, no benefits, for the period between March 1, 2012 and June 30, 2012. Time sheets are required. Mr. Walsh has previously served as a liaison to the adult programs as an employee of the Memorial Hospital of Salem County.

  • Christine J. Brooks as a substitute support service person (aide) at the NJ Regional Day School at Mannington for the balance of the 2011-2012 school year, at the rate of $9.00 per hour, no benefits, pending satisfactory completion of the criminal history background review.

  • FMLA for Tracy Westog, at CTHS teacher, through March 30, 2012, or sooner if cleared by her doctor.
Ayes (6) Ms. Patricia Bomba, Mr. Robert Bumpus, Ms. Mary Cummings, Mr. James Davis,
Dr. James Field, Mr. David Moffett

Noes (0) Abstain (0) Non- Vote (0)
Professional Development:

Moved by Ms. Cummings and seconded by Mr. Bumpus that the Board of Education approve the following professional development activities and cost associated with the activities.

Description of Professional Development or School Improvement Activity or Workshop


Cost Per Participant

Total Cost

NJDOE workshop entitled Observations and Evaluations: Teacher Accountability & Effectiveness, February 29, 2012

Shay Richardson

Kim Chiodi

Maximum mileage 58 miles @ $.31 = $17.98


Automotive training Center Annual Instructor Seminar, Warminster, PA, March 14, 2012

Alfred Roeske

Mileage - $37.20


Cooper in Schools conference,

Mt. Laurel, NJ

Rebecca Dorrell

Registration fee $40.00 + $26.36 mileage


HIB workshop at SCVTS,

March 20, 2012

Bonnie Baker

Jason Helder

Katie Belutty



US Foods – Annual Food Show, Atlantic City, NJ – March 20, 2012

Michael Aliberti

125 miles @ $.31=$38.75;

Incidentals $30


CTE Test Prep Meeting for Dance, NJDOE, Trenton, NJ

March 20, 2012

Rebekah Rickards

Mileage - $37.00


National Science Teacher’s Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana, March 28-30, 2012

Nicole Cerqueira

$213.50 meals & incidentals


Health-Ed workshop entitled Socially Speaking for Young Children with Autism & Special Needs,

Cherry Hill, NJ – April 17, 2012

Shay Richardson

Kim Chiodi

Registration fee $169. x 2 = $338; mileage 74.48 miles @ $.31 = $23.09


Career & Technical Education conference, Hilton East Brunswick Hotel, East Brunswick, NJ –

May 3, 2012

Loren Thomas, Ed.D.

Shay Richardson

Kim Chiodi

175.54 miles @

$.31 - $54.41

Incidentals – up to $30.00 (tolls)

Up to $84.41

Negotiating with Confidence w



orkshop sponsored by The Good Shepherd Mediation Program, Philadelphia, PA – March 2, 2012

Loren Thomas, Ed.D.


CTE training for Dance, Rutgers, Mason Gross School of the Arts – March 5, 2012

Rebekah Rickards


Unanimously Approved

Moved by Ms. Bomba and seconded by Ms. Cummings that the Board of Education approve

the following programs:

  • Participation of the following Rowan University sophomore health and physical education students in a field experience at the Career and Technical High School between March 22nd to March 29, 2012.

Student Name


James Cocivera


Laura Dye


Daniel Gormley


Casey Grasso


  • 2012 Extended School Year program for the New Jersey Regional Day School at Mannington.

Dates July 9th to August 16, 2012

Days Monday through Thursday

Times Student: 8:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.

Staff: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Salaries Teachers $30 per hour

6 hours per day, 30 minute non-paid lunch.

6.5 hours per day when on field trips.
Other certified staff

OT, PT, Speech, per contract with vendors.

Art, Music, $30 per hour.
Instructional Assistants $15 per hour

6 hours per day, 30 minute non-paid lunch.

6.5 hours per day when on field trips.
Tuition cost $4,000.

