Assembly, No. 3901 state of new jersey 216th legislatureAssembly, No. 3901 state of new jersey 216th legislature
Requires local unit approval of applications for participation in federal 1033 program
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Three Rivers of Ireland: History and CultureThree Rivers of Ireland: History and Culture
Today, there is one island of Ireland, but two “nations”. They share a common land, a common beginning, a common history, but divergent contemporary political systems. Their shared land and history can be traced back some 10,000 years ago
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9. 1 To better understand the driving events, public pressures, and political and policy outcomes that have shaped emergency management in the United States9. 1 To better understand the driving events, public pressures, and political and policy outcomes that have shaped emergency management in the United States
Course Title: Hazards, Disasters and U. S. Emergency Management – An Introduction
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Chapter General §101. Definitions [formerly paragraph 1: 001]Chapter General §101. Definitions [formerly paragraph 1: 001]
Part or Chapter. When a word or term is not defined in a Part or Chapter of the code but is cross-referenced to another Part or Chapter, it shall have the definition contained in the Part or Chapter to which it is cross-referenced
6.21 Mb. 89
Article 1 in general 351101. Local contributions; dispositionArticle 1 in general 351101. Local contributions; disposition
This act shall not apply to publications, advertisements or notices of the United States government, the state of Wyoming or of any city in the state of Wyoming
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Summary report & action items model Parish By-Laws for the Metropolis of Atlanta Revised to conform to the 2005 RegulationsSummary report & action items model Parish By-Laws for the Metropolis of Atlanta Revised to conform to the 2005 Regulations
Uniform Parish Regulations (upr), a set of Model Parish By-Laws was requested by His Eminence as a guide to harmonize these local by-laws with the upr and to provide a vehicle to share “Best Practices” between our parishes
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Contract between the board of regents of the unversity system of georgia andContract between the board of regents of the unversity system of georgia and
Effective Date”), is made and entered into by and between the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia
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Department of transportationDepartment of transportation
This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated
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The government of the republic of latvia and the government of the republic of lithuaniaThe government of the republic of latvia and the government of the republic of lithuania
The ministry of defence of the republic of estonia, the ministry of economic affairs and communications of the republic of estonia
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In the united states district court for the eastern district of pennsylvaniaIn the united states district court for the eastern district of pennsylvania
Plaintiff, uss forrest Sherman dd-931 Foundation, Inc., a Maryland non-profit corporation, by its attorneys, Kantrowitz & Phillippi, llc, alleges as follows
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§ 1 purpose 3 § 2 definitions 4 § 3 required filing of data§ 1 purpose 3 § 2 definitions 4 § 3 required filing of data
The purpose of this Chapter is to implement the provisions of the Advanced Technology Infrastructure Act contained in 35-a m. R. S. A. §§ 9201-9215 and 36 M. R. S. A. §2017. This Chapter describes the operation of the Connectme authority
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