A short pre-game In fact, Vin LoBello's first dictum to referees was the ideal official is the one who notices everything but is seldom noticed himself 209.93 Kb. 7
University of Minnesota, Morris Dissertation Title: “Gorbachev's Foreign Policy Toward the Two Koreas, 1985-1991: Power and the New Political Thinking” 136.94 Kb. 1
November 17, 2004 The Honorable John W. Snow Annual Report the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (ccac) fulfills its responsibility under Public Law 108-15 to describe its activities during the preceding year and to report its recommendations to the Secretary of the Treasury regarding coin designs and 73.18 Kb. 1
Pani Navaneethakrishnan Chakrapani Work in the area of Automatic Theorem Proving and Program Correctness (as a doctoral student), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India 1974-1980 51.91 Kb. 1
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Wyndolyn (Wyndi) M. A. Ludwikowski Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in Counseling Psychology (summa cum laude) August 2013 Iowa State University (isu), Ames, ia 48.62 Kb. 1
Brenda J. Allen University of Colorado Denver Allen, B. J. (In Press). Critical communication pedagogy as a framework for teaching difference and organizing. In: D. K. Mumby (Ed.) Organizing difference: Theory, Research and Practice. Thousand Oaks, ca: Sage Publications 115.04 Kb. 1