1-to-1 cost $3,000.

  • Educational Technology Training Courses (ETTC) for the spring of 2012.

(Pages 2906-2907)

  • A shared services agreement between the County of Salem and the Salem County Vocational Technical Schools to provide a Fire Fighter One program to SCVTS students effective January 30, 2012 through June 30, 2012.

(Pages 2907-2908)

  • Adult Cosmetology Program and tuition rates for the 2012-2013 school year. Additional components included in the tuition are student supply kit, textbook, hair extension certification and kit, Professional Beauty Association membership, Emaliani and IBS hair shows, derma logical classes, Mac Pro membership, skin care classes and kit, professional shear kit and barbering class, Beacon competition and student permit fees.



Registration Fee

Percentage Increase

September 5, 2012 through June 30, 2012




  • Adult Cosmetology “Refresher Course” Program and tuition rates for the summer of 2012. This course will provide students who have completed a NJ approved Cosmetology Program (within five years) the required 250 hours of exam preparation and clinical experience needed to sit for the licensing exam.



Registration Fee

June 18, 2012 through August 31, 2012



  • Certified Nurse Aide tuition rates for the 2012-2013 school year and scheduled course dates as follows:



Registration Fee

Percentage Increase

July 9, 2012




August 15, 2012




September 26, 2012




November 5, 2012




  • Biotechnology curriculum for the Career and Technical High School. The curriculum was presented at the December 20, 2011 for a first reading.

  • Grant retroactive approval to apply for $3,641.00 in Race to the Top Phase Three (RTTT3) funds. If awarded, the funds will be utilized to support the new teacher evaluation system.

  • Seven (7) Law Enforcement and Public Safety students and one (1) instructor to participate in the administration of the State Certification Exam for Emergency Medical Technician at the NJ Department of Health in Trenton, NJ. Transportation will be provided by the SCVTS bus driver (7 x $25 = $175.00). The date will be scheduled sometime in March, 2012.

  • 2011-2012 curriculum in action experiences.

Curriculum in Action Experience



District Cost

Orientation flight aboard a KC-10 aircraft, McGuire Air Force Base, New Hanover Twp., NJ

Thirty-six (36) AFJROTC students, One (1) AFJROTC instructor & two (2) chaperones

Friday, March 2, 2012

B.R. Williams bus $212.00

(Acct. #11-000-270-512-029-02)

Four group visitations to Merion Gardens, Carneys Point, NJ

Thirty-five (35) FT & ST Allied Health Professionals students and one (1) instructor.

Dates in March to be determined.





CVTS bus driver $300.00

(Acct. #11-000-270-512-018-02)

Visit to Southgate Nursing Center, Carneys Point, NJ

Three (3) p.m. shared-time Allied Health Professionals and one (1) instructor.

Date in March to be determined.

SCVTS bus driver $75.00

(Acct. #11-000-270-512-018-02)

NJ HOSA Leadership Conference & State Competition, Cumberland County College, Vineland, NJ

Ten (10) HOSA students and the HOSA advisor.

March 17-18, 2012

$283.44 x 2 days = $566.88 (Acct. #11-000-270-512-029-02)

US Foodservice Food Show, Atlantic City, NJ

Thirty-eight (38) FT & ST CTHS Culinary Arts students and two (2) chaperones.

March 21, 2012

B. R. Williams bus $283.44 (Acct. #11-000-270-512-011-02)

Career Council, Inc. College Fair at Riverwinds in West Deptford, NJ

Thirty (30) students and two school counselors.

March 22, 2012

No cost to the district. Career Council, Inc. will provide transportation.

Women of Science Conference at the College of Saint Elizabeth, Morristown, NJ

Fifteen (15) academy students and one (1) instructor.

March 16, 2012

One SCVTS bus (8 x $25) = $200.00 if transportation waiver with the conference is not received.

