Transportation and circulationTransportation and circulation
Include pedestrian and bicycle needs in all traffic and transportation improvement studies and projects
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Minutes of asce automated people mover standards committeeMinutes of asce automated people mover standards committee
Meeting held at Dulles Airport – Conference Room b in the non-secure area near the baggage carousels
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The Queen V. Hermann: 4 q b d 284. March 22, 1879The Queen V. Hermann: 4 q b d 284. March 22, 1879
Stephen disagreed because the statute dealt with altering genuine coins but did not include the alteration involved in the present case, and he concluded that the defendant had merely “passed genuine coins which had been fraudulently dealt
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A/hrc/28/32 United Nations A/hrc/28/32 General AssemblyA/hrc/28/32 United Nations A/hrc/28/32 General Assembly
Summary of the discussions held during the expert consultation on the administration of justice through military tribunals and the role of the integral judicial system in combating human rights violations
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Topic 1 unincorporated non‑profit associations introductionTopic 1 unincorporated non‑profit associations introduction
However the word ‘association’ may also be used to describe those non-profit associations which have been formed to promote religious, educational, literary, scientific, artistic and other similar community-wide benefits
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