AC19 Doc. 18. 1 Convención sobre el comercio internacional de especies En la 12a reunión de la Conferencia de las Partes (CoP12), en noviembre de 2002, las Partes aprobaron la Decisión 12. 49, que reza como sigue 237.96 Kb. 5read Forecasting the dynamics of a coastal fishery species using a coupled climate-population model. Jonathan Hare 1†, Michael Alexander 2, Michael Fogarty 3, Erik Williams 4, James Scott 2 Jonathan Hare 1†, Michael Alexander 2, Michael Fogarty 3, Erik Williams 4, James Scott 2 124.29 Kb. 2read AC19 Doc. 18. 1 Convention on international trade in endangered species At the 12th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP12) in November 2002, Parties adopted Decision 12. 49 as follows 285.58 Kb. 5read Chesfims 2002 September Shoal Survey Summary Report Maryland portion of Chesapeake Bay. Collect and preserve a sub-sample of catch for dietary analysis Report 127.64 Kb. 2read 2012 Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Advisory Report Southeast Fisheries Science Centers. Since 1997, this group meets each year to review the results of annual Chesapeake Bay blue crab surveys, harvest data, and to develop management advice for Chesapeake Bay jurisdictions: Maryland Report 90.89 Kb. 1read
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