International Beauty Show at the Javatz Center in New York City

Eleven (11) Adult Education cosmetology students and one (1) chaperone.

April 24, 2012

B. R. Williams bus $323.44 (Acct. #63-990-320-590-001-01)

  • Additional spring fund-raising activities for the Career and Technical High School student clubs. In accordance with Board of Education regulation R-5830 “Pupil Fund-Raising”, the individual responsible for conducting the fund-raiser must submit a final report to the building principal after the activity is completed.




All Classes – Freshmen

Sahara Sams Waterpark after school activity, Berlin, NJ - $28.00 per person (A $2.00 extra fee will be charged to each student attending and will go towards the fund-raising activity.)

March 2, 2012

All Classes – Freshmen

Fashion Republic - Clothing Drive - club receives $.15 per pound of clothing.

April 16 – 20, 2012

All Classes – Freshmen

Applebee’s Dining to Donate.

May 8, 2012

SkillsUSA and All Classes - Sophomore

$1.00 Casual Day.

March 15, 2012

Unanimously Approved

  • The first reading of the Electrocardiography curriculum for the American Society of

Phlebotomy Technicians Certification Program.

None for the month of February 2012.

Information Reports

  1. Career and Technical High School – Principal’s Report

  2. Career and Technical High School – Discipline Log

  3. New Jersey Regional Day School Mannington – Principal’s Report

  4. Salem County School Based Youth Services – Director’s Report

(Pages 2908-2911)
Superintendent’s Report – Special Services School District

Student Placement

Moved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Ms. Cummings that the Board of Education approve the following:

  • Acceptance of Students Report as of January 31, 2012.

(Page 2911)

  • Student Placement Report as of January 31, 2012.




Page 2911)

Unanimously Approved

Moved by Ms. Cummings and seconded by Mr. Moffett that the Board of Education approve the following:

  • Appointment of Leslie Dennis as a Child Development Specialist for the Early Intervention Program. Services will be provided on an as needed basis starting January 25, 2012 at $48.00 per hour.

  • Appointment of Michelle Foell-MacFarlane as a LDT/C at an annual salary of $53,576 (Step 7-MA +30), prorated, effective May 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012, conditioned upon receipt of her certificate. Ms. Foell-MacFarlane holds a standard elementary school teacher and TOSD certificates. She has completed the LDT/C program at Richard Stockton College of NJ and anticipates receipt of her certificate at any time.

(Page 2912)

  • Transfer of Ms. Cherone Small from the position of IA in the ASD program at PTMS to IA in the ASD program at the Cumberland Campus effective March 1, 2012. Ms. Cherone holds a NJ standard Teacher of the Handicapped certificate #697281.

  • Resignation of Jennifer Rowand as a clerk for the Early Intervention Program effective February 29, 2012.

(Page 2912)

  • The following individuals as homebound instructors, on an as needed basis, for the 2011-2012 school year effective February 29, 2012 at the rate of $27.00 per hour. Both individuals will work under the direct supervision of Mr. Irv Simpkins

(Page 2912)
Brian Priest, currently working for Special Services

Rebecca Taman, currently employed by English Creek Academy

  • FMLA (Family Medical Leave) for Jena L. Keen from January 20, 2012 through April 20, 2012. During the FMLA, Ms. Keen will be utilizing all of her accumulated sick time.

(Page 2913)

  • FMLA (Family Medical Leave) for Kristina Podolski from approximately May 17, 2012 through September 4, 2012. During the FMLA, Ms. Podolski will be utilizing 19 sick days.

(Page 2913)

  • FMLA for Mary Reilly from approximately April 5, 2012 to September 1, 2012. This leave will be unpaid.

(Page 2913)

  • Extend the FMLA for Judie Kernan through April 1, 2012.

  • E




    mployment of Margaret Kramme as a full-time classroom instructional assistant/aide for the ASD Program at PTMS, at an annual salary of $16,710.00 (IA Step 2) effective March 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012.

  • Jennifer Rowand as a substitute IA effective March 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012 at a rate of $60.00 per day.

  • Grant approval to extend the medical leave for Carol Niblock through April 17, 2012.

Ms. Niblock will be utilizing all of her accumulated sick time.

  • Grant approval to extend the unpaid FMLA for Kitty Wirth from February 27, 2012 through March 9, 2012, with possible intermittent days through March 30, 2012.

This leave will be unpaid.

  • FMLA for Jackie Johnston beginning on February 27, 2012 through June 30, 2012 or sooner if cleared by her doctor. Ms. Johnston will be utilizing all of her accumulated sick time.
Ayes (6) Ms. Patricia Bomba, Ms. Mary Cummings, Mr. James Davis, Dr. James Field,
Mr. David Moffett, Mr. Robert Bumpus

Noes (0) Abstain (0) Non- Vote (0)
Professional Development:

Moved by Mr. Davis and seconded by Mr. Bumpus that the Board of Education approve the following workshops:

Staff Member




Lori Vilary

Autism Conference

February 24, 2012

No charge – replacement for another staff member approved at the 1-24-12 BOE meeting.

Jane Smith, RN

Advanced Stethoscope Skills at Salem Community College.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

$49.00 registration fee.

John Bilinski

NJAHPERD Annual Convention

March 4, 2012

$110.00 registration fee.

Maureen Lynn

Mean Girls-Dealing with Today’s Girl Bullying & Relational Aggression, Atlantic City, NJ

Monday, March 12, 2012

$139.00 registration fee.

EvaMarie Raleigh

NJPSA Google Day workshop

March 14, 2012


Melanie Allen

NJASBO “Understanding the Food Service Income Statement, How to Properly Analyze, Plan and Improve Your Bottom Line” workshop, Mt. Laurel, NJ

March 15, 2012

$75.00 registration fee.

Melanie Baig

Lauren Black

Julie D’Attilio

Marelyn Diaz

Deanna McCrink

Georgette Nammour

Raben Nammour

Rula Nammour




ana Profero

Mildred Reyes

Stephanie Schindler

Amanda Swartz

Symposium For Speech Language Specialists at Rowan University

Friday, March 16, 2012

12 @ $149.00 = $1,788.00

Donna Dougherty

Janice Franks

Michele Pflum

Kinesthetic Classroom Moving and Learning workshop at Richard Stockton College.

March 9, 2012

$25.00 registration fee.

Nick Maltman

EvaMarie Raleigh

Jim Helder

Todd Slimm

Shawn Rebman

HIB workshop

March 20, 2012


Katy Battelini

EvaMarie Raleigh

Jill Reistle

Kirby Strunk

Jane Whittinghill

In-service Day at Mercer County SSSD.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Christine Pantalione

Practical Strategies for Occupational Therapists to Collaborate and Integrate Interventions as Integral School Team Members workshop, Cherry Hill, NJ

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Jane Whittinghill

NJ Speech & Hearing Convention

April 19-20, 2012

$250.00 registration fee.

Pat Hayes

Charles Oldknow

National Association of Social Workers Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ

May 8, 2012

2 @ $195.00 = $390.00 registration fee.

Yolanda Broughton

Traci Pescatore

Kristina Podolski

NJ Association of School Social Workers Spring Institute

April 23, 2012

3 @ $125.00 = $375.00

Unanimously Approved

Moved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Ms. Cummings that the Board of Education approve the following programs:

  • Opt into RTTT3 as an “involved LEA”. While the district will not receive a direct RTTT3 allocation, it will be eligible for specific subgrants from the 50% share of the State’s allocation and gain access to the community of practice of RTTT3 participating LEAs, which could include professional development, webinars, and other communication related to specific elements of the State’s plan.

  • SCSSSD ESY program at the Cumberland Campus. The dates and times were previously approved at the January 24, 2012 board meeting.

Dates July 9th to August 16, 2012

Days Monday through Thursday

Times Student: 8:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.

Staff: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Salaries Teachers $40 per hour

6 hours per day, 30 minute non-paid lunch.

6.5 hours per day when on field trips.
Other certified staff $40 per hour.

OT, PT, Speech, Art, Music.

Instructional Assistants $25 per hour

6 hours per day, 30 minute non-paid lunch.

6.5 hours per day when on field trips.
Coordinators (2) $2,150/summer
Tuition cost $4,000.

1-to-1 cost $3,000.

  • Participation of the following Rowan University special education students in a field experience at the Daretown School and the Cumberland Campus of the SCSSSD. All field experiences will begin on February 20, 2012.



Russell Traina

Cumberland Campus

Erika Knorr


Julianne Kovary


Katherine Bond


Stephanie Wood


Veronica Jost


Carrie Bermudez

Cumberland Campus

Ashley Souders

Cumberland Campus

  • Additional site locations for addition to the Transitional Career Program Community Based Instruction/Structured Learning Experience site partner list for the 2011-2012 school year. The original list was submitted and approved at the September 27, 2011 board meeting and approved for expansion at the December 20, 2011 board meeting. All transportation will be provided by the district van. All parents /guardians will provide permission slips in order for students to participate.



Phone Number

Elmer Methodist Church

21 S. Main Street, Elmer, NJ


Salvation Army

29 W. Commerce Street, Bridgeton, NJ


Ministurium Emergency Food Bank

700 E. Landis Ave., Vineland, NJ



1418 N. High St., Millville, NJ


  • Field trips for 2011-2012:






Academy of Natural Science

March 9, 2012


Upper Pittsgrove

Academy of Natural Science

March 9, 2012


Cumberland C








(8:25 PM)





ampus MD/PSD/ASD

Monkey Town, Turnersville, NJ

April 16, 2012


  • Grant approval for the Daretown School to be used as a rest stop for the Appel Farm Festival bike tour on June 2, 2011 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Ride participants will visit the lobby to view the mural installation by Appel Farm, use the restrooms and have refreshments outside. The event will be staffed by Mr. Maurer, Mr. Richardson and Dr. Thomas. Appel Farm will provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance

Unanimously Approved

None for the month of February, 2012

Information Reports

  1. Daretown School – Principal’s Report

  2. EIP Monthly Report

  3. Cumberland Campus & Satellite Sites – Principal’s Report

(Pages 2913-2914)

Moved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Mr. Bumpus that the Board of Education adjourn into Executive Session, from which the general public is excluded, to discuss student placement, personnel, litigation, negotiations, or any other matter appropriate for this session. The results of this session will be made public immediately after or as soon thereafter as a decision is reached, if permitted by law (8:10 p.m.).

Unanimously Approved
Items discussed in Executive Session:

  • Termination of SCSSSD staff member

  • Success stories of several Daretown School students

  • RDS financial status

  • Evaluation of Alternate Route programs by Superintendent

Moved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Mr. Bumpus that the Board of Education adjourn
from Executive Session. (8:25p.m.)

Unanimously Approved
Moved by Mr. Moffett and seconded by Ms. Cummings that the Board of Education approve the termination of employment for Megan D’Allessandro effective March 30, 2012. It is further recommended that Ms. D’Allesandro be relieved of her teaching responsibilities and not be required to report to work effective February 29, 2012.
Ayes (6) Ms. Patricia Bomba, Ms. Mary Cummings, Mr. James Davis, Dr. James Field,
Mr. David Moffett, Mr. Robert Bumpus

Noes (0) Abstain (0) Non- Vote (0)
Moved by Mr. Bumpus and seconded by Ms. Bomba that the Board of Education meeting be adjourned (8:26 p.m.).

Unanimously Approved

Respectfully Submitted,

Melanie M. Allen


oard Secretary

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